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Everything posted by 161488303349

  1. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: My suggestion is get over it and look for ways we can work together now instead of perpetuating lies and conspriracies as well as having such a divisive attitude. Until we work together for the good of the country instead of a political party, things will only get worse not better. ^^ that
  2. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: There's plenty of votes for Obama in California to put him over the top on the popular vote. Yes, I cheated and waited until the day after. I probly would have said the same thing last night tho. yes ,my bad i kinda forgot that in the early part of the counting the small booths come in first, they mostly from the countryside and tend to favour Rep. the big city booths come in last and favor the Dem so it kinda skews the predictions when not factor that in
  3. tēnā koe Whaea Poti (: ko Tiraroa ahau. ko Maungamuka te maunga. ko Hokianga te awa te moana. ko Ngāpuhi te iwi (i just say hi and who i am and where i am from) + is not a lot can tell me about alienation of first peoples iwi tahi from our whenua lands and whanau maybe all our lands we will never get back. even tho all our taonga and marae was burned by the pakeha tipuna in their drive to wipe us out in the name of the Empire and their greed for land. on the little lands we got left after the wars we survive as tangata whenua - people of the land - as best we can we just try to learn the best parts of the pakeha ways and apply ourselves as best we can and endure and survive. like is way easier to survive with all that cool technology. like machine weave cloth and computers (: but anyways + on our lands we fully subject to national and local laws. we not even have protection of federal reservation land like in USA. we only 12.5% of over 15yrs population now but 60% of all women in prison are our wahine. 50% of all male prisoners are our tane - men. for not being fully assimilated into the pakeha ways seems like i am not blame te tamariki o tipuna pakeha - the children of the olden empire. even if some of them think and act as if it still is. they will die before me. they are old now their own tamariki are different. they was born here. they belong to us now. they belong to te whenua - the land. to Papatuānuku - the earth mother. they are tangata whenua same as me - is their tūrangawaewae same as mine - place to stand and belong. blue eyes, green eyes, brown and black eyes. and in time their tamariki and theirs and theirs will all belong to us and they will not know any other mama or papa and they will learn our ways bc will then be their ways as well this not believed by all iwi tribes, they not have faith and bow to the pakeha and assimilate on the pakeha terms and rant about it even while they doing it the way of our hapu and whanau as hand down to us since the days the pakeha first come to our own valley and is taught to us by our kuia and kaumātua - our elders. is to assimilate them by capture the hearts and minds of their children by the wairua of the awa and whenua + here is a pic from Awataha urban marae. my great grandfather was kaumātua there when the totem taonga came to us from the Americas peoples kia whakapapa pounamu te moana, kia tere kārohirohi i mua i tou huarahi. ngā mihi anō (: (may the sea glisten like greenstone and the shimmer of summer dance across your path)
  4. Peggy Paperdoll wrote: Rupert Murdock is a business man........not a new man. Ted Turner is a business man.......not a news man. Both own cable news channels. What's your point? my point is that Mr Murdoch treat news as a saleable commodity. basically identify a market sector then package the news to appeal to that sector. is his method of business and is very successful for him from financial pov most news channels stil maintain editorial independence. Mr Turner always try to do that. same most other owners. Mr Murdoch is way out on his own + ps is more happens in England than spats in a pub. if watch say BBC then can see that they do drink heaps of beer in England seems like. specially at the cricket on the sports news. barmy army i think they called. must be after 5 days and no winner (:
  5. (: + i get all the news channels from all over the world. all the USA, Europe, Britain, Australia, China and Japan and India. Russia even as well. i watch them all when i can. i just like to know so i have seen quite a lot of Murdoch channels from all over. he dont care about news. just do whatever he wants to sell his stuff. he is not a good man, not a good newsman anyways
  6. ps just add the white looking people who hog the cameras arent representative of white people + fox news channel dont help much either. they the worst thing ever happen to ordinary white people in USA it make them look bad when they not. is why i not like fox news. is rubbish that one and Mr Murdoch he not actual give a chit. he only in it for the money.same in England. if i was white person in USA then i would never watch that channel. Rupert Murdoch can go bite his bum.
  7. dont think it have much to do with race really. is just some loud white looking people saying really dumb things on behalf the Rep party that hog the cameras is all i think. they make good TV in a age of O.M.G !! like that dummy who said about rape. he got wasted tho by his own voters. so good job + just point at the house vote result the Dem party not much trusted either if they were then they wouldnt have got wasted in that vote + dunno what will happen to USA now tho. if is just more partisan brinkmanship then will be bad for USA. the rest of the world will stop pay attention to USA if the politicos not start be civil to each other world stop pay attention bc we got all kinds probs of our own. and USA will not be in any postion to influence them if their leaders carry on like last 4 years, like infighting and all that
  8. wow looks like Obama going to win Virginia as well now Romney done ok really. like over 200 is pretty good
  9. and that was it Ohio put Obama back in the big house
  10. obama dont need florida now just ohio colorado and iowa
  11. maybe would work out for the best if that happen like Reconcilation government + is actual possible if Romney can win Florida
  12. Florida at 91% count. Obama now lead only by 21,000. Romney is closing the gap about 340,000 votes left to count wooo! close + lol maybe i predict to soon. is very exciting (:
  13. i am predict Obama 306 votes + and Romney will get more than 50% of popular vote
  14. same looks like Florida at 87% vote counted. Obama lead by 37,000. is 1%. is to much for Romney to get back i think + so all over Obama is president
  15. wow Florida change colour 4 times now. is really close
  16. am watching them on the map is quite exciting + i have feeling that Mitt Romney is going to win the popular win and not be President will depend on Ohio and Florida i think tho. which not be announced yet
  17. Boudicca Littlebird wrote: One only needs to prove something if they want to be recognized for it in the current day, that is not what drives me, what drives me is to make a statement then wait for the rest of the world to catch up, call it a game, because what I am doing is taking away glory from thinkers in the future, because when they do discover the truth they will only find out that it was discovered years in the past and see the reaction it created amongst the people of that day, thus proving that stake burning is a popular sport. lol i dont think you need worry about being burned at the stake somehow
  18. is quite a few parts of discussion going on now in the thread. ethic, economics, safety and others + just about the labels. simple labels just have a list of ingredients on them. is then up to people to learn about them if they want. or not as they like if i see something new on the supermarket shelf then i will have a look. am not a chemist but after a time can recognise what i dont want to buy i think that having labels is better than not having them + is a bit like watching American Idol. am not a singing teacher eithr but after a time even i can now know what is meant by pitchy and why my ears hurt sometimes (:
  19. depends if is standard emote or a scripted emote + like if use /me in viewer 3 then by default /me smiles says: elizabeth smiles + if is an oldschool script then says 16 Resident smiles some of the newschool scripts will use display names and say elizabeth smiles depends on who made the script
  20. what Pamela said + they just version numbers and type codes that the makers have put on them. different versions of their own stuff is same for other products as well. each maker can choose their own codes or not as they like
  21. can you find something on SL market place where can show this more clearly please? sounds like the markings are individual creator codes at this moment
  22. Qie Niangao wrote: Everything is way more complicated than it seems on the surface. Enough more complicated that I can almost understand industry's worry about labelling: people will make choices based on those labels, but will be unequipped to make informed choices yes that one comes up quite a lot in the debates. the industry usual claims that labels dont help with this all by themselfs. that need consumer education as well. so unless get consumer public education at same time then is waste of money. dangerous even. so they claim most ordinary people go: wut??? when hear some industry person make this claim. most people say is just best to start with clear and understandable labels and if i need some more education then i will get myself later if i actual need it. which i wont need to do, if the labels written properly in the first place
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