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Akasha Sternberg

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Everything posted by Akasha Sternberg

  1. isn´t it? I did blog posts inspired by those challenges in my previous days plus you really got to browse and organise your inventory to have that work
  2. oh I tend to ask friends for like a colour or the first style they can think of... had blue, neko maid, 60s glam, romper and now spandex recently
  3. hanging out in London after someone gave me "Spandex" as a clue for today´s style challenge... had to take my super cool glasses and armbands off due to region´s cmplexity stuff but ahhhh well...
  4. once more hanging out in London, been on voice with the admins and some regulars earlier but now it´s just boring... we´ll see
  5. haha bless Matt let´s hope he was nice at least, your type even? Maybe?
  6. we need all of those including others - just... give us MOAR in any direction really...^^ plus depending on the situation "are you nuts" doesn´t necessarily have to be negative... for example I tend to answer with "hell yes I am ...."
  7. now that was a short night for me but yeah ^^ morning folks.... btw feel free to hit me up inworld at one point or another (same name)
  8. ohh have been grabbing some ExXeSs lately - I love her stuff and have from the beginning (in fact she was my first sponsor ^^) ^^ Got quite a lot of the Exile stuff, too^^
  9. hm ... gibt es auch nochirgendetwas aktives OHNE BSDM, Sex, Skinny Dipping, Beach, Strip, Sex im Namen oder Simbeschreibung, das aktiv ist und wo man nicht ständig IMs mit "hi" bekommt? IRGENDWAS;-; Ich mein .... so ... GANZ ohne.... ich will das einfach nicht mehr, da hatte ich früher schon viel zu viel von...irgendwann muss es auch mal gut sein Normal für SL gut und schön, aber wenns schon im Namen steht.... da bin ich irgendwo doch ein verbranntes Kind
  10. What Jewell said but additionally: there IS a model scene in SL, YES! But it´s just as unromantic and harsh as it is in RL, 99% do not make paid jobs, there aren´t too many newcomers. You won´t be hired by the big ones unless you graduate from renouned Academies and their courses are expensive. They´re worth their money though. After that it´s casting after casting. Being hired just like that - I´m sorry but that mh... nope Damn I hate being the crasher of dreams but I had to learn that myself (I had graduated from 2 classes in the past but they weren´t big enough, didn´t have a chance at castings though I did have a few paid jobs - nothing big though^^ - I tend to blogging then - yep another one of those - and had quite some success with that^^ but that´s in the past now, too^^)
  11. been there been there - well the shopping and hanging out part at least ^^ It´d help if people posted some successrate in their looking for friends posts wouldn´t it? cos idk if there´s as many people reading them as we would think... Good luck though and keep us posted
  12. wb, returned from a 2.5yr hiatus myself so I know that feeling then I second Ivanova - WHAT? WHERE? and now I´ll eff off to research on that bento stuff (I´m getting hungry here... bento for me are asian lunchboxes XD)
  13. well jump into your logs willya *pushes her* it would be 2 wins at once GO GO GO..and keep us posted BTT though: Hanging out in London, pondering where to go to explore next and if anybody will notice the TIE fighters on my pullover (And who would a) drink Heineken and b) why would they not cool it XD)
  14. Great Britain and Ireland eat that amongst other stuffs for brekkie Hm an european meetup would be nice, yeah. I can´t host it cos...well... no land but feel free to hit me up inworld (well in any case really)
  15. back in finally... I managed to get into Syn City which was featured on the left side ... managed to TP around, too
  16. chances are good s/he won´t be able to enter either... maybe s/he´ll even read this
  17. WEEEEELL.... you know how things go... you wake up...cuddle the cats... turn around again, nap some more....blink twice - oh damn... 6pm OOPS!!!
  18. that´s such a cool look! Have you managed to schedule a shooting yet?
  19. /me sits next to Ruby "Hey there, but then I´ve read a message that it´d be all good... still not working for me"
  20. Mir geht´s ähnlich wie Anke, manchmal muss man sich ja auch mal was von der Seele kotzen Ich habs nur gestern abend mal in nem deutschen Club versucht, joa... mal schauen. London lieb ich ja, aber der Sim macht mich nach 2 Wochen langsam wieder wahnsinnig... *uff* BDSM/Sex Sims sind dann doch eher nicht so meins die überlass ich dann eher anderen. Man probiert ja Dinge, aber... das muss ich nicht wiederholen
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