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Everything posted by 161488303349

  1. Orca Flotta wrote: Oh my, big fat poroblem now How can I ever verify to any group that I'm indeed a lesbian communist bunny vampire spoiled millionaire not politically correct brat goddess that is giving the bestest blowjobs ever and is wanted by the CIA for terrorist activities? It's all true. I'm also the legitimate lovechild of Mahatma Gandi and Mother Theresa. And you just gotta believe me!!! Cause it' is the truth, cross my heart and hope to die. :smileyvery-happy: am pretty sure there is already a group been made for that. search on FASHION keyword jejejee (:
  2. JeanneAnne wrote: its possible that an experienced SL player could intentionally want to disguise him or herself as a newb & purposefully wear belts & stuff that didnt fit right .. not sure why any1 would go to the trouble tho when they go to the trouble then they sometimes playing the distressed damsel game. at the end of that game they usual end up naked going omg !!! + or is someone who made their account way back. didnt play back then and only just came back now on a better computer. meet some of them people sometimes
  3. ROB34466IIIa wrote: OMFGWTFBBQ!!?!!!11!!!1 STFU My egnrish prefect .. you tl:dr This game smell of coffee. edi4u: smells to coffee q: (:
  4. Madelaine McMasters wrote: tl;dr ;-) jejejejjeje (:
  5. i blocked the ...dude and not the ...man. if the ...man sends to me then i will block him as well. would think the dude would man up and takes his blocking like well a man and not be a dude about it
  6. quite a few of the builders kits like sculpts, anims and textures ended up this way bc other people would buy the full-perms packs and then resell them full-perms as-is for less than what the original creator/vendor was charging. free even sometimes so, not for trans/resale as is, was pretty much the first vendor ToS restriction that came out then like you say other stuff started to get piled on top by some vendors. is kinda amateur hour when pile-ons like this happen. every person who does this can make a case for why they do it but yeah! really + NEXT-NEXT permissions has been asked for ages to help with this. so can sell full-perms and restrict what permissions the person who buys off you full-perms can set for their own customers. No Trans being the main one has been said that linden is currently looking at ways to help vendors and shop keepers. making NEXT-NEXT perms would be the biggest single most helpful thing i think to stimulate economy
  7. some sploders are like that. when they explode then everyones a winner
  8. not all sploders are bad prize sploders are ok. the sim owner puts in an amount of money at regular intervals. anyone else can add to them if they like as well. avatars come and click and wait for it to explode. cost nothing to play. is like money trees these kinds some places have no-lose sploders. they like the ones above except that you have to pay to play. when it explodes you never get less back that what you put in
  9. Qie Niangao wrote: I'm a little confused here. Is it really the product that is sharing IMs, or the RLV-enabled viewer? There's no way for a script to see the contents of IMs on its own, so wouldn't it have to be the viewer that's doing the sharing? And if so, wouldn't it be the viewer that would need the disclaimer? yes. unless the OP knows something thats not documented then would have to mod the current RLV API, make a viewer to use the mod. then make a lsl relay object/script. and then get the mod viewer past linden. not sure if will happen. dont think linden going to be happy with a viewer that enables IMs to be relayed to a 3rd party through an inworld device. even if is only one side of the IM but if all this was possible then what would you need to do to make a IM relay ToS compliant. would have to get permission somehow in the first place and i just say how that might be done
  10. in addition to a dialog informing the wearer, can take to another level and inform the person on the other end of the IM as well example: the object/collar appends an automated text label to IM messages sent by the wearer. eg: mary (contrary): [iM IS BEING RELAYED] hi how are you? could even make an optional safeword like STOP RELAY. so that when is said in IM by either person the relay stops working til START RELAY is said in IM, or the collar owner or wearer resets the relay for owners who wants to pwn then can make it an option so that the wearer cant stop the relay if owned. only the owner can do that with the controls; and the other IM party can do that using the safe word
  11. agree if the user/wearer has a way to accept or reject the sharing of IMs then is ok and is not a ToS violation. if is a collar or something then can have the dialog ask when they attach. if not agree then disable/detach the collar
  12. the blake sea like most linden waters have a time limit that will return objects (like your boat) when it expires. is to stop prims maxxing out the sim when people forget to take back their vehicles the boat will always stay rezzed while you are sitting on it. regardless of the time limit. when you stand up tho then it will derez if the time limit has expired like others have said blake sea sims usual have a rez zone in the corner so can rerez your boat there
  13. just add here if is no entry fee to play then is not illegal. so if you have a private party and you make so anyone can add to the prize pool and people who not pay anything can just click to play then is ok. is some sploders made like that in some clubs
  14. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: how do you use skill with a sploder? some of them not made very well. whoever made them tried to make them "more" random by not rely on the lsl default rng and made their own rng. names starting with M and N come up more times on these ones than other names. so make an account that start with M or N when you find them inworld and play them
  15. you pretty much got it right if you not into building and making stuff then SL is pretty boring for young people so they not stay. if you into hanging out then if you young like a teen then you usual want to do that as yourself and not as some fantasy character. and if you do want a fantasy character then you also want to do stuff. so you play on games like WoW and Skyrim etc so SL end up being for older people really. like attract like and all that + the older demographic is why i think SL is static growth at the moment. RL financials affect older people more than young people. teenagers/young people at college/uni still get their allowances and money from their part-time jobs. all (most) the money they get is discretionary spend regardless of RL conditions as Mum and Dad pays for the basics this not true for older people. have to pay for everything themselves. so things like SL gets the cutback before the mortgage and feed/clothe the kids does
  16. me nah! is number 16 in the series is all. can find the others on youtube
  17. my usual tactic when i get the verbals is to chat them about their roleplay skills like wow! ur gangsta rp is awesome. u relly good at it. like if i not know dif an this not sl then i be like total convinced. u relly good at it. like patent even and then wait and see how they respond (: sometimes they ramp it and chat stuff like: i am not rp. i am mean it for reals, u xxxxxxxx...... and then i say woot !!! immersive rp. cool !!! i like when ppl do that. is way better than ooc and on and on and on and on and on and on. i got a smart aleck reply for just about anything in these situations (: most verbals gangstas run away after they been inworld with me. 10 minutes tops usual. i even end up being blocked myself by some of them. jejejejee (:
  18. if you know her in RL then can just give her the money direct if not them hmm! but anyways, can pay her SL account the equivalent of the premium in L$ she can sell on the lindex for US$. then she can buy premium. she will still need to provide billing info tho as well (i think?) but if she have US$ on her SL account then that will be used first if you want to keep paying for the account then give her L$ at the renewal time
  19. the person in the vid is pretty cool. is really talented. is not many people can do this tho. at least as well as this + the OP is actual wrong i think. people can choose who they want to associate with or not as they like. else can get weird stuff like i insist on being your friend even if you dont want me to be. can get creepy sometimes when people get weird is ok if people who want to get intimate wants to do that with people of the rl gender they prefer. is a limit to fantasy for quite a lot of people and is ok that as well
  20. jejejeeeje (: is a tractor on the cornfield. it used to go once. not anymore now. i think you was supposed to like weed the corn on it or something. but most times just drive and run over any of the criminals there. me i was never a criminal. am innocent me. not like them other ppl. so was ok to run them over. well the ones not sitting on the tractor anyways jejejejejjee (: + about being a criminal when i first was on here way back. i have a big spit about getting caged by this random flyby dude. didnt know that that could happen on my own parcel at the time. so i done some stuff anyways, a actual forreal linden came to my parcel in a grim reaper outfit and he say to me that if i not behave then my life going to be very short. they used to do that kinda thing in them days it turned out. but i didnt know at the time that lindens actual had their own linden inworld accounts i just thought he was another random greifer faking it and i was still pretty upset about what happened to me. so this greifer reaper random dude was giving me the verbals about how he was gonna make my life on SL short. he was on my land. so i shot him with a orbiter and shout: shorten that dweeb jejejejjee (: it turn out ok in the end but lol i not do that again ever or might have to go and weed corn again (:
  21. if you dont like noise and bedlam then dont set your home to Ahern/Morris, Waterhead and Korea1. some of the other linden WAs have their moments but not as often as these three a number of linden Infohub/WAs where you can set your home are run inconjunction with some oldskool residents. some of the quiet ones are: Miramare, Ross, Ambat, Kuula, Anzere and Mauve. is others as well at OIP and HIP you cant set your home there anymore. HIP also now has some polka radio stream playing at the landing point area. jejeje (: + is heaps of places can set your home to other than linden WAs. look for Infohubs on the Map and helpy places in Search. some of the good ones are: Caledon Oxbridge, Hyde Park and Dublin. is oldskool SecondLife Mentors involved in the management of them for spanish speakers then Virtual Spain. portugese Ajuda Brasil. is others for other language speakers as well. can find them in Search. most of them let you set home to them. usual by joining the group + about locking people up. linden used to do that by sending offenders to the Cornfield. not anymore. became a badge of honor to get sent there for some people that did. is still on the grid tho and sometimes is opened up to the public. usual at Halloween. Cornfield went south about the same time as the linden Police Blotter
  22. the community center for the suburbia theme is on Meadowbrook sim. to get a community involvement going then can only do like on other linden welcome areas/infohubs. you just go and when other ppl come then say hi and chat. if you go at the same time of the day then after a while other people will come at the same time and hang out
  23. Eloise Baily wrote: I think people are meaning two different things here. To the computery, codey type of person there is no such thing as above or over a parcel, which is true if you look at it within the structure of said parcel. To the avi on the street, above or over a parcel means in the air within said parcel, looking down. There is such a thing as that. yes. this is how the OP sees it as well. OP just wanted to know why is some random dude over my house camming me and how is it possible to stop this because the current parcel controls dont prevent this
  24. looks like you doing all the right things. dont stress out and ever let it get to you and just keep on doing. people who have experience with dealing with wannabe gangstas never give up. is heaps of options you can take as you know. dont get into the verbals with them, block, parcel options, viewer options for rendering, AR, etc. can get a TPV that derender if you need to as well has been my experience that the best way to deal with bigtime greifers over the longterm generally is to turn on sending viewer crash reports to linden. when you crash then linden tech get the report. they really really dont like it when their viewer or server is being crashed. so they fix it and as time goes by then is less and less ways for this happen. it also provides a way for linden to source problems gratuitously created by some of the more random users
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