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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. You will need to talk to the sim owner. They have a set landing point. That is how it works when you have one of those. They can change it so that anyone can teleport to anywhere but they may not want to. The people coming in MIGHT be able to get to your gallery by using the landmark AGAIN once they are at the sim. That works sometimes. Really nothing you can do about it on your own.
  2. LOL. Had to smile at this. I vaguely remember a similar line from long ago. LL has never liked AMD. Hence most of us oldtimers are on "the other card" . It really IS OK to support a third party viewer. So sticking with the one that works with your card is a very viable plan. Do'nt expect any changes from The Lab.
  3. If this info format would work for your needs: You can EXPORT your avatar shape into an XML file and then view the XML file. You could also copy the XML into a notecard in SL if you need that. Here is how you get there in FIRESTORM (not sure if the Linden Viewer has this feature but many third party viewers do). CHOOSE Appearance to XML.
  4. LOL. The point of the OP was "correct physics" not "cheating". I don't have issues any longer; a correct physics model solves that. As written in my comment ---- that was four years ago . And if you were really righting to the OP, I think they knew that work around already *wink*.
  5. LOL. Well thanks for that. It WAS INDEED a learning experience -- one I hope to NOT recreate in the future. That's what happens when you get inspired by tutorials . Everything that was problematic is uploade. The land impact is fine of course and the physics (with some redoing) is also fine. EXCEPT for the dropped cloth. I tried decimating (don't like that) and taking out a lot of edge loops and oddly those models came in higher than my previous upload with the giant "bouding box" physics. I have noted time and time again that the same files (I make extensive notes on uploading) change land impact -- sometimes between beta grid and agni which kinda makes sense and sometimes within the same grid. I have no clue, but I guess I uploaded that file "on a good day" as the uploader liked it as 3 land impact where the new ones were MORE . There may be a scientific explaination there but I am tired. I promise not to delve into higher poly for a long while -- indeed I worked several days in old mode and it was quite enjoyable. Thanks again for making me smarter.
  6. There was a time when mesh was new that physics wasn't working -- well it wasn't working well. You would fall throught the end of a thick cube floor even with a physics model. Back then, the somewhat obvious solution was to mix prims with mesh. I did that four years ago as the strange things we had to go to to let folks walk on floors was less than fun AND while it worked for awhile, "someone" changed things and then it no longer worked. Happily physics has been much improved since then. One thing you might find easier would be to import your model in sections -- each with a physics model. That way you can test as you go along. You can of course upload the whole thing as a giant linkset with corresponding physics models but that does get trickier. There is also something to say for "modular" buildings as they can often be reused in part or modified for other uses. Be sure and test that you can rez an object on your floor to see if you have the physics correct *wink*. That pesky rezzing in the middle of the air OR outside (OMG I have one of those -- not mine thank goodness) is a pain. Good luck.
  7. I am not exactly sure what you are asking but if the object you are editing is a SCULPT, it will have a rainbow (or sometimes transparent texture with logo) in the box where it shows the object type (like BOX as the default for instance). The picture shown has the default sculpt shape that appears when you choose sculpt from the drop down menu. To make a different shape you would drag into that sculpt area -- or choose via inventory -- a sculpt texture like one shown on the left. That one will make a beer bottle. If it is MESH the sculpt area will be grayed out when you edit the item.
  8. Unless you plan to stick with one outfit or two which most of us don't it is important to consider what CLOTHES are being made for the bodies. Maitreya is the top "fit" in the mesh body line for those making mesh for particular bodies. So you will find the most clothes for that body. Slink and Belleza are popular too -- apparently in in that order judging from the blogger boxes I open. It is unlikely that much of your current wardrobe will work with you new body. Even if things more or less fit, there are the alpha slots to deal with . Items MADE WELL for the different bodies are WONDERFUL as you hardly need the alpha slots at all. That being said, there are plenty of clothes on the market SAYING that they are made for Maitreya or Belleza etc which are not weighted well at all and do NOT fit. So try some of the brands that really know how to make things fit. Stories and Company by Flowey is one and Asteria is another. Blueberry too and I am sure there are others. Even if their style of clothes aren't what you want, you can try on the demos and see how well things CAN fit. I took a VERY long time before I finally bought my body (yes, Maitreya and I am glad since so many designers now are only designing for Maitreya LOL). So take your time. I walked around in my body in demo form for awhile -- a whole week with my demo head *wink*. People will get where you are coming from. No hurry.
  9. I did cut it way down and that worked fine if small but in a larger size it wasn't at all eye pleasing -- way too lumpy. I did a hand remodel and not a desimate. I agree it is high. Not something I often do.
  10. Ah, OK I get it now. I remember all these discussions from when the splitting the mesh with more than 8 materials change happened but I guess in my mind it was about too many materials and not poly count per material. I did things two ways this morning. I split the cloth into two materials (I had tested that BEFORE on the beta grid and it wouldn't upload but perhaps the uploader was having issues) and I tested as a linkset. Both showed up correctly in the preview pane of the uploader and rezzed on the ground with no extra physics above (that would have been worse in my point of view ) . So good to remember AND I WILL should I delve into high poly in the future. Thanks to you both.
  11. OK. Aquila (hope I spelled that right) did something of the same thing. I can't say I understand you completely but that isn't new LOL. That was NOT my problem as far as I can see and I wrote back to Aquila with photos but whatever was going on that day I had four LONG posts with explanitory photos disappear. I had as always applied location rotation and scale -- and moved origin to geometry. My bounding box was fine. Here is the photo again and maybe it will stay this time (I am assuming some big database issues that day). What I don't understand is that the VERY SAME piece of cloth (a subdivided plane of course) was used on another project (same size) with ADDED geometry as it had a bench too. It uploaded fine. My issue obviously has something to do with triangle count --- or does it? The bottom photo was a higher poly upload and acted just as normal. The dropped cloth was somewhere around 30,000 so I am guessing the bench would be a bit more. It is fairly low poly. Hope this posts STICKS. That was a tough day trying to document and having things repeatedly disappear .
  12. Note as I reread Chin's last comment. There are indeed legal mesh bodies available in Opensim through Kitely Market which delivers to opensim grids. There are also mesh clothes, some good and some very and free. Not much on par ( I can think of one clothes maker) with Second Life but there are quite a few of SL folks also in Opensim (Chic waves hand). Many very nice items can be found on the Kitely Market. And just like the SL Marketplace a lot of not so great stuff too. Again, I am not sure how much purchased content could be used because of the copyright issue. That is something the OP must decide.
  13. LOL. Maybe this needs to get moved to the machinima forum For those of you who do NOT know I have been making machinima for many years and yes, of course have a YouTube channel and am also on SLArtist which is now on Roku (oh my the fame) ----- ANYWAY. Along with all the slightly depressing bits I wanted to add that most items purchased or taken free (legally although I don't see how one can have copyrights on anything purchased as one only has the rights to USE ) are not good for Opensim. Hopefully the people making the 3D mesh for the OP's project know the ins and outs of this ("these" really -- as Opensim is very much the same except for bells and whistles) platform. Every once and awhile -- at least in the past when I was more of a machinima maker -- folks would contact me to make them a mov-ie. Smiling here as the biggest hurdle was not LAND or even legalities as most of those folks didn't need full copyrights. The largest issue over and over again was that they had no idea what could and could not be done in Second Life. They didn't understand why you couldn't just film any where (against the machinima policy) , why I couldn't film a naked sceen on the beach on an LEA sim ^^ etc. One person wanted a shot of someone moving their finger across a dusty table signifying time going by. And of course the funny part was that the machinima was supposed to be about Second Life where -- we HAVE NO dust LOL. That's just one example in a big handful. Nowadays and with Bento and lovely mesh bodies we can do much more, but we cannot do everything. If the 3 D content (optimized for our platform) is taken care of then I would say a stand alone Opensim of a completely private nature would be the best bet. Note that "renting" a simulator from an Opensim grid (there are many) or hooking up to the hypergrid would loose the ability to prove total copyrights. Opensim has issues and one is the ability of any grid owner (just like Linden Lab ) to take your stuff. It is on their server. So some homework is definitely needed IMHO. And now I bet my Blender texture is good and baked and warmin in the oven.
  14. I agree with the others that you likely want to rent as you can never be sure of selling land in SL . THAT being said, I suggest that you read the Second Life Terms of Service VERY CAREFULLY as there are some clauses that were added a few years back that could very easily negate your FULL COPYRIGHT. Some real life mesh makers, scripters and the like were forced to leave SL back then (some not even being able to pick up their money before exiting as logging in would have broken the copyright agreement that they had in real life). None of that was ever tested, but if you are spending a lot of money on this, I suggest having a Canadian attourney look over the Terms of Service to see if making a film here would really address your needs. As an alternative you could set up a standalone sim on your company's computer using Opensim software. You can do most things on Opensim that you can do in Second Life. It can be just a pretty if you have skilled folks making your environment. So a couple of things to think on there.
  15. Mine was only (ONLY) 30000 ish . Oh well. The "phong" thing seems to have been fixed as I didn't have to do anything tricky the last time I made transparent wine goblets, so maybe this will get fixed someday. Since I rarely do high poly it likely won't effect me much or often.
  16. There is also a bug in Blender if you are using Blender that changes your RGB file to a RGBA file (with alpha) when you aren't paying attention . I asked about that awhile ago an no one had an answer and it is still with me, so I am calling it a bug. So if you rebake something to the same texture the texture you are baking to can turn to alpha mode. Sometimes this is obvious as it looks alpha in the UVimage area panel and sometimes you don't know until you get inworld. You CAN make sure before exporting (I do this by habit now) that the texture will be without alpha channel by watching this box at the bottom of the image saving screen. You can of course change an alpha texture to a non alpha texture by exporting again through your GRAPHICS program and choosing "no alpha" or whatever your graphics program has for that option.
  17. It was stated officiall years ago that Maya would be the software they would be working with and "eventually" there would be support for other 3D programs. It will be very telling if that doesn't happen before they open. But perhaps that is what they want and I guess if people REALLY want to create for Sansar they can always learn Maya and pay the monthly fee. I won't be doing that though. I create for fun and learning another program after four years in Blender isn't going to work for me --- not even thinking about the all in one interface toolset thing ^^. But there is visiting. Always good to have a place to visit.
  18. I tried the converter on two files and I got DAE parsing issue error messages on both when attempting to upload. So I guess I will still with the linkset idea . Just reporting.
  19. In Firestorm you can leave the box with the RED mark in my screenshot empty (as I have it). Then the notecards will JUST appear in inventory. That means though that when someones "hands" you something it will also not appear in front of you. You will have to go to your inventory to see what they sent. OK. Note that there are TWO DIFFERENT PLACES in the preferences to click. The one for notecards is in the top photo. There is a similar choice below. I left both photos. Not sure if there is a similar function in the Linden Viewer.
  20. Even at the very beginning when Sansar was announced Ebbe stated that items made for the then just underway platform would go through a process (I am guessing this is now called publishing ) which would make the mesh item unusable on other platforms -- hence lower theft issues. While some things planned at the beginning (we know know money won't be transferable between platforms) have been lost along the way (understandably) this seems to be in keeping with the original intent. It is going to be interesting to see who goes and who stays in the content creator arena as it appears that the learning curve is kinda in that professional area and those professionals can likely make more money elsewear. It also appears from the latest videos that the "repetition" factor is in play as it was in Cloud Party. I am thinking of the grand ballroom which was a myriad of identical pieces repeated and the roses in an earlier video. In Cloud Party, once something was in the system and in use on that "experience", it was basically free. So you could have one tree or a hundred trees -- the tree being in a viewer's cache. This is all supposition on my part. I am obviously not there being a Blender gal.
  21. I have NO CLUE to answer your question, but I typed in "voice morphing second life" and Google seems to know a lot so I suggest looking at that info.
  22. Welcome. Keep in mind as you journey into our world that you will likely never really know who you are talking to. They can say they are 20 and be 70. They can say they are female and be male. They can say -- well hopefully you get the idea. So look up role play in the destination guide and find a place that works for you and don't worry too much about who you "think" you are playing with .
  23. The simple answer is that many designers release though events now. Those items in most cases appear AFTER the event at their stores. There are not that many events that have designers release ONLY to their event, items are exclusive only DURING the event. I blog unofficially for several events -- the ones in which I am also a designer. Many of the brands that I have had a long term relationship release only for events. So even before I started blogging the events, I was blogging things from "my designers" that were released at the events. So that is part of what you are seeing. There are still designers that also release on the Marketplace and some in their stores. Fashion blogger that feature events are often required to feature a number of the items from that event. So if they blog one or two times a weeks you will see event things over general release items unless they blog for a designer who only releases in their store (I can think of a few big names but not many). There's only so many things you can fit into a post --- although some stuff their visuals to the brim. Blogging has changed a lot over the years. I believe I have the most posts on a blog in SL (now over 4500) and have been writing and taking snapshots for many years (since 2008). A few of the old time bloggers are still around, but not that many and very few blog daily. Many bloggers are now FLICKR Bloggers and only list the credits on their blogs (no chattiness). So you might wander around Flickr and see if you can find some blogs you like that way. Good luck.
  24. While my discussion from a couple of days ago wasn't removed. I had four posts to that discussion disappear yesterday. These were all mesh upload and physics posts so nothing very TOS related *wink*. This was all during a few hour timespan as I was testing and even the redo of a missing post disappeared. I assumed that there were issues with the forum database.
  25. ONE MORE TRY. I have had FOUR long informative posts disappear now. Not going to redo them all. Hopefully the people they were meant for saw them. Guessing some major issues on the forums today and who knows what "I" missed reading also. The ANSWER is that you can divide the high poly mesh into two (or more) parts and upload as a linkset and that solves the problem. Photos.
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