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Everything posted by Dazler

  1. If it appears on your screen (and over-sized) it sounds as if you are wearing the hawk as a HUD by mistake. Try removing the hawk and then right click on the inventory item, to attach it to your shoulder. You may also need to edit it and use the "movement" option to correctly place it on the right spot and the "rotate" option to correctly place it at the right angle.
  2. You can "unlist" the item and delete it from your Magicbox. After a few days, an additional option will appear, giving you the option to "delete" the listing from "manage inventory". Please note, even when the item is deleted, the title of the item will still appear for you, when you conduct searches in "manage inventory"
  3. How long ago did your friend purchase the item? I have found a delay of two/three hours in items being delivered.
  4. Dazler

    SKU when selling?

    This field allows you to add a "code" which may make your role as a merchant easier. It is an optional field and so you are free to leave it empty. If you are a very organised person, you may want to add some code (such as BC1 for "black coat sized as small") so that when you work with your listings in the future, it is quicker and easier to locate items. Most merchants, I guess, leave this field empty.
  5. Dazler


    Undelivered Marketplace Items: First of all, just be patient. The software for the marketplace is often unreliable and it may take anything from a few minutes up to an hour for the item to arrive. If after a few hours, the item has not arrived, just go to the Marketplace site and click on "My Account" under "My Marketplace" at the very top of the screen. You can see here if you have been billed or not by going to "Order History" on the left hand side of the screen. If you haven't been billed, it will explain that the money has been refunded and a payment of zero will be shown. The on screen notes will leave you in doubt of whether you have been billed or not. If you have not been billed, you may want to make a second attempt at buying the product. If you have been billed, simply send the merchant a notecard inworld. (A notecard is more reliable than an instant message, as instant messages are often capped for merchants who receive a lot of correspondence.) Make sure that your notecard is polite and contains details of the failed transaction. Most merchants will be very willing to resend the item. Please give them a day or two to reply - don't expect an answer within minutes. You must remember that merchants are no different to you and do not sit by their computers at all hours of the day. One final word, to reduce the chances of the problem occurring again, remember not to buy multiple items at the same time,as this may increase the chance of causing the software to fail. It's safer to buy one object at a time.
  6. Another user has reported the same problem at this thread: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Your-Avatar/deliveries-failing-AFTER-acceptance-major/m-p/1246073 I know that no one has replied and solved your problem yet but, if you watch the thread above, you may find some helpful pointers.
  7. I have used the Second Life viewer (and others too) and I can confirm that this has never happened to me. It is my guess that this problem could be due to some other software that you have installed, software from a less reliable source, I think?
  8. (1) The arrow up means that someone is at a higher level than you. The arrow down means that someone is at a lower level than you. The circle means that they are at the same level. (2) If the clothes are modifiable, you can right click on them and remove the glow in the texture tab. (3) Yes. Everyone hears the same music.
  9. Some merchants include a variety of hair types, some scripted and some not, to cater for all tastes of customers. Look inside the folder or prim that your purchase came in and check that there are not more hair styles included.
  10. I can't offer you a solution but I do sympathise with you 100%. I do hope that many merchants may read this thread and understand that it is incredibly rude and irritating to SPAM loyal customers with a barrage of junk "offers" - to be honest, if I was aware that a merchant intended to abuse my custom by thinking that they had some "right" to SPAM me with unwanted mail shots, I would have never offered them my custom in the first place.
  11. Sadly, it is not possible. If you want to avoid the glare of a particular "follower" you will need to make a new account.
  12. Undelivered Marketplace Items: First of all, just be patient. The software for the marketplace is often unreliable and it may take anything from a few minutes up to an hour for the item to arrive. If after a few hours, the item has not arrived, just go to the Marketplace site and click on "My Account" under "My Marketplace" at the very top of the screen. You can see here if you have been billed or not by going to "Order History" on the left hand side of the screen. If you haven't been billed, it will explain that the money has been refunded and a payment of zero will be shown. The on screen notes will leave you in doubt of whether you have been billed or not. If you have not been billed, you may want to make a second attempt at buying the product. If you have been billed, simply send the merchant a notecard inworld. (A notecard is more reliable than an instant message, as instant messages are often capped for merchants who receive a lot of correspondence.) Make sure that your notecard is polite and contains details of the failed transaction. Most merchants will be very willing to resend the item. Please give them a day or two to reply - don't expect an answer within minutes. You must remember that merchants are no different to you and do not sit by their computers at all hours of the day. One final word, to reduce the chances of the problem occurring again, remember not to buy multiple items at the same time,as this may increase the chance of causing the software to fail. It's safer to buy one object at a time.
  13. Undelivered Marketplace Items: First of all, just be patient. The software for the marketplace is often unreliable and it may take anything from a few minutes up to an hour for the item to arrive. If after a few hours, the item has not arrived, just go to the Marketplace site and click on "My Account" under "My Marketplace" at the very top of the screen. You can see here if you have been billed or not by going to "Order History" on the left hand side of the screen. If you haven't been billed, it will explain that the money has been refunded and a payment of zero will be shown. The on screen notes will leave you in doubt of whether you have been billed or not. If you have not been billed, you may want to make a second attempt at buying the product. If you have been billed, simply send the merchant a notecard inworld. (A notecard is more reliable than an instant message, as instant messages are often capped for merchants who receive a lot of correspondence.) Make sure that your notecard is polite and contains details of the failed transaction. Most merchants will be very willing to resend the item. Please give them a day or two to reply - don't expect an answer within minutes. You must remember that merchants are no different to you and do not sit by their computers at all hours of the day. One final word, to reduce the chances of the problem occurring again, remember not to buy multiple items at the same time,as this may increase the chance of causing the software to fail. It's safer to buy one object at a time.
  14. Undelivered Marketplace Items: If after a few hours, the item has not arrived, just go to the Marketplace site and click on "My Account" under "My Marketplace" at the very top of the screen. You can see here if you have been billed or not by going to "Order History" on the left hand side of the screen. If you haven't been billed, it will explain that the money has been refunded and a payment of zero will be shown. The on screen notes will leave you in doubt of whether you have been billed or not. If you have not been billed, you may want to make a second attempt at buying the product. If you have been billed, simply send the merchant a notecard inworld. (A notecard is more reliable than an instant message, as instant messages are often capped for merchants who receive a lot of correspondence.) Make sure that your notecard is polite and contains details of the failed transaction. Most merchants will be very willing to resend the item. Please give them a day or two to reply - don't expect an answer within minutes. You must remember that merchants are no different to you and do not sit by their computers at all hours of the day. One final word, to reduce the chances of the problem occurring again, remember not to buy multiple items at the same time,as this may increase the chance of causing the software to fail. It's safer to buy one object at a time.
  15. Go to the Marketplace site and click on "My Account" under "My Marketplace" at the very top of the screen. You can see here if you have been billed or not by going to "Order History" on the left hand side of the screen. If you haven't been billed, it will explain that the money has been refunded and a payment of zero will be shown. The on screen notes will leave you in doubt of whether you have been billed or not. If you have not been billed, you may want to make a second attempt at buying the product. If you have been billed, simply send the merchant a notecard inworld. (A notecard is more reliable than an instant message, as instant messages are often capped for merchants who receive a lot of correspondence.) Make sure that your notecard is polite and contains details of the failed transaction. Most merchants will be very willing to resend the item. Please give them a day or two to reply - don't expect an answer within minutes. You must remember that merchants are no different to you and do not sit by their computers at all hours of the day. One final word, to reduce the chances of the problem occurring again, remember not to buy multiple items at the same time,as this may increase the chance of causing the software to fail. It's safer to buy one object at a time. As an additional note, you will need to remove avatar names from your post to comply with the terms and conditions of this site.
  16. I know what the problem is and I can sympathize with you. It has happened to me when I have sold non-copiable items. I simply refunded the money when the item was lost and "took it on the chin." The best way to avoid this from happening it to buy inworld. The safest way of buying and selling valuable items (such as Meeroo) is for the seller to simply price the Meeroo inworld and for you to click on it and buy it. Sadly, items are sometimes lost in transit on the marketplace. The seller really should keep a record of the ID of the item (something I didn't do in my case) and then, if the item is lost, the seller should raise a ticket on the Meeroo website support section and ask for a replacement. Please note, it is not your responsibility to raise a ticket - although you may have bought the Meeroo, since you never rezzed it inworld, it will be stored on the Meeroo database under the previous owner. Only the owner is able to ask for a replacement.
  17. I can't solve your problem but I can confirm that I am experiencing the same issue. I have tried many possible "solutions" but the problem remains. I guess it is just another bug in the system.
  18. The backlight is incredibly powerful and dramatic. The inclusion of the autumn falling leaves certainly makes the composition more mellow.
  19. The best way of gaining privacy is to open another account (called an "Alt") and then use that instead. Don't tell any of your old friends of your new identity and then use your Alt as your main account.
  20. Hello. You have posted your rant on a public forum. The users who read it are no different to you - we are all residents of Second Life. This "question and answer" area exists only as a self help area. If you were to use lower-case (non-shouting) and explain your problem rationally, I am sure you would get a lot of valuable feedback and suggestions to your problems.
  21. If you have been billed, simply send the merchant a notecard inworld. (A notecard is more reliable than an instant message, as instant messages are often capped for merchants who receive a lot of correspondence.) Make sure that your notecard is polite and contains details of the failed transaction. Most merchants will be very willing to resend the item. Please give them a day or two to reply - don't expect an answer within minutes. You must remember that merchants are no different to you and do not sit by their computers at all hours of the day. One final word, to reduce the chances of the problem occurring again, remember not to buy multiple items at the same time,as this may increase the chance of causing the software to fail. It's safer to buy one object at a time.
  22. What a lovely evocative extract! I must congratulate you on your superb choice of musical background.
  23. What a lovely evocative extract! I must congratulate you on your superb choice of musical background.
  24. I own an iPhone and currently use two different apps to access Second Life (Search for "Second Life" in the Apple Apps Store) Both apps are extremely limited and have basic functionality. The bottom line is that you are able to do just a very little more than send text messages using these and so I tend to keep these apps to one side for emergencies, when I am unable to use my laptop and need to send my apologies for my absence.
  25. I own an iPhone and currently use two different apps to access Second Life (Search for "Second Life" in the Apple Apps Store) Both apps are extremely limited and have basic functionality. The bottom line is that you are able to do just a very little more than send text messages using these and so I tend to keep these apps to one side for emergencies, when I am unable to use my laptop and need to send my apologies for my absence.
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