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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. I remember their chairs were always busy and waiting to see if the first letter of your name came up and wishing you had made a name beginning with X or something so when it did come up you didn't end up second on the chair in someone's lap and no outfit.
  2. Fox Obviate & Picassa Vela - RIP I miss Aley's wild sculpty concoctions and creativity too. Lovely person from the few times I met them, just a shame they never grasped the IP issues that got them banned. I also miss AnnMarie O'toole and the vehicle chaos she brought to the linden roads
  3. On the other hand many including me have experienced age checking in real life into our 30s because those with experience checking age have thought we looked half the age we are. Some people look older than they are, some younger. This concern about looks is a bit of a side issue and if anything Linden Labs FAQ addresses this saying appearance alone is not the sole determinant they look at when making decisions. I presume chat records are probably the main thing they look at. I say a side issue because the problem Twinks and TGs face being excluded by landowners for looking like we do in real life as adults has always been a problem, one exacerbated by the focus on this issue, but fortunately not by linden lab's actual rule changes or actions
  4. Using a rezzer system is a game changer for small parcels, like the trailers. With a rezzer I can decorate my trailer, have some garden furniture, a skybox with a rezzer to add in furniture I commonly like to use in private and have enough Prims left to be able to rezz my horse or other vehicle
  5. For furniture I just wouldn't buy unless it was mod, I often store furniture arrangements in rezzers and that wouldn't work unless you can rename the object and add a script. For mesh clothes I am ambivalent, it is nice to be able to swap out the autohide script, but I think that has only bothered me enough to do that on a couple of occasions and I have never had any desire to try linking my pants to my top. Sculpty or Flexi prim clothes though need to be mod.
  6. They might be using an earlier version of avsitter scripts released prior to them being open source?
  7. It is sometimes nice to use those walkers, that work the same as vehicles but that animate you walking hand in hand or giving a piggyback ride as you move around.
  8. Well done Sarah, it is your turn to challenge us!
  9. Back when the Blake Sea was made and United Sailing Sims joined to mainland, I recall seeing the Fruit Islands owners unhappy they had not had same opportunity. There is now a process to join to mainland and a number of sailing estates have gone down that route. The Fruit Islands have adult land which makes it impossible for linking to standard mainland. But I can't help wondering if they wanted and Linden Lab were open to it whether they would consider a move and link to Zindra would be possible. It would make their rentals much more attractive and would be a fun addition to Zindra.
  10. I mentioned Hippos in connection with SL history an hour ago... so I have gone out hunting Hippos But Where the heck am I? Ps Additional clue you can practice your banline bouncing skills on the big trampoline in the background.
  11. And a rideable hippo rezzer to start a journey back to where SL began
  12. The Fruit Islands have looked worryingly empty for many years now. You do pay a premium to live there and the fact they are still going would appear to indicate they can cover a vacancy rate that looks to be around a 50% margin. I would not worry about an imminent crash, but I wouldn't put down more than a month's rent at a time either.
  13. Also looking for music to play others in SL is a good inspiration to go exploring. I doubt I would have found Sona Jobarteh without having motivation to go looking for music to share.
  14. Lots of music. For years I have streamed music in SL, and encouraged others to. It is a great way to broaden experiences and share with others. Hippie Bowman got me interested in sharing music here. I first heard other songs by War than Lowrider from his sets. Also Looking Glass - Brandy and more. I posted this on another thread but a friend played this yesterday..totally new to me I thought it was the White Stripes... I was out by 30 years. and Arjuna introduced me to this great song:
  15. A friend played this the other day in SL. A bit of Led Zeppelin to it, but great heavy riff.... reminds me of White Stripes Ball and Biscuit.
  16. Mrs Mills takes me back to when I was a child. The first record player given to me was a hand me down, a suit-cased turntable thing with a handle so "portable". Along with it came some awful records. The few I liked were a couple of Beatles singles, the theme tune to the Sting Ray TV show, the Dave Clarke Five - Bit and Pieces. It included a Mrs Mills album which was notable for its cover, maybe one of her Party Time Albums - possibly one of the most uncool album covers ever. But in retrospect with a charm, a snapshot of a time many won't remember lol. Britain had the swinging sixties The Beatles, Rolling Stones, The Who, the Kinks, Jeff Beck and Mrs Mills.
  17. The best French Rock album of all time?
  18. Great album by Flora Purim: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butterfly_Dreams
  19. I did create an account I was impressed by the World music and dance categories, and it was fun mixing things up to hear what it would make of them. But when I actually picked mixes of genres I am more familiar with I was much less impressed, what it created was soulless and oddly had distortion on like it was copying and reproducing bad recording.
  20. Beyonce covered the Beatles Blackbird recently (very nicely too), but this is Hiromi Uehara's version sublime. I would be worried if AI could do anything like this.
  21. Interesting all those genres and mixes of them kind of blow my mind. I never knew Roots Reggae Prog Avant-Garde was a thing before.... but I don't think musicians need to worry about Ai taking their jobs yet.
  22. This is a Cassandra Wilson cover of a Miles Davis tune off Bitches Brew.
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