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Ry0ta Exonar

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Everything posted by Ry0ta Exonar

  1. Did you receive an e-mail from LL that your items were to be removed if you wouldn't remove them because someone filed a DMCA takedown notification against you? If so, you could file a counter notice. See https://secondlife.com/corporate/dmca.php
  2. Try asking the creator of your implants where you can get free clothes to wear over the implants.
  3. Go to the marketplace website >> merchant home >> manage listings >> Press "Sync Marketplace with Magic Boxes" button at the upper right corner >> Refresh the page and see if it appears. If not, go to your magic box status page (https://www.xstreetsl.com/modules.php?name=Marketplace&file=adminservers), scroll down to the bottom, remove the magic boxes from the registered servers section, go inworld and reset your magic boxes, go back to the marketplace >> merchant home >> manage listings >> Press "Sync Marketplace with Magic Boxes" button at the upper right corner >> Refresh the page and see if it appears
  4. Try tweaking CameraOffsetRearView and FocusOffsetRearView in the debug setting. Read Penny's post in the following thread: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Viewer/Getting-Better-Camera-Placement-In-the-SL-Viewer/m-p/714307
  5. What to do if your account is compromised http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Password-and-account-information/ta-p/700017#Section_.5 Act quickly!
  6. zigazav wrote: The breasts I bought are Mesh I think, so I assumed it would automatically go under it, but no, it doesn''t. Remember, to wear somthing over a mesh or sculpty, it should be a mesh or sculpty item made specially to fit it.
  7. I think the clothes you want to go over the implants need to be compatible with the implants. Look at the description of ~RI~ Clothing, eg. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/RI-Lusty-Latex-Black/3111172, it says"Fits ecorps,lolas&universal implants".
  8. Ceri Kesten wrote: I keep getting this Sorry, you do not have sufficient privileges for that action. Please click the Back button on your browser. Return to my original page Looks like they put a wrong link. The page (or item) you are trying to view is http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Selling-in-the-Marketplace/ta-p/700193#Section_.4.2 As to the other question, I replied here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/Draging-from-Inventory-to-Merchant-Outbox-fail-MAC/m-p/1654565#M26685
  9. Check out the following JIRA: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-4600 You can find some suggestions in it , so you might be able to find a solution that works for you if you are lucky.
  10. I can't answer to your question, but you can try searching with your browser http://search.secondlife.com/ . It should work.
  11. Ricky40 wrote: How do I change my recent settings? To stay for more than one day? Read http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/inventory_finder
  12. Here is a list of things you can try when you have that issue. Try one by one. http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_bake_fail
  13. If you have a premium account, you could try live chat and ask them if they can help. If not, I don't think there is a way to ask LL for such information. Here is a list of types of support case: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Types_of_Support_Case
  14. If you haven't clean-reinstalled your viewer, you could find the logs for each of your accounts in the setting folder which is usually located in: Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\[YOUR USERNAME]\Application Data\SecondLife Windows Vista: C:\Users\[uSERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife Windows 7: C:\Users\[uSERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife Mac: /Users/[YOUR USERNAME]/Library/Application Support/SecondLife linux: ~/.secondlife
  15. Since you said it was a gift from the creator, why don't you ask the creator to give you another?
  16. Contact the merchant and ask them for a rufund. If the item is no trans, most merchants are happy to give you a refund. But please note: If you bought them on the MP, you might be able to get refund of only 95% of the price because 5% go to LL as their comission and the merchants get paid only 95%.
  17. That error message "one or more of the specified items could not be lsited" or "one or more of the specified items could not be listed" didn't bring any search results other than your question here on Google, so it seems to me a new issue or something. FIle a support ticket https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ (Choose Marketplace >> General Marketplace Issues and describe the issue).
  18. And now the JIRA WEB-4638 was closed by CommerceTeam Linden, so I created a new one. Marketplace - Active Listing Enhancements Haven't Been Charged for A While edited to correct the link
  19. Peony Sweetwater wrote: Something is definitely up with listing enhancements at the moment, conspiracy theory or not... Looking at this thread made me check out the ones that I'd taken out in the last month or so. I'd taken out three different, short term ones. None of them were getting any significant click-thrus listed, so I'd gone in to change them to "will not renew". At least two of those three enhancements should have terminated a week or two ago. The other day I made a thread about my listing enhancements not being charged for a while (http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/MP-Subscriptions-for-Listing-Enhancements-Haven-t-Been-Charged/td-p/1644219) and now I have 5 overdue subscriptions. Peony Sweetwater wrote: But looking at the listing enhancement performance page now, all three are listed as "active" . Apparently all three are still getting daily views in the 1000s, but very few click-thrus. When I go to back to that section, I do eventually see the listing that I had under "Complete Anime Avatars" (it was the oldest of the three), but not in the more numerous fashion sections (the newer listings). Daily views in the 1000s? Are they homepage featured ones? If so, I seem to be getting screwed. lol
  20. lol Yeah, if so, that's a scam! Like you said, I too see the same ads from some merchants over and over again and actually suspected the possibility of what you said. lol
  21. Yes, it's extremely rare that you can see your own enhancement. I didn't remember how many times I refreshed the homepage, but you can check the performance of your enhancement. Just in case you aren't aware of that. There is a link in the Reports >> Listing enhancements. I'd say if you are getting 2700 to 2800 impressions a week, that's normal.
  22. Sinisterguy Leodhais wrote: How does this sound i make skins, I make great skins and also i use tmeplates. I have some great friends in the skin business, Wel known skinmakers.. You may want to be careful about who you buy skin templates from. My customer just let me know someone is selling my skin on the MP with a link to the item in question, so I went to check it. I usually check the whole store to see if they have any other illegitimate items. I happened to see your reviews on their 3 male skin templates and that reminded me of this thread. I found my skin's body parts (abs, legs, arm) used (mixed with other skins) in one of those templates.
  23. If the prim parts of your avatar (paws, legs etc.) are modifiable, you can resize, rotate and move them with the build tool. Read this page to learn how to edit prims: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Build-Tools/ta-p/700039 If you enlarge the foot paws and legs and adjust their position, you could fill the gap between them and apparently you need to rotate the left paw cause it's back to front.
  24. You could try advertising on third party websites like SL related forums, blogs, magazines and such or Google ads. Also you could try inworld ad boards.
  25. As to the paws, if you put on an alpha layer like this one (https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Trins-Alpha-Layer-Set-Pro/729882), it makes your hands invisible. Just search for what matches with your paws. MiloshTheWuff wrote: Adding to that, the "dog like" legs don't work quite right and there are large gaps between the footpaws and the legs. What does it look like? A picture might help. Click on the small tree image above the text field to insert a picture into your post.
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