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Velk Kerang

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Everything posted by Velk Kerang

  1. All rightey then. So ok. New day. New song to start your day off with even. Let's see how many of you will actually stay on topic today. Please no more private messages folks. I know your fans, but I can't go out with you. Not gonna happen. ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  2. I'd probably be all right with it if it's mainly for linden purchases and what not and they had an email option. I just don't want to have to authenticate every time I log in though. lol So I guess I'd just have to wait and see how they implemented it because for all I know it might not even bother me. As long as I don't need to download an app I'd probably be fine. I am slow to change on some things. I'm still sporting an old flip phone. lol I don't much care for them new phones with their beep, beep, beep, beep, beeps. lol ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  3. Oh well personally I'd probably quit in a heart beat if I were being totally honest. Try to anyway. lol Because that would be my first impulse reaction. lol The reality of what will more then likely happen though is my SL wife would probably talk me out of it though. lol I look at it like this. I've been around since the birth of the internet as I am sure a lot of us have and I have never once had a problem handling my own online security. I don't see a reason why I need to have somebody else do it for me now. So it'd be more of an issue of logging online even less then I already do now. If I am not on with her doing family stuff or what ever else I am usually helping someone with something and when I am not doing either of those things if I do bother to log on I generally log in with a text viewer to check up on friends and see how they are doing. I have a chin wag for a bit and leave basically. That's my exciting routine of Second Life. lol To get back on topic though I don't have a problem if they add it. Just don't try to force it on me because I'd be even less inclined to spend money here then I already am. I just want it to be my choice whether or not to use it is all I am really saying. ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  4. It's just the way some mmos try to force you to upgrade or subscribe mate. Take Star Wars: The Old Republic for example. You have to subscribe in order to have 2FA and if you unsubscribe with out turning it off then you have to reup your sub basically just to turn it off. In the end I personally found 2FA is more of an annoyance then it is actually a help. I don't really care if they add it as long as it's not a forced thing like some companies have done.๐Ÿ˜Ž
  5. ROTFLMAO!!!! Wow! lol Until today I would have never thought to even look at it that way. lol You Sir. have totally reshaped the way I'll view that from now on by permanently embedding it in to my brain with the word pizza! Thank you so very much for that. lol I did not see that coming. lol You definitely got my vote on today's Best Post Ever Award!!!! Lmao!!!!๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  6. Well I know that was pretty much meant as a jab as about every single comment you've ever made to me is. So now that you've taken your swing and you missed and in the interest of moving on as I stated before I did not know how far different their training would deviate from mine. I can say if the clips of the officers actions in that video are any indication of his actual training program then he is training them to react in a war time situation, hence the term warrior mindset, much as solders are trained if terrorists have infiltrated a military base which is not the correct training for dealing with civilians. When dealing with civilians your required to have more of a guardian mindset. I never met this man. Heck I never even heard of him until now. He didn't train with me and I did not ever sit in one of his seminars. I also will not comment one way or the other on his actual training until I've actually heard his entire training seminar. Posting extremely low quality videos of shootings on top of a short clip and uploading it to Youtube doesn't exactly prove the actions taken by those officers were a direct result of that mans training. In fact each shooting would need to be examined further in order to determine why they took place. There is simply not enough information present on that video to have an actual informed opinion. It was edited and designed to provoke an emotional response and judging by the Youtube comments on the video mission accomplished. The reality is you don't see everything on that video and there is no real way to know what the officers seen first hand in actually being there or even experienced that made them react the way they did. Now that having been said from the outside looking in from the birds eye perspective view sure they seemed way entirely to trigger happy and they need to be off the streets. Going by the clips only that would indeed be the case. However what is not shown in that video is what type of area they are in, how often they get shot at in that location that would in turn cause them to react in such a manner to be jumpy and quick on the draw, or what may have came up when they ran the license plates while pulling them over, what actions transpired prior to the shootings on top of a whole other buffet of variables that lead up to the few seconds of violence clipped in to this video. In short this video proves absolute dip. It served it's purpose though. I'll give it that.๐Ÿ™„ Now please understand that is not me necessarily disagreeing with you or dismissing what you said because for all I know you can be calling it right on the money and this guy is a dirty ace. That is me saying if you have any real actual detailed information on anything contained in that video then by all means please feel free to share it and I will be more then happy to look it over. I'd particularly be interested in a video of his entire seminar if one exists so I can hear exactly what it is he is actually teaching in a full on session to the officers who attend. Until then I have no comment on the video one way or the other.๐Ÿ˜Ž
  7. This kind of stood out to me and so I have to ask. How does that make someone look like a one-dimensional bore? I mean there is only so many things someone can put on the front page of their profile as it is anyway and most people generally list their interests in their pick tabs I would think that elaborate on more about them even which is what I usually recommend to people to do. So I was just curious about where your train of thought was on that. Thanks in advance.๐Ÿ˜Ž
  8. Should the permission system be revised? No. Absolutely not. Right now it works fine and has been fine for years. If it ain't broke don't fix it. This game has enough problems with out them messing with stuff that already works fine as it is. Let them fix the shirt that needs to be fixed. If they work on the fixed stuff they'll fork it up in the long run and it'll be worse. The grid is already laggier then it ever was before they went changing how the back end worked. Every single time something that worked perfectly fine gets tampered with it goes to snot in a snow cone. Just leave it be. lol Back slowly away from the computers with your hands up and don't try to fix jack. lol ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  9. When someone says they wonder something the question is implied due to lack of education on the matter. You are now educated. You're welcome.๐Ÿ˜Ž
  10. I wasn't gonna post anymore, but I'll answer this question since it's in my area of expertise. In all the years I was on the job any seminars or joint trainings I ever attended with any local law enforcement agencies not a single solitary one was ever held to train cops to kill with out hesitation. I believe that is taken out of context. While my training I am sure was a slightly different and a little more advanced considering I trained more with the military, but I would assume the core basics would be the same. I could be wrong. That being said I was trained to only ever pull my weapon only after all other alternatives have been exhausted and there is absolutely no other course of action to take. The kill with out hesitation part is in regards to if you pull your weapon do not hesitate to fire your weapon or else you will die. That is what that means. In my years I never have not once ever not been able to find a solution that would result in me pulling my weapon. I've always been able to disarm someone if the situation called for it. I would think they would have similar training considering they deal directly with the public more. The issue is they need more mental health programs in place for those officers because they do deal with the public more. They are the first people the public poops on and they deal with a lot of ignorant and life threatening crap on a day to day basis and yet they are also the first to be called for help. That is not an easy job and they don't get no where near the respect they deserve and the pay for dangers and risks they take on a daily basis. And when a few bad apples royally fork up they all get pooped on and blamed because of it. Personally I find it interesting people in America complain about the police because in Germany at least when I lived there anyway there was no such thing as police brutality. If you smarted off they beat your behind in to the ground. You DO show them respect in that country. They don't tolerate or put up with the amount of stupid we tolerate in this country. And they got a massively low crime rate compared to us too for it. I personally think we need to take a page out their handbook. Bet you there would be less crime, less cops with mental issues, and less cases of cops crossing the line if the penalties for it were a lot more harsher then what they are now. I am sure someone will have something to say against my opinion, but I don't really care. lol Anyway question answered. Carry on. lol๐Ÿ˜Ž
  11. See I am kind of the same way. We'd probably get along fine then. lol What I actually get annoyed by is when I get dragged to these so called business meetings when I am doing someone a favor and helping people out on here and people are adding each other which is fine, but there is always that one person in the room who will say something like I want to talk more before I add you to my list. Then I have to say well I guess you ain't adding me then because we ain't gonna chat that much and I only ever offer friendship once. Lmao!!!!๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜Ž
  12. There were ZERO holes poked in my point of view. No one offered up an even remotely intelligent perspective on anything I had to say. So I wouldn't call it an argument because it was more like I indulged a lot of stupidity to pass the time. The time is now past. Thank you all for playing.๐Ÿ˜Ž
  13. Well by your logic genius hopefully you don't live in a bad neighborhood and ever get raped by a gang member because by your brilliant logic no one should help you because more will show up. Good information to have. lol I am so totally done with this conversation. lol I've indulged you far longer then I should have. lol ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  14. Good job on sounding like a bigot. We now know your true colors.๐Ÿ˜Ž
  15. No it's not and you didn't answer the question. You avoided and deflected it. Police officer or not doesn't matter. Anyone can be armed. Any group of people can be armed. Calling the police would be a given in the situation. However right in that very moment a man has his hands around your neck strangling you to death. Do you prefer the kind of help that is yelling across the street and videoing it so the cops can have the evidence for a conviction by the time they make it to your very dead body or do you prefer the kind of help that actually takes action to save your behind?๐Ÿ™„
  16. If by helping you mean standing around yelling over at them then sure if you want to class it as that. Now let me ask you a question. If a man breaks in to your home and tries to murder you. Am I helping you out if I stand across the street and yell at him while I video him strangling you to death or am I helping you by taking action and breaking his hands clean off? Which would you prefer? ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  17. If they were doing their jobs there would have been no need for crowd control in the first place.๐Ÿ™„
  18. Let me correct you. You mean prevent 4 armed police officers from committing a murder? You bet your ass I am advocating it. Let me guess your the type of POS coward who'd stand there and video it. You seem the type. ๐Ÿคจ
  19. I just caught this. That was an incredibly ignorant statement considering I am a person of color and so are my supporters. lol Just thought you should know. lol ๐Ÿ˜Ž
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