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Codex Alpha

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Everything posted by Codex Alpha

  1. And I am suggesting that we leave it up to Linden Lab's moderators and judges to decide who gets banned or not. We are not paying for the website, the hosting, the distribution of products, the handling of money exchanges and circulation. Also, in a free market society, if you want to benefit from such a system, it is a given that you will have to deal with subjectively 'unpleasant' people from time to time. Seriously, what can someone really do by purchasing your stuff? Even the simplest or critical of reviews can be considered 'hostile' or 'harassment' depending on the mood of the seller - so who will arbitrate in such disputes? I simply don't understand why a ban for any reason is needed, because no posters in this topic so far have supported their opinions as to why they would like a ban.. they just keep repeating themselves. They also appear to feel entitled to this feature, when they are not the ones running the website, servers and company at all. I, on the other hand, with a countering opinion, have supported it with reasons. I still haven't read any examples as to when this ban would theoretically be used, and why. Pamela Galli wrote: It's "my own fault" that I earn a living in SL? I would call it more "a dream come true". I get to decide who is allowed into my inworld store, and I don't owe you or anyone else any justification. The same would be true if there was a way to ban people from buying in my MP store. Buyers get to choose who they will do business with, sellers should have the same right. Please stop moving the goalposts when we are discussing an issue. We were discussing banning people from our SL Marketplace store - you're the only one that mentioned inworld. I've already addressed that by saying though I do disagree with overuse of ban lines etc because I would like SL to remain more social - I never said you didn't have a right to do with what you wanted on the land you pay for (thats a different topic). If you do not address any of the points I made as to WHY I disagree with you, its obvious you do not care for countering opinions on the matter. I simply disagree with your desire to ban anyone you want from your SLMP, so I guess that's where our conversation ends - as usual. I also know I would be the first one on your ban list - for absolutely nothing and only because you don't like my opinions. GG.
  2. This is why some merchants would like a ban button - to silence those pointing out inferior products, such as 'textured prims" advertised as 'signs' and 'cabinets' and 'shelves', when all they are is a stolen image from Google search. Captain America Patch "Mass Effect" Hacker's Patch Cobra & Fire Embroidered Patch Bob Marley "One Love" Patch They don't like it when you leave reviews pointing out this fact - label you unsavoury and ban you - then they can keep up with their abusive activities on the MP that is undermining trust in it. A recent store in particular, when I left reviews on some $0L products (which i like to find and review), got quite upset at me telling the truth - would have surely liked to ban me from any further ones. Instead she labeled my honest reviews as 'harassment' and allegedly reported me to LL. My favourite though, is when a store sells copyrighted images - and adds their own watermark over the preview image - to stop people from 'stealing' the image from the ad instead, lol. But no. Ban buttons belong in the hands of a few like moderators and such - not in the general populace. Anytime I've seen that done on other 'social' sites, war breaks out, everyone is banned, and the site dies. The current flagging system is the best compromise - if someone is leaving abusive comments or statements - they can be moderated. Pamela Galli wrote: I would ban people from my MP store for mostly the same reasons I would ban them from my inworld store -- usually that they are very unpleasant people and I want nothing to do with them. I guess you think banning should not be an option inworld either. What business is it of yours why another merchant bans someone? As far as lightening up because this is Isn't RL, for many of us, SL is RL. What difference does it make that I sell virtual goods? 'Unpleasant' is a subjective and wide definition. I'm sure you find me 'unpleasant', but it wouldn't mean that my statements, opinions and reviews of a product then become invalid. I believe in bans only for extreme cases of harassment and bullying and serious offenses. You're right, I dont believe in 'ban lines' and 'private lands' in SL - since its not supposed to be like RL with all its hangups. SL should and could be a more social place, and in many places it isnt.. but thats another topic. Banning tools have their place, but not without discretion. We already have them and can be used by the moderators of the forums and of the marketplace. There are tools in place if a merchant feels someone is being unduly hostile or unfair in their reviews of the product. Also, if there is any dispute between customer and seller, both should and must take responsiblity for the exchange if it starts to go south. I've probably been impatient with some merchants in the past myself, and i apologize. I've also had my fair share of abusive and hostile merchants too - and hostile forum members. I wouldn't call for them to be banned. We have ignore, block, ban and in some cases - 'lets ban entity0x from our entire group's lands' - at the extreme by the weakest.. What business is it of mine that a merchant can ban anyone (and as stated) for any reason? The same business that it is of mine to ensure free speech in the world, and that everyone maintains and has access to human rights. I don't believe in censorship, I believe in communication and facilitation. In my years on the internet and as a participant on many 'social'(antisocial) sites, chat rooms, forums, game servers, etc a BAN button given to the general populace never ends well. I dont want merchants banning for any reason. We already have LL dealing with abuses through the flagging system (sorta) and that should be good enough to remain fair for all involved. However, some don't want fair do they? Some would like to behave as they like without any oversight... I always wonder why those people are always so quick to silence others when possible - perhaps they cant deal in truth, and can only operate in the shadows... In my experience its only the sheisters who want to stop honest reviews or feedback, who want to silence those with countering opinions - who can't stand tall when the light is shone on them. So Second Life is Real Life for you? Well that's your fault. Just because you decided to put all your financial eggs into one basket, and therefore you are dependent on your SL success to pay the utility bills in your house - doesn't give you suddenly the right ot dictate how you do business on a site that you do not own, and have the privilege to operate on. Your job as a creator is to make Second Life better - not to serve your own wishes - although if the two can meet and are agreeable, and do not come at the expense of others while doing it, then that would be fine.
  3. Wow, a lot of anger and judgment against men on this topic Yet, regardless of your opinion on this matter, it is still a legitimate concern for many, since anyone can pose as a male or female - and your 'rp' partner wants to know. It's not a demand, it's not unreasonable, and it is fair to ask. This also is not only a womens issue - each gender takes risks having relationships of all sorts over the internet, and can equally be exploited, recorded, filmed, dox'd and shamed. If either party doesn't want to expose themselves with mic, video or images - they don't have to and kindly move on.
  4. Buyer Beware: Land / Mall Rental via Boxes Beware.. If you click a rental box whether it be a 'peaceful' land rental or mall/prim 'repose/respite'-themed rental without first ensuring you can contact the seller, you may end up being out of some $L. This may include rentals like "$149L for 50 prims weekly" or "$100L for 40 prims" that are advertised. The problem is compounded by absent landlords, who may not even return your messages for 3 days or more, thus losing 3 days of your rental. Some won't even respond to notecards sent to them. You will have no recourse to settle this dispute, and if you respond to their continued advertising of similar rentals on this forum, your replies will be reported and removed. $L transactions can only be accessed in your account up to 30 days, so if you need to go back in time in order to prove a claim you make - you will not be able to do so. I currently rent land space from a good source - who promptly responded to my request for rental, answered any questions, and I went ahead and prepaid over a month for it. Just a reminder if you still want to gamble - that you only purchase a week at a time - or else you may find out what I have - a sim that was packed up and empty a week later.
  5. "Branded items may be listed or sold only by the brand or intellectual property owner or its authorized agents. 'Brand names' include product names; service names; company names; organization names; trade names; designer names; trademarks; service marks; celebrity names; famous persons' names; the unique names of well-known books, films, television programs, games, and other works that are the subject of copyright; and the unique names of well-known fictional characters from copyrighted works. An item that uses a brand name (like Gucci®, Nike®, or Rolex®) can be listed only if the item is officially offered or authorized by the brand owner (for example, Gucci America, Inc., Nike, Inc., or Rolex Watch U.S.A., Inc.)." - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/listing_guidelines If the store is using brand names to promote the product, they are breaking the Terms of Service for marketplace listings - as shown above. Unfortunately, there is nothing you and I can do about this kind of infringement of the Ducati brand (by multiple sellers)- only the copyright/brand/trademark holders can file a complaint against such a listing - which means its there to stay.
  6. In the video (which is quite old, try to find a newer one), he unwraps his plane that he is texturing to. Did you do that? You must follow the tutorial to the letter - every single thing to get the results you want. If you are not, try learning the basics on smaller projects first - save this current project and go back and texture a plane or cube following a tutorial of your choosing. We could sit here all day and play 20 questions - did you assign a material, do you have the proper shading display on, are your normals pointing the right way.. that is very tough. Just follow the tutorials you view to the letter and you will get the results you seek. Good luck!
  7. Singularity Viewer exports to *.dae and *.obj and *.xml
  8. As was stated earlier in replies, you have 300 items for sale - you don't need an investor. I have much less so far, but building up over time as my skills build up - I have an inworld store (or lack of one) based on the funds I can create in SL only. This limits me to small parcels or affordable rents, and that will increase as the income increases. Only rent land if you're going to feature your products visually - its a waste of time if all you are going to do is hang pictures of your products which are more easily browsable through the marketplace and adds no value to anyone who visits your inworld store. Why even consider an investor, and just let your business grow organically - more income = more funds to re-invest into SL. I fund 100% now of my SL with earnings with far less items - and I could argue I am much farther stretched for cash in my life right now that really isn't helping much (in many facets), but I still invest some time to moving myself forward. I currently have a small inworld store that supports 465 prims ( a good start ), I pay for my Premium membership with SL funds, and have even paid for a website with it as well. I've had to use some SL income for emergency RL matters that came up 2015-2016, but my intention is to turn every $L back into it - be it online courses in Maya/Blender/Substance/Etc to improve my work and other things. If I can do it with really small numbers of products - you can do it without an investor with a relatively larger store. Also, in RL, I know people who started businesses and rented expensive stores, bought expensive furniture, decked out their 'office' with art and plants, etc - but then forgot they have to get sales to pay for it... Don't be like them. Start with land you can afford to support and go from there. My first year or so as a merchant I was on the MP 100% only, now I'm finally making a shaky transition to 'some' land at least, and we'll see how it goes as it all progresses.
  9. Bedziu wrote: You have a good point about being able of sending product images for free via http, but there where control and security not always goes together. There is no need to re-invent a wheel when it can be upgraded. Could be two options to choose from via right click on the listing, quick edit via viewer ui and standard marketplace website to sate both sides taste. What you think? If I can do my banking online through HTTPS, I'm sure we can do our functionality and marketplace needs through the same browser, security and all. I sign in to SL accounts, SL MP, and forums using my browser - we should continue in that manner, and secure those transactions like any other site does (HTTPS). In the Viewer preferences, it allows me to choose to use the internal viewer, or my external viewer (Firefox), so if I had already wanted that, I would have that checked. I don't though, because my browser is open 100% of the time that my computer is operating, so I don't need another browser opened through SL - I'm sure many SLe'rs are the same with this. Perhaps LL could do some research and include a function in the next viewer update that 'counts' how many users have that "Use internal browser" option checked. This will give them an idea if people even use it or not. The irony is that the 'in-Viewer' browser probably uses existing browsers anyway, and is just wrapped in the Viewer interfaces, so no real gain is given - its just supposed to make it more convenient.. I think. I agree with you on one thing though: Either go Full Viewer Experience, or fix what they already have and what everyone is used to . Just pick one thing and do it well is all we ask. Pamela Galli wrote: Even if it was a good idea, which it is not, the commerce team is not going to devote any time to something like this when there are things wrong with basic functionality -- such as search and keyword spam -- that have gone years without being fixed. Noted for truth - this is a far more serious matter that needs to be addressed. The SL MP is all but 'broken' due to the massive abuses of keyword spam and mis-listings (all which have been flagged have been ignored still). Looking for brown leather mens shoes? Why is a pirate ship coming up? keywords "brown, pirate, ship,free (not free), freebie (nope, your product is NOT free),shoes, boots,hats (why is this in a pirate ship listing?), swords, flags, kemono (huh?), male, avatars, clothing"
  10. Flower Shamrock wrote: 1) A 'BAN' option. We should have the right to ban anyone from buying our goods, because of theft or quite frankly, for what ever rason we like. Great, it would be another tool for merchants to ban people who leave reviews they don't like. I review a lot of $0L and Freebie items, not because I'm a jerk, but because I like getting freebies - and the quality of freebies from that merchant reflects the quality they will most likely have in their paid products. I know plenty of merchants who would like to ban me on reviews I've made on their $0-$5L priced items, especially when those items are not as advertised, or are copyright infringements, or w/e other manner of corrupt marketing many participate in. How would you be able to tell between a legitimate buyer or not anyway really to discern if a ban is needed or not? I can't stop copybotters from ripping off my stuff if they really want to - that's the price of having a desireable design I guess - Its a compliment. I can't control or monitor it in any way, so I don't worry about it. Next, I have more ideas and creativity then they do, so I'm never going to lose in the end anyway. ( Tip: I also incorporate branding directly into the meshes, that would identify them in seconds anyway - ) Pamela Galli wrote: Banning inworld or on MP does not prevent but presents an obstacle to forcing us to sell to people we do not want to do business with. An obstacle will not prevent the highly motivated -- those who warn everyone not to buy from us as they continue to do so themselves -- but it will stop some. I wonder how a merchant arrives at a decision of who they want to do business with, or sell to. I wonder what a merchant must fear to concern themselves with such thoughts. There is already methods in place to flag an abusive buyer or review - how will you determine those who are banned or not? What if two forum users here have differing opinions and 'don't like each other'? Whats to stop a merchant from banning based on personal disputes or misunderstandings? What if a merchant starts using such ban powers to silence people who give less than stellar reviews? Why would you NOT want me to purchase from your store? This isn't RL, this is SL, people need to lighten up. Its virtual goods. If you gotta rip off my stuff, thanks for the compliment. Good luck selling it in Singapore as a game asset, I guess... I got other stuff to worry about.
  11. At least with HTTP access, I can upload my product images for free, and don't have to worry about uploading them to my directory first. I also find my browser much easier to create, edit and revise listings and images for, I don't see a need for a viewer-only managed marketplace - not at least without some major UI and interface changes first. Why re-invent the wheel and make people do everything through a limited viewer - unless its all about control and/or security. I do everything on the internet through my browser, I'd prefer to keep it that way then use SL's interface and UI to do the same thing.
  12. Yes, this is false advertising - sorta. My waterfront property expectations is that it is a edge or corner lot on the sim, facing the water. I would not rent this plot. I prefer an edge lot or even better the corner
  13. Yes, and add enough images, they help you sell your product. On most products I have, if they're not just simple boring props, I will have about 3 information images about the product, then have a 'context' shot where I might feature the item as it might be used on a sim/ in-world. Also on some products I have video support, so potential customers can see it in action. The next line is having an inworld store ( I struggle with that as I am still a small seller ) so people can come visit and see the product as it appears there.
  14. Love Zhaoying wrote: The code is clear if you structure it so that you can see each individual call llSetlinkPrimitiveParamsFast(link_number, [CONSTANT1, parm1, parm2, parm3, CONSTANT2, parm1, parm2, parm3, parm4]); etc. True. arton Rotaru wrote: When simultaneity is important, like it seems to be in the case of the OPs alpha toggle, PRIM_LINK_TARGET is your friend. It tries to do it all in a single frame. Personally I use it only for small numbers of prims (like up to 5 or 6), and when simultaneity is of concern. Otherwise I run the function in a loop as well. I dunno if it's has much of an advantage regarding the interpreter. The list has to be proccessed as well, and if it's too large (too many prims) it might get worse, doing it all at once. Yes, that is what I would think... if it really shaves off any noticeable time using it either way. I'm more trying to understand if there really is that big a difference between the two, as in a simple thing like turning on/off visibilty on child prims appears seamless as it is - in fact I added time in between to simulate the delay of multiple power sources going on Thanks for the experienced insight.
  15. Where are people to find you if they would like to visit? You have not included your land address
  16. Operating temperatures for the GTX 750TI and similar cards is 25C (Idle) to 69C ( 3D Gaming Load), so you are in the normal operating temperature. However, you can lower that temperature by ensuring that you keep your gaming case and filters clean of dust and other obstructions. When people complain of slow running systems, video artifacts, etc it is 95% because the case is dirty inside. Take your system outside, open that case, and blow it out with some Dust-Off. You can also help lower the operating temperature of your GPU (video card) by lowering the temperature of your gaming case overall by adding more fans, or even adding a CPU watercooling unit. Everything in your case generates heat, so dissipating this heat and increasing airflow helps everything. GPU-Z can help you monitor your Video Card temperature, as well as give you important information about it. CPU-Z for monitoring your cpu and system specs. CORE-TEMP can help you monitor how hot your CPU is getting, many cpus nowadays run very hot if they don't have water-cooling, and can contribute greatly to the case temperature. Also, as Penny Patton mentions earlier, just arriving on your average sim is going to tax your GPU. You will have load up hundreds of megabytes of unoptimized mesh and over-sized textures from the entire scene and present avatars. Some sims for me are untouchable - not really from the burden to the GPU but rather the unbearable lag and low frame rate. Many SLers will be quick to blame you, your video card, your system, and maybe even your grandma to excuse why their sim is so slow, and why you cant load up the millions of polygons and textures from the avatars present - but be sure, the optimization falls on SL, its sim owners and such. Throwing more money at it for high-end components will alleviate the problem in the short term - but the problem lies in Second Life itself, and what it's content creators make and upload. You can see this all in action by opening up Develop->Console->Texture Info and you can view the textures loading into your video card's buffer first hand. You can get general feedback as to your latency, performance by using Advanced->Performance Tools->Statistics Bar. Keep in mind, that unlike other '3D Applications" like SkyRim, CS:Go, World of Warcraft, etc everything from lights and shadows is rendered real-time in SL, so will indeed tax your GPU much more, so just be prepared for that. Content creators will work on our end to optimize our meshes and use size-appropriate textures to alleviate the stress on user's machines. Good luck!
  17. You're on the marketplace now, that's the first step. Next, people need to find you, so be very accurate in your product title and description of your shirt, and use simple and clear keywords to describe your product. eg., "Cute Sheep T-Shirt For Kemono Avatars" If anything, if I search in the MP for this, I will probably be searching for "kemono t-shirts" or "sheep shirts".... Ensure your use keywords reflect it, and remove redundant or pointless keywords. Few are searching for 'mesh' too much anymore as it is commonplace, and reserve 'texture' for those looking for textures to use in their builds. (unless you're selling textures for Kemono shirts or something) eg,. "shirt, kemono, boyfriend, boyfriend shirt, mesh, texture, cute" matching colors are redundant, would only need to be "cute, sheep, kemono, boyfriend, shirt" Offer a freebie shirt. This gets you into view with people and new players that will come across your store, link your other products in the listing. I could do more suggestions, but thats all I can post for now. Good luck!
  18. arton Rotaru wrote: You could use PRIM_COLOR, and multiple PRIM_LINK_TARGET flags in a single llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast function call. But don't add too many prims to a single call. Thanks for adding that tip. Is there really any difference between using separate calls, and putting it all into one call as far as the SL 'interpreter' is concerned? Why would I use it ( its like a shorthand version ) over perhaps a more clear separate call? Also, If I have a product with 10 prims that need to have this applied to in the product, would this be the best way to perform the task? For readability, debugging and future changes/tweaks, I just used llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast in a for loop, and changed properties based on current index. One statement, but looped. From a coding standpoint, would it be more difficult to read or maintain? Thanks for any additional experienced info and/or clarification WHY to use this method.
  19. Then use a for loop, as you can see on that LSL function description page.
  20. RhaDo2496 wrote: is there a way to use llSetLinkAlpha at a list of faces at same time? atm im writing them all in single line like llSetLinkAlpha(3,1,ALL_SIDES); llSetLinkAlpha(4,1,ALL_SIDES); llSetLinkAlpha(5,1,ALL_SIDES); so every face goes visible one after one. how to script it that they go visible all at same time? Function: llSetLinkAlpha( integer link, float alpha, integer face ); - http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlSetLinkAlpha LINK_SET -1 refers to all prims // Make the entire object disappear for 5 seconds default{ touch_start(integer num_detected) { // transparent llSetTimerEvent(5.0); } timer() { // opaque llSetTimerEvent(0.0); }}
  21. Is a laptop a good choice for Second Life? It's not so much about whether you use a laptop or a PC, but rather the specifications of the system (desktop or otherwise), and what you would like to do WHILE in Second Life. I ran Second Life nicely on a $850 HP DV7, which had one integrated card, and a dedicated card kicked in as soon as I went to any application using 3D. This kind of system is the LEAST that you can get away with. It had an INtel quadcore CPU, 8GB Ram and a AMD 4850 Mobile 3D card. As a production PC, thats where it failed. You couldnt run too many 3D applications on it simultaneously - for the same price or less my PC desktop did all that nicely. I could go into more detail about what I would recommend, then it might be an argument about what cpu, ram, hard drive, video card, overall system is the best - and that would be tedious. Find out the system requirements LL recommends needed to run Second Life, use a "Can I Run Second Life?" website tool and find a system that matches. One can do other fancy things to turn a laptop into a gaming machine, including the use of SSDs and a second SSD to handle the cache, etc -- all sorts of tricks. Find a knowledgeable friend to help you out. Other than that, your budget is the only limitation. Your dollar will go farther towards a desktop system (especially if someone custom builds you one) - that will allow you to not only run Second Life gracefully - but give you the power to do other things like 3D Modelling, graphics and texture design, audio recording, video editing etc. A laptop can do that as well, but you cannot get a decent, powerful productive one for cheap. It's up to you what your end goal is and budget. Good luck!
  22. Oh good, that means I can keep my plebe last name "Resident" while the elitist still get a custom first and last name. Go Sansar!
  23. Darrius Gothly wrote: A friend of mine recently purchased a new product from a well-known merchant. Upon purchase, after carefully reading the included instructions and Wiki pages, they found a few things objectionable about the product. As a result, they wrote a review on SLM pointing out the failures and objections as well as the pluses and benefits. Balanced honest review with an honest 3-star rating. Nuff said, right? Wrong. Soon afterward the Merchant sent a profanity laced IM to my friend and then added a snarky "up yours" comment on their review. The Merchant then later added a whiny "now that you've destroyed my product" comment after my friend tried to explain even further the issues and discrepancies. Pardon me but .. "destroyed my product"? For a 3-star review? There are two other reviews, both 5-stars, that seem more like sycophantic blurbs ... but still they offset the rating my friend gave, bringing it up to 4+ stars. I've got a few products on SLM that have garnered 1-star reviews. It's usually because the buyer was upset that I didn't make the script inside full-perm so they could steal it and use it in their own products. But still the reviews stand. I've also had reviews posted less than 5-stars that made me realize my description was insufficient or needed tweaking to help make the obvious moreso. So now my question(s): 1) Merchants: When you get a less-than 5-star review, how has it affected your product sales or behavior? and.. 2) Buyers: When you post an honest review and get an offline IM cussing you out, how does it make you feel? In a nutshell, I have found that leaving anything less than a 5 star review is just asking for trouble. I enjoy leaving reviews after trying out the product - and trying to ensure I didnt make a mistake or anything else. This doesn't seem to matter to some, who take the criticism the worst way possible. Any complaints or issues I have recieved I just deal with - as you have said in later posts - its a chance to see your product and its operation or product description with new eyes, that may not have been apparent on your own. I can only remember maybe a few merchants who didn't freak out on me for honest reviews - but many simply have too much RL investment in SL and it taints their reaction - too much is on the line for them. Some merchants will stop at nothing to get your review removed, from in-game harrassment to use of their online blogs to trash you and your own store, or accuse you of being an alt, or any number of other actions and threats. In general, I have been soured by the review process and don't really trust it to be accurate at all of the end product, because I don't know how many others have removed their reviews that I havent seen. This is why I no longer make any large $$L purchases in SL - its just not worth it. The SLMP needs to be revamped in general, and a more accurate review system with more options needs to be implemented - as this is neither doing the buyer, seller or prospect any good.
  24. I shop 1% in-world and 99% from the marketplace. The reason I buy in-world is because I purchased a model displayed inworld, that I could click on and try out first. My last purchase in world was a spy-like suitcase radio unit and a glass terrarium - because they were on display and not just a box. The singlemost reason I do so is because most stores are populated with boxes with images of products on them. This means there is nothing to see, no models to view, nothing to click on, touch, experiment or do anything with. Most stores are devoid of any activities to engage a visitor. So what's the point of looking at images on boxes on walls in-world when I can find what I need faster on the SLMP? What does an inworld store have to offer other than wasting my time walking around looking at boxes? Boring.
  25. I very rarely watch SLTV, though I have done so in the past, but mainly for large news like a LInden coming on a show to explain SL 2.0 - that was a year ago. They tend to not be very entertaining - usually consisting of SL avatars sitting on couches on a TV set and rambling on about random things, drama or about themselves that the average SL user or even experienced like me simply don't find relevant at all. Some machinima is interesting, but for myself, I find little to no return on creating Machinima in SL, even though that is where I started - and may return to for fun after I'm done some other projects. I'm not expecting much in views though. YouTube has proven that SL content is very low on the desire index for viewers, so if you make Machinima or 'tv content' for SL, dont expect much of a return or audience. This could change if content creators actually had things SL'ers might be interested in - news, events, coverage, relevant topics - shorter program times, and opened it up to more SL users to access. As open a community as SL seems to be, I find it very hard to find information about contributing to any art projects in SL - as do many others I know - who since have left SL because they dont feel they're part of it at all - and I'd have to agree.
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