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Everything posted by SaraCarena

  1. Are you sure that you`re getting barred? I know that kuula was having a lot of problems in November and from this post on the forums maybe having them again. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Server/Apparent-Server-problems-affecting-outfit-rezzing-and-TPs/td-p/2882874 I`d do the same as Karen suggests and try to IM someone from nci.
  2. With firestorm it might have been an lsl bridge problem, I`ve had that happen. Could be worth trying to delete bridge then re-create before doing a full reinstall. The bridge can be deleted from the firestorm folder in inventory. Re-create is undur avatar health on the viewer menu.
  3. I don`t have a solution to your problem but there is a thread on the forums about it. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Viewer/Viewrers-crash-on-Linux-need-to-install-something/td-p/2877802 There are suggestions that it is a driver problem, personally I`ve not had this problem on any distro that I`ve used (mint, manjaro, ubuntu) with any viewer (sl, firestorm, singu, alchemy) But I`m nvidia graphics and always install non free(proprietary) graphics drivers when I use a distro. If you start alchemy viewer but don`t log in, click help > about, that will tell you what graphics you have then you can look for drivers in xubuntu software update. Good luck :smileyhappy:
  4. I had exactly that happen on Sunday. After switching outfits parts of the previous outfit were still attatched. Now I`ve had that happen before and was able to detacth by clicking appearence button, wearing tab and detatch manually. This time was differerent, some items were listed, some were`nt. Some that were listed had no option to detatch, so quite a strange one. Was on Kokua viewer at the time, logged off, deleted inventory cache manually from my hard drive, no need to delete texture cache. Logged back in and was able to use outfits normally again. "To manually clear inventory cache delete files ending in .inv.gz." http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_cache_clear
  5. You need 4 things for your avatar to bake (rez, render, show properly). Click the appearence button, wearing tab to see what you`re wearing. 1: System hair, usually called hair base or eyebrow shaper. 2: Eyes 3: A shape 4: A skin Sometimes when you login any one of these can fail to download from your last session (usually shape). If you`re missing any of these you can find some in inventory > library > clothing > older outfits It`s not a bad idea to make and save an outfit of a skin, eyes, shape and hairbase that you don`t use in any other saved outfits, call it emergency or whatever. If you get cloudy again use your emegency outfit to "replace" your current one. Works on 99% of bake fails for me. Good luck :smileyhappy:
  6. Jenni Darkwatch wrote: ....SL rezzing has progressively improved to the point where most things now rez within a minute....... ....... it helps to know what viewer you use and what settings for draw distance, network speed and cache..... ^^^...Exactly that, my own personal experience is that sl has got better and better over the 2 years I`ve been here, not saying that it doesn`t bug out now and again coz it does but so does my comp and my connection. If I did feel like complaining though I`d post my viewer info just in case someone might point out something wrong that I`d missed. I do tend to viewer hop a lot at the moment though and have found that clean installs are more important now, updating over current installs has caused me some rendering problems.
  7. Could try using the texture console. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Texture_Console Cam around and see what`s happening with bias, 0 is ideal, when it gets higher chances are you`ll start to get camera lag. The offending item item will cause bias to rise if it`s texture.
  8. Before CDN textures and mesh were delivered to your viewer via the sim you were on, not so now, so frees up the sim resources to do other things. I`ve spoke to the general manager of a very busy club that has 60+ av`s there day in day out and they say it`s noticably less laggy nowadays. Personally I tend to agree. LL have put up a graph detailing one example of sim load before and after CDN; http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Tools-and-Technology/CDN-Unleashed/ba-p/2854932 The internet being what it is though means not everyday is going to be the same as the next, there`s just too many variables. Singularity viewer has a nice diagnostic tool to show what http traffic is doing and which LL server it`s coming from (bake, CDN or sim) It`s the "http console" in the advanced menu, have seen the bandwidth monitor on that hit 9000kbs for CDN traffic.
  9. The last graphics crasher I came across was at a club with 30 av`s or so, some guy wearing the library bunny outfit stood in the middle of the dance floor looking totaly out of place. In a few seconds viewer lagged out and froze, crashed with no error message. Nvidia error came up "nvidia drivers stopped responding blah blah..." Was there with a few friends who crashed too, so deff griefer attack.
  10. I`m a total newbie when it comes to linux but I`ve found mint 17 x64 (which is ubuntu I think) to be 100% stable. As for sl, no probs running it on sl viewer or firestorm x64, the nvidia drivers seem a bit more prone to crash but only when I push the graphics settings way higher than it`s wise to for my card, so no surprises there. I do remember Oz Linden stating at a TPV meeting that their crash stats show that any viewer running on a 64 bit OS is significantly less likely to crash compared to 32 bit but I guess that would be more relevant to windows than linux and you could argue that less crashing is a performance benefit. The only thing that peeves me about sl on linux is getting media to work, have all the reccomended plugins I think (good,bad, ugly etc). Does anyone know a failsafe way to do it and would this vary depending on which distro you have?
  11. Aethelwine wrote: .......... not being able to get music streaming software to work for me. I`d agree that getting sound an video to work on sl viewer on a new download with a new linux instal can be tricky and needs some do it yourself compared to windows. I started using linux mint 17 a few months back and sl music didn`t work on the default sl viewer. For me the fix was to disable the openal sound driver that sl viewer uses as default when it starts up. The fmod driver worked fine then, everything was there in mint to work with that driver. There`s a readme file with the sl viewer download that explains how to do that. Have got some video working by downloading the good,bad,ugly plugins and flash 32 bit but again that is confusing for the average user moving over from windows I think. Overall I`d agree with Johnny that switching from windows to linux isn`t too bad at all, the mint 17 gui is very easy to use and similar to windows. Uses a LOT less memory than windows too, so great for anyone who`s low on ram.
  12. You can wear upto 5 alphas, the trick is like already`s been said is to "add" not wear (took me ages to work that one out too :smileywink: ) Same with tattoos and system clothing, you can wear 5 bras if you really want to. See Max # of clothing layers per slot here; http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Limits
  13. Could be worth trying disable http inventory and/or disable http textures in the develop menu in case it`s a problem with http. Not had any http probs myself for a while now but that`s not to say someone somewhere won`t.
  14. Ohhhh, I see you`ve clicked to show the colour bar. I just keep that closed it`s only the numbers that mean anything anyway.
  15. Yep was http failure, hopefully it`s short term teething problems since CDN went gridwide. Like you I`ve only seen it happen twice for a short period of time. There`s a few open jiras about this an I`m sure the Lindens are working on how/why it happened. You can turn http textures off in any viewer and http inventory too, it`s on the develop menu. Then you`ll get what you need via udp, though it will be slower than http. Personally I had http off permanently about 18 months ago mainly coz of texture blur on system clothing, there have been improvements in http over time and I`ve had it turned on for a year or so now. I know from watching the TPV meetings on youtube (and in sl experience generally) that Monty Linden has made big improvements in http delivery compared to what they once were and TPV developers have commented as much. TPV meetings are every other Friday, this weeks should be up on youtube on Saturday, It`ll be better than Eastenders :smileywink:
  16. I think the key is "rear" as in behind you, though it`s not documented on the wiki. I guess it`s function is to keep rear view loaded so if you turn around the scene stays rendered and focused. That might be true at lower draw distances but I`m a 512m junkie if I`m ballooning or slow flying.Soo having 75% of what`s behind you still loaded while you`re flying forward makes little sense to me, bit like dragging a ball and chain behind you, setting it low works for me :smileyhappy:. It also badly affects rendering if you do turn and I don`t see that happen in pre-interesting viewers. Anyway I`ll link to the jira coz this is getting a bit off topic. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-7545
  17. Mine just helps his self but prefers Stella /me me just shrugs an gives up on getting that image to load:smileyembarrassed:
  18. Ayesha Askham wrote: PS none of my viewer's inworld metrics were showing any problem but no avatar textures were rezzing and all day I had been encountering invisible objects...mostly prim. I looked in the texture console last night (sl pipeline viewer). The bandwidth monitor there barely made it into 10`s and I believe that`s purely http bandwidth unless http textures are disabled. When http is behaving it`s normally can be in the 100`s depending on what you`re doing . The FETCH queue also stalled for long periods with textures stuck in the htp or htw state. World map wouldn`t load (remember Maestro`s reply in last weeks deploy thread?) All points to a CDN tantrum. A friend in Belgium was having no problems at all. Logged in with catznip, no problems. Didn`t realise til today that catznip has http textures turned off by default, whereas most viewers have it turned on. First thing I`ll do next time this happens (fingers crossed won`t be a next time though :smileywink:) is diasble http textures.
  19. Yes, that as well. If you look in debug settings there`s a bunch that begin SceneLoad.....they`re connected with interesting. There`s one in particular that I set very low because I think that the higher your draw distance is the more negative impact it has. Flying/ sailing around the blake sea regions on a high draw distance became a lot better for me with that debug set low. Psssssssst it`s the one that has a default setting of 75.00 in case you fancy experimenting with it.:smileywink:
  20. Cache hit rate = % of objects or textures loaded from cache rather than downloaded. There can be hit rates for objects or textures depends on what viewer, higher is better. Cache latency = time taken to read data from cache, lower = better. With a high cache hit rate this tends to be lower, double digits. With a low cache hit rate latency tends to be higher, can be in the 1000`s or 10,000`s. It means your sl cache so wherever that`s stored, so hard drive in most cases. UDP data recieved, I assume means just what it says, bandwidth used by udp data. Seems that viewer developers can customise the stats bar quite a lot and I think from memory that firestorm shows bandwidth for textures too. There`s also a bandwidth monitor in the texture console. With http textures enabled this shows bandwidth used by http, so last night with the http problems it was barely reading into double digits. When http is behaving itself I`ve seen that spike well over 1.6 mbps but normally it`s in the 100`s. I was looking at the texture console last night an am still kicking myself for not realising it was screaming "http problem, disable http textures". That would have cured the "grey out" that I was having last night. If you disable http textures the the texture console bandwidth monitor changes. It shows udp bandwidth but I think there is still some http activity too so may be a mixture of both but not quite sure about that. Agree that the stats bar wiki could use an update and maybe explained in less techy way. EDIT: That looks like the firestorm stats bar. Also think that the sampling rate for some statistics varies from viewer to viewer. the cache hit rate stat seems more dynamic to me in sl viewer than the one in catznip.
  21. No not just you, http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Server/Avatar-texture-problems-from-the-UK/td-p/2857126 I`ve seen the performance gains most of the time but I`ve seen 2 nights where http totally bugged out. Thanks for the disable http tip though, it does fix the stalling in texture fetch. Hopefully it`s just short term teething problems with CDN.
  22. Dagger Faulkwing wrote: ......So, does Project Interesting save changes whatever in a central folder used by all installed viewers....... I shouldn`t worry about that, don`t know all the ins and outs of project interesting, it was aimed at rendering the scene in front of you quicker, don`t think it saves anything at all to disk. Your`re right that catznip has it`s own cache folder and rezzing will be slower while your cache fills up. Interesting has been blamed for a lot of things and I filed a jira recently about one aspect of it. Thinking about why catznip is renedering ok while FS and SL viewers are`nt though is just hurting my brain too much so giving up on that for now :smileyhappy: EDIT: Nothing to do with interesting, catznip has http textures turned off by default so it`s fetching a lot of textures from the simulator via udp which is slower but bypasses whatever http fetching problem hit sl last night.
  23. Big "grey out" Sunday evening, still happening Monday morning. Latest sl viewer and firestorm. Statistics bar bandwidth meter shows udp to be fine. Texture console bandwidth meter barely gets into double figures. Stalled texture/mesh fetches. Catznip viewer seems to work pretty well though.
  24. Latest sl viewer has mostly worked great for me but I`ve had 2 big bugouts. Latest being Sunday night, agonizingly slow scene loading on non cached sims even at 32 meter draw distance, agonizingly slow avatar bake and failed outfit changes. Same when I re downloaded firestorm an tried that. Catznip viewer wasn`t nearly as bad, scene loaded nicely avatar bake a bit slow but not bad. Catznip doesn`t have have any of the project interesting debug settings.........ummmmmmmm
  25. Indigo Mertel wrote: Where do you get the location of the CDN server? There`s info about the CDN network on Inara Preys blog; http://modemworld.wordpress.com/tag/cdn/page/3/
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