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Everything posted by CarlaWetter

  1. It's included in the free package of old FS windlights cionverted to EEP Settings: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Firestorm-Default-Sky-Windlights-for-EEP/20088838 While a lot of those settings got included in the library now, Nam's Optimal Skin and Prim is not as it looks. Edit: I was quite wrong. "Nam's Optimal *"is in the Library. No idea if it's in the package referenced above, I've not kept all those items as I'm more interested in decent daycycles.
  2. If I had to guess, it's the no build that stops your items from rezzing their food stuff. The no entry will only keep autonomous moving objects out. But for a more thorough security I'd deed the land to group and have a short autoreturn on.
  3. As much as I am a crazy sailor, even dabbling in murderous flying contraptions at a time, so in short, I enjoy mainland travel a lot, but it's no point demanding to have water respective air (also known as the introduction of a mainland covenant and tons of homestead regions) everywhere. We can sail through a multitude of continents nowadays, widely expanding the reach of travel through the expansion of Bellisseria. Both LL and the Moles have put a lot of work to make this possible and I'd rather want to point that out than to turn up my nose at it all and keep complaining that we won't tack through every single little channel with a tall ship. It is what it is and that's a lot better than everything we had the years before. Lots of work for example went into the reliability of region crossings and it has been a truly long time that I'd have needed three or four boats for an 80 regions trip. I think that's a great return value for my premium and tier payments which I wouldn't even have to invest into for sailing through Bellisseria. So a big Thank You to everyone who's making this all possible and works on improving it even further.
  4. It could be something that travellers sometimes experience. If one receives a TP offer while in transit between regions - either teleporting or travelling by boat, plane, bike or whatever - that TP offer may get stuck in the same limbus shared by IMs sent to offline avatars. You usually get those forwarded to mail (if so configured, offline IM to mail, mail verified etcpp) and you'll find them in your IM again upon login. So it could be they missed a TP offer earlier and only ever saw it the next day after logging in.
  5. MOAP is the viewers internal web browser projected on an inworld prim media face. I would think it does whatever the internal browser does. While it's inworld, note that each MOAP face still is just your personal browser, not actually shared between different users, apart from the configured "homepage" URL.
  6. Yes, the API got back to work some hours ago but the jira hasn't been notified of that yet. We can still feel some suspense! 😉
  7. General banlines up to 50m above ground. Orbs set to whole parcel will target the whole airspace up to 4096m. Which is common for orbs because it's easy to set up and there's usually no hint of the meaning.
  8. Blake Sea regions are not part of the estates, they are owned and run by LL. Much like ocean regions around Nautilus or south of Corsica. Actually most of the ocean regions all around mainland are owned and operated by LL. Around Blake Sea there is a kind of public private partnership regulating use of both the private estates and the LL seas which have to adhere to a certain set of rules, a covenant if you so want. But this is not a give outside the Blake Sea, those areas operate by standard mainland rules for common lands respective seas. Point is that people travel, roam, explore for years on mainland. Another point is that I can not really see people arguing for a right to barge into actual homes anywhere. And if we apply analogies from RL, I do not expect to be shot down by some irate home owner because I'd be on track between some sports plane airstrip and the next. We have a lot of rights on our mainland properties and a right to privacy is one I regard highly. But I still tend to believe that mainland could be a much better place for everyone and thus for SL at large if we would start to accept some kind of responsibility going with the privileges. Cooperation instead of "cuz I can". Yes, I'm a part time idealist.
  9. You seem to be quite agitated about this. And you are wrong. The existence of the Sailing Estates plus Blake Sea mainland regions and lots over lots of public roads on mainland predate the alleged mistake of Bellisseria by many, many years. And it's been and still is a recognized strength of mainland, which may have influenced the the Bellisseria Covenant, both through the good and the bad experiences with mainlands "all ownership privileges and no social responsibilities whatsoever" attitude.
  10. The official Map API fails as well, we filed a jira https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-232201
  11. As of today I have been told that the Transaction History has been fixed. Well, I have been told that before two times, but today it actually worked again for me.
  12. I don't see any point in denying people the option to redeliver an item they bought before. As a creator I'm about as severely affected as I already am by making the item(s) copy in the first place (read: not at all). So I see it as some kind of customer service the MP does for me without requiring me to answer to those customer request personally. If they want another copy I'm not the one to go all teacher on them and telling them they should have taken better care of their copy in the first place. 😉
  13. Yes, that happens, allegedly because I was told to use the following workaround: Hope that helps until there's a real fix out.
  14. Always with ALM. Even with my elderly GPU there are enough other features to toggle for performance gains before ALM becomes a factor. - Draw Distance - Shadows - and "Show Friends only" for events
  15. No, only my support ticket. Whatever they filed is internal to them.
  16. I do indeed, because that's what this whole mess is by now, new page, old content conveniently ignored, so we bring up the same again and again. I rehash the same arguments because I have to read the same arguments rehashed over and over. Like the argument chain that the request for the forum requests a special moderation. So the OP rephrases that she'd hope for a sensible, but not elementary different moderation. So we go to the stage that the forum would not work with basically the same moderation and that by this assumption the OP implicitly requests a different moderation, never mind that she did not. That's not an argument, that's just circular repetition of the lack of an argument. Same goes for the accusation that having a themed forum impedes freedom of expression. Every single themed forum here does exactly that, but that does not seem to be a worry. So what's different here? That answer has not been forthcoming. And it goes on and on. You can blame me for rehashing my old arguments over and over but it's not my fault when the whole discussion consists of rehashing the same old stuff over and over. Let the loudest stand? Hope for a new page with a different flow. Do we see brain being thrown from the skies? No, we don't. If I see this going in loops I can only rehash the loop. But I really should get out of this. So much engagement, so much energy, so many deep human disappointments. I wasn't involving myself here because of some political 'Yay!' impulse of preaching some kind of LGBTQ+ inclusiveness to the world, I was thinking of those who, part of the whole spectrum, have issues facing it, facing themselves, facing a society that tells them they should not exist. That they are wrong, that they are bad. And in too many cases in so called civilised nations, that they can be beaten up, reprogrammed in some mindwashing or being locked up or killed. I'm not locked up, I've not actually been beaten for what I am. I was shouted at, spit at and such because I was different. Gender, skin, religion, place of birth, we find tons of reasons to single 'them' out so that the 'we' can feel being in the right and safely hope that it will be the same tomorrow. I haven't wanted to be me in whatever way that turned out to be. I hated myself, I was staying away from anything LGBTQI++ and whatever you want to include. But in the end I cant't ever not be me. And so can't you, whatever that means to you. Every single one of 'you'. We either tolerate and accept or we banish, spit, forbid, ghettoize and eventually burn what we don't tolerate or accept in ourselves and others. Happy Easter, Pessach, Ramadan and whatever I forgot as a the evil, hellbound atheist I am.
  17. 17 pages and people still bring the same tired stuff along which has been answered multiple times. At least some are arguing their fears more openly, like dragging up the "grooming" bogeyman, the "men in women sports" catastrophe and so much more which, let's face it, has nothing whatsoever to do with establishing another themed forum here. Ah right, having a themed forum requires moderation, segregates around the topic and is generally somewhat wrong. Why, oh why has this to be dragged around with such a sudden energy, when the whole set of forums here already impedes all our freedoms by letting us talk within a specified topic, throwing the book at off topic posts. Does a Fashion forum impede the freedoms of the jeans and t-shirt faction? Would the script library forum not discriminate against beginners or writers of bad code? Where do we see flamewars around the proper placement of curly brackets? This whole 'discussion' here does mainly show one thing, that bigot feelings and bogeymen of culture wars indeed rank so much higher for certain circles than tolerance and acceptance. Which, in my opinion, does absolutely confirm the positive need of the requested LGBTQ+ forum, not to diminish any other minority or perceived majority, but to give this certain collection of minorities another piece of acceptance we allegedly have all over the place. Whose Safe Space is perceived as endangered here by just suggesting such a forum? Not mine, I know that much.
  18. A naíve dream indeed. But that's no reason for not trying again and again. You can't give in to trolls and haters as a prophylaxe. Then you just stay where you are, in a white patriarchal society where it's perfectly fine and normal to beat up the minority blamed for the demise of traditions, family and the quality of weather reports until it's quiet again. Somehow I don't like this thinking too much. Weird that I'm sitting here and tell that to you of all people.
  19. I might, but not on purpose. The question of moderation I answered repeatedly and once again just now. We happen to agree it will just be as in all other fora. The fairness question is one I answered too. It may be fair, but there's no automatic process of applied fairness we can rely on. If you want to request other fora, request them and they will have to prove their own merit. Having a forum for Mainland and another for Linden Homes (was: Bellisseria) did not automatically cause the creation of a forum for Island Estates as far as I can tell. You may think it's not fair and I'm not going to dispute that but that's just the framework I believe we are working with, sorry.
  20. Expecting the moderation of a specific subforum to be any different from what we see in other subfora here is .... I don't know. wishful thinking respective some kind of nightmarish vision. I expect neither to come true. At least not any more than it's already some wishful nightmare right now. It's quite unrealistic to expect that the moderators would get a different rulebook than the one they may or may not already have. If we have an inclination to stay within a given topic (biking for example) and manage to express ourselves respectfully while being tolerant of others (another thing I see mentioned in lots of biker groups self description), I don't know why we'd have to expect much worse than probably getting bike trademarks starred out. Just for example, that is.
  21. I hate to be the one to say this but we can expect pretty much nothing to just drop out of the skies One can request those forums, obviously and I think that if we had some precedence, such a request might be more likely to succeed. Someone will probably have to sponsor such a request, hint, hint. I'm looking forward to see your request threads then. May be I was too long afflicted with usenet participation, but notwithstanding the validity of your suggestion, it's bad style to burden another ones specifically different request with such a broad addition.
  22. Much the same way like you'll never see a scripter outside the scripting forum? I don't believe that a thematic focus equals ghetto walls.
  23. It has been answered as well. Let me find some of my words in this matter again... "The objective of an LGBTQ+ forum can only be to offer a positive focus on themes of the aforementioned community." "I am indeed FOR the creation of an LGBTQ+ group, not because it would be a tool to impede some peoples right of free expression. It would however be expected from participants to respect the groups focus, topic and of course other participants. It's not that such a group would all of a sudden restrict any of us from speaking our mind within the limits of courtesy and respect. Such limits should already be recognized in other parts of the forum as well, but that does not supersede the possible need for Yet Another Special Interest Subforum. In this specific case we talk about a subforum that caters to the needs of a certain minority group and I will again point out that catering to this group does not take any other groups rights away." To add to this, others already expressed it more concise than I did. The "why" is pretty obvious, it is to offer a forum to a group, a community, actually a group of communities where they can meet each other without a pressure of defending their very existence. You may say that "we/they/whoever yout think you are" ask or demand to be privileged in some way, but this is not what it's all about at all. It's to the contrary a place to meet and greet as part of a scene, a part of society, a part of all human beings with nothing more than the "privilege" to have our existence acknowledged and accepted. The forums as they are do not cover this aspect. Some may offer a niche, but as you can see here already, when it's been (entirely non vitriolic of course) argued that this very suggestion, this request is rooted in some kind of leftist agenda or is an attack of the forces of commercial endeavours on some First Amendment or other. Ignoring substantial comments and instead pick out the parts to be offended over is not a way to convince me that it's anyones side who's an utter failure. It's some individuals, but hey, who am I to argue against convictions so deep they can't be openly articulated?
  24. So we agree that an LGBTQ+ group should strive to be a welcoming, integrative forum where the members act respectful and tolerant? I would be pleased if that were something we could already act out generally in the forums, but somehow we always end up with contributions tuned to stir political or ideological dissens. Call me naíve but somehow I do hope we all can be better than this. That we perceive the very existence of certain groups as some kind of threat is a mindset we need to overcome. That we consider discussions as means to collect a certain karma by all means at our disposition is too something we might want to overcome and instead concentrate on the substance. Ceterum censeo, to quote Cato the Older out of context, I am of the opinion that an LGBTQ+ forum would offer a group an easier accessible point to gather and "meet for support and fellowship" without having to worry about a permanent pressure to justify their very existence. I had great reservations to do more than drop a single "like" into the start of this thread because I fully expected it to become a horrible mess. I have enough reservations to even get involved in any "harmless" topic here in the forums because forums generally tend to degrade into in-group goal scoring and we look for The Win, not a "Frank Exchange Of Views". But as I disclosed in my first post here, the topic affects me very much personally. steps off the soap box for the night, not convinced that this thread will still be around the next day
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