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Kytteh Wytchwood

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Everything posted by Kytteh Wytchwood

  1. I decided my vlogs were not useful. I keep trying and failing to make my basic art look good in second life. I'm sure people know how to create tattoos. No one wants to share how they do it because ask and get ignored.
  2. Or go to the brand new ebody event in collaboration with the epiphany event planner. The event is HUGE! Plenty of cute and sexiness there. Ebody's event poster, with slurl in description. https://flic.kr/p/2mJGZ12
  3. My photostream was cluttered. I have hidden the videos and photos for now. I'll be uploading them to my youtube channel. When they are all uploaded, I'll create a new thread, so that you will know they are available for viewing. I'll be sharing them as links with no preview, so that they can be viewed on youtube only.
  4. I like your website. I had a look at it, when it was first mentioned in your thread. You do create beautiful textures. While I am here, I'd like to share with you, an ad I came across on Flickr, through another person's faves, as this person is new to my photostream and she had faved one of my photos. This is for a tank top and undies for women, full perm. The description box leads to their mp listing, with policies in the listing, too. When I saw they offer maitreya petite, I thought about the woman pressing and begging you for lara petite sizes. Edit: forgot to add this lol. One of my clothing sponsors has their own website and a former sponsor, also has a website. there are numerous designers whom have a website, and list it in their in-world profile.
  5. Or it could be a bug. I often delete my content since it feels messy to me with the assorted media I post. Flickr says I have 70 uploads, but I don't. I think Flickr was slow to catch up with batches of deletion. It now shows the correct number, for content safe and moderate. I'm quite surprised it shows 42, because before, it only counted the safe content.
  6. I don't use sarcasm, unlike the horrid people in the forums do. I also was not dissing you. I cannot control how you react, if you choose to react negatively with pessimistic thoughts. The last sentence was out of humor but also based on your own words. I often respond with people's own words in reference and this pisses people off. I suggest perhaps not being negative so that my replies will not be based off of those type of words you chose to use. You did say if they sell. Also, you assume new businesses won't be seen but it's the complete opposite of that. I recently helped a woman at the genus store with her appearance. She is new and comes from IMVU. She soon will be creating for SL. I'm pretty sure her store will be seen. We chat on discord so I'm sure she will be advertising on media platforms, too. If SL stayed how they were when they first began, do you think many people would know about it? But, SL has always been marketed, that is what you do with a business, if you want to succeed. I have no problems with people who do it for fun. If it's for fun, why not give everything out for free?
  7. If you do not advertise, people will not find your store. Then your creativity will be for naught, as you are wasting your lindens on uploads, for you to place inside a store, for yourself only? It sounds like you are dragging your feet to advertise, because it is a chore to do. There are plenty of skilled store managers out there on the grid, if you do want to share your creations with the SL community. If you don't want it shared with the public as you say, then why not just have your building on your private parcel, and roam the aisles, staring at your handiwork? Click a vendor, wear your prized possession, and flaunt it out on the grid.
  8. I'm seeing new, emerging stores, because of Flickr. Many new brands are following my flickr acct, and I also find them in the flickr fashion groups, too. They do get noticed and they do profit in sales. SL advertising has nothing to do with your rl info. You can also advertise on instagram and tumblr, a blog and even your own website. You don't have to use FB, whom does shut down accts if they have no rl name. If you create a page however, I haven't seen those taken down, as it is a business, a brand name, under the gaming category. Instagram is also very popular, like flickr, to advertise with. there is also a big imvu community on instagram and many of them also play SL.
  9. I purchased the kupra kups and it was a mistake of an investment. Very little support for kups and what i have seen, isn't my cup of tea. People love large bosoms, skinny waists, plump hips and thick thighs. Not only the consumer but the designers as well, enjoy this look. They want more realism but also, it's not that realistic for thick bodies to be only tiny in the belly region. Ebody Reborn has a good start with the support it has. At least with reborn, I can make any size small breast, instead of with kups, which keeps me to 1 size look. It all depends on what each creator likes but sure, asking is no issue. Just when it becomes more than a simple request, is when it crosses the line.
  10. painted neck idea v2 FLICKR DESCRIPTION BOX MESSAGE: I learned that by trying the neck paint on the lelutka uv map instead of the sl uv map, there is no white halo left behind. Although this time I am painting, instead of filling the area with color with the paint bucket tool. I recommend not using the add color but paint in the strokes, to both the head and upper uv maps. I definitely didn't want to have to use the targa method that I had learned in the ebody discord from 2 creators. I do very much appreciate their teachings and willingness to help. P.S. You can view the torso neck painting on my Flickr, by clicking on the photo to visit my photostream.
  11. You can get their website link and social media links from the admin blast message in their Flickr group, Media SL | Flickr
  12. You can also search through the Adult Forum, to find a job, that also offers an hourly wage per day, along with the tips you earn from guests visiting the club. You must be at least 18 years of age in real life to visit and work at adult clubs. https://community.secondlife.com/forums/forum/118-adult-content-forum/ There is also the financial domination in the adult industry as well. You won't have to work at a club for this, as there are plenty of sims that cater to this. You can do your research on what it is and the best ways to market yourself to gain more money, with your interactions with the people who want to pay you money.
  13. Yet LL is also on FB and Flickr, and could be on Twitter as well. Not sure why you would think a VR such as SL, would not take advantage of social media to garner their product on the virtual corner and dominate the VR worlds that are out there.
  14. Yet this is exactly what the company does, to advertise Second Life, with banners on websites and as Youtube ads on Youtube videos. LL used to advertise SL as a game on Amazon, and if you purchased it on amazon, you got exclusive product perks with your premium membership. There is also the affiliate program that LL offers. Scroll to the bottom of the SL website to find the link. All you need is an email and they'll send you an email with your special referral link to share across the web. SL is a virtual world and the web is a virtual place. Of course SL is going to be shared across all platforms online. You can choose to stay in the dark ages and keep it to SL but if you want SL to succeed and advance, social media is the way to go.
  15. These new Bom textures are mapped differently, for each head and body, for skins and cosmetics. I tried using an old skin that was created for classic, and it didn't line up in the face nor body, as the mesh has a different layout than the system avatar. Lelutka did create a different uv map to give highly detailed sharp textures. Their resolution siuze for this uv map is 2048 by 2048 at 150 ppi. SL will reduce this size to 1024 by 1024 and most likely the ppi will reduce to 72. If you begin with 72 ppi on any uv map, it is going to greatly distort your design on the texture. For materials, creators will provide appliers to layer over the bom tattoos. Yes, many stores do offer free updates to bom layers. If you are a fan of The Skinnery skin store, the store gives you bom layers for the body and cosmetic add-ons, by getting a redelivery. I'm sure there are plenty of heads and bodies that still have the applier system. Linden Lab is the one who decided to use this system to reduce the lag on the SL main grid. You can also send in a ticket to them, filed under technical questions, and ask them more about bom and appliers.
  16. I did state that lelutka only provides support in their discord server and went on to briefly talk about that. Which means, they will get the 100% correct answers. There is no need to ignore what I say afterwards, when I was stating I'm not sure, to throw in my face that I shouldn't revive a thread. Even Linden staff have told me they will not delete threads, in case it helps someone. The fact that people like you get so riled up over bumping an old thread, I'll never understand. Oh no, I replied to an old thread. Such a trivial matter to complain about.
  17. Perhaps read before attacking me with your sharp tongue. I said , "I'm not 100% sure". I read the faq and the nc in my lelutka folder, and nowhere did it state that evo classic updated to evo x, can use evo x skins. Even in the faq, it says evo comes with evo starter layers and evo x comes with evo x starter layers. They also go on to say, if you are in evo x mode, you cannot use classic evo content and vice versa.
  18. Lunar They are also on the marketplace. Flickr is a great resource, too. Plenty of kawaii named flickr fashion groups.
  19. Hi, I'm linking to the post I created, to teach people on how to create a sharp texture for their tattoo designs from the art they create. I do it with vlogs, each video is less than 3 minutes. I have also added 2 more replies to my thread, of 2 more vlogs. You can watch the videos directly in the thread. If you have questions, ask it in the thread.
  20. Login to the second life website, click help, submit a ticket. Choose any category and state you are requesting access to the beta grid, where you can have your inventory copied over and do unlimited uploads for free. I don't recommend using local temp uploads, as it shows the texture as blurry and you won't be able to see if it's the sharpness you want. It can take 1 to 2 days minimum for access to occur. Once granted, you must login to the beta grid with the official second life viewer, for the first time. afterwards, you can use a 3rd party viewer. You'll get these same instructions from the linden staff whom answers your ticket.
  21. One last thing and then I'm leaving the thread LOL. shapes have become a hit. They are trendy and people are buying them up, more than the past. Clothing designers are also jumping onto this trend wagon. When you create shapes, feature them with your clothing. Then if they want this "add-on", place it next to the apparel vendor. I see the going prices in-world for shapes, are L$300-450. The style card will feature your clothing and that's what draws people in, is the styled look of the shape ad. People are basically buying a shape for the way the model looks. They want to know where to buy the fashion. Alright, I'm out! Peace!
  22. There is no reason for you to bend over backwards and give out free merchandise. You don't have to be apologetic for not carrying their preferred body size. Just focus on your creating and just keep pushing out product. The more that you release, the more your store becomes attractive to the shoppers. In SL, it's more about quantity. I can look at a store on the marketplace and see nice products but if they only have less than a full page of products, I'm disappointed. I want to be able to browse and see all of the styles that the creator has made. Also, with a mass of products, this gives variety, so that you have a selection that can fit people's tastes on different levels. There is so much art in the world to be inspired by. You could also venture into tattoos, cosmetics and eyes, to offer more products to the public.
  23. One of my favorite futuristic stores, R2 Fashion, creates exclusively for Maitreya. He is not lacking in any sales. He also does create fan art for his products, and those get hundreds of faves and plenty of views, on his Flickr. It's also about how you advertise your store, how you market to the public on websites. In-world marketing isn't enough. If you're great at taking photos in-world, that will help you when you add that into your catchy and minimal styled ad templates. Keep it simple and clean, let your product shine in the ad images.
  24. Hi OP. My reply was to Tazzie but thank you for responding to me. I wanted to inform her that people "do" ask for their body size, often. I'm guessing she doesn't use flickr and keeps it in-world only. As for you and the creation process, do what is profitable for you. Ignore the people on your thread and off the forum, who get upset if you don't rig for their bodies, just because the template you use, offers those body sizes. They don't think about what happens behind the scenes. They demand, they complain and many do not care how much work is placed into creating. You have to please yourself first, not the consumer. The public will always be fickle. People need to stop comparing stores with one another. Do you see that happening IRL? Or shoppers complaining to stores that they aren't carrying what they want? This anonymity, coupled with being submerged in a virtual world, with the constant clamor for realism, causes people to behave in ways that they wouldn't dare to do in the real world. As for multiple body drudgery as you say, I don't see how that lacks creativity? You are creating your own textures. Having multiple body sizes with your textures on mesh template apparel is not boring. Or is something else boring? The only way anything could be defined as not being creative, is by stopping your creation making. If you want to step up your game, look at reference photos on Pinterest for example, and use ideas from real world clothing textures. Look at high fashion runaway model clothing, for avant garde fashion. The sky is the limit for art, you have to decide how far you will take it.
  25. Lelutka only offers support in their discord server. open their store group profile and grab the discord link from there. They have a help lobby channel. You'll get help from the lelutka team, designers and customers. Have you tried clicking the evo x button on the lelutka hud? If that doesn't work, click the evo button. It actually looks like the hairbase so I'm guessing you have the evo button enabled. I'm not 100% sure but I think the lily head can only use classic evo skins, not evo x. Try a demo of an evo x head and apply this skin to it. If it loads correctly, then you'll have the answer to your problem.
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