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Everything posted by 161488303349

  1. when did you decide to try flip the parcel for 4,000L given that it looks like you paid 2,488L for it? before or after the wall went up? we can get a better idea of why the wall went up depending on when you decided to flip the parcel
  2. Qie Niangao wrote: Inasmuch as we're role-playing pseudo-science here, jejejejejjeje (:
  3. cyborgs are going to win the next big war http://www.darpa.mil/NewsEvents/Releases/2012/09/18.aspx
  4. i thought about it a bit more based on what you said + if view the cage in the same way as the old shields so when the avatars moves can apply impulse to the cylinder so that it moves at differential speed/direction to the avatar and impedes or enhances their natural action depending on viscosity and flow of the mud if any. if do this way then not have to rely on parcel Push being enabled for extra effects can also add in the deflector trick that lots of shields used to do. like the cylinder/shield rez interceptor/deflectors with angled faces that deflect incoming. in this case the incoming is the avatar. the idea not being to stop them dead but to deflect their momemtum/energy slightly onto a new path so that they end up doing a staggered walk as they move forward and sideways + also in the mud bed can put a keyframed platform to help smooth things. can move the avatar when they standing on. like if is a mud flow then can make them go backwards if they stand still. can make quicksand and trenches as well by moving the platform down and up
  5. Celestiall Nightfire wrote: Boudicca Littlebird wrote: LOL, left and right are creations by the same mind, socialism and capitalism are the same, there is another way but the human race will not be allowed to take it, just like the big bang, all science leads to the same end "gods", light being a wave will in the end destroy the foundation of god so wont be allowed to be understood by slaves, plus the third way will destroy the need for gold. Now dig holes and find some gold or ask to be paid in gold so some one has to dig a hole, lol. Are you on drugs? Because, your posts come from a very confused place. you get used to it after a while. confusion. it not have much to do with drugs at all. some of us dont need meds to make us that way. we just natural born loopy. me included (:
  6. Hiro Fluffy wrote: I'm disappointed that they're adding even more complexity to the rendering engine without updating graphics card support. They're still on OpenGL when all consumer video cards these days are designed for DirectX. Only incredibly expensive workstation graphics cards specialize in OpenGL, and who wants one of those just for Secondlife when they need a DX card for all their games? Also, Crossfire and SLI have been around since 2004 but they still aren't supported. In fact, trying to use SL on a system with either of these technologies often causes the client to crash. People have been complaining about this for six years. Also, most video cards have 1 to 2 GB of RAM these days but SL can address only 512 MB. This is why if I ever want to make a killer system look really bad I just start up Secondlife on it. just say that DirectX is Windows only. linden have a policy of supporting Apple and Linux as well. so that means OpenGL for better or worse
  7. this is so cool (: + yes can get bogged down sometimes and end up moaning about all the things i don't like. so when i read things like you wrote then it kinda makes everything worthwhile and helps me put my own moans into a better perspective so thanks (:
  8. Perrie Juran wrote: 16 wrote: Kenbro Utu wrote: The reason for Rod not posting here is clear to me. Anything that he might post on the "official forum" would and should be taken as company policy. ^^ that I do to a small degree understand this sentiment but for the most part disagree with it. In the past things have been discussed with Torley and other Linden's and we all understood it was being discussed, not that it was "policy." And while we may not have all liked the outcome of the discussion, for instance, bringing back last names, we all understood it wasn't policy until the point he said it was. Regardless of where he posts, Rod is the CEO. Part of his job description is "picking his words carefully" no matter where he speaks. There's an old saying, "The suggestion of a General is tantamount to an order." Any one in management who doesn't understand this, well, needs to learn it fast. Because Second Life's success is so dependent on it's users...that we 'create' the World we live in and the World that new users enter, it requires interaction with it's customers above and beyond what the CEO of what a pre planned MMMO would require. Lastly, as a foot note, because it is the existing users who build the World that the new user enters, the imperative should be on retaining existing users, not attracting new ones. Nothing equals the enthusiasm of a satisfied customer in bringing new business. I know that's how I found Second Life. I saw someone else's enthusiasm for it. Kenbro explain a bit more a bit later on in next post in this thread about how linden should be communicating more with us in an official capacity. I agree about that as well + at this time Rodvik as the linden CEO is communicating via other means in a seeming ad-hoc way. all his recent engagements on the other channel are defensive of whatever is the latest linden position. he is quelling fires before they erupt into a raging inferno when he does this. this is working very well for him on SLU and on the other channels he is doing it tbf he still does get some continued criticisms of the linden position from people who are sticking to the subject. but he is also getting heaps of adulation as well from people who basically just wet themselves whenever he shows up on their channels. regardless of whatever it is that he is saying. so seems to me anyways that altogether this is working for him in defending the linden position
  9. Innula Zenovka wrote: 16 wrote: they are evil are lolcats (: o.m.g. !!! is true. I knew it jejejejjeejeje (:
  10. Kenbro Utu wrote: The reason for Rod not posting here is clear to me. Anything that he might post on the "official forum" would and should be taken as company policy. ^^ that
  11. can try a variation on the old caging trick. rez a transparent hollow cylinder round the avatar and then bump them
  12. the main difference between SLU and here is that they got lolcats like others say already they also got less strict moderation than here so can conclude (like make stuff up) that lolcats make you immoderate. they are evil are lolcats (:
  13. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: You may not be aware that there is an official policy about the Blake Sea. Here it is. Linden Lab Official:Blake Sea Code of Conduct It actually says "The purpose of the Blake Sea is to provide an open space for the Residents of Second Life to enjoy sailing, and therefore other vehicle types should allow sailboats to have the right of way." (bolding mine) So regardless of what right of way exists in RL, all other ships have to defer to sailboats, even if they show up after you. ... some of the Blake Sea officers, like the one Boudicca ran into, are pushing it to the limit and beyond in some cases. doing the "even if they show up after you" thing + is general understood by anyone who regular goes on the Blake Sea in any kind of boat that when is a scheduled race then to vacate the course sims while that's happening. to not interfere or impede the racers. is heaps of sims so is no reason why that cant happen + where the war squadrons are coming under attack, and losing, is a smallish group of Blake Sea officers who exploit the right of way requirement. outside of race times as they interpret is their right to do so. like sailing into a sim were is clearly a war squadron conducting an exercise and then insisting that the squadron move out of their way. some of the officers (not many just some) then having forced the squadron to move then sail again at the squadron in the new position and then insist that they move again when the squadron commander then says; what do you think you are doing? the officer says is my right to do this. and I am going to keep doing it until you quit and take your fugly away from 'our' Sea is a provocation this when it happens the war squadrons are saying this is not right. I agree with them
  14. Madelaine McMasters wrote: 16 wrote: like i was at this place and was this person standing off to the side all by himself. after a time i walk over and stand beside him facing in same direction. ... and it all went from there --- stands next to you and points off into the distance. And it'll all go from here. (: hope you not pointing at any brown dwarf up in the sky that you spot with your telescope. jejejejjejee (:
  15. sailboats have a weather engine built in. so that they work pretty much like real ones if the boat is going into a headwind then it will eventually stall and stop, unless you tack. tacking in SL is as painful as it is the realworld. painful meaning slow. when going downwind then the boats run quite fast same as in real. so is best to tack to scrub off speed before going across the sim border. is why the best SL sailors always appear to be crossing at an angle
  16. Czari Zenovka wrote: Time will tell if SL continues to be the virtual world we enjoy or if it will become more akin to an MMORPG. I sincerely hope not. I mostly think not. these 2 new products continue the linden tradition of making creative tools/environments for people to be creative with. is quite encouraging that I think
  17. JeanneAnne wrote: 16 wrote: having a warship on the water is not any kind of offence unless is actual blocking a Blake Sea racing lane while a schedules race is underway how is it even possible for sailboats to race ?? i ask because i have a sailboat & i took it out w/ the sailing club on sunday .. & i was trying to follow some of the other boats since i didnt really know where we were going .. & i had a hard time keeping behind the smaller boats .. my sailboat just went too fast & i had to keep slowing it down so i wouldnt pass them .. & then @ the sim boundaries i crashed or my sailboat went up in the air & spun in circles .. so yesterday the sailing club went out again .. i didnt go w/ them cuz it was no fun crashing @ sim boundaries .. but i was chatting w/ some of the sailors in group chat & i mentioned crashing & my boat flying .. so someone asked me what kinduv boat i had .. i told them & they said that it crashes @ sim boundaries because its too big & fast !!! they said i need a smaller slower boat to sail with them .. so if my boat is too big & fast to cross sim boundaries how is it possible to have sailboat races? & how do big warships cross sim boundaries? Jeanne slowly. like them sailors already tell you. going slowly across sim boundaries applies to all types of SL vehicles pretty much
  18. Boudicca Littlebird wrote: LOL, ty, now I know it is a war I feel better, I did think it was me and I had attracted a nutter, yes he is over stepping the mark, but thinking about he did stop me from working and attract that side of me that is not very nice, you all know you have all seen that side of me, lol, but I will leave him alone now I know he is not picking on me. that's the way
  19. to be fair to the Blake Sea group. is a big back story to the Blake Sea back in the day was a big private island consortium called OSS. they had about 600 sims set up as a sailing continent. they buy a whole bunch of Openspace water sims when linden first made them available to add heaps of water to their continent so they could sail on them linden then jack up the price of the Openspaces. was huge uproar about that from just about everyone in SL at the time. not just from OSS. everybody so OSS consider making a whole new sailing world using OpenSim. which was pretty new at the time. and leaving SL altogether linden kinda panicked about that bc other big land barons were doing the numbers on that as well. the danger for linden was that if OSS did leave and set up elsewhere then maybe other barons would follow them. at least 600 sims, maybe more even, all leaving in one hit was a big deal so linden cut a deal. OSS moved their continent near to mainland. and linden joined it by making the Blake Sea and giving control over it to OSS so that they could run their sail boat races without linden having to police them for greifers and stuff while the races were being run. while also understanding that the Blake Sea would be open to the general public in those areas and times when a scheduled race wasnt being run + ok this is where it gets political some officers/members of the Blake Sea group feel that bc of the back story then the Blake Sea is for sailing only. i don't think that the original lindens who made the deal (Jack Linden?) and the original owners of OSS saw it that way exactly. even if some members/officers and some latter day lindens maybe would like it that way + edit: just to complete about the land barons. I think the panic was that OpenSim was being driven by Adam Zaius. He owned Azure Islands and a couple of other SL continents at the time. which if I remember right was 2nd biggest in SL after Anshe Chung. if OSS went to OpenSim then would that provide enough financials to really kick start a whole new other world in competition to SL. And would Adam Zaius drop his own SL sims and build out Azure on what was then his own project as well. and would Anshe follow l
  20. well at least you on the right path with reducing scripts to the minimum. so you doing that part right (:
  21. Boudicca Littlebird wrote: Ok so there is a war, but why pick on me, I don't play with any of them, I did a bit of shooting once or twice, lol, but only when I was making the guns, fin that ages ago, I am doing the minor bits like sea rescue and medical care, biggest ship I rezzed since I came back was a destroyer and didn't fire the guns, just tested that the drones protected the ship, well stayed near it, but could not do as even my 30 meter destroyer was to big for him, even though his sail boats are bigger. if what you say about that officer can be shown to be correct then he is not fighting fair having a warship on the water is not any kind of offence unless is actual blocking a Blake Sea racing lane while a schedules race is underway doing full broadsides without any consideration for anyone else who might be boating on the sim is probably not good either but sailing round on a ginormous ship is not any kind of offence all by itself. just add. people who do boating in SL follow the same rules of the real world seas. like who has right of way and all that. if don't know what they are then best to learn and then you shouldn't have any problems + edit just think a bit more about what you said happen. the officer rezzed his boat yes? if so that means you were sitting on the rezz zone. don't think you can do that. like just sit on them. the general rule of civil behaviour with rezz zones is that you rez your boat/vehicle and move off so that any person waiting can do the same after you. which they cant do if you sitting on it with a big boat
  22. Boudicca Littlebird wrote: I have been away for a month, bet you liked the peace, thanks for the info I did not know, ty, I only make them and test them in the Blake sea, I don't play with them, lol, so there is war now, lol, ty for the info. yes. has been going on for a while now. you just got caught up in it seems like ps. maybe you might get to seen what happens when you get two three four warships sitting on adjacent sim rez zones. is absolute bedlam. they only 3750 prim sims most the Blake Sea and is a real mess sometimes
  23. you have a warship that you are rezzing in the Blake Sea? if you are then need be aware that is open warfare at the moment between the Blake Sea officers and the war squadrons bc of the lag that some warship commanders induce when they open fire with full broadsides and fullisades as you now saying and others can confirm the warship commanders are losing the Battle of Blake Sea linden aren't going to interfere in this seems like. you and every other commander of warships, helicopter gunships, etc are on your own. may the best side win and all that
  24. Knowl Paine wrote: 16 wrote: Knowl Paine wrote: As the saying goes: We the willing, lead by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful... i think sometimes in lindens case it goes: we the unwilling, lead by the ungrateful, are doing the impossible for the unknowing... (: I'm guessing there are times, when that would be an accurate perception, for some Lindens. The original poster suggested, in part, that owners and operators of SL, should lower prices. Lowering standards, will not lead to improvements. We need to create value. There are many ways to do that, none of which I care to discuss in this thread. The Residents are the problem, and the solution. I agree with your thought that lowering standards doesn't lead to improvements. and also about creating value. not just us the residents but also linden the company as the architects of our SL world + the residents being both the problem and the solution. i always find is a fascinating subject. am a people watcher me. I like people and everything about them. what they do and why they do what they do is my observation, just by sitting on a wall inworld for quite a long time now, that in general: people in SL who don't make stuff are the happiest. the next most happy are people who make stuff just for fun. like they don't make to sell. or if they do then is mostly sporadic and any income they do receive is largely immaterial to them. these kinds of people have either put no actual money in the game at all, or they have independent means outside of the game to support their time in SL the unhappiest people today are in the 2nd group of about 4,000 (maybe 5/6 at most) people who keep SL afloat by regularly making content available for everyone else. the thing i come to understand is that without these people there would be no continual refreshing of content and the world itself. never would have been. never would be now. and never will be in the future there is a 3rd group as well. the people who provide experiences for others. club/roleplay hosts and land barons mostly. some are content makers themselves. some not. they largely dependent/co-existant on the 2nd group + so i end up come to the conclusion that if i was linden (like the owner of the world) then i would concentrate everything on this 2nd group of people just on the basis that one of the two main reasons for happiness in the 1st and 3rd groups is the regular refreshing of content. accepting that the benefits that i as world owner (if i was) provide directly to this group will flow through to the other two groups with value added. value that only they can provide and not me (the owner) when accept that is not me (the owner) then realise that apart from fix bugs, make tools and make the whole thing go faster and less laggy then am pretty much useless for anything else. in this kind of world
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