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Dear I have been following this for 40 years, I don't have the time to tell you what I know, but I know so much about the van Allen belt that it would hurt you just knowing how much, I know its the weak link and can be proved that the USA never went to the moon, just one huge lie by NASA and the Russian know, give it a few years and Russia will make NASA look like the people they are.

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LOL, I have never seen that, but then I avoid that, I would just like to know what metal was used and how thick it was to protect the crew from radiation, Russia sent up monkeys with 10 times the shielding and weight but every monkey died in minutes of entering the belt, so they never sent a human, yet the USA say they did, and not only that went though 20,000 miles of it with just a few mm of metal. Still can't be done today still need many inches of lead to protect the crew, I fact they don't know how much, even with tiny monkeys they could not put enough lead up there to stop the monkey dieing in minutes.

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ok little fact, all so called UFO's including the roswell one came in from the poles that is the only place there is a hole in the belt, but we cant launch yet at the poles it takes to much power and we dont have the engines, but all UFO's are thought to enter our atmosfere from the polar regions, some say HAARP is a strong radar blocking the poles, China have bulit a HAARP staion on the south pole and russia have 3 HAARP stations, 2 at the north pole and one in the south. this info was removed from other places i have posted it so read it quick, lol.

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Every one knows about that one but very few people know of the others and that the USA and Russia did a few things together while the cold war was on, so I think a lot of the cold war was false as they both helped each other to develop them, I must say that was one of the oddest things about the cold war, china have only just got in on the act, so they were kept out of it but are part of the club now.

But they are under the edge of the hole in the belt, look in wiki and you will see how big the hole is at the poles, so to avoid it you have to fly straight up and then over the top or in the south pole under it, but for the rest of the planet only the first 250 miles up is the safe limit, a shuttle did try 300 miles up but even with visors down they were blinded by the radiation flashes.

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Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

Every one knows about that one but very few people know of the others and that the USA and Russia did a few things together while the cold war was on, so I think a lot of the cold war was false as they both helped each other to develop them, I must say that was one of the oddest things about the cold war, china have only just got in on the act, so they were kept out of it but are part of the club now.

What about the supposed Liechtenstein LIDAR installation on Nikumaroro? That thing has been station-keeping a Lockheed Electra at the Earth-Moon L2 point since shortly Amelia Earhart stumbled across something she shouldn't. I have my doubts about Earhart's survival of the Electra's passage through the Van Allen belt on 100 octane, but believe Fred Noonan was protected by a signficant ingestion of 100 proof.

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It is more likely that she was either lost or murdered, the fact that she was on star trek suggest murdered, she may have stumbled on some things but some very odd things went on, like the issue of known dud fuses on torpedo's, it is still not known why all US subs that went out to sink japs oil tankers only had 1 or 2 torpedo's working, the top brass knew this but allowed it, maybe they didn't want to beat Japan so quickly and needed to drag the war out, don't know.

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Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

It is more likely that she was either lost or murdered, the fact that she was on star trek suggest murdered, she may have stumbled on some things but some very odd things went on, like the issue of known dud fuses on torpedo's, it is still not known why all US subs that went out to sink japs oil tankers only had 1 or 2 torpedo's working, the top brass knew this but allowed it, maybe they didn't want to beat Japan so quickly and needed to drag the war out, don't know.

My Dad was in the submarine service just prior to Pearl. The reason each sub carried only one or two viable fish is that the South Pacific Islanders paid so handsomely (well, actually prettily) for torpedo juice.

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Hmm..., where to start.

You are correct, they are called Arms. Our ancestors often pictured the Milky Way Galaxy as a big wheel with many spokes. I've heard this reference many times. Arm, or spoke doesn't change the fact that we are on one.

You are correct, Galileo only achieved 30x magnification. Mars, as viewed from Earth, is 113x smaller than Earth's moon. The Moons of Mars are tiny. Thank you for preventing ignorance from spreading.


I was attempting to simplify where cosmic rays come from. They come from stars, it can be in a collision or from super novas ect.; without stars, there would be no cosmic rays.


"Model calculations suggest that almost half of the global cloud condensation nuclei in the atmospheric boundary layer may originate from the nucleation of aerosols from trace
condensable vapors,"

Pigs May fly, or they May not.

"We find that atmospherically relevant ammonia mixing ratios of 100 parts per trillion by volume, or less, increase the nucleation rate of sulfuric acid particles more than 100–1,000-fold. Time-resolved molecular measurements reveal that nucleation proceeds by a base-stabilization mechanism involving the stepwise accretion of ammonia molecules. Ions increase the nucleation"

As I said, ions from cosmic rays make clouds


I bet that if a star was going super nova, only a few light years away from Earth, you might feel differently about Earth's location in relation to a source of intense cosmic radiation.

Scientist have been unable to detect the Sun's magnetic alignment (north south) since it disappeared in 1999. The Sun is far from stable, it is one of the most volatile bodies in our solar system.

It is not a notion, the Planets are warming.

The Earth is a geode floating in space. A giant hailstone blowing about in the Solar winds. The Sun emits 200-600 million tones of Ions and protons every second. When those ions and protons collide with other elements, new elements are formed. Oil is avionic.

Why can collisions only occur billions of years ago?

Bodies can become attached to a Planet's gravitational field. A Moon in orbit does not have to originate from and with the other planets. A moon can be captured.

The Sun is the #1 cause of Global Warming on Earth.



I have an 80mm refracting telescope with 1200 mm focal length. I've observed Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Moons of Jupiter. Observing Earth's moon makes me sea-sick. 


Thank you Nyll, for your insights, clarifications and corrections.


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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

the fact that she was on star trek suggest murdered


Actors are expelled from the Guild upon death, accidental or otherwise. If you can tolerate wooden performances, this saves considerable cost, as you don't have to pay scale.

Ah. This explains why I won't pay to see a movie any more.

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Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

Some weeks ago I had a chat here over the earth and its passage around the sun, I said that there would be large earthquakes when the earth crossed the solar plane, one of you said I was talking BS and that the earth was tilted and did not cross the solar plane, I put that reply down to CIA psyops, anyway we have just crossed the solar plane and had 4 large earthquakes, also the sun rose 2 days early over greenland, so I think I have been proved right, anyway that aside, I hear people have heard sounds in the sky, machine like sounds, if a large body had entered the solar system then we would hear sounds as the earth got between it and the sun, have any of you heard machine like sounds in the sky that last for an hour or so, this is important, those sounds have other elements to them that you can't hear and are electro magnetic, this would also explain the large amount of birds and animals dropping dead, the biggest thing we have to worry about is the passage of matter that is transferring itself from the sun and this large body, if we get in between them when this happens then we will fry, it will be seen as a very long and large solar flare and once this body is close enough will be constant till it moves away.


Have any of you heard sounds in the air?

Just in case everyone has forgotten their basic science, sound cannot travel or be heard in a vacuum, which space most certainly is.  This is where the saying "in space no one can hear you scream" came from.  So it would be impossible for an object in our solar system to be heard here on earth, unless it had entered the earth's atmosphere.

As to the electromagnetic spectrum, this has nothing to do with sound and is in fact a form of radiation, that includes radio waves, microwaves and xrays, which explains why you cannot hear it. Sound on the other hand is a mechanical wave that produces oscillations in pressure through a solid, liquid, gas or plasma and is completely unrelated to the electromagnetic spectrum.



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Read the rest, OK I was not clear that the sounds are made at the top of the atmosphere, but that is were they are made, and I am using a lot of research that was condensed for this thread.


PS: as to how the sounds are made i wont tell you, as it is clear you still have a lot to learn and i am not you parent.

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