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Codex Alpha

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Everything posted by Codex Alpha

  1. After having many issues with accessing the Beta server, sometimes the land marks would change, or I found myself in the ocean, or w/e... I use an alternate method, which is much faster, I can upload models and leave them there. Run Open Sim on Localhost on Your Machine The only thing you can't check is your Land Impact, as there is none configured in OpenSim. However, with creating good LODs for your objects and Physics object, you'll have no problem once you put it into Second Life. You'll have unliimited LI and can leave your builds, test things out, all on your local computer, and you don't have to upload test meshes up into Linden Lab's databases.
  2. MrMakelove wrote: " This is a band called "Second Life", and even they didn't even form until 1999. "SECOND LIFE is a three piece Modern Rock band based in Southwestern Idaho. Formed in March 1999, they are dedicated to writing and performing their own unique style of melodic high-energy music" My first virtual world was a very laggy "Active Worlds"? (with Power Ranger-looking avatars) on a modem. It was a mess and took forever to load up.
  3. When I see a product inworld that I like, I will try to find it on the Marketplace, so that I can leave a review, or at least have the ability to have it serviced/redelivered. This is your best bet if you frequently leave reviews. As a merchant, I don't like the fact that I can't track purchases inworld - I can't offer service or refunds to people because I can't even find their transaction possibly - or it's a lot more work, and SL only allows me to go back over transactions of 30 days. So on some products, I will put the 'demo' version inworld, and script the object to open up the Marketplace product page, and the customer can purchase from there - dunno if that loses impulse sales inworld but I don't care. I care more about being able to track what is being bought. Other knick-knacks and random products that won't need a lot of servicing in the future (like tables, chairs, oddities, etc) I can freely sell inworld without tracking (though a universal 'tracking by product ID' would be nice inworld or not).
  4. No problem. Just stating for the OP's benefit that Maya tutorials and instruction heavily use menus, options, panels, docks, windows, and toolboxes, and Blender tutorials don't - they teach shortcuts from day one.
  5. Most of the joint floating will be exactly that - the joints were rotated from default. It's the only time it's happened to me, and occasionally I will have missed one joint, or it didn't take.
  6. Bee Rentals Available, at the price point you wanted. Fast service, responds quickly, 5% discounts on monthly purchases, and most of all friendly (which we need more of in SL). I rent my store through Bee currently.
  7. IvanBenjammin wrote: Then I guess you win whatever contest we were having... Technically, you made a challenge, so I answered it. Don't worry, Maya is clearly the industry standard, so you win by default. The op wants to use menus, well Maya is heavy on the use of them - she should explore Maya tutorials. The op doesn't want to learn shortcuts - then stay away from Blender tutorials - shortcuts are taught and used from day one. I knew I would temp debate by even mentioning the differences in using Maya vs Blender, but it was in the context of the desires of the OP.
  8. No. Blender tutorials are shortcut-key-centric and is far superior to using menus. However, if you want to use menus, Maya is possibly software you could consider. The software features 8-10 ways of doing the same thing, with multiple menus, docks, windows, panels, and toolboxes that allow you to do the simplest of things - but in 5 steps or more for each action. Most Maya tutorials are menu-centric - they seem to love opening up 5 options in order to do the simplest of actions. Compare how long it takes to add 3 loop cuts to a cube in Blender, vs 3 balanced loop cuts in Maya. Now add 1 loop cut and slide with it on a cube - but try to do the same in Maya without having to open up the options box and resetting it back to 1 and make sure the loop is centered too.
  9. I thought there was no problem with this, as I've only changed it in the Merchant Home | Edit Store Information | Store Setup -> Link To Inworld Store and it already updates on each product page? Oh I see now, in the individual product listing: Saw that problem early in the game, and NEVER used it there.
  10. Thousands of searchable streaming radio stations For Second Life
  11. No matter what anyone says, an avatar is not a child. If two adults in SL want to 'age-play' or 'role-play' their first kiss using child avatars, that is up to them. No children are involved, only adults. An avatar cannot be a sexual object by itself, only the person wielding the avatar can do that. A picture of a child avatar in a bikini also is not child pornography. One cannot tell the intent, or even assume the use of, a child avatar in SL. THough it is not my cup of tea, unless you were to observe private SL users with child avatars and spy on them - there is no reason to suspect they are using the avatars in the parameters that a virtual world like SL allows. If you can't look at an innocent picture (or advertisement) of clothing for a child avatar - without sexualizing it - perhaps the issue is more in your mind than it is in the sellers'. Also, even if there were 'questionable' activity by consenting adults in SEcond Life, and whether or not I find the subject/action/fetish disgusting - I will defend any roleplay by any (ADULT VERIFIED ACCOUNT), do do what ever they please. - SECOND LIFE IS A VIRTUAL WORLD, NOT THE REAL WORLD. Addendum: Hopefully such questionable activities should be restricted to private sims only;. I don't believe the femboi-humping dude or the dog-humping dude observed in the Premium default user homes was appropriate...
  12. Alwin Alcott wrote: what you forget is that escort work in SL often requires CAM work... and that IS seen as prostitution in many countries. This is a NEW argument, and essentially is moving the goal posts in a discussion/debate. It is a tactic frequently used when an argument has been counter-acted effectively, yet the arguing party wants to still win. The original post was about clothing for avatars, and imagined behaviour and roleplay between consenting adults who subscribe to the Second Life virtual world service. Alwin Alcott wrote: Next to that it's impossible to check if a employee is adult. But i'm sure you don't mind your 16 or 17 yr old daughter playing herself in front of a cam. Next to impossible for whom? Last time I checked, one needed to be 19-21 years of age in order to write contracts and be eligible for credit cards - which amounts to "payment on file" for the average Second Lifer. Linden Labs has access to all that information, the personal names of users. Should their job now be to peek into the activity of their subscribers and police their activities as well? If a child is participating in Second Life activities fit for the Adult category, and there is payment on file, then that has to do with the parent involved who put the credit card up, and therefore monitoring of their child's activities is their responsibility. Alwin Alcott wrote: But i'm sure you don't mind your 16 or 17 yr old daughter playing herself in front of a cam.  And that was a straight up, unfair and undeserved personal attack. Discuss the topic and points made, not the person.
  13. Quinn Lysette wrote: prostitution is ilegal in rl it should be ilegal in sl Prokofy Neva wrote: If Linden Lab has a policy against ageplay -- which it does and should regardless of what people think regarding the application onf the First Amendment -- then it has to extend that to the props for this banned activity. It is not illegal to sell clothing. Also, just because it is made and advertised for the child avatar in mind, doesn't mean it is automatically sexual or related to child sex abuse, pornography, etc. In many countries around the world, you will see a variance of dress, regardless of age, even swimwear. What we may find shocking here, may be the norm elsewhere. Yes, there are young teenagers wearing thongs on public beaches, and others may even go topless. Your reaction to seeing it should be scrutinized more - rather than how someone chooses to remain cool and/or sunbathe. Your concern should even be less when it comes to an environment like Second Life - where you only see what you are seeking - and leave the rest for other members to deal with. Whether or not I find certain roleplay distasteful, it's not illegal, and never should be, not do RL rules or infractions be, unless someone is affected in RL. Or else, what you are calling for is 'thought crime", and frankly, that is more distasteful than letting consenting adults roleplay whatever they want, or buy whatever clothes they want for whatever avatar they want.
  14. Persephone Emerald wrote: Whenever you buy something on MP, it's nice to leave an honest review. If the product is good, then a good review helps both the creator & those who might buy it. If the product is bad, a bad review may dissuade someone else from wasting their money & time on buying it. Even free items cost us the effort to delete them. Also, if you think a freebie is actually stolen from another creator or if a cheapie is elsewhere a full-perm freebie that's supposed to be free, then put that information in your review. Sorry I didn't respond to your post. I agree. Reviews are a double edged sword, and no product is above it. If you get the good, you get the bad as well. Anyone who has a problem with that can contact me inworld and I can show the products I have reviewed, both good and bad, and why, and we can have an adult discussion about it. I don't buy into the 'it's free, so be thankful and gracious' - irrelevant, if people want to leave a review, all power to them.
  15. wherorangi wrote: what you know is what works for you, works for you. And you dunno why what works for you, doesnt work for everyone. Have you been drinking? Because that made no sense wherorangi wrote: And bc you dunno why then you see things that are not real and not true. And you wonder why nobody else sees what you see, things that are not real and not true Yep, seems like you have been drinking wherorangi wrote: you see the high & mighty say stuff like "they should be grateful for free stuff". Nobody else in all the threads where you have raised this topic, sees this. Only you If I thought you'd change your mind, I'd spend the time to dig it up, but I know it wouldn't, so I won't bother. Just stay in your fearful litte sock account troll bubble. wherorangi wrote: it isnt about being grateful. Is about being gracious Lol, just an excuse to put out crappy stuff. wherorangi wrote: what I, and pretty much everyone else, does get for free, we are pretty gracious about. Being gracious means dont complain after asking for and getting the stuff. Like to actual get free stuff we do ask for it, by click on it It's funny how you speak as if you are a spokesperson for many; you should instead focus on speaking for yourself. wherorangi wrote: to actual ask for free stuff, just so that we can critique it, is one of the weirdest things anyone can do. Is actual bananas Who's asking for free stuff? Who's complaining about free stuff? Who said 'leave scathing reviews' on freebies? It's very interesting to see such a resistance ( as usual ) over a simple little thing. Review and be reviewed, freebie or not. I will be reviewing regardless of your opinion. Anything I say can be turned on me as well. In fact, some sore loser already 1 starred one of my most popular freebies - go see it and learn how to address such reviews. I just used it as another opportunity to sell. It even helped me improve the product again - directly addressing the complaint and already updating it. So what's your problem? I sense fear.
  16. I demand standards dammit. That being said, my shape and size is that of the default avatar size determined by SL itself. I design everything with that in mind. If I go to a real 5'8" size, then I look like a midget compared to all the super-villain, Minotaur-sized males and 16 foot Amazon women with 8 foot legs. I also hate most furniture made in the world, because they are generally too large and make people look like kiddies. Scale furniture and chairs look disturbingly small in SL. I can fit an entire bar and nightclub in a default premium SL house if I build to RL scale. Generally though, I'll build to scale then multiply x 1.2 to get close to average SL scale, or objects are too small. I wish they'd just scale to metric and RL size though, standards dammit Also there is a limit sliding the height scale down before your shape starts to look all stubby and stupid. and thats 5'8 and down.
  17. Good article and a good blog.... there's even a good on on how to find some Freebies in Second Life. Good information for newbies to read - and some of us older members who are still relatively new to renting/owning land.
  18. Yes, I understand. I consider a rental opt-in, as in I pay for 1-4 or 8 weeks, and at the end of that tenancy and I haven't renewed, the land owner can put it up immediately. That being said, I've discontinued rentals not because I didn't appreciate any help or favours, it was an economic one, and will/have returned to rent land from the same in the future. Inworld stores are iffy right now - I track visitors and at least at my level and number of items, its hard to warrant the expense for the minimal visitors - most of my customers come from the MP. So the last thing I want is to mess around after putting out up to a month in the past through a box, then left hanging there wondering what happened.
  19. SabaothMastema wrote: Just gotta say. If you disapprove of the freebies that are out there then there is a very consttuctive way to change that......make better ones and give them out yourself. Otherwis if its free then why complain if it's subpar? Only reason to make a bad review on a freebie is to offer constructive criticism. Even then you could just IM the merchant and say it. That's what I do - so what's the problem? Persephone Emerald wrote: Whenever you buy something on MP, it's nice to leave an honest review. If the product is good, then a good review helps both the creator & those who might buy it. If the product is bad, a bad review may dissuade someone else from wasting their money & time on buying it. Even free items cost us the effort to delete them. Also, if you think a freebie is actually stolen from another creator or if a cheapie is elsewhere a full-perm freebie that's supposed to be free, then put that information in your review. They seem to get upset that I point out the image is copyright infringed, and being sold by the original artist, and provide a link as well . I thought I was being helpful by adding that information to my review... Muletta wrote: The question is though, can we always trust these reviews? I have received splendid stuff from MP, which other people have given 1 star and bad comments... and the other way around too. - But that is probably another discussion. Some customers do not read the instructions before buying, do not know how to make things work, and do not bother to ask the seller, before giving a bad review. I do not always pay much attention to the reviews all the time, I admit. If things are for free, then I do not like to complain about a bad product at all. Like in the real world: it is the thought that counts, and not the gift itself. Besides that, I never write bad reviews for bought stuff either, without contacting the seller first, and give him/her a chance to fix it...what they often are happy to do... I think most merchants here, are proud of their creations... You can never avoid some bad apples in the basket, no matter how many reviews you give here and there. Exactly. I don't know why a merchant would NOT want reviews on their freebies - so far I've just seen high & mighty "They should be grateful for free stuff' elitist responses. I welcome one and all to review anything I make. I'll use the information to improve what I got, and use ideas for future products.
  20. That's fine. We disagree. Also on that page (with risk of ad populom fallacy), there are 6 / 7 reviews that feel the same way. So what then? Even if they're wrong - perhaps the merchant needs to rethink her category strategy (and her use of spammed keywords, and her use of copyrighted images) - with 2016 in mind. Cori Muir wrote: I also do customer service and marketing IRL but it's a great bit different here, given how SLMP is set up and that we are a very small team. IRL I work for one of the largest companies in the world, with millions of people for back up, and lots of ability to correct incorrect reviews or simply directing them to where they can voice their grievances (non quality related). Also able to make a font bigger try moving it even. I do wish our SLMP was even more like say EtSy or Shopify or even Word press, then we could have a bit more control ice appearance etc. Right now all I have thought to do is make sure I actually use the SL graphic for classic avatars on the actual product images and automate that process in Photoshop just to make life easier. Yes, the SLMP needs a serious revamp, mostly about what you stated - having more specific options. I wonder if LL is just going to decide on their own or if they will open up future plans for the MP for feedback (yikes, who wants that, right?) from merchants and user alike so we can improve it.
  21. Muletta wrote: Hi Entity0x I think I get your point here. This way, you think we can force merchants to deliver only quality freebies, I guess, to not be revealed as a bad shop ... but it will not solve the problem with bad products anyway... Merchants who sell bad products, will just stop offering freebies. Hello Muletta, thanks for your response. I am not asking anyone to be forced and neither am I making a solid and emphatic demand that only quality freebies be made. This is mainly a topic to address the statement made that "Freebies should not be reviewed", and I pose that they are not above reviews. I believe freebies should be a true gift, with no less quality than paid products (with all things considered, as stated in a recent post - many freebies are from antiquity). I am not an idiot, and I take all the exceptions to the rule into consideration, before making a statement. I love getting freebies, and I love giving freebies, and I love giving good freebies. It's my part to giving back into Second Life what I got when I was first broke in SL and getting freebies myself. I also made many purchases from vendors who gave out freebies - because their freebies were amazing. In my opinion, it is a good thing to both receive and give out reviews on any product, regardless of price. Since the item is being used by the merchant to get attention, will get attention and probably future sales, why do many feel they are above the review system or think somehow they are some Great Benefactor? I was an SL newbie once, so this topic is to the SL newbies, and to sensible people. I have left many reviews on a variety of priced products, free or not, constructive and honest. Many of them have also been taken down because the merchant went mental - this discourages people from reviewing. I've also received much appreciated reviews on my own, which I use to improve my products, or include features in updated versions. I've even updated a 'free' product to a recent version as my Blender skills have developed, and updated all other products as well with what I've learned. Rufferta wrote: I agree with your article in part, but I don't believe in giving bad reviews to freebies because - well, I give out freebies, and I would be crushed if someone told me they thought they weren't very good. I also think that if a merchant gives you an especially nice freebie - something you really like or that you can actually use - you should send a thank-you note. I never said people should give bad reviews to freebies - the reviews must be constructive. Freebies are not above reviews, and I stated why. Also, any freebies that I found practical,and purchased paid items because of it - I've always sent them a note telling them... I also leave a review on their freebie, and the products I subsequently purchased. However, I conduct myself fairly - I have the balls to leave reviews that are constructive and honest. You shouldn't be crushed by constructive criticism. Reviews are there for both sides. One cannot expect every review to be 5 star - instead just read it for what it's worth, improve the product. There is also a reply form to the review if the merchant has any issue with it. Good day
  22. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: I looked on MP under the categories you gave to see the actual listing and could find no item titled Wall Cabinet Home Decor. Probably because I was following the forum guidelines, and not using specific examples in order to protect any merchants involved - that could potentially suffer loss of reputation. Good job, Amethyst. :: shakes head :: Some of you people here will stop at nothing trying to paint someone out to be a liar and troublemaker, won't you? What if what you have done has forced me to expose details that will destroy the reputation of said seller, and even get them banned, in order to defend my own? Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Still I saw reviews complaining it wasn't a real cabinet but just a picture of one, though none were yours. Why were you even trying to find my review? I understand your need to call out someone's bull**bleep** as it presents itself, but apply that across the board - especially to merchants who are in clear contravenence of Marketing guidelines. 1) Selling copyrighted works 2) Listing not categorized correctly 3) Description ambiguous or misleading 4) Keyword spam, eg. 'free, freebie, gift, promo" for non-free items "cottage,sign,art,photograph,painting,furniture,free,fantasy,castle,kitchen,decor,decal,hippy,shabby,chic,gothic,vampire,shack,medieval,home,group,gift,freebie These keywords do not relate to a wall cabinet, or tromp l'oeile. Now do you want to go deeper? I have IMs that can be very troubling. Next time, put the spotlight where it belongs - on the actual crooks. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Long before you came to SL, it was pretty common for people to use pictures of furniture to decorate when they had limited prims. It isn't so common now, with sculpts and mesh having low LI, but people still do it and there is a market for it. Unfortunately there is no category for 'furniture pictures' and LL insists you put them in a subcategory not the heading category. That's fine, but now its 2016, and clearly, 6 of 7 reviewers do not agree with you, and how the product is presented. Just because an item is free, does not mean it is not subject to review or comments from people who attained it. Trompe L'Oleil is an art piece, an image applied to a 2D medium to represent 3D. Therefore it is not a Wall Cabinet in any manner, should not be categorized as such - It goes under Art. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: In your example though, it said WALL decor in the description A 3D cabinet isn't wall decor. Something like a picture you hang on a wall is wall decor. Home decor can be anything that decorates a home, even a picture. Dear Amethyst, the listing you are using as an example now says "FREE GIFT Promo - TROMPE L'OEIL - WALL CABINET - WALL DECOR" The item is categorized under Home & Garden >> Furniture >> Chests & Cabinets Also, the words in a listing also come up in search, so this item will come up if you're searching 'cabinet' Why you are even using this example, is beyond me. You're looking real bad now, and even associated with the item in question, to defend it so rabidly. The ONUS is on the seller to clarify what the product is or does, and works every day to continue improving the listing as issues come up. Telling people they are stupid, or harassing them inworld over a review should not be tolerated. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Incorrect reviews can be errors in clearly stated facts not just permissions that the buyer ignored. A review shouldn't be allowed to bring down the products rating because the buyer is clearly wrong about a fact that was stated in the description IMO. A product shouldn't be allowed on the marketplace that is ambiguous in nature - we're in 2016 now, so the listing that was acceptable under the category of 'Cabinets" should now be listed under 'art'. In fact, TROMPE L'OEIL is all about ART, and the illusion of 3D it creates. The listing in question is clearly miscategorized and changed immediately. 6 reviewers (0 Stars) out 7 reviewers (of course a 5 star extreme) had a problem with the example you posted. Are they all incorrect? Also, there are tools in place for the merchant to flag the review if it is in fact not helpful. Sure glad you like Sherlocking, Amethyst - now how about turning that on people who need to be exposed.
  23. Sure it says freebie, maybe even 'gift'. But did you know there is more than meets the eye as you happily shop inworld in Second Life, hunting out those neat little free things people hand out? Beyond the freebie thrifts stores, you can find freebies everywhere. Many merchants use them to lure you to their inworld stores, or get themselves in the listings on the Marketplace. You may even see these freebies labeled 'promo' as in 'promotional'. Yes, these clever little marketers want you to see their other products, to advertise their store name, and get you to look at their paid products. That's all fine and dandy, but sometimes 'free' and 'freebie' is synonomous to 'crap'. Sometimes you can find some real jewels. Oh some would say "Free items should never get reviews", but I think they should. Why, you ask? The quality of a merchant's 'freebie' may demonstrate the quality of their paid products - so they better be good. Crappy free furniture? Why would you buy the stores' $1000L furniture set then? Review the freebies, grab them up by searching for $0L on the marketplace, check the copy/mod buttons set the price to $0 -$0 and see what you come up with. NOT gacha NOT rental NOT demo Purchase the freebie, try it out, and leave a constructive review. Even better, if you like the freebie, check out the other products on the store. If the freebie is good, probably the rest is too. Freebies are fun to make for people, and fun to get, especially if you're new to SL and have no $0L! Have fun out there! [ Warning: ] Many of the following member replies are accusatory, personal and toxic. Forgive them for they can't help themselves. They simply can't have a conversation without making personal attacks. Update: The quality of your freebie items will reflect the quality of your paid items. I've purchased expensive items because the freebie items were amazing. It's always good for creators to put out the best product, even if they intend it to be free. A business card is a free item you give people - but you still make it quality because it reflects on you. This is a call for everyone to make amazing freebies, and for customers to leave more constructive reviews, and freebies shouldn't be above that, nor should you expect any less quality.
  24. Cori Muir wrote: I always try to contact the seller before I leave a review because as you know when creating clothes or anything, sometimes people are tired and may forget to put your (cabinet) in the box. You have to give them a chance to correct it before you leave a review. I review products, I critically appraise them. Apparently many merchants take offense to being critically appraised, and many times go on the war path. Critically appraising someone's work means I don't have to contact them in-game first, as one merchant thinks she has the right to demand from her customers. I've had a few reviews bullied right off - but now I'm losing patience I won't tolerate it anymore, and will soon review and say what I want and leave it there. Merchants want to go to war with their customers, well then let's bring it. If there is an issue with the product, or it seems to not work, etc then yes - do not use the review section to communicate (though many do if the seller takes a week to get back to them), and instead send the seller a notecard or IM inworld.
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