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Ry0ta Exonar

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Everything posted by Ry0ta Exonar

  1. へぇ~、カフェハント。そういうハントもあるんですね!タルトのベリーソースのてかり具合とか、お皿に敷いたソースとか緻密に再現されていていつもながらすごいです。真ん中のタルトにトッピングされているフルーツは最初巨峰かな?と思ったんですが、皮つきなんてことないだろうからやっぱりブラックチェリーかなと思い直しましたw 下の写真はどこかのモールで沖縄フェアみたいなのがあって、そこのモールにpocheさんも出店されているので、それに参加されていたんですが、その際にゲットしてきたものです。 上の方はラッキーボードで配布されていた沖縄ランチみたいな感じのセットで、左のサラダのように見えるのはなんとタコライスw 右は私の好物のゴーヤーチャンプルー。珍しいですよね。あ、スイカと麦茶は前から持っていたものです。夏っぽいのでずっとテーブルに出したままにしていますw 下のはガチャでゲットしたフラッペなんですが、チョコレート味。全部で5~6種類ぐらいあったと思いますが、4回やってチョコといちごが二回ずつ出てきたので止めてしまいましたw 
  2. June was the worst month in two years also for me, especially mid june was the bottom. In July the sales were up by 15%, that said they dropped about 20% compared to last year, and so was June.
  3. Some people are experiencing a similar issue. Here is a JIRA about that. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-4816 Add your comment, vote and watch.
  4. It's not possible as yet. Here is a JIRA for the feature request. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-2788
  5. Hmm, that's odd. Try clearing the browser cache. Also If your browser is IE, try another browser and see if that make any difference. Otherwise you may want to file a support ticket or start a JIRA.
  6. If you have no plans to take off the mesh dress and the alpha layer in company, you don't need underwear.
  7. So you don't see Delete option in the drop down menu which shows up when you click on the Actions button on the right of each listing? As far as I know there is no way to delete multiple listings all at once.
  8. http://fabfree.wordpress.com/fabfree-30-days-list/
  9. mirakitty wrote: I have a friend who is only showing up in the SL veiwer and not on this actual website, why is this? I noticed a friend of mine doesn't show up on the forums too. Maybe their profile isn't set to public and they've never signed in here? Not sure. mirakitty wrote: Also, am I able to search for people using the SL website? http://search.secondlife.com/ Try the search. I couldn't find the said friend though.
  10. That has nothing to do with what skin you are wearing. Try disabling HTTP textures (press Ctrl+Alt+Q to activate Developer menu), clearing the cache and relog. Other suggestions: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Avatar/Why-does-my-avatar-keep-rezzing-over-and-over/qaq-p/1052981
  11. You don't have to test it on Aditi. Try the migration on Agni. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Marketplace-Direct-Delivery-migration-guide/ta-p/1293139 Carmsie Melodie wrote: * When I "send to MP" the items show up BUT they are still associated with my magic box. They do not show as "Direct Delivery" so there's no point associating them with my listings. Automatic association If an uploaded item has the same name as an existing Magic Box listing, association is handled automatically and the existing listing will begin selling the item via Direct Delivery. Automatic association may fail if an existing listing's associated item has already been manually changed, which may often occur as a result of product updates
  12. Try clearing the cache if not yet. Also you can find other steps you may want to follow on the following link: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Inventory_loss
  13. Search the marketplace (https://marketplace.secondlife.com/ ) for freebies. Join some store groups where they occasionally give out group gifts. Join some treasure hunts (http://slhunts.wordpress.com/ http://slfreebiehunters.blogspot.jp/) How to use the items: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Shopping-in-the-Second-Life-Marketplace/ta-p/700189#Section_.2 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Controlling-your-avatar-s-appearance/ta-p/700709
  14. Quando você se registra para o Second Life, você deve fornecer sua data de nascimento, porque você é obrigado a ter pelo menos 16 anos de idade. Para acessar o conteúdo adulto, você deve ter pelo menos 18 anos de idade. Para visitar o site Adult-designadas regiões no Second Life ou ver os resultados de classificação para adultos de busca, você deve: 1.Ter 18 anos ou mais. Nós determinamos a sua idade com base na data de nascimento que você fornece quando você configurar sua conta no Second Life. 2.Definir suas preferências Viewer para visualizar conteúdo adulto. Veja Acesso a terrenos e conteúdo Adulto para obter instruções. Em outras palavras, você já verificou a sua idade quando se registrou para secondlife fornecer sua data de nascimento.
  15. Does it show all the rest of the menu (Unlist, Preview, Edit, View contents, Test delivery) other than Delete or doesn't the Actions button work at all? Anyway if you can unlist them, unlist them first. In the meantime I'd try clearing the browser cache or another browser to see if that makes any difference. Use the parmalink below to add info/comment. Oh, you said your magic boxes have been deleted. So just press "synch marketplace with magic boxes" button and refresh the page, then those listings should turn unavailable. If not, go to the magic box status page https://www.xstreetsl.com/modules.php?name=Marketplace&file=adminservers, scroll down to the bottom and remove the magic boxes listed as registered servers.
  16. Looks like you didn't create an alpha channel or you didn't save the file as a format which supports alpha channel (32-bit TGA/ PNG)if you created an alpha channel. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Clothing_Tutorials You can find some tutorials on the wiki page so you might want to read some.
  17. So you are on Firestorm? Try turning off the spam blocker (Avatar -> Preferences -> Firestorm -> Protection) and you may be able to hear the sound. cf. http://jira.phoenixviewer.com/browse/FIRE-4058
  18. You can use mega prims. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Super-MegaPrim-Pack/797232 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/7000-Mega-Prims/797231
  19. Here is a JIRA about that feature request: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-1247
  20. Does that happen on every skin? Are the upper boy and the lower body rezzed? Use the permalink below to add your comment.
  21. This one? http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Walking_Sound_(NewAge)
  22. Ry0ta Exonar

    Viewer control

    Sounds like mouselook though you said it's not the camera control. Try pressing M key. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Camera-point-of-view-controls/ta-p/700047#Section_.4
  23. I'm sure it's Robin hair from UW studio and it's still available. http://slurl.com/secondlife/Uwst/179/116/25
  24. When you click on the Actions button on the right of the listing, a drop down list should appear to show what action you can take and Delete is at the bottom of it. If you don't see the drop down list appear, try another browser. If you are on IE with compatible mode turned on, the links sometimes don't work, so that may be the reason.
  25. We call that kinda style pompadour. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/ALA-Hair-Betty-FatPack/792573
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