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Yuriko Nishi

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Blog Comments posted by Yuriko Nishi

  1. thanks q and friends for listening to your customers, like amanda told us you wanna do now, one day before you posted this.


    everyone i know in sl really wanted these web profiles, which are much slower, uglyer and have less functionality.

    so much about reducing "lag" (i call it lag when i have to wait so long before i can see anything)

    try sending a stranger a notecard in oldstyle viewers.

    open peoplesearch, type the name and hit enter. bam there it is, less than a sec.  you have the whole profile there, instantly. now just drag and drop the item on the profile. done...

    easy, wasnt it?

    anyway, good job!

    of course, like allways in the past, no matter how negative the feedback you get will be, it´s done, and done to stay...




    i guess making the web profiles within the viewer optional was too customer friendly to be done by LL?

  2. that sounds nice indeed, but some older residents have heard such announcements before, and where disappointed before.


    can only talk about myself, i am not expecting much anymore, but i´d welcome a real change.


    guess we´ll see if you guys can really keep those promises. i hope so but past experiences let me have doubts


    i am a bit confused though why you make advertisment for facbook on your own website, instead of advertising SL on facbook allways thought you want some people from fb to join sl, and not slers leave sl to facebook


    i am (and many other sl users are) really not interested in fb... -.-

  3. black lists are extremely dumb.

    so no surprise ll wants to use one now.


    example: sculpted birdhouse with tits is adult

    example 2: poseball to bang little girls into their tight behind is general


    i´d understand if you wanted to use such a list to rate items of offline merchants. but planning it as a staying list that will screw with us forever in the future shows you  have learned nothing in the past 8 years.


    oh btw. welcome to sl mr humble, nice first action. not

  4. thanks ll!

    i was getting concerend about you guys, business was going ok for a couple of weeks so i wondered if you are all ok over there at the lab.

    i am glad you´re back to screw it up again!


    just spent 30 minutes looking through all my listings, because you changed 1 to adult, of course you didnt tell me which, or why. and you dont let me change the rating back, from adult to general.


    ps: thanks too for the early warning via email !

  5. i removed the word sexy from the listing to try. no change...

    also i have the word in other items, where it is no problem. also it shouldn´t be imo.

    also big breasts are no indicator to adult content imo. they are completely dressed...

    i see that tobacco use is considered mature by LL. but thats the picture, not the text that gets scanned by the software.

    looks like i have to take another picture once LL tells me why the text is rated adult...(or censor the pic with a black square)

  6. Thank you for your interest in the YuNi Dumb Bells.


    This is a set of Dumbbells, designed for use everywhere without the need of poseballs or a gym. Now you can workout your muscles and look cool anywhere and in any situation.


    The weights only animate your arms. So you can walk, sit, stand, fly and keep working out


    In the Box:
    - 4 dumb bells (2 sizes left and right hand)
    - 3 animations for each side
    - a very heavy weight, too heavy for anyone to lift - with animation (copy/transfer)
    - a notecard with easy instructions




    if you click one of the dumb bells while wearing them, they will cycle through 4 different animations, and also sync both hands if you click


    To workout attach one or both dumb bells and the workout animation will start.
    The animation have the highest priority, so they should override most other animations and you can use them in most situations.
    Some AOs have high prioritys too, so if you do not see the animations, disable your AO.


    The "Heavy Weight" is too heavy for anyone too lift. You can give it to people you want to make fun off


    Enjoy your workout.


    Yuriko  Nishi



    what about this description is adult, like your website keeps telling me?

  7. i have different memorys, more along the line of between 30 and 40 k. i think it went over 50 around the end of 2007.


    anyway, fact is, the numbers have been higher in the past. around 80 k like you said. but i think it was right before m took over, must have been around the end of 2008 or so.


    about the new statistics... not realy interesting imo


    oh one thing is interesting though, the sales went from sl to the web, like ll wanted so bad, and everyone hated when ll announced it ^^

    yaaaay commisions

  8. hmm, dunno what´s wrong with me, but none of these announcements impress me.

    maybe i am allready done with sl deep in my mind, and just dont know it yet.


    still no new avatars, no new animation system for avatars (hands and face, ik etc.) , no normal/specular/alpha maps, no animation system for prims/meshes, no speedtree (or similar), no big sims, still lsl scripting limits, still stuck with the 2.x ui, nothing about search, nothing about sim costs (300 us$ for 1/16 of a server o0) nothing about support...


    teleport compression seems nice though


    in short no real progress...


    looks like i just have different prioritys than LL

    Linden Lab's New CEO

    /me gulps

    oh oh ea, the game company i like least of all the big ones (for buying up most of the creative ideas/little devolpers, and turning the ideas into a pile of crap) ^^


    anyway, good luck turning sl into disney land


    gonna watch from distance, just for the giggles

  9. i have not tryed this version, but tested the mesh beta client, and was kinda impressed by the code, especialy the render engine improvements, like shadows etc. (i allways have shadows enabled, i know it´s not new, just got better in that version)

    also the cutomization options where neat.


    if ll would now just get rid of the way to big borders for all windows, and the still extremely annoying sidebar, i´d give client 2.x a serious new chance ^^


    edit: oh i forgot, the new search still sucks, include the old one too ^^

  10. lemme see, price for a sim is 295 bucks right?

    you guys run quadcores and put 4 sims on one core, so you run 16 sims on one computer.

    thats 4720 bucks a month, per server. (enough money to buy 4 quadcore computers a month)


    wow i can´t believe you can continue with this low price in in 2011 o0

    does that mean phil can´t buy a new island in the carribeans next year? o0

    no porshes for all lindens?

    aww thank you lindens!

    Next Steps for Mesh Import

    thats one of the things that annoy me, it looks like LL doesnt want to give as a new and nice avatar mesh anymore, and instead wants us to use imported meshes. -.-


    i am not so sure yet though if i want a static puppet face with dead eyes, that takes forever to rez, and only is visible for 2.0 users


    i hope i am wrong with this ^^

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