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Everything posted by Mayalily

  1. Imho, you should definately try it, and let us know what happens. Or, I have other's for you try, but no carpets, etc, and no gimmicks either. Good pheromone perfume brings out your unique scent and it is not urine. Also, good pheromone perfume does not mask your true scent from others as most colognes and perfumes do so if they like your scent, yes they might go a little "crazy". I smell a marriage on the way once you use the right pheromone perfume.
  2. I'm trying to say I have heard some pros and cons already and I don't have the time to devote to a full study to the myriad of studies. What I'm saying is it's not proven one way or the other for sure yet, but there is something that happens olfactory and "chemistry" and "smell-wise" that just happens. I have no time for a debate on pheromones, except to go by experience with the perfumes which are an amazing aphrodisiac, but it still has to be the right person. It's the whole person that we find ourselves attracted too, but the attraction has to start somewhere, and it's usually with a photo or in rl seeing each other, and then eye contact and talking. To start off a relationship, you have to have something to talk about. Pheromones perfume is not really something to talk about, it's something to try, as it's amazing. ETA: What certain pheromone perfumes are meant to do is bring out your scent to the other person, not mask your scent with a cologne or different scent.
  3. I know the disputes that pheromones even exist exits as I've tried pheromones in perfumes. And, I do know a little about perfumes. I found Pheromone perfume quite by mistake, although I had heard of the "rumors" of the pheromone attraction and whether it truly existed in humans or not. I can't say if it truly does or not. I can only say that the perfume if put with the right man and the right everything else is incredibly hetero-erotic, and a man does need to have that "smell"... it's unexplainable, but incredible. It's some kind of explainable "chemistry" that just is, imo.
  4. Yes, I was up watching CNBC when the first plane went into the World Trade Center. I was in shock, and didn't know what to think, but I kept saying "the building is going to come down, get out"! I watched the whole thing from the floor of the New York Stock exchange. Mark Haines was remembered this morning on CNBC when Haines said after the second building went down.... "I've been in this business for thirty years, and I don't know what to do". Mark Haines was one of the heros of 9/11 reporting live on CNBC the whole morning from the floor of Wall Street, without a script. Me and my family were glued to the TV news for at least two weeks. I also was watching live when Maria Bartiromo, another famous wall street anchor was down at tower level and was still speaking to the television even though where she was inside a building, it was covered with dust smoke and unbreathable air. We didn't know, live, if she was going to die or get out of there. It was a miracle that Maria Bartiromo got out. No, I will never forget. People blame America for things when sometimes some American's don't even vote for the people in power. American's also have no control over war related or UN related things. Actually, American's have little control over anything; some of us were simply born here, but I do love America and some of it's freedoms. They sang "God Bless America" this morning for an hour of silence. Some atheist's for example protest God related to anything in America, but I'm glad and almost cried that "God Bless America" got sang this morning for a moment of silence of today's remembrance together. May this never repeat. I was sitting outside on my porch today just being thankful that I can have a Bible in my house if I so chose. In some other countries, they have killed people for having a Bible. That's crazy. ETA: Yes, I prayed this morning. Prayers for the world and my family, etc...
  5. When on the internet, I kind of agree with Ian that just put a rl photo up in the first place in your profile to avoid some of this potential hurt. However, you still have to be attracted to the person's personality, i.e., things in common, something to talk about (insert voice here). That special chemistry that just happens involves the whole person, imo, including looks, but attraction could even be their eyes, their smile, their laugh....it ends up being the whole package, warts and all, as years go by, sometimes. Some relationships will end, and some will go on for decades 'til the end. I agree with Ishy also, that a man needs to smell "right". It's pheromones that cause a chemical attraction between two people and it's one of life's greatest mysteries, as well as the physical, plus their voice, eyes, expressions, so many things. The way they treat you; it's a lot of things that cause the mysterious attraction of two people. Onto the subject of stalking, never acceptable behavior. I wonder if when two people do actually "fall into that 'wereinlove' stage", if pheromones get secreted? When in doubt, Google, right? Unattraction could perhaps cause no pheromones to secrete (?)..
  6. Thank you, Canoro. I think it's hard to pretend sometimes that we are happy when someone who we love dies, but for some reason it seems like we try to do our best at keeping it together for other people. @ Knowl, yes, being goofy can be lots of fun and be a great help to getting through the hardships of life. But, sometimes lately, I just don't feel like being happy. I feel like going to a crying sim rather than bother my friends whether rl or sl. I guess what I'm going through is just called a little time out or perhaps it's just mourning time for awhile. As far as "all the world's a stage"... I think it is referring to the "stages" of life, from infancy to old age and death, and all the roles inbetween that we as character's "play" whether as daughter, sister, friend, spouse, parent, grandparent, etc. ETA: At Bree, I really like your answer very much. What you said Bree has given me a great deal of food for thought. It was a very deep answer. Thanks for sharing that, Bree. All the other answers are very interesting, too. @ Blot, LOL! Well, Tom Cruise makes big money on "the stage" because he is play acting about other's lives and their life circumstances. Although Tom Cruise has his own "stage" and parts to play in his own life, as we all do. It's interesting to note, speaking of 'stages', there are many stages of the grief process... it takes time to play them all out and work through these stages of grieving.
  7. Oh, it's you. Well, yeah, you are adorable my friend and very kind. Thanks for being there today, IF this is "you". I have experienced a death in the family and this, I believe, may be one of my friends. A dear friend. There was no wrong-doing in this matter on the doctor's or other's parts that I can see. She will rest in peace with the Angels, I believe. ty.
  8. You mean the stage is conducted by the "law"? Well, laws are different in every country, and every "society" throughout the history of man. "Laws" are always changing. Besides, no one is perfect. Not one. Not even the 'police'. They are not perfect either. So, I don't understand your point.
  9. What does the quote "All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players." mean to you in rl/in sl?Does this mean the stage is already set for us, as in "the stages" of life? Does it mean we put on faces and masquerade as happy even when we are not? Does it mean we play humorous and goofy, even when we are crying on the inside, and have mostly superficial relationships because it's easier than dealing with the harsh realities of life, such as death? Does it mean we always have to put on a happy face to make other's happy? Does it mean anything/does it mean nothing at all to you? Thanks for replies. 
  10. I'd say artists and historians, and people of any age who don't want blow 'em up "terminator" type games.
  11. Whatever, but I think it's more a long the lines of some people can't handle the truth. Prove my signature wrong while I dream the impossible dream.
  12. Not wishing sickness on a child. Some of the posters (cough, cough trolls) on SL forums who act like kindergartner's and who seriously need a time out with a grounding and need to be grounded for a week or two with no internet, is nauseating for the adults who act like adults on this forum. It's sickening.
  13. It's mostly soda or soft drink where I come from. I don't drink soda, so when offered a choice of soda's, I say "I don't drink soda" and drink water instead. Sodapop was one word at one time though. I've seen that on retro tin pan alley type signs from the 40's and 50's. I used to work in the antiques and collectibles business. ETA: Now waits for a flamewar about my incorrect useage of the word "antiques", or "tin pan alley", or an out of place comma or period, etc, etc.... ad infant naseum.
  14. To address some things in your post here Carole, no he was a very, very good looking guy. Just because someone is good looking does not mean their life is a bed of roses and perfect, nor do all their insecurities go poof. And, I brought up the fact that there is some prejudice in relation to beautiful people whether it is realized by posters in this thread or not as it was an interesting realization on my part when my rl bf and I started a discussion about it. I know some of the prejudice I have received simply for being pretty when I have had to deal with responses such as "Oh, you're so pretty, you will get over it."....or "You're so pretty, you don't have much to worry about". These are silly things to say to a human being and without a reasonable thought behind them. However, I've heard those kinds of responses most of my adult life. What does pretty have to do with being hurt, abused, etc? How would feelings and consequences of abuse change simply because a person is beautiful or not?
  15. I posted another post you neglected to read in this thread regarding the use of the word prejudice. If you are going for definition No. 3 here, then I can't help you understand all the meanings of the word prejudice, Carole and Venus. You both have a dictionary you can go too if you need help understanding a word and it's useages.    [prej-uh-dis] **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://sp.dictionary.com/dictstatic/g/d/dictionary_questionbutton_default.gif" border="0" /> Show IPA noun, verb, -diced, -dic·ing. noun 1. an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason. 2. any preconceived opinion or feeling, either favorable or unfavorable. 3. unreasonable feelings, opinions, or attitudes, especially of a hostile nature, regarding a racial, religious, or national group. 4. such attitudes considered collectively: The war against prejudice is never-ending. 5. damage or injury; detriment: a law that operated to the prejudice of the majority. verb (used with object) 6. to affect with a prejudice, either favorable or unfavorable: His honesty and sincerity prejudiced us in his favor. 
  16. I don't know, Dres. I thought I'd add in definition No. 1 of prejudice, and I think I am using the word correctly in my post. Prejudice, def No. 1 1. an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason. As far as Ishy's examples and especially the pile of doo, I don't think Ishy is being prejudice, I think Ishy is trying to reason. She has customer's to think of also. And while I am in a group that allows all kinds of avi's not everything is black and white. Not everything. However, if you want to be a bunny rabbit, you can be a bunny rabbit; you can be a child avi and relive your childhood if you want too, you can be lots of things where I hang out at times, but a pile of doo or a bloody and gross murdered avatar, well some of this stands to reason as the sim owner where I hang out is a Dj and a very cool sim owner who is very liked by everybody and she has a lot of people to please and does a very good job at it, and it's not easy all of the time to please everyone. She loves all kinds of people, and is extremely tolerant. Would this very tolerant sim owner draw the line at a pile of doo? I don't know; that would be up to her, but she might, and this is moderate also where some "violence" and/or any graphic depictions are not allowed in the first place. 
  17. Much better! Looks great! I am using the old Phoenix right now and it is a pain and a half; it's so slow and not all things will rezz with the old Phoenix. I found Firestorm to be the best viewer I've tried so far, but unfortunately I got broken bridge links in Firestorm and could not get a clean install of Firestorm no matter what I tried. I'm waiting for the next Firestorm update as Firestorm has better graphics for my older computer. I'm just waiting for the next update. I don't see what people are raving about with Phoenix? It has sharper rather than softer angles for the avi's, and the Phoenix viewer performs very poorly on my computer. Firestorm graphics are terrific and Firestorm is so fast! Sometimes, Firestorm is almost lagless, and it's just an amazing viewer. Needs some tweeks here and there, so I'm hoping for a better Firestorm viewer as time marches on. One thing I don't like about the Firestorm viewer is when I type any word in my inventory, all my folders open, and that is a lot of inventory to go through when everything opens like that. I hope they can fix that issue with the inventory and the keyword search in the inventory box so that all the folders do NOT open.
  18. You can have a preconceived notion about a particular group of people without even knowing it. I didn't notice I had this prejudice until my rl bf and I had a discussion when he got his high school yearbook out last week. He showed me all the nice things that some pretty girls had written in his yearbook and he told me he was to shy to ask a pretty girl out in high school, even though by what they wrote, they were obviously interested in him. And, then we started talking about beauty and shyness, and I realized I had that prejudice in SL against very handsome avatars. Now in rl I don't because we communicate with our eyes, our smiles, a nice handshake, and talk with voice inflections we can hear. I don't have this prejudice in rl, but I did come to realize I have it in SL. Could be because SL lacks that human style of communication with our eyes, our smiles, our greetings to one another and our tone of voice, etc. However, after I realized this, I felt bad that I wasn't friendly to the ultra handsome male avatars, so I had to question myself as to why. And, then I realized I feel inferior around them, and that is silly of me. So, I don't want to do that anymore. @ Ishy and her post, I explained what I've seen with most of the really odd avies is that they push other avatars and then push again, and then get ejected. It's the pushing that gets them ejected, and those are the only avi's I've ever seen ejected are the ones who push. I've danced with all kinds of avi's, and I belong to several moderate groups where we allow kid avi's and grandparents, and parents, and every age in between, so even child avi's do not bother me like they do some people. But, then again, perhaps most people are on adult only, which I am not. So, I don't have any prejudice against odd avi's unless they push and keep pushing. @ Carole, your point is noted about the seriousness of real life prejudices. I know, I have lived with prejudice too being a woman. However, there are different ways of using the word prejudice. Example: verb 6. to affect with a prejudice, either favorable or unfavorable: His honesty and sincerity prejudiced us in his favor. There are all kinds of ways to use the word prejudice. 
  19. No, not absurd. Prejudice in this example of the word: any preconceived opinion or feeling, either favorable or unfavorable.  When I see a tall dark and handsome and super rich looking male avatar I have preconceived notions of "I'm not good enough"... "He'll never give me the time of day"... "I'll never measure up"...that sort of thing. It's a preconceived feeling that comes from insecurity, but I do definately notice I feel much more comfortable just talking to a regular every day looking avatar or even one that is a little odd. It's weird how I have this pre-judging feeling towards the ultra handsome avatars. It's kind of like I over look them before I even get to know them or give them a chance. That is a prejudice on my part, most definately. And, I need to get over that.
  20. For me it doesn't have to be an extremely intelligent conversation, as intelligence and knowledge are two separate things. Some times people are judged as unintelligent simply because they are not knowledgeable in a particular area, or because they are just learning English and/or perhaps even just learning how to type. I do like a person who is friendly, funny and kind to talk too whether they are learning English or not. If they are nice and fun and kind, perfect typing or language skills don't mean that much to me as I had a job where I had to work with foreigners a lot, so I'm more used to it than some. @ Ishy, it's interesting that my rl bf said I would get hit on more if I were a plainer, more average looking avatar, as his point was that most men are too shy to talk to a beautiful women as they fear they will get rejected. I do notice that average looking female avatars do get a lot more attention than mine does, which my rl bf thinks is a pretty avatar. After my rl bf told me that, it actually makes me more comfortable to go for the ultra beauty or super knockout look because I'm not looking to hook up with anyone in SL. So, in that sense, if I were a plainer more average avatar and I got hit on all the time, I wouldn't like it, as I don't need that because I am already taken and not available for more than friendship and fun on SL, anyways. It's an interesting thought that came from my rl bf though. It really made me think as I don't want a lot of attention on SL, so this may work for me just great as it will keep the attention away that I don't need. lolz However, even avatar beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I thought my rl bf's point was spot on because I do notice the average looking avatars get all the attention, probably because they don't like look they are trying to hard or they look more real and down to earth. It's that judging a book by the cover thing. Regarding "odd" avatars like dancing cacti for example, I think a lot of people do that NOT for attention but because they don't want to get IM'd all the time as they are probably married in RL and don't want to be bothered with IM attention, etc. So, they become a cactus or something else. It would be an interesting experiment if you Ishy became an ultra good looking male avatar, and I bet you'd find a lot of female avatars too shy to contact that super good looking male avatar and you'd have less fun being beautiful on SL. There is prejudice against beautiful avatars on SL I've noticed, too. I must admit I'm a little shy to IM the ultra good looking male avatars on SL. I just don't feel confident enough to do so. It's an interesting point my rl bf made because I do notice it in myself and my shyness when I encounter a gorgeous, stunning and rich looking male avatar, I start to feel less confident to contact that avatar.
  21. Well, I was called beautiful and pretty all my life by all kinds of people in all age groups, friend or stranger alike. Sometimes I thought I did look pretty or beautiful, but for the most part I always a bit surprised to constantly be called pretty or beautiful. I guess I never saw in myself what other's saw. And I also kept asking myself "why do people say that" as I had nothing to do with the way I was born. Pretty or beautiful is not an accomplishment, it's just how one is born. However, in a painted art medium, it is an accomplishment imo to make an attractive well balanced looking avatar no matter what "style" they are going for. Some of the avatars I've seen are absolute works of art and I think "well done!" However, as far as my being called pretty all my life, I'm not hardly anywhere as attractive as some movie stars. I do not have movie star or Las Vegas showgirl gorgeous bod looks and never had that ideal of beauty nor have I had any plastic surgery like a movie stars do today, but if someone wants to look like a Victoria's Secret model in SL, it doesn't bother me. The current Hollywood beautiful is achieved by plastic surgery and I prefer a more natural looking actress rather than one with a pinched teeny tiny nose or lips blown up like balloons. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder comes into play for me with good looking avatars, but on the other end of the spectrum the pile of doo is just way over the top, imo.
  22. That's interesting, Ishy. I find the brown-eyed man more attractive, but I think it is the shape of the lips that makes me think the guy in the photo with the brown eyes is more hunky looking. Also, the skin color on the one with the blue eyes is a little too light and the blue eyes a little too blue, but I think it's mostly the smaller lips that I find unattractive in that photo. My rl bf has blue-grey eyes and he looks hunky, but then again he has a suntan and more mature male features. I'm not attracted to that age bracket shown in the photos in the first place though. I prefer men near my own age, and teenager to 20 ain't my real life age. I prefer 30+ with a more masculine honed look with some character lines. However, the older male avatars may prefer being with a teenage girl avatar, and I don't want to look like nor be a teenager in SL. So, this is unfortunate. lolz
  23. I think going too far is if it's too bloody like part of a head blown off or guts hanging out. The walking pile of doo is going a bit too far, also. When an annoying avatar enters the screen, all I can do is move my avatar and change my screen location. What is also annoying about some of these outrageous avatars is that they like to push people. It's the pushing that usually gets them ejected.
  24. I got to thinking that blue eyes may not be the most popular in SL, but rather it is the deep blue eyes on the avatars that I can see easily, as the blue color just pops on avatars. The second most color I can see on my monitor is green. My avatars eyes will turn a little greenish if I wear green. I think my favorite eye color is violet for a female avatar, but I've seen some striking eye colors also and they are not blue but more an amber dark yellow color which looks very nice on the right avatar and/or skin color, and the dark amber color pops on my monitor, too. In rl life, I'm not attracted to one color of eyes either... I like all eye colors. Red hair and blue eyes is quite a striking combination in real life. @ Jacki, ty for the compliment on my avatar. As far as your new photo badge, Jacki, the backdrop color for your badge just makes your eyes pop and that photo is absolutely stunning.
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