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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. Clef de Peau, Dura, and Kalback for The Mens Dept December round. Skin applier: Clef de Peau - Theo (T1) Hair: Dura - B82 (dark) Shirt: Kalback - Casual Shirt (M4 dark) Eye appliers: Avi-Glam - Vivid Eyes* (Pearl) Head: Catwa - Daniel Body: Signature - Gianni Poses: Wrong & the Owl, KZ Poses *review copy
  2. If you already have a RL Facebook account you can use it to create an avatar page, which won't be linked to that account in any public way. I can't be certain, but I'm fairly sure I remember seeing Strawberry Singh making a post about how to do that a few years ago. ETA: Yep, she did. Here's the link. ETA 2: Read the comments. Not sure if it's still possible on FB, since the post is from 2012 - but someone mentions that you don't even need an existing account in order to create a page. (If it is still possible you could also just use a different browser for it, or - if you use Firefox 57 browser - open that Facebook account in its own container tab.)
  3. Avatar accounts are not permitted. Facebook is, at its core, a vast marketing system. Every single person on it is tracked and their browsing data on Facebook and all around the web (if you don't have specific browser protections such as Ghostery installed, every single site that you visit which has an FB button somewhere on it will report your browsing back to FB) is sold to marketers. As an avatar account you are not a 'real person' whose browsing habits are genuine. Marketers have delineations for everyone which are built up through browsing habits (Eg: single female earning X amount per year, drives XYZ car, has life insurance worth X amount per year, no children, owns dogs, leans toward XYZ political party, etc). Non-real avatar accounts have no 'value' because they skew Facebook's data, which is why they get shut down once they're discovered. Pages are different. They can be for anything - from someone's craft projects to fan pages for specific bands - but they have to be created by what Facebook regards as a 'real person' account. Since 'page activity' can't be tracked across the web, and since they're often created for hobbies and suchlike, there's no data for FB to sell to marketers. They're Facebook's concession to people who want to create accounts like that. Basically, every single avatar account on FB exists on borrowed time until FB is onto them and deletes them, but avatar pages are perfectly safe.
  4. /me ducks briefly back into the thread with a ruler in his hand and a stern tone in his voice: Phiiiiil... have you come here just to argue with BilliJo for ten pages again? Bad boy! Onto the naughty step with you! /me ducks out again.
  5. /me circles that on his Tumblr Bingo card. All I need now is 'safe space' and I've got a full line! I still need 'snowflake' before I get a line on my Twitter Bingo card, though. Any takers?
  6. I had a reply typed out, but I've just deleted it. I'm done with this 'child' and his takeover of this thread. Have your tanty, kiddo. Enjoy the air that others are giving you.
  7. You haven't even been reading what I've said in this thread, have you? I had a child avatar tell an entire store - for a joke - that I was a pedophile, just because I'm a gay man. Read it. Then read it again. Step back from your indignation and read it a third time. You have any idea how many people equate gay men with paedophiles? You have any idea how very real that threat is? You have any idea how chilling it is to have that thrown at you just for a laugh? Kindly refrain from telling me to butt out of this topic. I gave you my reason why I avoid child avatars. All you have given in return is even more reason to.
  8. For a kid, you've got a foul mouth. Go wash it out with some soap.
  9. A child avatar did exactly that to me... for a joke. Not to win an argument, not in anger, but for the sake of having a laugh with his friends. And you wonder why some people steer clear of child avatars?
  10. Ooh, decisions, decisions! Hmm, lemme think for a bit... OK, got it! /me laughs his arse off. (Your list was kinda limited, and I don't like fitting into other people's definitions )
  11. Parx? You may be taking certain things a wee bit too literally/seriously here
  12. Ahh, I see. So this entire convoluted post is just a recce, so you can prepare your counter-tactics in advance. *nods* Tell me: what will your counter-tactics be if the answer is simply, "No"?
  13. Like this, you mean? [16:03] [kid avatar name redacted] whispers: ah he's gay, ok, that explains [16:04] [kid avatar name redacted] whispers: I think he's a pedophile (Except, of course, he didn't whisper that about me. He said it out loud in a very busy SL store with a lot of people around.) That kind of 'not jumping to conclusions and generalising'? Is that what you mean? Because that up there - which happened way back in 2012 (and yes, there are screenshots; I took them to back up my abuse report) - is the exact reason why I now avoid child avatars wherever possible. One bad apple rotted the entire barrel for me. I received an IM a few minutes after I'd teleported out, from a friend of that kid avatar, telling me the kid was "just joking" and "didn't want to offend" me. Here's a life lesson: If you don't want to offend people, don't 'joke' that they're a paedophile.
  14. Ten days ago, on page 1 of this thread, Hunter Stern said the following: Eight days ago, on page 2 of this thread, I said the following: So now, thirteen days and five pages into this thread, I'm going to ask you the following: Have you done that? Have you set in motion the possibility of getting a combat sub-forum here, by opening a Support ticket that will be seen by the only people who can actually do something about it? If you're not prepared to do that one thing to set the ball rolling, all you're actually doing is sitting here and complaining to other residents, none of whom can do a damn thing to help you get what you want. You need to get those boots on the ground, soldier.
  15. I'm not fond of SL kids, after some unpleasant experiences with a few of them (example: having a group of them RP within my earshot that I "must be a paedophile" after hearing me say the words "my boyfriend" to someone I was chatting with) so I tend to give them a fairly wide berth. That said, I did have a laugh with one of them a few weeks ago. An SL mother was shopping in a well-known mesh head store with her 'baby son' (someone wearing one of those 'learning to walk' tiny toddler avatars; and I do mean 'baby' - he was in a diaper). They were trying to redeliver his mesh head (presumably for his non-baby avatar version), but they were in full roleplay mode, so Mommy was telling him "It's this sign here. The one that says 'redeliver'." I watched her say that two or three times, while 'baby son' toddled around, falling over every now and then and telling her (in baby talk) that he couldn't find it. She was clearly getting a bit exasperated, telling him "Look for the word 'redeliver'." Me: "Ma'am, with respect: he's a baby. He can't read." I was, of course, ignored. More blundering, more falling over, more "t'ant find it!", more maternal exasperation. Then, finally, Mommy said "It's the fourth one down!" I couldn't resist it. "Ma'am, babies can't count, either." At which point Mommy told me to butt out. I was only trying to help! Still gives me a laugh thinking back on it.
  16. I seem to be on a mesh head buying kick lately. Raven Bell's new BJD James Bento mesh head: Credits Head: Raven Bell - BJD James (Bento) Hair: Stealthic - Psycho Coat: Ascend - Hideo Trench Coat (black) Gloves: Ascend - Trevor Bento Gloves Scarf: FATEwear - Beckham Scarf (old SwagBag item) Skin applier: Go & See - Christian (pale - Omega) Eye appliers: Avi-Glam - Elysian Eyes (fjord) Ears: L'Etre - Tapers
  17. No. It's far more likely that you were 'punished' for the reason I gave: you posted multiple seemingly-identical images. That's the kind of thing that Twitter's algorithms would flag up as a suspected bot. The fact that you'd linked your Twitter account to Flickr and Flickr auto-posts for you doesn't make a difference. It's what was being posted, not how it was posted. The only way that cross-posting can land you with a suspension (or, more commonly, what's known as 'Twitter jail') is if you tweet a lot. And I do mean a lot. The limits for this are incredibly high, but it's possible to reach them if you're very active or you access your account using multiple options (phone, computer, etc). Those limits are also broken down into smaller increments, so if you tweet more than X number of times in an hour your account can be limited for a short time, too. And, with Twitter jail, your account is only suspended for (at most) 24 hours and you'll see an error message letting you know which limit you broke in order to land yourself there. I've had a RL Twitter account for a long time. There have always been occasional (mostly harmless) bots, but in the past year and a half the number of bots has grown by a staggering number, and many of them are anything but harmless. So Twitter has instigated tighter controls on accounts. Unfortunately, you've fallen foul of those controls.
  18. Having visited your Twitter account out of curiosity as to why you may have had restrictions placed on it, Megan, it's rather obvious as to why. You've got two separate series of eight images, posted in quick succession, and each image in each set is almost identical to those surrounding it (the only difference being they're taken at slightly different distances). Twitter's automatic algorithms would have identified this as bot-like behaviour (eg: the armies of spambots and 'Putinbots' whose accounts are - when you visit them - filled with the same images over and over, used as replies to other accounts). That's why your account shows as having 'unusual activity'. It seems that you're cross-posting from Flickr, so I would suggest a way around receiving this restriction again (once it's eventually lifted) would be to perhaps cross-post only one or two similar images from Flickr (or anywhere else you're cross-posting from, such as Instagram, etc). Just pick the best one or two and post those instead of eight near-identical images, followed by eight other near-identical images.
  19. LOL, thanks Orwar. I'll save that for my next cuppa tea
  20. Catwa's new Bento head - Lilly - was half price for 24 hours. It's a female head but with a male neck fit option, the same as her Magy head. I couldn't get a male look out of Magy at all, but Lilly is versatile as anything, and at that price it was worth dropping the L$ for it. Still got a lot of tweaking to do on this shape, but I'm pleased with how it's looking so far. Yes, very youthful and kinda bishie for Skell, but eh. I'll risk it for a biscuit sometimes
  21. Blue Steel-n-Glitter. Was gifted a gacha spare eyeshadow, and couldn't resist a pouty, glam triptych
  22. Now we're on the subject of cats and Christmas, I have to put this here. It was the Christmas ad for a grocery store here in the UK back in 2015:
  23. Ahh. Crossed porpoises But yeah, the whole SL 'professional fashion' industry is clicquey. That's why I stay well out of it and, uh... plough my own furrow. *koff*
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