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Codex Alpha

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Everything posted by Codex Alpha

  1. SabaothMastema wrote: Just gotta say. If you disapprove of the freebies that are out there then there is a very consttuctive way to change that......make better ones and give them out yourself. Otherwis if its free then why complain if it's subpar? Only reason to make a bad review on a freebie is to offer constructive criticism. Even then you could just IM the merchant and say it. That's what I do - so what's the problem? Persephone Emerald wrote: Whenever you buy something on MP, it's nice to leave an honest review. If the product is good, then a good review helps both the creator & those who might buy it. If the product is bad, a bad review may dissuade someone else from wasting their money & time on buying it. Even free items cost us the effort to delete them. Also, if you think a freebie is actually stolen from another creator or if a cheapie is elsewhere a full-perm freebie that's supposed to be free, then put that information in your review. They seem to get upset that I point out the image is copyright infringed, and being sold by the original artist, and provide a link as well . I thought I was being helpful by adding that information to my review... Muletta wrote: The question is though, can we always trust these reviews? I have received splendid stuff from MP, which other people have given 1 star and bad comments... and the other way around too. - But that is probably another discussion. Some customers do not read the instructions before buying, do not know how to make things work, and do not bother to ask the seller, before giving a bad review. I do not always pay much attention to the reviews all the time, I admit. If things are for free, then I do not like to complain about a bad product at all. Like in the real world: it is the thought that counts, and not the gift itself. Besides that, I never write bad reviews for bought stuff either, without contacting the seller first, and give him/her a chance to fix it...what they often are happy to do... I think most merchants here, are proud of their creations... You can never avoid some bad apples in the basket, no matter how many reviews you give here and there. Exactly. I don't know why a merchant would NOT want reviews on their freebies - so far I've just seen high & mighty "They should be grateful for free stuff' elitist responses. I welcome one and all to review anything I make. I'll use the information to improve what I got, and use ideas for future products.
  2. That's fine. We disagree. Also on that page (with risk of ad populom fallacy), there are 6 / 7 reviews that feel the same way. So what then? Even if they're wrong - perhaps the merchant needs to rethink her category strategy (and her use of spammed keywords, and her use of copyrighted images) - with 2016 in mind. Cori Muir wrote: I also do customer service and marketing IRL but it's a great bit different here, given how SLMP is set up and that we are a very small team. IRL I work for one of the largest companies in the world, with millions of people for back up, and lots of ability to correct incorrect reviews or simply directing them to where they can voice their grievances (non quality related). Also able to make a font bigger try moving it even. I do wish our SLMP was even more like say EtSy or Shopify or even Word press, then we could have a bit more control ice appearance etc. Right now all I have thought to do is make sure I actually use the SL graphic for classic avatars on the actual product images and automate that process in Photoshop just to make life easier. Yes, the SLMP needs a serious revamp, mostly about what you stated - having more specific options. I wonder if LL is just going to decide on their own or if they will open up future plans for the MP for feedback (yikes, who wants that, right?) from merchants and user alike so we can improve it.
  3. Muletta wrote: Hi Entity0x I think I get your point here. This way, you think we can force merchants to deliver only quality freebies, I guess, to not be revealed as a bad shop ... but it will not solve the problem with bad products anyway... Merchants who sell bad products, will just stop offering freebies. Hello Muletta, thanks for your response. I am not asking anyone to be forced and neither am I making a solid and emphatic demand that only quality freebies be made. This is mainly a topic to address the statement made that "Freebies should not be reviewed", and I pose that they are not above reviews. I believe freebies should be a true gift, with no less quality than paid products (with all things considered, as stated in a recent post - many freebies are from antiquity). I am not an idiot, and I take all the exceptions to the rule into consideration, before making a statement. I love getting freebies, and I love giving freebies, and I love giving good freebies. It's my part to giving back into Second Life what I got when I was first broke in SL and getting freebies myself. I also made many purchases from vendors who gave out freebies - because their freebies were amazing. In my opinion, it is a good thing to both receive and give out reviews on any product, regardless of price. Since the item is being used by the merchant to get attention, will get attention and probably future sales, why do many feel they are above the review system or think somehow they are some Great Benefactor? I was an SL newbie once, so this topic is to the SL newbies, and to sensible people. I have left many reviews on a variety of priced products, free or not, constructive and honest. Many of them have also been taken down because the merchant went mental - this discourages people from reviewing. I've also received much appreciated reviews on my own, which I use to improve my products, or include features in updated versions. I've even updated a 'free' product to a recent version as my Blender skills have developed, and updated all other products as well with what I've learned. Rufferta wrote: I agree with your article in part, but I don't believe in giving bad reviews to freebies because - well, I give out freebies, and I would be crushed if someone told me they thought they weren't very good. I also think that if a merchant gives you an especially nice freebie - something you really like or that you can actually use - you should send a thank-you note. I never said people should give bad reviews to freebies - the reviews must be constructive. Freebies are not above reviews, and I stated why. Also, any freebies that I found practical,and purchased paid items because of it - I've always sent them a note telling them... I also leave a review on their freebie, and the products I subsequently purchased. However, I conduct myself fairly - I have the balls to leave reviews that are constructive and honest. You shouldn't be crushed by constructive criticism. Reviews are there for both sides. One cannot expect every review to be 5 star - instead just read it for what it's worth, improve the product. There is also a reply form to the review if the merchant has any issue with it. Good day
  4. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: I looked on MP under the categories you gave to see the actual listing and could find no item titled Wall Cabinet Home Decor. Probably because I was following the forum guidelines, and not using specific examples in order to protect any merchants involved - that could potentially suffer loss of reputation. Good job, Amethyst. :: shakes head :: Some of you people here will stop at nothing trying to paint someone out to be a liar and troublemaker, won't you? What if what you have done has forced me to expose details that will destroy the reputation of said seller, and even get them banned, in order to defend my own? Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Still I saw reviews complaining it wasn't a real cabinet but just a picture of one, though none were yours. Why were you even trying to find my review? I understand your need to call out someone's bull**bleep** as it presents itself, but apply that across the board - especially to merchants who are in clear contravenence of Marketing guidelines. 1) Selling copyrighted works 2) Listing not categorized correctly 3) Description ambiguous or misleading 4) Keyword spam, eg. 'free, freebie, gift, promo" for non-free items "cottage,sign,art,photograph,painting,furniture,free,fantasy,castle,kitchen,decor,decal,hippy,shabby,chic,gothic,vampire,shack,medieval,home,group,gift,freebie These keywords do not relate to a wall cabinet, or tromp l'oeile. Now do you want to go deeper? I have IMs that can be very troubling. Next time, put the spotlight where it belongs - on the actual crooks. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Long before you came to SL, it was pretty common for people to use pictures of furniture to decorate when they had limited prims. It isn't so common now, with sculpts and mesh having low LI, but people still do it and there is a market for it. Unfortunately there is no category for 'furniture pictures' and LL insists you put them in a subcategory not the heading category. That's fine, but now its 2016, and clearly, 6 of 7 reviewers do not agree with you, and how the product is presented. Just because an item is free, does not mean it is not subject to review or comments from people who attained it. Trompe L'Oleil is an art piece, an image applied to a 2D medium to represent 3D. Therefore it is not a Wall Cabinet in any manner, should not be categorized as such - It goes under Art. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: In your example though, it said WALL decor in the description A 3D cabinet isn't wall decor. Something like a picture you hang on a wall is wall decor. Home decor can be anything that decorates a home, even a picture. Dear Amethyst, the listing you are using as an example now says "FREE GIFT Promo - TROMPE L'OEIL - WALL CABINET - WALL DECOR" The item is categorized under Home & Garden >> Furniture >> Chests & Cabinets Also, the words in a listing also come up in search, so this item will come up if you're searching 'cabinet' Why you are even using this example, is beyond me. You're looking real bad now, and even associated with the item in question, to defend it so rabidly. The ONUS is on the seller to clarify what the product is or does, and works every day to continue improving the listing as issues come up. Telling people they are stupid, or harassing them inworld over a review should not be tolerated. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Incorrect reviews can be errors in clearly stated facts not just permissions that the buyer ignored. A review shouldn't be allowed to bring down the products rating because the buyer is clearly wrong about a fact that was stated in the description IMO. A product shouldn't be allowed on the marketplace that is ambiguous in nature - we're in 2016 now, so the listing that was acceptable under the category of 'Cabinets" should now be listed under 'art'. In fact, TROMPE L'OEIL is all about ART, and the illusion of 3D it creates. The listing in question is clearly miscategorized and changed immediately. 6 reviewers (0 Stars) out 7 reviewers (of course a 5 star extreme) had a problem with the example you posted. Are they all incorrect? Also, there are tools in place for the merchant to flag the review if it is in fact not helpful. Sure glad you like Sherlocking, Amethyst - now how about turning that on people who need to be exposed.
  5. Sure it says freebie, maybe even 'gift'. But did you know there is more than meets the eye as you happily shop inworld in Second Life, hunting out those neat little free things people hand out? Beyond the freebie thrifts stores, you can find freebies everywhere. Many merchants use them to lure you to their inworld stores, or get themselves in the listings on the Marketplace. You may even see these freebies labeled 'promo' as in 'promotional'. Yes, these clever little marketers want you to see their other products, to advertise their store name, and get you to look at their paid products. That's all fine and dandy, but sometimes 'free' and 'freebie' is synonomous to 'crap'. Sometimes you can find some real jewels. Oh some would say "Free items should never get reviews", but I think they should. Why, you ask? The quality of a merchant's 'freebie' may demonstrate the quality of their paid products - so they better be good. Crappy free furniture? Why would you buy the stores' $1000L furniture set then? Review the freebies, grab them up by searching for $0L on the marketplace, check the copy/mod buttons set the price to $0 -$0 and see what you come up with. NOT gacha NOT rental NOT demo Purchase the freebie, try it out, and leave a constructive review. Even better, if you like the freebie, check out the other products on the store. If the freebie is good, probably the rest is too. Freebies are fun to make for people, and fun to get, especially if you're new to SL and have no $0L! Have fun out there! [ Warning: ] Many of the following member replies are accusatory, personal and toxic. Forgive them for they can't help themselves. They simply can't have a conversation without making personal attacks. Update: The quality of your freebie items will reflect the quality of your paid items. I've purchased expensive items because the freebie items were amazing. It's always good for creators to put out the best product, even if they intend it to be free. A business card is a free item you give people - but you still make it quality because it reflects on you. This is a call for everyone to make amazing freebies, and for customers to leave more constructive reviews, and freebies shouldn't be above that, nor should you expect any less quality.
  6. Cori Muir wrote: I always try to contact the seller before I leave a review because as you know when creating clothes or anything, sometimes people are tired and may forget to put your (cabinet) in the box. You have to give them a chance to correct it before you leave a review. I review products, I critically appraise them. Apparently many merchants take offense to being critically appraised, and many times go on the war path. Critically appraising someone's work means I don't have to contact them in-game first, as one merchant thinks she has the right to demand from her customers. I've had a few reviews bullied right off - but now I'm losing patience I won't tolerate it anymore, and will soon review and say what I want and leave it there. Merchants want to go to war with their customers, well then let's bring it. If there is an issue with the product, or it seems to not work, etc then yes - do not use the review section to communicate (though many do if the seller takes a week to get back to them), and instead send the seller a notecard or IM inworld.
  7. Bitsy Buccaneer wrote: entity, if all of that is what you think you're doing, all I can say at this point is that it doesn't seem like you're doing it very well. Thats because you can't understand what you read, if you even read it at all before responding emotionally. Pamela Galli wrote: It is as possible to "abuse" the ban function in SL as it is to abuse the "locking my front door" function in RL. Do you require your neighbors to justify locking their doors, to explain why they think they have the right to decide who can enter their own homes? How about deciding who they want to invite for dinner? Is this something they can abuse? Should they not be able to ban people from the dinner table? Let's just keep the discussion whether or not giving a ban button to merchants on the Second Life Marketplace, so they can ban whoever 'for any reason', is a good idea or not. This has nothing to do with you personally, and the discussion needs to be had in context of the OP. Pamela Galli wrote: Why do you care who other merchants choose not to do business with? Why do you think it is your concern if a merchant decides he does not want to take money from clown avatars or anyone else? You're adept at quoting people posts, but not so good at reading their replies. As I have stated already, my comments are in context of the original post. You either agree or disagree that merchants should have access to ban button, so they can ban whoever they want 'for any reason', and explain WHY you hold that position, or dont participate in the discussion any longer. We obviously don't agree on this subject, so lets agree to disagree and move on - quit trying to make this a personal issue, and get back on topic.
  8. Thats not what it is used for in Second Life. They'd do it to find all associated accounts, whether they are your main and alt or other accounts associated with the same IP. At one point I had 3 other SL'ers in the same household - the offender could therefore link all known names from each. Only LL knows the difference between people due to paid accounts or not. For the would be offender, it's already been used on me by one merchant. I just can't prove or determine how the merchant got the names associated with the current IP.
  9. Vinxent9 wrote: Hiya guys o/ I'm new here and i don't know what should i do in this game because it is so complex game... do you have any tips for me?? so i can keep going The first thing and most important thing to consider is that Second Life isn't really a game, though I will use the term 'in-game' or 'in-world' interchangeably to mean 'in-SL". When I describe Second Life to people who do not know what it is, I describe it as a "3D Virtual Chat". Second Life is very much like a chat site on the internet, but instead of hosting just text or text/webcam, it allows users to interact with each other in a 3D world. Second Life allows you to do anything you want; chat, explore, build and even run your own virtual goods store or host a medieval castle for you and your friends to roleplay in. Search for sims and topics that you have an interest in, and go from there. Follow the tutorials to learn how to use and clothe your avatar, and most importantly - talk to others to find out what's going on, where to shop, etc. I have used Second LIfe mostly for creative pursuits, starting with machinima (which I would like to return to), building scenes and clubs, etc - now am into creating mesh for sale and use in Second LIfe - which helps fund my activities inworld. Second LIfe is both an environment to lose yourself in, and a tool to create any virtual reality you want - the limit is your own imagination. $$? You don't need it. As a new user there are plenty of freebies and gifts to get you started - I still have a set of freebie (and lost to antiquity) "Canada Jeans" I found on Day One and haven't stopped wearing since on my main outfit. I went for months and months without a single $L, or earned $L inworld from other residents for builds, help, info, tips, etc. If you have any multimedia talents from the RL, you can use them all in SL - and will drive you to improve those skills. In short, SL requires a lot of participation and exploration - one cannot be passive and it really becomes a case of ' what you make of it". If you need any more help, keep posting - there are plenty of people here who will help. Have fun!
  10. Ok, in the same context of getting a review flagged for 'not liking it' because it is what it is, here's an example. Listing Category: Home and Garden » Furniture » Chests and Cabinets Title: Wall Cabinet Home Decor Description: This is a textured, low 1Li wall decor for your home, office, etc - for low Li land If you're not happy with this product, contact me in-game first before leaving a review. So I left a review stating my dis-satisfaction with the item, which was NOT a cabinet, it was NOT home decor, and amounted to having a copyrighted texture on a flat prim. It was a picture of a cabinet. Is this an incorrect review now? What are reviews for? Reviews are to praise or fault a product in a constructively critical way - or there is no point to having a review system. In this case, the merchant immediately responded to the review scolding me for leaving a review without contacting her in-game first. Though I feel that is unreasonable, as contacting a seller in-game should be for product deficiencies, I gave her a chance in-game. Her response to the initial review and in-game was in short "I told you what the product was, and I told you to contact me ingame if you had any problems with it". That simply isn't a fair system because the review was a review. An incorrect review can only be complaints about it being not copy/mod, or if something went wrong and an in-game response from the seller was ignored, etc. Stating how you are disappointed in the product or how it was represented is fair, and sellers should take the feedback for what it is and 1) either discontinue such misleading products 2) improve the product to improve the review 3) don't threaten, coerce or get angry at buyers who leave less than flattering reviews 4) don't auto-ban customers that give you critical feedback cuz you dont like it There are two sides to this. I would love to review all the products I come across from $0L to $3000+L purchases, but so far, if you leave anything less than a 5 star review, you're asking for a whole lotta trouble - including threats for reporting you to Linden Labs for alleged "anti-competitive" behaviour. So now we have no reviews, or only 5 star reviews, because people are probably afraid to do so - so then why have the review process there then? Do I get 0 reviews on some items because 1) the product is very bad 2) the product is acceptable 3) people are afraid to leave less than 5 stars cuz I might bite their head off? Go to Yelp and see what happens there. Its only 1 star reviews (someone's extremely pissed) or 5 stars (someone's extremely pleased or is fake review) There will probably be more discussion on these topics in the future, as the SLMP needs a serious revamp, from market listing practices to seller/buy attitudes and education.
  11. Bitsy Buccaneer wrote: Theft and copybotting were the stated motivating concern for the OP. A ban option won't stop theft, but it might slow a particular thief down for a bit. All my comments and attempted discussions with you and your cronies on here, has always been in the context of what the OP proposed - and can only be judged on that context. The quote was; Flower Shamrock wrote: 1) A 'BAN' option. We should have the right to ban anyone from buying our goods, because of theft or quite frankly, for what ever rason we like. I generally stay on topic, and make responses in context to what the Original Poster requested. Although many posters here try to sidetrack, derail and disturb topics and instead try to make personal attacks - I try to keep my replies with the OP in consideration. Keep in mind that we don't have to agree, but at least respect other forum members enough to explain WHY you don't agree, and keep it on topic and always with the OPs statements in mind. Bitsy Buccaneer wrote: First page, you were taking copybotting in stride, entity. I remembered that, even if you didn't. Whatever that means. I have no patience for copyright infringement, artists claiming works and designs that are not their own, misrepresentation of products, market listings abuse, customer reviewer abuse, bad merchant attitudes. I am very, very sure I am on the right side of this, regardless of the current discussion. You want to discuss a different topic or get to know me? Start a new topic, or join me in an online chat room on TInyChat, lets hash it out. Bitsy Buccaneer wrote: Not only did you take it upon yourself to tell someone what her job as a creator is, you told her how to run her RL. You told someone how to run her real life. In the context of the discussion, not at a personal level, and items to consider, with that context in mind... Since I am also in the same role as Pam in SL - although not as an accomplished and experienced member as herself - anything I said also applies to me. The statements were made in the context of the OP and the discussion, and that unlike rented sims, the Marketplace and its hosting -and our privileged use of it (since we don't own or run or rent it) - doesn't allow us the same sweeping powers as we would have as individual land/sim owners. Bitsy Buccaneer wrote: I take it you didn't bother to reread the thread, or even your post immediately above mine, to see where I might (by chance) have gotten these impressions ( a vague idea in which confidence is placed ) from. Yes you may have made judgements based on assumptions of my position, and not facts. This is why we communicate, and require a vocabulary, so we can do so productively, instead of derailing topics into 'he said, she said' silly little back and forths. I don't need to re-read the whole thread, I know what I said, and in what context it was - the context of the original OP. When replies and statements are made, they are in the context and application of the OP, and how adding a widesweeping ban or panic button to the general merchant populace would not be a good thing in my opinion - so I stated my opinion and WHY my opinion was that way and WHAT impact such a thing could do to SL in general. Which then leads us back to the same fact that I have been standing by : There are already tools in place to report/ban griefers/thieves/ne'er-do-wells, we need more LL response, not wide-sweeping ban buttons that individuals WILL abuse; As Darrius states below; Darrius Gothly wrote: , they ( Linden Labs) are the only ones to whom the necessary information is both visible and legal to use.... Linden Lab, you have a DUTY to protect your customers from the criminal acts of others. You must realize the RIGHT of Free Speech also carries a massive RESPONSIBILITY too. Please reconsider the insane "Resident to Resident" excuse and help your law abiding customers protect themselves. You DO have the power to make it happen. You just need to understand it is the right thing to do.
  12. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: I am not aware of any method to track transaction on line past the 30 days. However I am in the habit of downloading my transactions on the first of every month so that I do have a record of them. It's a good habit to get into. Yes, perhaps a good habit to get into, if one is making such purchase inworld, that are much harder to track than purchases made through the marketplace. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: I agree two weeks is too long to go to gain access to a rental. Your original post said 3 days though. Perhaps you're getting a little legalistic in your responses - I believe it was "3 days or more", which means I gave ample chance to respond in this recent case - which now still has not got a response. Perhaps you are trying to lay blame on the person who put up the $L in the first place, and received nothing in return - as though dismissing the heist implying it is their fault. I like your tips on how to handle such things in the future, any excuses you are making on behalf of the merchant is bewildering.
  13. On a recent update, a well-known and expensive avatar-positioner type product has taken to calling home over the internet. Though this is a convenient way of copying and pasting the resultant sit-position code to be input into a notecard, it also reports the avatar you are using it from, the product name you used it in, as well as the names of the animations you use in your product as well. Cross reference that with other accounts using it, and you can start making a list of SL users from a particular IP address. Another product relied on a box that had to phone home to the merchant's website as well in order to even rez the product that you paid for - now since they are out of business, so is the product. Colloborate such shady techniques with other resources and you can start building a list of that person's alts - regardless if their use of alts is legitimate or not. I reviewed a product on the marketplace that made the merchant upset - she pm'ed all avatars she thought was associated with the account (and was wrong), but must have got the information from a new defunct - sandbox that we all frequented, back from a time in 2010 or so when we were all at the same IP address and active in SL. They're all gone now, but it was interesting to see those names being thrown at me in a nasty IM - as though it was 'exposing' me lol.
  14. Bitsy Buccaneer wrote: Why is it such an enormous deal to you how others choose to manage their SL businesses? Are you seriously saying that the possibility some merchants will ban customers who leave bad reviews trumps EVERY other concern, including copybotting and reselling full perm goods? Quote me anywhere that I've said any of this, or even expressed the concern about how others manage their business. You can't, because I've only been discussing the need for, and implementation of, and oversight of, and resultant effects of allowing the general merchant populace access to a ban button for any reason, including 'rude and unreasonable people'.
  15. I attended the AO class this morning, but was interrupted early with some RL issues, but the instructor (Terry?) was very patient and articulate with everyone, and I would recommend more people attend future classes by Helping Haven.
  16. Bree Giffen wrote: My opinion? I really could care less if someone were to do this. Be careful of your own listing practices, because it may reflect your own opinions on the matter, in respect to the following; "Branded items may be listed or sold only by the brand or intellectual property owner or its authorized agents" "Misspelling brand names or adding, removing, or swapping some characters to try to circumvent the rules, for example, using the number "1" instead of the letter "I" or a dollar sign "$" instead of the letter "S," is not allowed." - Market Listings Guidelines - Branding Guidelines Opinions don't really matter, we don't want the OP or anyone else to get into trouble, do we?
  17. I was responding in the context of your example; SabaothMastema wrote: Example: you upload a car from Saints Row exclusively for your own uses. I'm unaware of any Saints-Row items that are creative commons. A Creative Commons- licensed item may be fine, as long as that license allows you. That's the part of "You are the owner or have a license to use" part of the TOS.
  18. The problem would be how would LL and Second Life be able to extend you a license, and safely use the content you upload, without possibly infringing themselves then; 2.3 You grant Linden Lab certain licenses to your User Content. "In connection with Content you upload, publish, or submit to any part of the Service, you affirm, represent, and warrant that you own or have all necessary Intellectual Property Rights, licenses, consents, and permissions to use and authorize Linden Lab and users of Second Life to use the Content in the manner contemplated by the Service and these Terms of Service." - Terms of Service It would be the same if I uploaded textures that were licensed for me to be used by Stockphoto, but I cannot use them in Second Life because I dont actually own the works - and SL needs me to own what I upload to extend to me the proper license to use it within their TOS. It's usually best for everyone involved to just upload things you have created yourself, or have the license to use, on the Second Life platform. However, you can enjoy freedom in that department by installing OpenSim, and running it on localhost on your computer, and you can upload and enjoy anything for 'personal use' with no worries.
  19. "You create mesh models using a third-party 3D modeling tool. If you're a seasoned content creator, you may already be familiar with tools such as 3ds Max, Maya, Blender, or other popular professional tools; Google's SketchUp also provides a low barrier to entry for aspiring 3D modelers. Any 3D modeling software will work, as long as it can output models in COLLADA (.dae) format. Note: Second Life uses COLLADA 1.4." More information: - Creating Mesh for Second Life Other than that, the sky's the limit. What I am astounded at is the variety of things that creators make for SL... from the simplest of items like a pile of old wood planks, to stepping stones, to coffee can lights, to vase of flowers,etc - there is use for anything you can come up with. Good luck!
  20. Rya Nitely wrote: Be careful. Be careful of what? Rya Nitely wrote: You only have 50 items, and since your oldest items are 100% mesh I would guess you don't have the years of experience of many others here. You're right. I don't have the years of marketplace selling experience of others here. I started out building using prims in Second Life when I joined years ago, and looked around and saw all the great things made in mesh - then went and learned how to do so. I'm still working on it and improving every day. In the meantime I try to learn from others who are more experienced in SL and these matters. Rya Nitely wrote: I'd be concerned about those 2 freebies you have in your store. But you may be ok for now...you may not have enemies or strong competitors or just irrational customers with obvious personality disorders.....yet. What would you be concerned about the freebies I have? I plan to put much more. Not only as gifts, or as a means of advertising other works, and the quality thereof - ( freebies demonstrate the quality of the merchants other products ). Giving freebies advertises related items, and can showcase the quality of your work. If a merchants 'gifts' and 'freebies' are garbage, then most likely the rest of their paid products are garbage. Hunting for and reviewing quality (and not so quality) freebies is fun - gives feedback to the merchant about what is good and what is not, and also gives them a reminder that just because something is free, doesn't mean the quality should be any less than their paid products. Also freebies are nice to have when you are new to Second Life. I encourage creators to create quality freebies. Quality freebies makes me want to see what else you sell - and merchants have got sales from me because of their quality freebies. Rya Nitely wrote: I am so glad I stopped selling freebies. I saw freebies as gifts, and I didn't think people should rate gifts. So I removed my freebies. A freebie is still a product, and subject to review. Some will be good and some will be bad. Hopefully they are all constructive. A freebie can be used to showcase and lead to your quality paid products. Also, since the item is free, you should not care about how it is reviewed, as long as the review is constructive. If it isn't, there are tools available to you to remove the offending review. Rya Nitely wrote: I'd also like the ability to ban rude and unreasonable people, because I don't want to do business with rude and unreasonable people. 'Rude and unreasonable' is subjective. Some find me rude and unreasonable and would like to ban me, even though my reviews and comments are constructive criticism, and I back up what I say with reasons and examples. It would be all but too convenient for many in SL to ban people for being 'rude and unreasonable". Some thing me coming onto their land dressed as a tiny Meerkat, standing there and looking up at them all cute like is 'rude and unreasonable'... Rya Nitely wrote: Some people seem to get a power kick out of giving items 1 star, and this is particularly easy with freebies because they lose nothing. Wait until you experience this. Feel free to 1 star all my free products. As long as its constructive criticism, I will work to improve the product so that it gets 5 stars. If the review is abusive, I have tools at my disposal to get rid of it, and in the short term be able to respond to the review, so that others shopping the product can make their own decision on the item. Tell you what, you pay for your own server and all the software fixing and run your own Marketplace store, handle all your deliveries and payments, image and listing management and hostings - then you can have your ban button. Until then, we can all use the tools available and stop fearmongering about abusive reviewers. Rya Nitely wrote: As for using an alt, if I was banned from a store I most definitely wouldn't want to go back. I would think most people would take the hint and not return. And why would I bother with an alt? What's the point in buying copy only items with an alt if you want it for your main avatar? If an SL member was going to such extremes, which would not be the norm, I'm sure an adequate response from LL moderation could handle the problem, rather than giving every merchant a ban button that they can use 'for any reason', or because they feel someone is being 'rude and unreasonable'. Sassy Romano wrote: I guess there is no need to understand why a merchant would need to ban people, only accept that they may wish to do so, regardless of how much we agree that it's ineffective, if that person really wants to continue to buy their items. Yeah, no need to understand. Just demand a ban button - but don't tell anyone why one feels they need it. "I want a ban button to ban others for any reason, but I don't have to explain why" GG.
  21. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Actually you can download your transaction history to your computer to save the transaction number and details of who, what and when you paid. Having it on your transaction history, which no one can see but you and LL isn't going to prove your payment. It is the information that the landlord needs which you will have to give him if you download it. Yes, I am aware of this - my issue was that I could not find the transaction record because it only goes back a month. If you are aware of a method to track transaction purchases in-world, with ability to go back past one month, I'd appreciate the tip. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Next, landlords are RL people too and sometimes have RL issues that prevent them from responding promptly. Three days isn't all that much time. If you absolutely MUST have immediate access why didn't you contact the landlord before paying to assure of an immediate group invite? I understand this - that's the cost of being a merchant. Sometimes when RL gets in the way, you can risk losing some customers, or making other customers anxious when they pay for something that isn't delivered as expected. At the time of this posting, it has been more than two weeks without a response. This is also not the first incident for this to happen and for responsed to be delayed, for whatever reason. It is good advice for those who want to avoid this problem to contact the seller directly, before clicking on a land rental box in-world, then wondering why they're not responded to.. if ever. Don't start blaming me for this situation. As soon as the transaction went through, and there was no change, following the instructions to the letter, contacting the seller with both polite and courteous IMs and notecard - with no response, has nothing to do with any shortcomings on my end. If a merchant wants to use land rental boxes, with all their quirks and issues, they need to inform the buyer that the rental is not immediate, or anything else they need to inform you about - before taking your $L. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: I've always asked the landlord in this type of case to adjust the due date of the rent by whatever time that I couldn't use it due to needing a group tag. If you do this politely instead of getting bent out of joint like you did here, in my experience they always are happy to do that. Landlords want to have reasonable as well as happy tenants. A polite IM and notecard were both sent, there was no getting bent out of joint - in this particular case and 2 other incidents within Second Life - the messages were not returned, and the seller absconded with the $L. Since there is no way to resolve these kind of disputes, and LL doesn't get involved, then the only recourse is to warn future customers of this problem.
  22. Good stuff, where can people find this magazine (if possible) in-world?
  23. Sassy Romano wrote: I agree about the first part, i've already said that elsewhere in the thread. Both land ban and MP ban are placebo's but since it exists for one (inworld), it's not unreasonable to expect or even ask for the same elsewhere. We ARE paying for the website, the upkeep, the hosting though. That's the commission charge. Quite how it is allocated is irrelevant but it's not a free service. I guess I am failing to communicate to you the need for me to understand how and why a merchant would need to ban people from their SL Marketplace store, and to demonstrate an example that would warrant such a harsh measure. Pamela Galli wrote: I don't need LL "moderators" to decide who I want to do business with or not. That is my business alone and in no way affects anyone else but me. Why you think you have a stake in how I run my business I cannot imagine. You seem to think I am talking about a request to ban reviews. I am not. I am saying when I tell someone they should buy elsewhere in the future, I don't want their business, either inworld or on the MP. But I am forced to do business with Asking for the power to ban users of the SL Marketplace for any reason, it does affect me and other users - and if available, could effectively ban reviews by default - and will be abused. You just keep repeating yourself that you want the ban hammer - but you still haven't rationalized your need for it to anyone here, and feel you don't have to, but you do. I'm sure those who would get banned for unknown reasons by you from your inworld or SLMP would certainly like to know your criteria to do so. I've never had to ban anyone from my marketplace or the lands I've rented so far. You must have a lot of enemies, though I don't understand why - you are such a kind, patient and helpful person.
  24. And I am suggesting that we leave it up to Linden Lab's moderators and judges to decide who gets banned or not. We are not paying for the website, the hosting, the distribution of products, the handling of money exchanges and circulation. Also, in a free market society, if you want to benefit from such a system, it is a given that you will have to deal with subjectively 'unpleasant' people from time to time. Seriously, what can someone really do by purchasing your stuff? Even the simplest or critical of reviews can be considered 'hostile' or 'harassment' depending on the mood of the seller - so who will arbitrate in such disputes? I simply don't understand why a ban for any reason is needed, because no posters in this topic so far have supported their opinions as to why they would like a ban.. they just keep repeating themselves. They also appear to feel entitled to this feature, when they are not the ones running the website, servers and company at all. I, on the other hand, with a countering opinion, have supported it with reasons. I still haven't read any examples as to when this ban would theoretically be used, and why. Pamela Galli wrote: It's "my own fault" that I earn a living in SL? I would call it more "a dream come true". I get to decide who is allowed into my inworld store, and I don't owe you or anyone else any justification. The same would be true if there was a way to ban people from buying in my MP store. Buyers get to choose who they will do business with, sellers should have the same right. Please stop moving the goalposts when we are discussing an issue. We were discussing banning people from our SL Marketplace store - you're the only one that mentioned inworld. I've already addressed that by saying though I do disagree with overuse of ban lines etc because I would like SL to remain more social - I never said you didn't have a right to do with what you wanted on the land you pay for (thats a different topic). If you do not address any of the points I made as to WHY I disagree with you, its obvious you do not care for countering opinions on the matter. I simply disagree with your desire to ban anyone you want from your SLMP, so I guess that's where our conversation ends - as usual. I also know I would be the first one on your ban list - for absolutely nothing and only because you don't like my opinions. GG.
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