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Everything posted by Jaylinbridges

  1. This is what you should enter to Limit Buy 100,000 L$:
  2. 96 views to an empty thread called Delete Me. Impressive!
  3. "Always Rez Object Under The Land Group If Possible" So where is this extremely useful feature in the SL Viewer? As usual I have searched to no avail. And what is the lame reason it is missing this time? Thanks
  4. Thank You Jenna. Given that TPV's account for 90% of all experienced SL users, there must be a lot of broken parcels on the grid.
  5. First of all, in Firestorm when I select an EEP preset for Skies, Water and Days, the EEP stays the same between logins. So I don't need the question answered for Firestorm, because it works as it should in Firestorm With the SL Viewer, I open the Environments window. I want to set Days and Water to Default, so I type in Default and select Default and Apply Only To Myself for Days and Water. Next I want the Skies set to Nam's Optimal Skin and Prim, so I type Nam in search box, select the Nam's Optimal Skin and Prim, and Apply Only To Myself. Now I have the EEP environment settings I want. They stay that way until I log out. I log back in and they are set to some dark scene - NOT what I just set. How do I Save these 3 presets so they DO NOT RESET when I relog, in the SL Viewer? Of Course FS retains my personal settings, but I have to help the poor suckers on the SL Viewer. I have watched all the tutorials, and they are of zero help, since they assume once you set your personal settings, they stay that way. Thanks .
  6. I have never seen those GPU tables affect my Graphics settings. But then I have my NVidia Image settings set to "Use the advanced 3D image settings" in the NVIDIA control panel, so I wouldn't expect the SL viewer to try to mess with my detailed settings. Maybe that explains why my popular and common card used in SL and mid level gaming is not recognized. I think it is in the table, and its hardly a Class 0 obsolete potato card. I can still buy a new one for $1200 usd. I asked where to find the LOD in debug (before I found it - I used Firestorm debug search to find it btw), because a friend still on the SL Viewer removed some cute little snowmen for our winter landscape. They were 1 prim mesh each, and if LL had designed them, they would be 5 prims. But they were also a freebie seasonal item, hardly worth much effort on the designers part. I asked why she removed them, and she said they were just a triangle 10 meters away. But with my LOD set at 3.000 in FS, I could see them 30 meters away. So I asked her to increase her LOD setting. Of course it is hidden in debug, and called simply Objects in advanced graphics. Objects also maxes out at 2.000 in the SL Viewer. Now this is just the sort of simple object that a newbie, with their $25L/week skybox and a generous LI limit of 15 prims might buy - low prim because after the sex bed they only had 5 prims left, and free, from a freebie place where there is a load of badly made early mesh. And because their SL viewer thinks 1.125 is a suitable LOD, they watch the snowman break into a triangle 10 meters away. Their conclusion - SL is really primitive because they can't even make a snowman I can see across my room, And then they tell their friends, and they all quit SL when their week rent is up. And another sex bed goes unused forever...
  7. Quoting my first post Prof, I know where it is. Maybe I should correct the thread title to something more snarky
  8. Hmmm, that makes no sense either. I can run it at 4.000 in FS with two accts running. I never seen any lag no matter where I set it. Only difference is immersion, since some older 1 prim mesh objects turn into a single triangle 10 meters away. The default is 1.125 on the SL viewer at every Quality setting from Low to between Ultra and Mid. If I set Quality to Ultra, it defaults to 2.000, while on the other settings it defaults to 1.125 LOD. This is nonsense. Nothing to do with my GPU card. In debug the max value moves to 2.000 LOD in Ultra, and is still too low for some objects at a distance. So this means anyone with an NVidia card that is good for 100 fps XXX06Ti series, will run their LOD at the 1.125 default, unless they manually set it? Why is the SL Viewer set to give the worst immersion for the newbies that run it? In Debug the Reset to Default is always 1.000, which is ridiculously low for my NVIDIA card. Clearly it's not setting according to my GPU, at 1.000. I run my LOD at 3.000 in FS because I like to actually see objects when I am not sitting on them.
  9. How to change LOD Factor in SL Viewer? Where is it in SL viewer? I have looked everywhere including debug settings. Never mind, found it in debug settings as RenderVolumeLODFactor Debug Search window can't just find LOD, unlike TPV viewers. You need to know to search for RenderVolume to find LOD by scrolling down. Are you kidding me? The SL Viewer default for the LOD factor is 1.000 ? No wonder newbies can't see things in SL.
  10. What? With the shortage of bit storage these days, what with all the rain in the clouds shorting out the magnetic core memories built in 1954, asking LL to store more bits for 1024x1024 snapshots would cost them a small fortune. Or at least they might try to say that. sarcasm off
  11. I am advocating here for the normal non-tech person in SL that has no idea what a pixel is and uses a one shot auto camera on their smart phone. I would NEVER use the useless save to inventory option in Snapshot, because even 512x512 is a bad joke But I am sent useless 128x128 photos that should be at least 1024x1024, all the time. It is because the non tech SL resident either doesnt know any better, OR, they set the resolution to 512x512, the Maximum for direct inventory save, and when they relog it goes back to 128x128. There should be NO CHARGE for any 128x128 pic. Firestorm and all other TPV's do save the last resolution between logins. But what kind of Priority you think LL would give a JIRA that asks them to at least match the TPVs on something as simple as this? 256x256 might be worth 1 $L, and 512x512 maybe 2 $L. But I bet LL makes a lot of money charging 10 $L for a useless photos taken by the masses.
  12. Still no one knows or cares about this really bad default setting in the SL Viewer? Guess I can submit a JIRA, and be told it's not a problem, because they never use the stupid save to inventory PIC function anyway... Here's a fine example of high tech digital photography by the SL Viewer in the year 2022 - the stupid 128x128 pixel default setting for snapshots in the latest SL Viewer. Anyone got a dollar store kids camera, it does better than this. And they charge your account $L 10 to save this!
  13. Yes. Basic accounts must have Payment Info On File (eg. Paypal or Skrill), AND must provide additional personal information to Tillia to be approved for a Process Credit to transfer Tillia US$ to your RL service account. Details on information you must provide is described here: https://community.secondlife.com/knowledgebase/english/tilia-faq-r1533/#Section_2 Processing credit with Tilia In order to stay in compliance with regulatory requirements, if you wish to credit a portion of your U.S. Dollar balance to your PayPal or Skrill account (known as processing a credit) then you must provide certain personal information to verify your identity, including your: Name Address Date of birth Social security number (or government-issued identification if you are not a U.S. Citizen). You may also be required to provide additional information to complete the transaction. Tilia securely stores this information so that you should only need to provide it once. Note: Customers under 18 years of age will not be able to process credit after August 1, 2019 until they reach the age of 18.
  14. Log Off? Is that like vanishing from the face of the grid? I seldom log off, but I do put my avatar to bed before I sleep in RL, including closing my Bento eyelids. It seems only right that my SL and RL avatars should be in time sync. Then I forget to open my SL eyes when I wake up in RL, until someone accuses me of sleepwalking. Same with a partner, we both usually stay logged in but sleeping in bed, or couch, or blanket. Since I sleep longer, I wake up to an empty bed only to find my partner is already out shopping, spending my money.
  15. I lost 4 no copy breedables after the restart Tuesday morning. This was on mainland. The four lost cats were attached to my avatar for an hour before the restart. I dropped them back on land about 10 minutes before the restart. It's not my land so I didn't have a region monitor to see the downtime . But it surely did not restart with a recent safety backup, as used to be normal.
  16. Have you tried to change your home style with the House Controller (outside your parcel), and then change it again back to your desired home style? If you can't change your home style either, you need a Mole to give it a few kicks. and from Patch, you can try this too:
  17. I put this here instead of Photography forum, because nobody in their right mind would take a picture using Save to Inventory for L$10 with the SL Viewer. However I have a friend who is still using the SL Viewer and just wants to take snapshots of her SL life on the spot, and send them to friends or drag them to a picture frame. So she uses the miserable Save To Inventory (L$10/pic) option in Snapshot, and given the number of pics she takes, is likely the profit center for LL. Here is the problem. When you go to Save to Inventory in Snapshot, there is a choice for pixel resolution - Small (128x128), Medium (256x256), Large (512x512), and Current Window (512x512). The only resolution to use, unless you are making postage stamp textures, is 512x512. And that is still a lousy picture too, but it's LL. If you set to Large, it only stays at Large while you are logged in. Since she frequently crashes, when she takes another pic, the SL Viewer defaults back to Small (128x128). And yes, she should check it, but she doesn't remember, or uses the shortcut. I cannot look at a 128x128 pixel pictures hanging on a wall without my eyes going nuts from the lousy fuzzy low resolution. So finally the technical question: Is there a way to make the SL Viewer Snapshot Save to Inventory default to Large (512x512) and stay there after a logout? Why does LL default to the worst possible picture resolution, and then charge you L$10 to store it? The Firestorm viewer remembers the last resolution you set to, even after a relog. And of course her dumping the SL Viewer for FS would solve this problem. But it's not going to happen soon.
  18. The first time I posted here with a new alt (new to the forum, but 10 years in SL), the limit was 5 posts/day. I seem to remember something like 30 days before you were considered an adult so you could actually have a discussion (or food fight) here. This was just a few months ago. It's a stupid rule, especially for anyone (irregardless if they been in SL for 15 years) that might need to follow up the same day with more than 5 posts.
  19. If I just tried once, I still lost money, because the merchandise was never delivered, the first time (or the second time.) The message that came back after I waited a minute was "There was a problem charging your Payment Method." Why should that tell me to not try once more? The problem persisted for an hour, and after 30 mins they announced there was a problem in Status. The items I ordered were time sensitive - being used for a New Years Eve Event later that day. It's not like I should wait and try in a few days. And your printer que example is a poor one, because in this case we never got the merchandise at all - not that it was delayed in a que!! But of course LL charged our accounts anyway. Blame the customer - did you work in customer service?
  20. Has anyone who never received their paid for merchandise because a Linden Lab billing system problem (admitted by LL in their Status page) received a refund for the items you never received?
  21. My friends are the DJ's and Hostesses, and Event Planners, that all have to abide by the rules put down by the club owner and manager. This works like this: "If you don't like the rules, and since I pay the tier for this club/sim, you are welcome to find another club to work at." That is the way many (I haven't found any that are not after working in 12 clubs over the years) owners run their club. Nobody at our club has any say in club policies or hostess/DJ performance and behavior. Their club - their rules, is the norm for most clubs. You seem to have missed my first post - where a union for DJ's and hostesses might provide some influence with management. I would support unions, as there are in RL for entertainers. Management hates unions. You put me on the wrong side. And for the record, I do none of things the OP complains about, I NEVER use a gesture. I talk to the patrons. I play a huge variety of songs from a library of 500,000 songs. And I pizz off management sometimes by not acting as their commercial reader. But many DJ's and hosts obey the rules, because they would not be working if they did not. Of course any kind of organized activity for SL jobs would fail immediately. Herding cats would be much easier.
  22. Yes, I didn't direct you to my post, Nick did. I was responding to Sam1, who asked why clubs didn't pay DJ's. Ask Nick why he pinged you. If I seem aggressive, it is because I am actually involved in the club side management for the last 11 years now. This thread started as a Rant against clubs, DJ's, owners, and hostesses. Those are my friends, and I get tired of some in this forum constantly trashing ordinary non-professional SL people simply trying to do their job, as they are told to do it by club owners and managers. If the OP is so bothered by most of the SL clubs, she should start her own. Good Luck surviving for 13 years.
  23. You didn't read what I said, but cherry picked something ignoring the context. IF - do you understand IF? -- a club paid every DJ $L1000/set, and they were a 24/7 club with maybe 2 hrs downtime - this will cost a club owner 10 x 1000 = 10,000 $L/day for DJ salaries. That is 30 x 1000 = $L300,000/month or about $1,200 USD/mo just for DJ salaries. If the club pays Live singers, who usually ask from 2000 to 8000 per performance, and has only 4 daily Live singers, that is $L3000x4x30 = $L360,000/month = $1440 USD/month. Most of these larger clubs have a full sim with shops and rentals (which seems to annoy some here as well). Add in another $250/mo for land tier. Now we are up to $1700/month. So I will revise my cost estimate to $1000 to $2000 USD/month. And since most here think you should never tip the venue, we can't subtract attempts by the club owner to reduce the cost by adding other business ventures around the club. This is why clubs don't pay DJ's, and instead run shoestring operations on a small parcel. BTW it is possible to break even with a good club, if you do all the things that the OP and most of you hate. The club I work at has done that for 13 years. I don't think they need any advice from the cheapskates in this forum.
  24. Because there are no DJ unions in SL? Most club owners would rather hire a DJ that relies only on tips, then pay one a salary. There is always a surplus of DJ's that will work at a club where the patrons tip generously. Having 10 backup DJ's is common for an active club. They are all looking for a permanent slot. Not all club owners can afford the $1000 - $2000 USD/month to run a club and pay Live singers and DJ's 24/7. Those that can are retired with a generous retirement income, or have a RL job where $2000/mo for a hobby is peanuts to them. They usually hire managers for everything, since their RL job takes up most of their time. What annoys me the most? Patrons that tip the Live performer, but refuse to tip the club venue that pays that 4500 L upfront to the performer. When you see a Live artist, tip the club venue (owner) first. The performer has already been paid. Of course this does not apply to DJ's - because we have no bargaining power in SL.
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