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Codex Alpha

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Everything posted by Codex Alpha

  1. Yes, I am using 2.69, and at this time, if I leave the old UV map in the list, even if I have the newest one activated, on export it will screw it up. I must delete it in the list for the export to work correctly. Thanks for the tips.
  2. This is going to be a bit mind boggling. Blender can be a real mess when you click the wrong button at the wrong time and don't even know it. Trying to figure out why each layer object needs to have its own new material, and assigning the same image gives different results. I'll have to get back to you after seeing what the problem is. Other than that, getting the lower LODs is working out fine. Mapping them to the original baked texture is a pain in the ass though, and doesn't give very nice results. Now I'm just lost. UV Map this, UV Baked that. Material uses this texture, then on new model Material disappears have to make a new one, it says 2 items are using the image, but now there's a copy... Might be better off just creating a new blend file for each edition, though I do like your way.. but the materials/textures/UVMaps get confusing in the same file for a newbie like me.
  3. Ok, I'm following this right now. So each level is going to have it's own UV Map, it's own texture image as well? For example, Level 1 will have its UV Map image, then perhaps Level 3 will be UV'd a bit different, but I would need to bake out another image for that, and etc for Level 2 or less if needed? So I would expect to upload LOD models for most levels, and each image for each LOD would also needed to be uploaded for each? Not sure about how this aspect works. I will keep the same 2 materials I'm using, but my model will have less vertices and faces, but still maintaining its shape and size, etc Then UV Map again, and bake a new image for each?
  4. Hmm, I do have 2 x UV maps in there, the first being the old UV I used to scale the textures onto the individual areas. New Wrap is following the latter tutorial, and he does mention selecting the new UV, which I did, but was having the results as posted. Don't see a way to select the active UV Map other than what I did by highlighting it. I did, however DELETE 'UVMap' and then re-export the Collada out of Blender using the 2nd LIfe Static Preset(of course), and now it seems to be mapping fine in the importer! Thanks for tipping me off. Mr Brandt does not cover this part in his texture tutorial, as he only uses 1 texture and simply bakes it, and the latter tutorial was geared to exporting to Unity3D. Thanks man, i just couldn't find the information anywhere. I watch a pile of tutorials, follow them, and read as much as I can, but in the end, I need to consult people with more working experience than I. Such a simple thing screwed me up for hours.
  5. I have followed Brandt's tutorial here; Sofa Creation For Second Life Part 5 Texturing but he only shows the use of one texture, that doesn't seem to be a problem. Another tutorial here addresses the texturing of a mesh using multiple materials/textures, then compositing them into one image; Blender-Baking Textures ( 5:00 on is when he assigns the composite image to the object) Everything is fine and dandy; There is no problem with render; as expected New material was created and texture using composite baked image, assigned to object; as expected. Followed the tutorial to ensure the new UV map was selected to reflect it all; as expected. In the Second Life importer, however, the texture is clearly not applied correctly, and upload and test verifies this. I could upload a model of the couch, using the seperate textures, and setting the textures to reflect the scale I had assigned in Blender; but that defeats the purpose. I have to use seperate textures for each material on the object, but of course, I'd prefer to use 1 image/1material for an object like this simple 2 texture couch. Doing the same thing to a simple cube (assigning diff mats/textures to faces), then compositing an image (without using a new UV map because I dont have to re-Unwrap that simple object) and there is no problem. What gives? Is my mesh gimped somehow? I've checked it all over in Blender, dont see why this wouldnt map the image correctly if its an all-go on the render in 2nd Life. Export detail missed? Some wrong button pressed somwhere? LOL. I've spent too much time with this than I should. Got any ideas what could be going on? Thanks for your help as always, your replies are usually pretty helpful and informative.
  6. Good words, thanks for the help. I'll get back to the topic on my next test model to show what happens. Now for each level of detail model, one still UV wraps and texture them individually right? So I can use the same blend file, but work on different object details?
  7. Land Security Orb "You have 30 seconds to leave the area....". lol.
  8. I create content in a variety of media from handmade art to music compositions, I create a lot. In my time as an artist, I have come across many TOS's I don't agree with, and it's hard to find a home without losing my IP rights on my material, or even avoiding 'exclusivity' agreements. However, I do realize that much of this wording has to be done so that the service I use can distribute, promote, stream, etc throughout the world, etc. But when there is a specific item in a policy, like in the case of MySpace, it was the same license that LL is using. The exception being "our license to your copyright content ENDS when you remove it from your site/account". For that reason, I felt it was fair, and didn't worry about uploading my original media to their servers, as I could terminate the 'agreement' by simply deleting the files. Facebook, and many other sites though explicitly state things like "we archive your content even if you cancel your account", etc and I refuse to use their sites, as I have no control over my own content, nor anyway to terminate the agreement comfortably. But will this qualify the same as MySpace type agreement? (Quoted from SL TOS as follows); "2.6 You may delete copies of your Content from the Service, and the licenses you have granted for the deleted copies will terminate with certain limitations." This section needs to be read a few times and discussed, because what it sounds like to me, is that I can in fact terminate their license to use my IP as they wish, by simply removing the content from the SL universe and marketplace, while still letting everyone that has a copy of my item(s) to be allowed to still have them. What do you think of that?
  9. Thanks for the actual distances involved in LOD, hard to find that info about for mesh beginners to account for. P Yes, I uploaded the lamp as a colllection of objects, as I did with a spider model as well, so it could be poseable into different positions 'in-game'. If I join the objects into a single mesh, will I lose that ability? Ok, so if I want to make individual pieces of a 'mesh' positionable, etc, then consider them as seperate meshes anyway and create LOD models (Or account for each individually) instead? Thanks for info, a great help.
  10. Wow, thanks, just how I suspected, but didn't have the knowledge to confirm that. I will experiment with different LOD models and see what happens. I understand now why the smaller mesh will switch quickly to lower LODs other than larger objects. So am I on the right track to not really include too much detail for smaller meshes, and save it for larger ones? Eg. stick with basic cube prims in-game, and/or keep detail lower for 0.5m type objects (I'm building to default avatar/ RL scale, so a record crate is about 0.5m-0.625m). I guess I could continue with the high detail at any size big or small, but EXPECT that the lower level LOD meshes will be preferred quickly. What do you think?
  11. Detailed mesh parts under 1m seem to like to disappear only meters away. This has happened to a record crate of mine, and now an extending light's potlight head, as seen in the image below. Of course if I make the potlight big, like around 2m or so, then it doesn't seem to blink out of existence. Meanwhile, using a simple, low 'no' detail potlight (cylinder) obviously has no problems rendering to the viewer at ANY distance. Why is it as soon as I make something a mesh, suddenly it doesn't want to display, even when tests I have made have been simply uploading a cube or cylinder mesh and noticing they do the same thing! Same faces, same vertices, what gives? Anyways, this seems to happen to objects I have designed (with more detail) that may only end up being 0.5m to 1m, eg. scale record crate, light fixtures, etc. Should I not add so much detail to small items in 2nd LIfe (not that they are really)? Should I reserve detail for larger items only? Even on a recent 3m 'spider' model uploaded, fangs that were sized below 0.5m, simply disappear at 5m or more, yet the rest remains, because they parts are bigger.. So let's see if bumping up the LODs will help; Nope. But now we got a whopping 8.76 LI, and still with no results. I can build this light in fewer prims and dont have this issue, which defeats the point of making a mesh (for extra detail for less LI). Secondly, why don't the arms and base disappear? Is it something I'm doing in Blender? As far as I know it's all clean, though I have used Modifier->Boolean->Union to create the shapes of the pivot points. Now let's see what happens on a recent "Record Crate" model I made in Blender. Previously I just used a texture on a cube, and added a 'record' by using a 2nd prim, put both to 'no physics' or 'convex hull' and linked set is 1 Li. But at any size at least, there is no loss of LOD. As in this image, my crate is unaffected by range as much as a larger item, but at scale, it blinks out. Also, i have observed and may admit, that at a 'scale' size of the record crate, perhaps a model isn't really needed at all. What do you think I should do? It seems that my smaller models not only don't really need the detail for their size (But what if I created jewelry, that did?) Is mesh settings of high, medium and low, etc not as relevant on small or 'tiny' or 'scale' models? Its an important thing to know before wasting time modeling detailed meshes for small scales. What do you expert mesh makers think?
  12. Yes, I have since decided to include another non-mesh item in the group so that the light source will be placed where I would like it to be. Now I just have to change my scripts to compensate for new information
  13. I would also like to know. It seems 'high' and 'medium' setting on some items means you can only see them from < 10m. If you set even just an ugly 3-4 triangles to be seen from 'low' and 'lowest' (whatever that means), it just ends up costing you a higher LI when you upload it. Some of these models I'm making I could make with less impact with in-game prims. I don't understand this system at all. A cube mesh at 3m size will cost you 8-10 Land Impact, but the same cube prim in game only 1. It's getting really frustrating uploading models thinking they'll be okay at a LOD, and have them disappear in only 5-10m, kind of defeats the purpose. For example, if I simply have a cube with a high detail texture applied, it looks like a crate full of records. AT ANY DISTANCE. Do the same with a detailed mesh with handles and details, and BAM! disappears. I dont expect it to have high detail at a distance, but come on, the thing just disappears, where as a standard cube prim still can be seen Even then, each model is inconsistent. A larger model will be less Li than a smaller one, and sometimes a smaller one with 1800 triangles willl cost more than my recent spider model which weighs in at only 330 or so.. but stilll requires 6 times the LI just because it is 3m size.
  14. That's what I figured, thanks. Was hoping I was doing something wrong, and change the center of the source of light. We need spotlights or source->targets in 2nd Life, similar to the game engines I have worked in before, so spotlights and areas of effect could be done
  15. I'm working with Blender to make meshes for 2nd Life. It appears as though my hanging lights, standing lights, etc do not emanate light from where I would expect them to; in a radius from the source 'face' or 'material' assigned to do so. For example, you create a hanging light or chandelier, and the light appears to be displaying a radius around the ENTIRE mesh, rather than from the source face. If you make a mesh creature who is holding a light source, the same thing occurs. One would expect the creature's face to be illuminated, but it is not; only the surroundings are. Is this normal for 2nd Life currently, or am I missing something, like changing the source/pivot/center point of a mesh so that the light displays correctly. Kind of weird to expect a hanging light to illuminate a counter/bar top in-game, but it's lighting up the ceiling and everything else instead... NOTE: In theory, I could add an object/mesh after the fact in-game, as either a part of the mesh's design, and therefore have control over light source (eg., adding a small invisible sphere), but that adds to Land Impact cost, and defeats the purpose of creating an intact mesh that works from the start... Thanks for your responses.
  16. Its 2013 now, and I agree with this. Building my own stuff, I am building to scale for my 5'8 avatar, and everything else seems grossly out of scale. I can't even buy furniture from any store, because I look like a little kid on the "Great Big Comfy Couch" because even the simple armchairs are DOUBLE the size they should be. For example, if I plop a default prim on the ground that is 0.5mx0.5m. My avatar sits perfectly on it, my feet are on the ground planted properly, and this is how furniture should be built around it. How many sofa sets do you see where the back of them come up to your face? Not much. I could go on, but there's so much. All I can say, is if and when I can get building furniture and props, etc, they will be to scale for the average height human, not the superhero and monster sized avatars walking around.
  17. I don't have a problem with this, as it is a standard license for many sites. I am a control freak over my intellectual property, so read the fine print on things carefully. They must have that license in order to broadcast your content over the internet, in films, advertising, etc. However, that license should end immediately when you remove the intellectual property from your Inventory folder, or cancel your account in Second Life. Some music sites have the same license to use my original music in this way as well (in order to distribute it to listeners, etc), but their license is revoked as soon as I remove the file from their servers (if their policy says so of course ) Can anyone clarify if this is is the case with Second Life?
  18. I have purchased quite a few items from the marketplace and 'in-game' business stores alike over my time in 2nd Life. I am a big freebie advocate however, and take pride in using, studying and wearing many freebie items acquired from many sources. This helps encourage new users to 2nd Life that they can have a decent collection of items that they never have to pay for at the beginning, and then can go from there. My issue lately is searching for $0 items on the Marketplace, and many marketers using the price to advertise their more expensive 'paid' items by calling it a 'demo'. This tactic really messes up my search results, as I truly am looking for 'freebie' items, with no trial periods, or prerequisites required to use the item. Why is this 'demo' exploit not addressed, and how can we address it so that people CAN demo their products, but without clogging up a 'freebie' search with demo items? I kind of want to report these as false advertising, or market infringements, but the terms are too vague in this department, and I don't really want to be that much of a jerk. Could we have a 'demo' classification, rather than them using the 'freebie' classification?
  19. I have purchased quite a few items from the marketplace and 'in-game' business stores alike over my time in 2nd Life. I am a big freebie advocate however, and take pride in using, studying and wearing many freebie items acquired from many sources. This helps encourage new users to 2nd Life that they can have a decent collection of items that they never have to pay for at the beginning, and then can go from there. My issue lately is searching for $0 items on the Marketplace, and many marketers using the price to advertise their more expensive 'paid' items by calling it a 'demo'. This tactic really messes up my search results, as I truly am looking for 'freebie' items, with no trial periods, or prerequisites required to use the item. Why is this 'demo' exploit not addressed, and how can we address it so that people CAN demo their products, but without clogging up a 'freebie' search with demo items? I kind of want to report these as false advertising, or market infringements, but the terms are too vague in this department, and I don't really want to be that much of a jerk. Could we have a 'demo' classification, rather than them using the 'freebie' classification?
  20. All i know is Llinden Labs has my money, billed to my credit card, but no goods delivered. I dont care HOW or WHY, but this MUST be resolved quickly. Because this is THEFT.
  21. No. That's stupid. if there is any bug or glitch or inability for us Canadians to purchase $L, then we should be informed before LINDEN DECIDES TO CHARGE OUR CREDIT CARD OR TAKES OUR MONEY IN ANY SHAPE OR FORM. Taking money without delivering services or goods is THEFT.
  22. Linden can still charge your credit card though >:-| This is UNACCEPTABLE. I will be filing a THEFT CHARGE complaint against LINDEN very soon with my credit card company if my issue is not resteolved PROMPTLY. I will not tolerate, nor should anyone else, any company that takes your $$ and does not deliver services or goods immediately. I demand a full refund or access to purchasing $L NOW. There is no excuse, Linden Labs, i don't care. Just do it.
  23. i just spent $$ on my credit card to buy $L, transaction was cancelled due to "Linden dollar price has changed, cancelling transaction" message. The $$ were billed to my credit card, a 'credit' applied to my account, yet I am still unable to buy $L. Submitted support tickets and called customer support, problem is not resolved. In the meantime it says I have used my alloted purchase strength FOR THE MONTH, but i HAVE NOT RECIEVED GOODS OR SERVICES! Transaction bug? Not where my credit card is concerned! LINDEN HAS MY MONEY, I dont care HOW or WHY. Until my money is refunded,or $L are credited, I will be telling EVERYONE EVERYWHERE to STAY AWAY from buying from 2nd Life. If this problem is not resolved in one more day (it been 48 hours), I will also be filing a complaint with my credit card company and report a theft charge.
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