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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. Well SADLY I am sorry to report that I "highlighted" that Kazza closet set. It was pretty confusing when you got there and what you were buying wasn't even put out. I bought it to see and this is what you get. There is also a men's version but I didn't buy that and it didn't seem (judging from the women's) that it wa on display. Now you could of course make your own shelves rather than paying the $444 it seemed closet set but the LODs are pretty bad so unless you run at LOD 4 likely not too worthwhile. Sorry to report this as Kazza has had some great deals in the past. Times change.
  2. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Essences/76/184/22 In parts! Good LODs
  3. PLEASE SEE THE POST ON THIS FROM LATE RIN THE DAY. This is NOT what it appears to be LOL. SORRY. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/KAZZA/99/189/23
  4. Nutmeg for the weekend. 11 LI good LODs (towel disappears first) and reasonable triangle count. The good news is that it comes with and without the towel (I love the towel). Both PG and A versions are in the pack.
  5. Points for creativity for sure although the are probably out there in the real world. Very art deco. The Engine Room.
  6. All about the earrings - The Engine Room gift
  7. Simply Shelby on 25T. the demo is at the landing pad and the vendor is with ALL the sales items in a big building in back. This is a four piece and there is a second style of mirror with different glass. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Starry Sky/229/102/24
  8. No I hardly ever crash. Been years so before this current machine for sure hence can't say it was this machine that "fixed" anything . To be fair I don't go to clubs and stuff often. I did attend a women's Day event with 80 folks in the sim with no issues.
  9. Just wanted to say that my now older desktop bought when the 3070 came out and during COVID when there were only three companies to choose from -- one I wouldn't do business with any longer LOL has been great. The Lab HAS been making things work better so anything above this should be super fine. I am currently seeing 214 fps with pretty much everything but DOF turned on and distance at 120 so I don't have to see my neighbors. I have had no issues at all. This is an Alienware computer. Here are the specs. CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800 8-Core Processor (3393.62 MHz) Memory: 16310 MB Concurrency: 16 OS Version: Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit (Build 19044.2728) Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070/PCIe/SSE2 Graphics Card Memory: 8192 MB Windows Graphics Driver Version: OpenGL Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 526.98
  10. Posting for one of the ARTSCAPE collective crew :D. A really well done exhibit at Basilique in the Galleria. This is the way to get there: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Basilique/34/84/27 The photos were all taken at Plumpton on Sea which is a really outsanding sim. Don't miss it! There is a photo gift on the wall as you come in the building :D.
  11. Well the "correct" answer would be the whole Opensim platform = that is anyone using opensim software to run their virtual grid. BUT as you can see there is much confusion and the term is often used incorrectly. Hence you really can't know what someone MEANT unless you ask them to clarify. That's my feeling on it anyway. To make it even more confusing Inworldz (now gone) was one of the most popular grids for a long while. They used Opensim software BUT they also adapted it a lot - especially the mesh uploader. So while it was often lumped in with the rest of the open sim grids "I" always considered it more of a separate entity. Kitely has done of lot of its own programming also and runs differently than the typical Opensim grids. BUT Kitely also hosts the market for the collection of grids that we currently think of as Opensim -- so definitely a part while Inworldz was a closed grid (not part of the hypergrid) just a public grid. I lived and worked and sold in a handful of Opensim grids over the years including many that are no longer with us. Just so folks know there is some actual experience bases to this rambling It was a lot of fun and I made a bit of money. The Great Canadian Grid was actually where I learned and practiced most of my mesh making skills since I didn't upload in SL for a long time after the TOS change of 2013.
  12. I said here when this whole weekend sales culture (and it is that now) started that it wasn't a good long-term idea. It is easy to say well yes, I'll offer my "should have been retired" (my thoughts) gacha rares for 60 lindens and sell a ton and make some money. IF it would have been a one time event or even quarterly that might have been OK. But then of course much of the virtual world got on the bandwagon and followed suit and now we have a couple of dozen sale events each week -- most of which I don't even look at any longer. And the bottom line -- which was really pretty obvious for anyone who can take a long view look -- is that the oh so many folks including me now have a difficult time paying those $1688 (at COLLABOR88 this round) when they can get something very similar for 60 or 75 lindens. I have no idea how this will all turn out. Lately it is pretty difficult to find anything worthwhile on the weekend sales and many creators are just repeating items. And of course there are FEES to be in those sales groups. I can't imagine it is penciling out well for creators in the long run over time. I am still willing to buy things at full price IF full price is reasonable. A handful (thankfully not the majority) of creators seem to think that making the prices really really high will make their work seem more special. And maybe it does --- to some folks. Happy to be more or less retired and out of the fray, am I .
  13. Import to note that the OSGRID is NOT Opensim but is a part of Opensim -- only one tiny platform that some folks link up to. There are literally tons of commercial (you pay them "rent" commercial grids in Opensim. I know it can be confusing.
  14. I suspect that is generally true. Back in 2013 - 2015 after the SL TOS change OS was hopping. I was over there then along with a few folks I knew and lots of people who had "left" SL. It was a fun time and people were friendly and definitely around. We could probably say something similar about SL during that time. Both the corporeal world and the virtual world change - often influenced by each other. I was just REALLY surprised to know how many OS grids are out there. Some of the commercial grids are pretty large. Kitely is the most stable I believe and certainly one of the most best run and concerned with security. It is a VERY different place. Works for some. Not for others.
  15. Actually OS is much larger than SL but most of the grids are not public. Many are used by schools and organizations or are simply private. Opensim and Hypergrid are not synonymous terms. You can find statistics on the number of grids and some population figures at HypergridBusiness.com (hopefully that is still working). There should be articles on that if you are willing to search. There used to be reports yearly if not monthly. The big differences are costs and independence. OS is free to set up. Just takes some time. And for institutions that do not connect to the hypergrid it is a closed system which is what they need. LL has a program like that where THEY do the work. I am not sure if those regions are added to what we think of as regular "sims"> .
  16. The 2048 "free tier" counts ONLY on land that you BUY (prices will vary a lot) on MAINLAND (not private islands where typically you "buy" the land for a linden or a small fee and then pay rent. When you buy a piece of mainland it automatically shows you how much any extra tier will be. So as mentioned IF you were actually buying mainland and you clicked on the "buy" button it would tell you what extra you would be paying each month. Understanding land is tricky so I suggest you read and keep asking questions until it is clear. For example: If you look at the lot circled --- it is MAINLAND (lots of land tied together and owned by Linden Lab). It is 2688 which is OVER your allotment "free tier" allotment so you would be paying some extra and it would tell you how much when you attempted to buy (and BEFORE you actually OK the sale). You would have to pay 150,000 lindens (which is really ridiculous but each lot will have a price. Some are WAAAAAAY less expensive so look around. RENTING from another player rather mainland or private island will have nothing to do with the "free 2048 tier that you have already paid for, so look for mainland and hopefully a 2048 lot (there should be quite a few to choose from since that is a standard size). That is your best value and THEN it will be "free" (well, already paid for LOL) Good luck! Land shopping is an adventure. I enjoy it but I am no longer premium so the above doesn't apply to me any longer
  17. Haven't been following so didn't know that. Interesting. Yes agree. "Soon" is not cutting it. Hope the folks that were hurt get some solace --- and remember this next time :D.
  18. I thought you kitchen collectors would like to know that this kitchen is included in the current Trompe Loeil Superfans home. It is a biggie. The cabinets are all one piece and need a big wall but the appliances lights and shelves are separate. Assume you all know how to get there by now LOL.
  19. Opensim is a generic term for a collection of platforms running the software. Many are hosted on people's computers but there are several large and long-standing platforms that "rent" out regions. Kitely is one of the main ones and hosts the marketplace for all of Opensim. In Kitely a standard region like we have in SL is $15 US a month. Four regions are $19.95. So this works for SOME folks. The DOWNSIDE is that there is very little good content there. So it is best if you are a creator. The downside for creators is that if you sell to other grids or VISIT other grids (it gets complex here so I'll skip it) you run the risk of having your work stolen. If you can make everything you need (and I have done that) then it works. If not it is a bit like going back in time in SL 10 years or so. Of if you don't mind using stollen goods you can do that LOL. That is the simplistic version. And you you can OFTEN move between platforms and grids but the server needs to be up and you need to have the "address" to get there. Hope that helps some.
  20. Repeat after me -- "I do NOT need more kitchen stuff", "I do NOT need more kitchen stuff" LOL. How can you resist. Weekend sale here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ember Isle/53/37/1602
  21. BWC group gift at NEXT UP. And really REALLY old but fun hair.
  22. Over at Scarlet Creative going through some of the weekend sale stuff, aren't these the CUTEST TREES? I need to see if they are still available. :Fanatik Architecture: Garden Tree 1 Looks like part of a set https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Fanatik-Architecture-Garden-trees-bushes-shrubs-and-hills-mesh-landscaping-decoaration-kit/5452453
  23. So personally I am against the reselling of old gachas by creators since it is kind of a slap in the face to the gacha players and sellers who spent tons of money getting this stuff before it became outlawed, but this is pretty much a gift so posting it. "I" am not buying it just on principle but we all have our ideas on this matter :D.
  24. The plumbing part is from Second Spaces The Burrow Set which was from a Harry Potter type event a few years back. Super cute. The bistro table is a ChiC buildings build that comes with more modern stools. I needed something else to put the "kitchen clutter" on LOL. South part of UMBER at ground level :D.
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