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Kytteh Wytchwood

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Everything posted by Kytteh Wytchwood

  1. Dancing inside an abstract art piece that looks like an egg that is hollowed out in the middle, wearing pinstriped overalls and a slim tentacle leg attached to the side of the pants. This sim is called, Timeless by Cica Ghost, featured in Destinations' Editor's Picks. All mesh art displayed is created by Cica Ghost. She has a small shop in the sim of some of her funny characters, those of which are on display on her land. The color scheme is muted browns, blacks, and oranges Looks like a vintage steampunk environment to me. Turn around when you land and click the sign on the wall to visit her marketplace store. She has a large quantity of abstract wall art, creatures and decor that you can purchase. All of her mp listing photos look just like her creations in-world. I think these would be great to use for a melancholy scene, with rain and holding a dark or black umbrella. There is a texture that tells you what to set your graphics and lighting to for the way the artist wants you to view her art. If you open her profile, you can visit her Flickr through her album, of sims she has created with her amazing artwork via mesh objects in landscaping, in addition to silly art as well. I can see why this sim was placed in the Editor's Picks. 10 stars out of 10.
  2. I don't see any information about this club in your 2nd life nor in your picks. I don't see you are in the group for it and could not find the group in search nor in places. I was wanting to see how it looked before messaging you.
  3. The best way to find out is by reading the op's profile inworld and by joining their group to get notices of when events occur.
  4. Some escort clubs offer escort classes but they want you to already be experienced. You'll have to look for ads in the forum or inworld via ad-boards, and read if they are willing to hire women who are brand new to escorting. It's not as easy as the people who replied to you, are saying it is. That is why many escort clubs do offer support and "hooker" training classes to help you achieve more success with being hired for private sessions.
  5. Of course. Always take your time. Just don't forget about your advertising here on the forum. When there are visuals to look at, then that is going to bring people to you who want to request your services. Check out Media SL. You do pay to advertise but it's the number one spot to advertise at.
  6. Thank you for the resource! I am looking forward to your portfolio!
  7. Yes, I did find this website before you replied. It doesn't look like a professionally done website. Now that you are responding, do you create these festival posters? whoever is making them, they are impressive.
  8. Application needs to be fixed. Same questions, questions that don't make sense, and forced to fill out the last page, which is the manager app, to finish the form.
  9. People will like just to like. As I found, you only share information from these festival websites. I was looking for websites you have created or a website with your own page template layout and so forth but was unable to find it. I only found the sharing posts. Then wouldn't it be better to advertise in this forum after your website is up, to link to it and show off your talents?
  10. I know I need to upgrade, just cannot afford to. It has told me I cannot use it because of my graphics. Anyhow wanted to let you know that when I started up adobe fresco today, that it said in a future update, that liquify is coming to it! Maybe it will be less intensive on my pc. If it's still the same as PS, then hopefully I can find one I can afford. I mean I could do that anyways but I so love creating with fresco, really inspires me to draw for fun and not just for a profit.
  11. It took me awhile but I finally found links that are not broken. all the links in your profile picks, led nowhere, page not found pages. Festivals & Events UK - Your Ultimate Festival Network (festivalsevents.uk) (2) Festivals & Events UK (@FestivalEventUK) / Twitter Festivals & Events UK | Facebook The Instagram page is another page not found. I see that he just shares the posters, created by the festivals. I found another website that shows all the skills but no portfolio.
  12. I used your display name plus the information in your profile about running the festival uk network. Interesting how the website that is listed in your Linked In page, has a page not found instead. You also haven't posted in awhile to your Linked In. So how can we believe you will produce anything for anyone here in SL, when you refuse to link to a sample website that shows off your skills in creating savvy websites?
  13. It would be great for you to show a webpage portfolio of work you have done. We cannot rely on text alone. It's the same as how you would approach individuals or companies. You must show what you have created, for anyone to invest their money into your pockets.
  14. I'd like to add that when I went to the Thirsty Camel, I found the host old paint, to be very engaging to where I wanted to stay and gamble. I did for awhile. the host and the gamblers are very friendly. People make friends there, it's part of their slogan so you may like this type of job!
  15. I think she is referring to being a Greedy Tournament voice host for the Greedy Multiplayer game. It's a pick I found in her profile. no idea why she is so vague about the job. I'm sure this place is in search. These types of jobs do pay very well. You do need a steady internet connection, a quality mic, and be friendly and outgoing. Be able to do the job on your own and multi task I'm sure or at least be able to pay attention to the scores of the players to announce what their score is to make it more exciting and suspenseful of who has more points in each round. The name of this place is called, Thirsty Camel Gaming ,GREED, No Devil, Winks,4play, etc. and yes it is listed in search. The other job she could be talking about that is also in her picks, is to be a real estate agent but you work on commissions and that is a much harder job.
  16. I wish I could use liquify in PS but my graphics card is not powerful and it's faded. do you know of another way to warp and smooth out with any adobe software? I have the "all apps bundle"
  17. Another tattoo I created with bevel and also drop shadow, using a color to closely match the artwork itself, turned out looking like wax. I did a brighter version too and to me, the dark original looks like dried wax and the brighter version looks like wet wax. So that is what I named them as. I still want to work on this tattoo and either make the eyeball brighter or maybe put some darker strokes around it, in fresco, so that it pops more and you can easily see that it is an eye. Just really in love with how this turned out with the "eye heart u" inside the "wax".
  18. Hello everyone. I want to let you know I have been adding fx to my art designs in photoshop, after first creating in adobe fresco. I add bevel and sometimes drop shadow, with the color trying to match the color of the artwork. It really brings more depth to the tattoos. I'll share some examples of what I have created recently. I have a prettier version of this photo, with hair added but the hair covers 2 tattoos and this is more about showing you examples, than pretty pictures. As you can see, adding bevel really makes these tattoos stand out. I created the squiggle brows, bandaid and heart on the nose. No drop shadow on these tattoos. I also will create a new layer on top of my sketch layer and create 2 to 3 swatches of colors next to each other. Then I choose the eyedropper for multiple colors and it will pick them up, so that when I paint, I paint with 2-3 colors. It somehow makes my watercolor brush much more thicker and creates cool effects. It's what I did with the bandaid. If you draw a shape over the bridge of the nose, it automatically makes it curve around the nose once placed on the head. Pretty interesting to learn this! I really love the bevel look on the word, "no". I really hope you try this yourself and see what you can come up with!
  19. Hi there. I've noticed that the seams are not perfectly aligned. They either allow the texture to lay how it will on arms and legs, or the shoulder to arms, without manually painting the other side for a better match on the seams. That would take a very long time to do that, which is why it's not seen like that. There could be perhaps an artist or two that paints the other side manually, but I doubt it. That would take up extra time from creating newer designs to push out into their stores. I have gone to your store and didn't see any listings, and after logging in with all filters enabled, still no listings. I hope this doesn't mean you have given up. I suggest creating designs that only go on the top of the arm, instead of trying to make the textures match up along the seams. For me, it's not worth the battle. Next time you want to show off what you can create, upload your photos to Flickr or a blog, then link to that. Forum mods frown on linking to stores, both inworld and the marketplace. Also, it is very frustrating when people refuse to reply and give an answer, when they know the answer. I suggest joining the official store groups and if they have a discord server, to join those, as they will have a help channel you can ask in. You should use the uv template that comes in the dev kit for each body you want to create for. Meshbody has their own uv maps, that you can grab from their website. Open the notecard that comes with their bodies for the link.
  20. Hi there. It looks like you want to teach people how to create a tattoo for new residents. You could create your own thread instead of taking my thread over. while I do appreciate you wanting to help, taking over another person's thread isn't the way to do it. I do know how to use uv templates and I have the creative cloud all apps bundle. My problem at the time was to reduce the jagged edges and blurriness, because I am a perfectionist. Majority of the tattoos I see inworld, have a lot of jagged edges and some are blurry, on closeup. I just recently learned that I should be downsizing my designs in photoshop to 1024 squared. If I allow the sl system to size it down to 1024 squared, it will bring in artefacts, unwanted extra pixels, further distorting my texture. With that new information provided to me from the Lelutka team in their discord server, I did a test design, resized from a large resolution to 1024, and it indeed looked amazing inworld. It does feel that way for sure. I love encouraging people to create their own art as I don't like seeing stolen art inworld on bodies and faces. Encouragement is also empowerment. I want people to be happy and not frustrated, like I was. I was fortunate to get help from both the ebody and lelutka discord servers. I am going to tell you exactly what I do, so that you can learn from me and make your own amazing art for SL. I am now painting on the Lelutka HD uv map layers, because these maps have bigger areas in which you can create high definition textures. The script in the applier is what routes it to the specific part on the head, which means I don't have to resize it to fit the Lelutka uv head map. HD uv maps designs cannot be created as bom system layers, they can only be an applier. While I have seen so many customers complain about HD appliers, I now know why artists choose to make HD cosmetics. I am still using the same resolution size but now my ppi is larger. Some designs looked better than others, before I learned that using a powerful graphics design program is much better to resize than sl ever would do. Sometimes I share my creation process in the Lelutka discord, but I always feel no one cares, or that it will get lost in all of the blogger shares of people showing off their Lelutka heads, so I delete my posts. So, if you want to make original tattoos and cosmetics for specific heads and bodies, it's best to use the uv map for those body parts, so that not only does it align correctly, but if they have their own uv map, you will get a more polished texture without the bleeding edges aka jagged edges on closeup view. Start with a document at 4096 by 4096 with the ppi at 1200. Open as a layer the uv map file into this document. In Photoshop, I click Edit and then Place as embedded, then click the checkmark to set it in place. I zoom about 35% in, as I have found if I zoom in too close, it distorts the textures for me inworld. Or, that could have been because I used to upload at 2048 squared. Once you are done with your design, press ctrl+alt+i to open the image size window. Don't change the width and height. Only change the ppi from 1200 to 300. This will automatically change the WxH to 1024 squared. Upload as a local texture or send in a ticket to ask for access to the beta grid. they will make a copy of your inventory and send it there, then will ask you to login to that testing grid with the official sl viewer first, then you may use any 3rd party viewer on the 2nd login and future logins. If you are creating for the Lelutka heads, unpack the creator kit. Create a cube and in the contents, add the LTA script. then place the design texture into the texture window, using Local, click Add, and select your resized art image. Close the build window and click the cube, then on the dialog pop up menu that comes up, press which area of the face your texture should be routed to. Your texture will not have jagged edges, as long as you do it this way. I also add the regular sharpen filter from the Filters window in photoshop. Then I click the adjustments tab and add vibrance and curves. I look at the design on the transparent layer to see how bright it becomes while also making sure it has some contrast, which is what I use the curves adjustment for. That's all I do for adding effects in photoshop before uploading to sl. I recommend trying Adobe Fresco. you get it for free if you own an ipad. Even with the trial version(30 days) on pc and mac, you can still do a lot with the tools and brush packs you get. If you upgrade, you get access to the clip mask tool, which is great for painting inside the shape design you made from photoshop's pen tools. you must always have your shape with a filled color to see the painting you are doing on the clipped layer. When I create a shape with a pen tool, I like using the curvature tool in photoshop, it's so much easier for me than the default pen tool. Also with your upgraded plan, you get a big amount of brush packs, plus the ability to install brush packs by professional artists, which can be accessed from some of the preset brush packs when you open those windows. In fresco, there are shape tools and a freestyle shape tool that allows you to create thin to thick strokes with masking and other options. I love that tool, it's so easy to create when you use a stylus pen and an art tablet, which is what I have. I bought a cheap art tablet from amazon, from the company, Huion. They also have their official website if you prefer buying from official websites. If you have any questions, please reply back. You can also animate your designs in fresco as well. There are always new tools being added in each update. There is a new feature and it's the best feature that LL added to the test grid! Now every new purchase you make in the main grid, is automatically synced over to your copied inventory in the testing aka beta grid! That is so awesome! No longer do you need to keep sending in a ticket to ask for your inventory to be copied over again. If you use the official viewer, the syncing happens much faster while using a 3rd party viewer, can take up to a day or more to be synced there. If anyone wants to teach people how to do very basic textures without all of the information or with further information that is different than what I am teaching and so on, p[ease create your own thread.
  21. There are most definitely. It took me quite awhile to find a store on the marketplace that I liked the look of the statue props. Deby Frequency's store is called Disturbed. She creates all of her mesh props with full permissions, and at very low prices. I'm not seeing any similarity in her face to Britney but she is a pretty girl statue. It's Oops I did it again. Whup is to strike a person. Yeah, I could've removed the guy's comment and I'm pretty sure it's an older guy. I didn't want him to get away with bullying me, with thinking that is okay. I am also hoping it deters any other stranger to comment rudely. It's the first time I have gotten a terrible comment on my channel. I usually get random comments praising my videos from gamer and video production channels, so they can have their channel looked at. I hope you no longer experience rude comments on your channel.
  22. This close up portrait is the beginning of another shape project I am doing, for my store. Evox Gaia head by Lelutka You can click the Flickr link in my signature to read about it, details in the description box. I'm not sure if this image will become bigger when clicking on it, but you can try and see if it does.
  23. I created this studio interview room look for a new series on my YouTube channel. This is a YouTube preview photo, with all of the details in the description box, in my Flickr. I really love the girl prop I found, looks as great as the photo ad. Feel it brings some depth to the environment. If you'd like to know what it's about, you can click the link in my signature. The YouTube link is also provided there. This was taken on NYE 2021.
  24. This is a closeup portrait for this bom tattoo I created in Adobe Fresco. I titled it, love me, just as seen on the face. This is the Inez evox head, which I am in love with. I really like her mature look, but I added one of the mature cosmetics to it from the head folder.
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