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Everything posted by Mayalily

  1. If you don't like the You Tube ones, no one is forcing you to look at them and you are not handcuffed in a chair and made at gunpoint to open any You Tube thread, so let others enjoy them, and start another topic. It's that easy. You just hit the 'start a thread' green button, and voila, you've got a topic.
  2. Ima Rang wrote: Canoro Philipp wrote: you are welcome to come whenever you want, is a public forum. you know why the forums are not like the old GD? because the people who had the old GD that way was not here. this is the result, the forums at their current state. you are welcome to post threads and comment, i invite the old GD to come back to the forums, maybe you will give it a new direction. lets see how many come. Thanks! For a minute there I was thinking we were not welcome to come back. For the record, I am not saying that I don't like the forums, I am saying that it is lacking in the personality department, where before, we had some wonderful parodies, satire, irony and generally a set of humor that was appealing I suppose to a particular personality type. I see most of those type threads pulled, and pulled quickly...Why? Sugar and spice and everything nice is awesome and a loving and endearing community where everyone states they agree with each other in 150 threads with 10-15 agreeable post each is great...but...nothing you can really chew on or laugh at. Laughter is good medicine. Why can't we temporarily derail a thread for a bit of humor and then migrate back to the topic at hand? Why can't I tell Chris Norse that he is insane as he damn well knows that Malted Milk balls are digestive tract grenades, disguised as confections, manufactured by satans minions, and I know this to be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth because I am lactose intolerant! Happy my ass...oh wait... As far as some of us going away, well yeah, we did. I have a child and a job and the new forum did not get situated well until early spring. I, and I suspect a lot of others have been engaing in spring and summer vacations and family fun and sun stuffs. The above post you wrote is an over reaction, and not true. There have hardly been any threads pulled at all. And, we also are allowed humor and mild derailment, and these threads or posts are not pulled, just the ones with name calling and/or hate speech in them are deleted.
  3. Not that many are pulled that I've seen, so I think you are over reacting. Also, why make a post like the one above and just complain? Why not just start some interesting thread topics instead?
  4. Oh, thanks for letting me know that. I thought I was being a pain in the neck when I was homeless because my avatar would always be moved somewhere else (to a different sim) when I logged back on. So, I was wondering what was up with that? I assumed I was a pain in the neck on their sim as they always moved my avatar to a whole other location. I think the thing I love most about renting is it's a private place to work on creative things, even including working on the shape of your avatar without distraction, and there is no big commitment as it's a week to week basis. So, you could even rent for one week to try it, and then if you don't like it, you can be homeless again, and not be out much money at all just for trying for one week.
  5. If you use Marketplace, having your own rental home is the greatest place to open boxes, work on chims, learn about some editing, set up your own photography area for private use not commercial use, change outfits or make unique outfits using many different pieces from outfits to sort of make your own unique creation in privacy and without distraction, or to teleport to get away from griefers in an emergency, not have to go to changing rooms, enjoy the music piped into your rental home (you often have several urls for music to chose from). I love having my own private space and it's huge, 2-story, 2-bedrooms with a kitchen for about $6 U.S. Dollars a month. So that is so worth it to me, especially since I am mostly a Marketplace shopper. (Marketplace is not rezzed nor inworld; Marketplace is right here on this website - just point your mouse at shopping rather than community). Trying to open boxes in other sims is often not allowed at all, so I'd have to find a place to go to open my Marketplace boxes. I was homeless for awhile and didn't really like it, as my avatar was always booted somewhere else to a different sim. Some sim owner's don't like dead bots hanging around, as they need to be sim maintenance, etc. So when we are homeless, we are considered a pain in the neck. There are some rental homes that are fairly large and cost is about $4 U.S. Dollars a month; that's hardly anything. So, it's way worth it to me! ETA: You should probably rent first to see if you like it. Sometimes, the contract is only to rent for a week. If after a week you don't like it, you can just pack up and leave. I wouldn't recommend buying land as the first thing to try because then you'd be stuck and have to try to sell the land again. With renting, even after one week, you can just leave.
  6. Forums could get rid of the problem of having to be PG only, but allocating a particular part of the forum for over 18 only; keeping it closed to the public, but allowed for a sign in with an 18 or over verification. I've often wondering why some forums don't do that? There is no reason adults should be so censored from our fun or discussions because we -- the adults -- are the one's paying for the internet in the first place. Children and teenagers still living off Mom and Dad, do not pay for the internet. Adult's should be allowed an adult internet since they/we/me/you are the main payees.
  7. Oh, there are some great music critics and books written by music critics. Taught me a lot, and I mean a lot, about music; it's progression, who influenced who, what techniques they used to get a particular sound, so on and so forth. Since I don't write music, the books have taught me so much on what goes into writing an usually creative and artistic song. Critics understand song structure (that A, B, C thing, or A A thing, or A B thing, many different song structures), unusual chord changes, all kinds of things. But I do understand what you mean by critics, they are useful for some info, but not always correct for our own particular tastes. I'm thinking of movies here and their star rating. I've seen some movies that were rated two stars and I thought deserved three stars, etc... I'll watch a movie if I like the actors and even though it might have gotten bad reviews, I like to watch the movie and decide for myself. However, the majority of the time, the movie critics turn out to be right, but not always right. Critics are a useful tool for information because they have studied music or studied film. What they have to say is interesting, but that doesn't equate to anyone loving that music or movie simply because it is critically acclaimed, or vice versa.
  8. Dres, I love Jolene. I don't like country music much, but I've heard Jolene on SL several times now. That song almost makes me cry. I think it's a good song, tugs at my heart a lot.
  9. Well, The Beatles are loved by songwriters the world over and have had an influence on so many song writers that came after. So, I think that yes The Beatles should be in any top 500 simply because of the influence they had over song writing post Beatles. And not plagarized like Lady Gaga, but rather gave influence to many, many songwriters that some of you all love in this thread as in the song structure: verse, chorus, bridge, etc.
  10. I don't think so. After listening to it yesterday (as neither is really my type of music), that "just be a drag, just be a Queen" sounds exactly like something from Madonna's "Vogue". So Gaga used two songs of Madonna's - Express Yourself and Vogue, to make Born This Way. If Gaga ever emerges with her own style, then whether she has talent or not is worthy of a discussion.
  11. Me too! Had a nice lunch while they were playing! The Cure, I've heard of them before, but now I really like them, a lot! Great songs! I'll enjoy more over dinner! Oh yeah, had to dance to quite a few too before lunch was ready! Thanks for the work out!
  12. OMG, I never heard of this at Wembley Stadium, and yes it's on Amazon and soon will be mine, as soon as I get a copy that is! Let's see of the ones listed so far that I have heard so far: Love anything Neil Young just about, love anything Santana (incredible guitarist) just about. Other songs I've heard and loved listed here: My Sharronna, Roxanne, Alison (love Elvis Costello, haven't heard one song by him on SL yet), Layla, Whole Lotta Rosie. Those are some I've heard and can concur they are great songs! The rest I'll listen too over lunch! (Haven't heard Veronica yet 'cuz Gypsy and I posted at the same time!) I heard "Melinda" by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers last night and I was like that is one incredible song! I'd heard Melinda before, but last night it really hit me like this is one incredible song and made me think of songs with female names, as I thought there weren't too many at first, but there are a lot, which is surprising to me. I never realized it before that there were so many, and thanks Lynda for the list. I'm like, that's a lot! I gotta get the Foo-Fighters at Wembley for sure though, and soon!
  13. That is one amazing song, Lynda! Incredible! Thanks for sharing!
  14. Love this one too: There's a bunch more I love, I just can't think of them right now.
  15. Here are a few of mine to start off with, and I'm adding Valerie in there for Valerie... hope you feel better soon, Valerie! Hope you enjoy The Monkees singing Valleri to you! Crenshaw: Perfectly Crafted Pop Song! (words plagarized by me from a You Tube poster. Those four words sum up Crenshaw for me: Perfectly Crafted Pop Song!
  16. Gaga could never be on any serious critic's list; not even in the top 500. It's a total rip off of Madonna, and Madonna is way better! There's also one video on You Tube that shows Lady Gaga in almost complete copycat outfits of Madonna's. Lady Gag-gag would be a better name as she has no talent whatsoever; she just copies Madonna. And, that be a drag, just be a Queen sounds like plagarism of Madonna's Vogue. Born This Way is also said to be plagarism of Express Yourself, but that's up to Madonna. Madonna chose to overlook it. Why? I have no idea, as it's plagarism. I heard it just by listening to the songs, but on You Tube there are a bunch of videos that play both songs, as it's compared to plagarism of Madonna's Express Yourself. ETA: Video below:
  17. The Beatles are incredible, but I love John Lennon's solo work and George Harrison's solo work much better than Paul McCartney. I'm not much of a McCartney solo fan, but John and George love, plus George with The Traveling Wilbury's. I dont' care for Lady Gaga as she reminds me of Madonna and I'm like Madonna already wrote a song like "Born This Way" and it was called "Express Yourself" which is a better song between the two. Gaga, no thank you. Madonna I like for dancing, but have no songs of hers in my library. As far as Paul McCartney and Wings, I'd prefer to skip them altogether... too sappy. So some Beatles stuff, but no Paul solo stuff, no Silly Love Songs or any Wings would I like to hear. Paul's solo stuff is drivel. So if you have Paul's solo stuff or any Wings, I'd prefer to skip it, so let me know. I can't stand Paul's solo stuff, so that would have to go! lol Here's one amazing quality music video I was just listening too on You Tube. Keith Emerson with John Entwistle. What a rare gem I found, I hope you enjoy! Poster's on You Tube were saying John Entwistle stole the show! ETA: I had to go find this video because my land lady pipes in some great music. Fanfare For the Common Man was playing in my SL house last night before I sadly crashed, and I was like OMG; someone with incredible music taste; that's my land lady! She pipes in some great choons. However, if the music degrades, I'll tell her about your url. But, my land lady, man, she rocks! She pipes in some great choons!
  18. Beautiful, especially the ocean shot. I love the sandcastle art that they do in California. It's all done by hand, then they take photos of the finished sandcastle art, and then it just washes out to sea never to return again. It's amazing! The Pacific Ocean is so blue. I found when I went to the Atlantic, the water looked a little more greyish in color or more like grey-blue than the deep blue of the Pacific Ocean. When I photographed the Atlantic Ocean, I decided to do it in black and white with high contrast because the ocean had too much of a grey tone to it, so to get contrast, I went black and white. The Atlantic ocean looked more like the below photo, so I went high contrast black and white. Photo: Long Beach Island below.
  19. Oh, what's wrong, Valerie? Well, you don't need to tell us on a public forums, but my prayers will be with you, and we should create more fun threads for you to enjoy while in the hospital. Anyhow, prayers go out to you.
  20. Yes been there, it's amazing, and so is the cave tour of Crystal Cave in the Sequoia's. http://www.google.com/search?q=crystal+cave&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=zbl&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=s&prmd=ivnso&source=lnms&tbm=isch&ei=H6hPTrWHDYTkiAK5pr2MAQ&sa=X&oi=mode_link&ct=mode&cd=2&ved=0CAwQ_AUoAQ&biw=1115&bih=567#q=crystal+cave+sequoia&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=Mcl&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=s&tbm=isch&tbas=0&source=lnt&sa=X&ei=NqhPTtjWOYnRiAKP_PV8&ved=0CBIQpwUoAA&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=9d974fa7a006a50a&biw=1115&bih=567
  21. I know but I love Victorian homes and early Americana. I have photographed Victorian homes all over California, but with free pictures on the internet, people hardly buy photography books anymore. Some people have told me it's almost impossible to get a book published these days, unless you try to publish your own. So my photos just sit for me to enjoy them, though they have a more close-up feel to them and I tried to capture the soul and essence of the home more than anything, such as fragile lace curtains blowing thru the magnificent windows. My favorite photo that I ever took was of a giant Victorian home in the middle of central California that had a clothes line with long john underwear blowing in the breeze on the clothes line. It was a photo that looked like something from 100 years ago, and nothing had changed. I haven't been to Ferndale yet. And, even though some of these towns might look boring or like a completely sleepy town, they sure party like it's 1999 in those places once it turns twilight! If you ever get a chance Dillon, the Apple Farm is an amazing bed and breakfast Victorian town with a horse and buggy ride and the Apple Farm at Christmas time is just glorious with antique decorated Christmas trees everywhere; it's so pretty! @ Celestial, my rl bf would love to go with you! His dream is to see space. He should have been an astronaut, but then again, NASA is scaling back and canceling programs now, so he'd be out of a job right now if he had trained in that field. As for nature, I'm kind of like Ishy, if I think there is going to be bad water, bugs or snakes, I'd rather go somewhere safe and have fun, plus I have a passion for great workmanship and antiques. So, it's all good, except for snakes and brain-eating aomebas. ETA: Aomebas, that reminds me of the little girl in the movie "Signs". The little girl keeps refusing to drink water because she thinks the water has aomebas in it. I never understood that part of the movie, 'til now.
  22. Cape May, New Jersey. I was here. I photographed this same house and the same wicker set too, but mine are way better and more still life and "arty". This might look like a sleeping town, but in the Summer, man do they party, and the musicians are great, too! Great night life here also, though you'd never think it. Very talented musicians; we had a wonderful time! It's so green everywhere too in New Jersey; it's very beautiful.
  23. Probably somewhere with Victorian homes, but the weather would have to be right. I'd pick Eureka, California or Cape May, New Jersey. There are lots of Victorian homes in California. It is beautiful here! This was taken in Eureka, California.
  24. Most of the threads that get pulled are because they have people's names in them, such as username not meaning real name, and/or have something that invades privacy, such as copying and pasting a discussion with other user names. Threads that have been pulled are ones started more or less with: so and so did this and what they said was nonsense. Those kind of things can be dealt with in IM. Dealing with it in IM is recommend for this forum when a disagreement happens; and don't start threads with people's names or what they said, nor be harassing or use hate speech. I think those are the basic rules I read for the forum, and those rules work for me. And, have I RIC'ed anything lately? Answer, no. I wasn't involved in any of those threads; someone else reported all those. The forum works for me, most of the time. It's okay as forums go.
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