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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. Spent part of this evening with my gorgeous boy at this beautiful location he's built on our home region:
  2. Beautiful glasses by Codex, out at Cosmopolitan:
  3. Look #2, because while SL is being screwy today and working against me putting together a full outfit I decided to sort inventory instead. Just came across these glasses and lip jewels that fitted perfectly with what I was already wearing, so...
  4. Oberon's Reflection. Credits Still androgynous as all get-out, thanks to this hair from Bad Hair Day, the fantastic L$2 Midsummer Night's Dream Hunt gift headdress from Chop Zuey Couture Jewellery, plus a faceful of glossy slap from Shiny Stuffs. Hair: Bad Hair Day - Akia* Headdress: Chop Zuey Couture Jewellery - Titania In Moonlight Necklace: Sn@tch - My Heart Necklace (July group gift) Makeup: Shiny Stuffs - Dollface (Catwa) Eyes: Avi-Glam - Tender Eyes* Skin: Avi-Glam - Vincent* (Catwa) Head: Catwa - Skell* * review copy
  5. I used 'could have' only once in my post: when talking about the Akeruka head. And I only used 'could have' because that offer was over by the time I wrote those words. For everything else I wrote 'would' - and those were suggestions as to what the OP can do to outfit his avatar once he has money on his account (or even now, when he only has L$41 to his name) - L$900 would buy him a basic Catwa head; L$225 would get him into the 7 Deadly Skins group to pick up group gift skins (and here's a pic of the current gift) but in the meantime if he needs system skins here are six gachas at the store starting at a price he can still afford; here is a store whose entire clothing range is currently set out free of charge; here is a place where he can pick up a great free fatpack of male hair; here are the links to the five main menswear events in SL... and so on. Yes, I was surprised that he managed to spend L$4000 on one outfit, one hairstyle, and one beard. And yes, I mentioned that Signature is one of the most expensive male mesh bodies on the market. But if six suggestions as to what he would be able to do in the future once he has a little more money is 'not helpful' then maybe I should stop trying to help. As to the cost of menswear in SL, I'm perfectly aware of what prices are like. I'm not kitting out a male alt; I'm kitting out myself, and have been doing so for the past 11 years. I try to ignore how many thousands of RL dollars I've spent on Skell over those 11 years. My most recent blog post even has the title 'When the one you want is only in the fatpack' because I'm aware of the tricks that designers pull by putting the most desirable item/colour/pattern in the most expensive option. *shrugs* I guess I'm done.
  6. Opinion is, indeed, subjective. Some people prefer a perfectly-smooth, uncreased suit. Personally, I prefer something that drapes realistically, creases and rumples a little at the crotch, elbows, buttons, and collar (as a suit does in real life), and makes me feel like a king when I wear it. That's why I love that Deadwool suit.
  7. You're welcome. Glad to be of help
  8. Deadwool's Dandy shoes paired with their mesh Dandy socks, both from the inworld store only (not on Marketplace). My profile image on this forum features Deadwool's Peak Suit and Oscar Coat, plus those shoes and socks. They're a perfect fit together, and the socks contain multiple fit options for different shoes: Alternatively, if you want less of a business suit shoe and more of a formal shoe, again Deadwool have you covered, this time on Marketplace.
  9. That would be 'Max' by Altamura, which is out at both the Ajuda Brasil and Unihispania Crea community gateways. I picked it up to check it out, and believe me it's... underwhelming. Here's a raw shot of the head and torso with the default included shape: It's fine for a complete freebie Bento head and body if you don't want to alpha out your head to wear any other head (it's not possible on the HUD), don't mind one single very dark skintone that cannot be changed (which won't work for the OP, since he mentioned wanting a pale skin), and don't want to use any other kind of applier such as tattoos. The HUD is also a nightmare, with tiny and unpredictable increments of alphas that are damn near impossible to click on accurately without some squinting and a lot of trial and error. I really dislike coming down hard on free gifts, especially ones by a store as generous as Altamura is, having already offered other free full Bento avatars as well as gift appliers to the L'Homme Magazine Readers group. Free Bento bodies and heads are difficult enough to come by for those that can't afford to pay for full-priced ones. But compare this to, say the L$1 Ebody mesh bodies for women, which include 12 skin tones and three foot heights compatible with Slink shoes (but, admittedly, a much less generous alpha HUD), and you'll see why - once again - the guys get shafted when it comes to good quality free and cheap mesh stuff (the occasional generous gift such as Akeruka's L$150 group-only heads, and Kauna's stock retirement L$0 clothing sale notwithstanding). To the OP, I can't recommend a mesh body under L$1500 (there's only one, and that's the L$500 TMP body, which I wouldn't recommend to my worst enemy!) but the full Slink Physique male bundle (body, feet, and Bento hands) is the next cheapest option, at L$2,250, plus L$99 for the additional Omega installer:
  10. Back in black. I'm never out of it for long Credits Vendetta for the upcoming Men Jail July event, plus Gild for Hipster Mens Event and VoltHair for Equal 10. Skin applier: Vendetta - Nathan* (tone 04 - Catwa, Lelutka) Jacket: Native Urban - Woods Jacket (standard sizing, plus TMP) Pants & boots: Gild - Mod Slim Pants & Gore Boots Set (black - Slink, Jake, Sig) Hair: VoltHair - John (B&W) Brow applier: Identity Body Shop - Thick Eyebrows (Catwa, Omega, system) Eye applier: Avi-Glam - Elysian Eyes (fjord - Omega, own brand mesh, system) Head: Catwa - Skell* (Bento) Body: Slink - Physique Male Pose: Wrong Bar stool: Junk - T-Pipe Stool *review copy
  11. Those are definitely painted-on lashes on the skin. Look beneath the outer corner of the eye and you can see them there: You can also see how the freckles and overall textures on the upper cheekbones are stretched upwards. I wouldn't mind betting that the specific skin in this case is (if not a full- then at least a partial-) system-to-applier conversion. There is absolutely no reason for a mesh head applier skin to have lashes painted on it, since all mesh heads have built-in lashes. Just to be certain, however, check the eye makeup section on your Catwa Master HUD and clear both upper and lower layers. Then check that you have both Hardware Skinning and Anistropic Filtering enabled on your viewer's graphics settings. (If you're using the LL viewer, you'll find them in the Graphics > Advanced section.) If you want to continue wearing that skin, then the Izzies applier that Loverdag posted is the best option. We recommend it in the Catwa support group to those who have issues with painted lashes on skin appliers that they love. With regard to this: Check that you haven't hidden your lashes. I don't see them in the image above, and they need to be visible in order for applier lashes to work. Second tab of the Master HUD, look in Show/Hide and ensure that both upper and lower lashes have a black circle around them, like below: If you're trying to apply Omega lashes instead of Catwa lashes you'll need to be wearing the Catwa Omega relay at the same time. And, if SL (or the region you're in/connection you're using) is laggy, then sometimes toggling the Mask/Blend buttons on the lash area of the Master HUD can trigger the applier to work.
  12. At L$3,500 Signature's bodies are some of the more expensive on the market. Contrast that price with L$2,250 for Slink Physique 'bundle' pack (includes body, Bento hands, and feet) - and with L$2,999 for Belleza Jake (includes body, Bento hands, feet, all skintone appliers as well as a Catwa head applier in all skintones - Add to that the fact that Geralt also still fairly new and doesn't yet have the level of designer support that the likes of Signature Gianni and Belleza Jake (or even Slink Physique) have. That is, thankfully, changing, but it's slow going as Gianni and Jake are still the most-supported bodies when it comes to clothing. However, USD30 will buy - at today's conversion rate - L$7,500 so - having deducted the cost of the body - I'm wondering how on earth one outfit, one hairstyle, and one beard cost you a total of L$4,000. Where have you been shopping?! As has been pointed out in this thread by Chic, a spend of L$150 would have got you into the Akeruka group to pick up their fantastic Leon Bento head gift, which comes with not only all head skintone appliers but also all body appliers for Signature, Slink, and Belleza (all in Omega format). Sadly, that ship has now sailed, as the offer ended today (1st July). L$900 would buy you a Catwa 'basic' mesh head (Justin or Paul), which can only be resized (width, depth, height). Not as customisable as a Bento head, but thousands of guys quite happily wear them, and there are a lot of Catwa head appliers out there. If you wanted an additional skin, L$225 would get you into the 7 Deadly Skins group with a free monthly male skin gift that includes body and head appliers. They also have a gacha section on the top floor (price to play is L$35) with multiple system skins that should match reasonably well to their body applier skins - The match to a mesh body won't be perfect with older system skins, but it would tide you over until you your L$ buy limit was increased and you could afford a Bento mesh head, if that's what you want. This is the current male group gift applier set at 7 Deadly Skins (the ad text is wrong; it's for a Catwa head, not a Lelutka one) - The entire Kauna menswear store is currently free, with everything from clothing and footwear, Bento mesh beards and other accessories. Exile have a free fatpack of hair in the middle of their store, and - depending on the kind of style you want - there are plenty of people in this forum (myself included) who could have advised you where to purchase more specific styles. Male stuff that's cheap, or male stuff in general? Believe me, there's a lot of male stuff out there. Granted, many of us guys who are into fashion are currently bitching about the prevalence of sweatpants, hoodies, tanks, and shorts, but it's out there. I change my look pretty much every time I log in (although, to be fair, I do spend a lot). Start looking at SL menswear blogs and dig through the SL-related tags on Flickr. And, inworld, check out the following monthly events (links take you to the Seraphim website page for each one, which contains a gallery of items currently at the event, plus teleport links) - The Mens Dept (TMD) Men Only Monthly (MOM) Man Cave Hipster Mens Event The Men Jail Many creators, especially the skin designers, offer new skins at slightly reduced prices at those events, so they're a good place to demo and pick up new items that would otherwise be costlier at their mainstore.
  13. Thank you It probably won't happen too often, but the less clothing there is out there that interests me, the more I'm looking to accessories like these for my fashion shots.
  14. I seem to be getting more comfortable with colour. I should probably be checked for fever, but in the meantime I took Skell's androgynous side out for another spin, inspired by this amazing headdress and collar from Zibska. Credits Zibska for Sense Event, plus LaGyo for FaMESHed. Headpiece & collar: Zibska - Regards Face decor: LaGyo - Halima Crystal Mask (rose/teal) Hair: Mina - Lily Eyes: ARTE - Blessed (Catwa, Lelutka) Eyeshadow: Alaskametro - Alchemy Eyeshadow 3 (gacha - Omega, system) Brow applier: Identity Body Shop - Clear Eyebrows (Catwa, Omega) Skin applier: Tableau Vivant - Mort Vivant (Lelutka) Head: Lelutka - Andrea (Bento)
  15. Oh dear. Is that all you've got? You're not very good at this, are you?
  16. I recall it. Let me remind you: What other kind of degeneracy were you contemplating there? The degeneracy of women having agency over their own bodies? The degeneracy of all people (including those damned poor people) having the right to medical care? The degeneracy of black people being able to have BBQs or their children being able to sell cold water on their doorstep without a white person calling the police (whereas white kids selling lemonade is a symbol of All That Is Right And Adorable In America)? Or how about the degeneracy of protests against gerrymandering and the disenfranchising of certain groups of (non-white) voters? Or possibly the degeneracy of all kids having the right to go to school without the increasing chance of being murdered? And, oh, I almost forgot the degeneracy of not tearing babies and toddlers from their parents' arms and shipping them thousands of miles away. Nope. That's not the degeneracy you're referring to, is it? Not when you follow it up with questions like... are you saying its not? No, it's not a result of political correctness, but nice try. This is what it's about, in a handy-dandy meme format. Apologies if the rainbow burns you. As to the OP of this thread (whose many identities are pretty obvious to those of us who pay attention in this forum) all I have to say is... (Yes, I bit. What can I say? I'm bored and waiting for my dinner to finish cooking.)
  17. Absolutely gagging over how good these nails and boots (see the 'show off your shoes' thread) are from Artificial Hallucination. GAH! Long-arsed credits behind the spoiler tag.
  18. Incredibly customisable (8 base colours, plus underlying glitter layer, animated glitter layer, and 'fade' layer are all on/off and tintable) these Glitter Boots by Artificial Halluciation are out at the Something Else event right now and they're rigged for Belleza Freya, Slink Hourglass, Maitreya*, Belleza Jake, Slink Male, plus unrigged. (The Maitreya has 'exp' beside the item name = experimental rig, perhaps?) and just L$299. Well worth it for something truly gorgeous. Just two of the possibilities in black shown below: But if you think that looks good, wait until you see them animated... [ video 1 ] - [ video 2 ] - [ video 3 ]
  19. Right-click your avatar (or your name tag) and select Appearance > Reset > Skeleton. If that doesn't fix it, do the same but Reset Skeleton & Animations (which will stop any AO that you have running, so switch that off and on again, and the 'stuck' animations should have stopped).
  20. Catwa's female Bento heads match to body skins by The Skinnery. Her male Bento heads match to the Gen 1 body appliers by Clef de Peau, which are now only available from the Clef de Peau vendor in the male heads section of the Catwa store. Marco (CdP's owner & creator) is now on the 3rd gen of male body appliers at his mainstore, which don't match at all to the Catwa Bento head defaults. I haven't checked recently to see if he has updated the necks of his older head appliers to match the new gen body appliers (or if he's removed the older heads from sale altogether, to avoid confusion), but it was always a little bit of a minefield matching Clef heads and bodies to each other because of the different gen skins, so - even more so than usual - always try demos of both to ensure you can get a good match at the neck. You've got a great combination there. L'Etre also make fantastic head appliers, and I prefer their body to Stray Dog's own body appliers. However, for that 'possible future reference' you mentioned, it's only Stray Dog's older head appliers that have tones named to match L'Etre's tones (eg: sandy, buttermilk, etc). His newer head appliers - since the release of his own body appliers - have numbered tones. They still match to L'Etre's body appliers, and there are graphics posted all around the store showing which number matches to which name, as below: I tend to use L'Etre's buttermilk tones, which means I buy Tone 04 from Stray Dog. If you have any issues with or queries about your Daniel head, @Veigarus, join the 'Catwa Head Friends' group inworld. It's free to join and the CSRs (of which I'm one) and other group members can help you solve any problems and answer any questions that you have.
  21. How many minutes do you have to work in real life to earn $5 (or the equivalent in your country's currency)? Here in the UK the National Minimum Wage for those aged over 25 is £7.83 ($10.39) so let's approximate half an hour's real life work as the answer to my above question. At the current LindeX rate, $5 will buy you L$1,250. Let's break that down using various methods of obtaining that L$1,250, from both real life work and the examples given in your options for inworld earning: Real Life work = 30 minutes The now-extinct Slackers Coffee Shop at L$3/10m = 69.5 hours The Voodoo HUD, taking a generous median of 2hrs to farm L$4 (allowing for times when the HUD is not overcrowded) = 625 hours Vault = more than 26 hours with the capriciousness of chance for your letter to turn up, thereby winning a "low percentage jackpot" Fishing = 12.5 x "an eternity" Linden Realms = more than 3 days to get "not very much" Gold Hunt = forget it Hmm, so what would seem like the easiest option? $5-worth of petrol/gas in the car or putting that $5 into "a game"? Eventually, it all depends on how much this 'game' means to you. If it means nothing then carry on working tens - even hundreds - of hours for peanuts. The best way to earn 'free money' in SL - Money Trees - has long passed. Those days were ten years ago, and it was easy to earn a few hundred in an hour or so of visiting a 'round' of a dozen money trees. Then get yourself a female alt, kit her out absolutely free (you can get a full mesh body and head from some of the gift places - there's a free Altamura female mesh body and head at one of the Brazilian infohubs - and there's a crapton of free female content on the Marketplace) and apply for non-escort (since that's important to you) jobs using your female avatar. Yes, if you can learn how to do it. Depending on which program you use (If you're skint IRL then you'll probably be using Blender, so check out BornCG on YouTube for great tutorials that start from scratch for absolute beginners) but be aware that if you want to create items to sell in SL you'll still need to have an initial outlay of L$ for upload fees. Texture and mesh uploads cost L$, and you need payment info on file in order to open your own Marketplace store.
  22. New body skin appliers from Vendetta, and holy crap they're fantastic. It's not often that Skell goes for the body hair option, but these are honestly the best I've ever seen in SL. Credits Also shown: REalEvil for Men Only Monthly, Merlific for The Men Jail, Speakeasy for Man Cave, and VoltHair for Equal 10. Body applier: Vendetta - Body v2* Head applier: Vendetta - Samuel* (tone 04) Necklace: Merlific for Men - Drake Chains Rings & chains: RealEvil - Nemesis Rings (Slink, Signature) Hair: VoltHair - John (B&W) Tattoo applier: Speakeasy - Into the Mist (Omega, Signature) Jacket: Gabriel - Half Top Jacket (black) (Slink, TMP, standard sizing) Pants: Legal Insanity - Axl Black Leather Pants (Belleza, Signature) Makeup: Zibska - Noir Pack Vol 13 (Catwa, Lelutka, Omega) Brow appliers: Identity Body Shop - Thick Eyebrows (Catwa, Omega, system) Eye appliers: Avi-Glam - Elysian Eyes (fjord) (Omega, own brand mesh, system) Poses: SEmotion *review copy
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