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Hunny Bunny

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Everything posted by Hunny Bunny

  1. Is it possible that all the new avatar signups are actually the separated primbabies of SL prostitutes after they are thrown in FB jail?
  2. Most "DJs" I hear are akin to a Spotify playlist, they select a set of prerecorded songs and let them play and occasionally inject a few requests. The "hosts" don't really do much to spur any chat but instead spam gestures as do the other 5-10 people in the crowd who also "work" there. I'm fairly certain that 99% of these clubs out there that follow the exact same formula were people who didn't like it, went elsewhere and opened their own club. That's why there's hundreds of them scattered all over the grid with just the handful of people in them that "work" there. There's nothing they can do. Do it for the love of doing it as so many creators have and it becomes it's own reward. If you're doing it to make money just stop because you're not. I think some of the best DJs did not get to be where they are overnight, they have talent or they have friends that have helped get them there. The best thing a club owner can do is be involved like a bartender. Talk to the people that show up at your place and stand alone and silent in the corner they're probably there to meet people. Too many times I see a place that could have 10-15 regulars, of that 4-5 are "employees" and it's one big clique. When new people show up they exchange hellos and continue talking amongst their friends about things that someone outside the circle know nothing about.
  3. How so? It's not at all laggy now.
  4. That is why it was a question. A question you did not answer.
  5. How so, is one somehow inferior to the other? Is it made of lesser stuff? I thought it was all digital, 1's and 0's ... Yes or No. Yes it comes with added expense for region owners but it is just changing a variable on the backend. It could be from 20,000 to 30,000 or even 50,000 and sure there could be a performance hit but is that really server side or is that viewer side? I ask because if these are "starter homes" as so many suggest are they in fact inferior to mainland or private regions and if so is that where you want to put the people who are new to the game to learn?
  6. If you have to be creative with decorating these "starter homes" is something that someone who's new to SL would even know how to do and is that really premium content?
  7. Well, I'm calling bs on this one because for for an extra $30/month you can have an extra 10k prims added to a private estate so technically it's entirely possible.
  8. Who is they besides the handful of usual forumites who seemingly have their noses permanently ensconced up the Lindens backsides, who I don't consider "offical" in any capacity.
  9. It's not my job to persuade the company I buy a service from, it's their job to sell me the service.
  10. We have no clue what Linden Labs goals even are. From my perspective it's throw crap on a wall and see what sticks.
  11. That other store is Lunar, Lyrium is on the same region. When you land veer right LUNAR AND FRIENDS/151/89/19
  12. Maybe you mean all the alts brought in by old time residents so they can hide from the stalker ex. they married for a week, have 27 parcels in Bellisseria or join their "land group" to make owning a region more affordable?
  13. but can't be bothered to read them all before making an extemporaneous comment?
  14. I verified it worked before I responded. Just so you know 😁
  15. But they do, there's even a hyperlink to it from the marketplace page you linked.
  16. We can't have that! It's obviously better to sanctimoniously pooh-pooh other people's opinions than to respect them.
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