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Raevyn Addams

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Posts posted by Raevyn Addams

  1. 19 hours ago, Matty Luminos said:


    This skin I'm wearing here was annoying me because while it's the "most like me", it has heavy eyeliner on the actual skin itself, and often I just don't want to wear makeup at all. So yesterday I made a tintable tattoo layer to cover it up. It's not quite right yet, but it's definitely better.

    Lovely picture, Matty (gorgeous eyes! ❤️). For the eyeliner issue have you tried Izzie's store in world, maybe something like this might help?


    SLURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Izzies/62/118/32

    • Like 5
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  2. 1 hour ago, Pauck said:

    Days ago told myself "do not demo that new Lelutka head", yesterday out of boredom I demoed  "Lake" and had to buy it. This head actually feels like a huge upgrade, I'm so happy my avatar can smile, the moods and expressions are amazing! 😸


    It's rare I get avatar envy but your avatar is STUNNING! 😲❤️ (and absolutely the Lake is a fantastic buy, I wholeheartedly prefer Lelutka over other brands, personally. IMHO you chose well!)

    • Like 4
    • Thanks 1
  3. 1846542521_LincolnZoo_Mar_28_2048_2.thumb.png.05c9e004ace3e0ab47db92a027774038.png

    Today I was inspired by @Ajay McDowwll so I took Riley to a zoo. The Lincoln County Zoo to be exact. I wanted to explore somewhere I hadn't been before and not have to worry about setting up a pose etc, so it's not a perfect pic but I like it anyway. The zoo itself is very well done. We had a guided tour by a moving bot (?) named Kenny (I think he must have been drinking on the job the way he staggered all over the paths but don't tell anyone! XD) and we also picked up a few souvenirs too. There's a lot crammed in so those looking for places to take pics might also enjoy it. (And yes that bird looks possessed). 😆

    If anyone's interested this is the SLURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lincoln County/220/87/21

    • Like 39
  4. @TatianaNikolay; I know that feeling! (every time I go to the store for one thing and come out with half a dozen... Or used to before the price gouging). I love how you look suitably impressed with the receipt. Still a lovely crisp pic!

    @Catrie; maybe its the hair or the grunge-esque feel of the backdrop but that pic reminds me of The Fifth Element movie for some reason. You look awesome as always!

    @Scylla Rhiadra; you're an artist in every sense of the word. And yes that's a compliment!

    @Seicher Rae; I love the colours (and it's a nice contrast to the not-so-happy news you mentioned).

    @SunnySunnyson; Love those colours too! The head wear made me laugh admittedly but laughter is probably a good thing right now and not intended as an insult in any way. I can take or leave a sci-fi theme but you're rocking it!

    @Aedan Charron; congrats on the win and you look very dapper in the suit!

    @Ajay McDowwll; envies your throne and the fact you look so content up there. Also MOAR PICS OF ELLIE! XD 

    @Madelaine McMasters; thanks for the laugh. I still get a giggle every time I look at it. (The picture! The picture!! XD)

    To everyone else; great shots as always and please keep sharing! All these colours and different styles and themes are a good distraction right now.

    I have nothing visually to share since I haven't changed clothes since I last took a pic *le gasp!* (to be fair I've been building) but I wanted to show some appreciation

    so thank you all!  ❤️

    • Like 11
    • Thanks 6
  5. 14 hours ago, Beth Macbain said:

    I hope we can use this thread to get ideas and share the things we're doing, and to encourage each other to look after ourselves. 

    So what are you doing to be nice to yourself today?

    Showing kindness to others. It sounds easy enough but in practice it isn't easy. It takes effort to ignore the negativity and cope with the general paranoia surrounding us on all fronts right now. Online communities are notoriously toxic and lately there's no real safe haven to be had by logging offline either. So for the last few days I've have been trying to say at least one nice thing or say thanks to someone I otherwise normally wouldn't, both online and offline. I don't mean lip-service. I don't mean just repeating something hollow to fill my daily quota. I'm looking for reasons to be thankful where I normally wouldn't and trying to be more patient where normally I would just react. How does that help me? It helps put things back into perspective. Sure my day might feel crappy or stressful but I don't know for sure what anyone else is going through either. I hope I can make someone smile. I hope I can turn their day around. Maybe they don't feel so alone if even just a few short minutes. Thoughts like that make me feel better even if its to people I don't know and will never meet. In isolation and with all this uncertainty in the world a kind gesture or genuine compliment done in sincerity has to be the next best thing. If I feel like I'm helping and not hurting then that's a win for me too.

    As a side point I've been a Disability Support Worker for the past 11 years and counting so while helping others is in my job description even for me it can sometimes be a struggle. Every day it's a work in progress. As my dad says after twenty years of sobriety and in AA, "One day at a time." 😁

    • Like 9
    • Thanks 2
  6. 3 hours ago, Seicher Rae said:

    Weekends are for wearing "something more comfortable" and lounging about. I'm ready for the weekend...


    cyprian 032020_003.jpg

    I've got to admit I'm not really a fan of the tilted-camera-angle pics (and to each their own) but this one in particular is awesome and I can't even say exactly why. It's just one of those pics that I can't scroll past. Great work! 👍😀

    • Like 8
    • Thanks 1
  7. Also doesn't mean every word they say shouldn't be posted

    (The entire tabloid/press/news media industry flourishes on this very thing promoting the cult of celebrity in the real world, and aren't the Lindens and Moles of celebrity status here in the virtual world in a manner of speaking?)

    If you listen to the chatter in the Belli groups (and generally in the forums) there's an awful lot of speculation and misreading of what is said by Lindens and Moles as much as there is reading between the lines on what is not said. On top of that these same groups (and threads) generally get bogged down with noise that wander off topic that some like me have no patience to wade through so it's nice to have "just the facts" to cut through all of that. 

    With so much development and the endless workload for the LDPW I'm not at all surprised that they aren't releasing official announcements with every little detail they drop like crumbs along the way. I dare say they simply don't have the time for that. The communication between LL and Residents has vastly improved over recent months/the last year or so which is awesome to see and on occasion take part in but like anything no doubt there's always room for improvement. 

    Looking forward to see what facts are collected here sans noise.

    And now I shall slink back into the shadows since I don't have anything official to say.

    Because I'll likely be called out for contributing to the aforementioned noise... *cough* 😏

    • Like 8
    • Confused 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, moirakathleen said:

    I love the pictures you do with your little toddler (sorry I don't remember her name).   I don't know what you were planning, but I thought this one came out especially well. 

    Riley, and thank you. I was originally aiming to take a picture at a place called PAL park against a different setting but due to a region restart that lasted longer than expected I had to find somewhere else to go. I wasn't using a specific pose just the poser from the Black Dragon viewer so had to edit what I had saved at the camp ground (and then throw in the bird at the last minute). Thanks again. 👍

    • Like 3
  9. I'm so tired. It's not just the Coronavirus, or the media saturation surrounding it, or having to get down the local store at 8:00am every morning just to fight the crowds for toilet paper, or the blase attitude of those physically around me; I'm worried about my parents. My mum is a triple-bypass survivor who works in the aged care sector of a hospital, and dad lives in a retirement community, and one of the residents where he lives tested positive and was sent home to self-isolate yesterday. He's undergone chemo and radiation therapy and has emphysema so he has no immune system left. Even without this virus the regular cold can still be fatal. On top of that we find out at 1pm today whether the cancer has spread to his hips. Add to that one of my closest RL and SL friends who lives in the UK (I met her and her RL husband in SL) has a chronic lung condition and her 10 year old son undergoing chemo as we speak. I have a chest infection right now and I've barely slept in days.

    How do I feel? Stressed to say the least.

    • Sad 6
  10. Rae_Riley_Bellisseria_Mar19_2020_P_1024.thumb.png.3443056faf71ad37a431e24e9d2d3cc0.png

    Riley and I visiting a campground and meeting the wildlife (I don't remember the name of the region, sorry, but it's near where her dad lives in Wheeler).

    I posted this elsewhere but since it was taken in Bellisseria figured it was relevant here. 

    • Like 19
  11. I did have a pic of both Rae and my original main account somewhere (Rae was my alt back then) but since she's my main now...

    (and yes like others I have posted this pic before, except I added the most recent forum pic at the end of course - and breaks with tradition with *le gasp!* pale eyes!).


    • Like 9
  12. Yay for Maybie! *lol*

    Now you've decided on purchasing the head the next question is probably going to be what skin will she wear?

    If you're happy to run with the default that ships with the head then no problem. If you want more variety they're slowly trickling out, but depends on what detail or style you want for Maybie too. Glam Affair might be your best choice as their skins are typically younger and prettier. Deetalez so far only has one skin for the Lelutka Evo. The Skinnery has a couple now, and there's a collection on the MP but since it's still relatively new there's not a great deal out for it as there are the others. Nice make up is starting to come out too (Slack Girl and Ottile are my go-to's) though having BOM enabled means there's more options, especially if you go to Izzie's to get the old system correctors for System > BOM.

    Personally I like the look of the new one from what I've seen. It looks a little "older" to me than the others (which is subjective of course). I have both the Erin and the Nova (because I couldn't decide) and while there appear to be subtle differences between the two I'm curious as to how the actual model translates in terms of in world appearance.


    Erin - Left, Nova - Right.

    I've always found Lelutka the best mesh heads for me though if I had one criticism it would be to have more variety in terms of teeth, the default ones even with gaps just seem so... horse like?  That and the lack of big skin creators supporting Genus; I still don't get that. I tried Genus for ages and hate it more than I did Catwa (with their often confusing multi-hud systems). At least the LeL doesn't need the mood injectors (and added cost) as needed with the older generation of mesh heads (those pre LeL). 

    If you're looking for someone to tell you that you should buy the Lelutka head then I'll happily say go for it (because I will likely buy it too and that'd just make me a hypocrite otherwise)! XD

    • Like 2
  13. Felling rather stoked! I've just completed my third basic model in Blender 2.8 and uploaded them in world after completing another basics short course online.

    I'm under no illusions that I still have a LOOOOOOOONG way to go and have barely even begun to scratch the surface on what can be done, or things like Retopology or anything remotely like that. Nodes still confuses me and UV Unwrapping (while a simple principle in theory) still feels like trying to learn a distant alien language with hundreds of conflicting variations on how to pronounce it. After baking wrong and rebuilding several times I've signed on for another short course specifically on UV unwrapping and hope to get that underway next week.

    On top of that while learning how to navigate the absolute basics of Blender 2.8 I've been learning the absolute basics of Substance Painter too (just the 30 day free trial to see if it's worth it). So far I'm enjoying it too despite how my poor laptop struggles (It's probably on it's way out in all honesty but hope it can hold out a while longer).


    It's pretty basic but considering how many times I had tried (and quit) Blender over the years to get from "I don't know how to delete the cube" to uploading these feels like a massive accomplishment. They're certainly not in any condition to sell and in no way perfect, and the tris need to be reworked on top of sharpening my textures (and searching the forums on that subject is helping, slowly). But I'm still happy with getting this far for now. 😁

    • Like 14
  14. My home is named Leeland. Original it's not. But it has two Lee's who occupy it (Riley and myself) and the word itself flows off the tongue to me at least. Kind of reminds me of an old Aussie show "Ask the Leyland Brothers" about two real life adventurers (which isn't really relevant here unless one considers one's virtual home an adventure?) Besides it's better than a friend of mine who called his home Nowhere. So when I ask where he is and he says nowhere I have to ask "Nowhere in particular or nowhere at your home?" Men are jerks but not really.

    My house-hunting alt usually names his homes My Place which is a step up from keyboard mashing letters I suppose. Another bonus point for originality. Not. -.-


    • Like 7
  15. 1 hour ago, Marianne Little said:

    Do not hope that the regions will be this impressive. I am assuming that there will be many more houses than 8 per region. Let us say 20 on the same region that 8 houses are occupying now. 

    I would be more than happy to be wrong, I assure you. I shall take mocking with a cheerful smile, if we get maximum 10 houses per region.

    The Victorians display area was much, much better than the average region. I did many takes and abandons for houses that had barely a flower in front, and certainly no water, bridges and swimming ducks.

    I was prepared for it, and even paid a new alt when the first had tried in vain to get something more impressive. 

    It is not wrong to show the best, and I shall be the first to say that some regions are just as impressive as the showcase. 

    ^ Fair points that I can't really argue against anything you've said. With logic like that @Marianne Little you should have been a lawyer. 🤔

    (I'm joking about that last part of course, but you still make perfect sense!)

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