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Whats smart an what aint


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I thought I would pop in to say I have just had a chat with Pep, who is mightily amused that in his absence his ghost still haunts the forums, and that the spectres of misconception still manifest themselves in the delusions of those who seem to persist in misinterpreting his condescending attitude to those too stupid to be able to present cogently clear and rational arguments here, as in some way associated with their semi-literacy.

Pep also asked me (sorry, a cross-thread reference here) to say how much he is enjoying the retrospective condemnation that MIss Piggy is receiving, apparently in the absence of any disputation from those ex of her coven of HippieFriendsWhoLunchAndTweet. Some people have short memories, although I am sure Sus would be congratulating them on having learned lessons in rewriting history from her. Dik has obviously been handed down her 19th Century  Thesaurus and Communist-Capitalist Content Converter.

Pep also pointed out that it  is impossible for stupid people successfully to pretend to have brains. If Pep has successfully "pretended" to have brains then he has brains. Think about it Dik.

Pie says "Vote for me in the next contest!"

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Pie Serendipity wrote:

I thought I would pop in to say I have just had a chat with Pep, who is mightily amused that in his absence his ghost still haunts the forums, and that the spectres of misconception still manifest themselves in the delusions of those who seem to persist in misinterpreting his condescending attitude to those too stupid to be able to present cogently clear and rational arguments here, as in some way associated with their semi-literacy.
(What a charming and magnifacent example of a run on sentance.  Perfect for the smarty pantys answer.)

Pep also asked me (sorry, a cross-thread reference here) to say how much he is enjoying the retrospective condemnation that MIss Piggy is receiving
,(Most smarty pantys pepole would have ended the sentance here and started a newish one with the wrod apparently)
 apparently in the absence of any disputation from those ex of her coven of HippieFriendsWhoLunchAndTweet. Some people have short memories, although I am sure Sus would be congratulating them on having learned lessons in rewriting history from her. Dik has obviously been handed down her 19th Century  Thesaurus and Communist-Capitalist Content Converter.

Pep also pointed out that it  is impossible for stupid people successfully to pretend to have brains. If Pep has successfully "pretended" to have brains then he has brains. Think about it Dik.
(No one cane say for shur if Pep was successfuul)

Pie says "Vote for me in the next contest!"


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PserenDikity wrote:

Pie Serendipity wrote:

I thought I would pop in to say I have just had a chat with Pep, who is mightily amused that in his absence his ghost still haunts the forums, and that the spectres of misconception still manifest themselves in the delusions of those who seem to persist in misinterpreting his condescending attitude to those too stupid to be able to present cogently clear and rational arguments here, as in some way associated with their semi-literacy.
(#1 What a charming and magnifacent example of a run on sentance.  Perfect for the smarty pantys answer.)

Pep also asked me (sorry, a cross-thread reference here) to say how much he is enjoying the retrospective condemnation that MIss Piggy is receiving
,(#2 Most smarty pantys pepole would have ended the sentance here and started a newish one with the wrod apparently)
 apparently in the absence of any disputation from those ex of her coven of HippieFriendsWhoLunchAndTweet. Some people have short memories, although I am sure Sus would be congratulating them on having learned lessons in rewriting history from her. Dik has obviously been handed down her 19th Century  Thesaurus and Communist-Capitalist Content Converter.

Pep also pointed out that it  is impossible for stupid people successfully to pretend to have brains. If Pep has successfully "pretended" to have brains then he has brains. Think about it Dik.
(#3No one cane say for shur if Pep was successfuul)

Pie says "Vote for me in the next contest!"


#1 Erm . . . except that it is a sentence that runs on not a run on sentence. Perhaps you should educate yourself regarding the difference.

#2 Erm . . . on what basis are you speaking for "most smarty pantys pepole"? Do you believe yourself one of what you consider the elite - although I personally use"smarty pants" as a pejorative for those who would like to join Pep in the elite cadre, but overtly fail, as you are doing, even ignoring your intentional typos and spelling "errors" which merely obfuscate the real errors you make?

#3 Erm . . . quite a few forum participants acknowledge Pep's success at demonstrating he "has brains" - incidentally, did you know that has echoes of a joke he tells ad nauseam about Prince Philip and the best selling brand of beer in Wales - either because they are intellectually capable of appreciating the nuances and subtleties of the expression of his opinions, or because they protest vigorously (as you are doing) regarding their misperceptions, demonstrating mainly the ineffectuality of their desire to compensate for their inferiority complex.

Pie says "Please keep posting, Dik; every time you do you reveal more of your little green god."


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Pep is not a creator of anything, he lacks the brains for that, he is a user and reactor to things, in that he does well, so he needs creators so to have something to comment on, pep may sound and look good when it comes to using the English language, but he would still be using grass stalks to pull ants out of a hole for his dinner if no one created the world around him cos he could not do it, he don't have the brains, lol.

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Yohan Roux wrote:

Pep is not a creator of anything, he lacks the brains for that, he is a user and reactor to things, in that he does well, so he needs creators so to have something to comment on, pep may sound and look good when it comes to using the English language, but he would still be using grass stalks to pull ants out of a hole for his dinner if no one created the world around him cos he could not do it, he don't have the brains, lol.

On the contrary, Yohan, Pep has the brains not to waste time or effort on manual labour; he leaves that to the proletariat, the serfs, to the infinite number of monkeys who labour at their keyboards on random tasks, very occasionally producing something worthwhile by the inexorable march of probability rather than by intent - which he has the discrimination to be able to recognise and utilise to improve his own existence.

Pie says "Why keep a dog and bark yourself?"

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 Congratulations, Yohan, Dik et al, on demonstrating that the standard pre-school argument in the face of unacceptable truth, of "I know you are, but what am I?", is not dead. I am sure that Pep, wherever he is on this snowy Friday, is smirking at the immaturity being demonstrated by those who feel that standards of discussion here should be reduced to the lowest common denominator. Personally, I am finding it difficult to descend to the levels being shown by the ignorati.

Pie says "An especial acknowledgement must go to the unimaginative StormInATeaCup for perceiving a pwning where there was none."


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Awe widdle fella you fits right in or you wouldn't be here. Glad to see you are up to snuff with your pre-school rules, a product of your environment I guess.


Pie Serendipity wrote:

, Yohan, Dik et al,
on demonstrating
that the standard pre-school argument in the face of unacceptable
, of "I know you are, but
what am I?
", is not dead.
I am sure
, wherever he i
s on this
snowy Friday, is smirking at the
immaturity being demonstrated
by those who feel that standards of discussion here should be reduced to the lowest common denominator. Personally, I am finding it difficult to descend to the levels being shown by the ignorati.

Pie says "An especial acknowledgement must go to the unimaginative StormInATeaCup for perceiving a
where there was none."


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The title "Bad Grammar Overlord" is not to be taken lightly. It is bestowed every two hundred years upon a remarkable intergalactic grammar-wrecker, sentence-slasher, idiom-breaker or other aphasic of great merit. The distinction is lifelong, and it cannot be exchanged for money, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, Playstation 2, iPad, or partial immortality.  It can be, however, exchanged for everything else. There are currently 5 433 256 Overlords around the known universe, but nobody cares who the current Bad Grammar Overlord is.

Becoming a Bad Grammar Overlord usually requires a lifelong abuse of English grammar, but single offences, if deemed serious enough by the Bad Grammar Board, can render a person eligible for the title. If you are interested in becoming a Bad Grammar Overlord, you should utter the following words, phrases or sentences as many times a day as possible:

  • pwned
  • Who you be?
  • where no Me go know
  • any thong your dat says
  • I already done told ya
  • Where all the white bitches at?

Or you might as well send your application and a cheque / money order / mastercard number / table silver directly to us. Please note that Bad Grammar Overlords are selected purely according to oral output. Bad grammar or spelling in written English is not taken into account, because it it was, everyone would be a Bad Grammar Overlord and the title would soon lose its significance. Get it?

i am commiong tomorrow. Beacause they asking were me

Famous Bad Grammar Overlords of the past:

Overlord #25: Yoda

Overlord #155: Oscar Wilde

Overlord #156: James Joyce

Overlord #490: Hubert Selby Jr.  

Overlord #500: John Agard 

Overlord #605: George Bush Jr.  


“Strong am I with bad grammar... but not that strong.”
~ Yoda on bad grammar

“A little bad grammar is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal.”
~ Oscar Wilde on bad grammar

~ John Agard on bad grammar

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The History of The Grammar Nazi: http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Grammar_nazi

Es ist "für wen", nicht "für die".[1]

~ Grammar Nazi on grammar

“Das Komma geht das schließende Anführungszeichen und einfache Anführungszeichen sollte anstelle von Anführungszeichen verwendet werden.
~ Another Grammar Nazi on the above quote

Grammar Nazis are people (or cats) which use their freakishly and/or annoyingly powerful understanding of and compliance with grammar and spelling to attempt to "correct" others, usually the blissfully-oblivious-to-the-outside-world members and users of the Internets, who only understand the grammatically genocidal text-speak. However, the Grammar Nazi sees "correcting" others as "making" others "look like fools", and the others in question see the Grammar Nazi as "some **bleep** with no life". Today, most Grammar Nazis have settled down from the violent battles of "der gut ölde daes" to shadowy lives of correcting the error-ridden comments found under



The Ever History

Of all the things that started when the internet was created, the Grammar Nazis are the worst best. They were all, "Hey, we are better with English than you, so we're all going to start yelling at you often." Then they started making concentration camps for people to go to so that they may concentrate. The first concentration camps were a place where one is sent. The Grammar SS make one read books, and if one does not read the books properly (or one cannot read), the Grammar SS say to the person, "You're going for a shower", and they gas the person. 6 million trolls were gassed in the Grammar Holocaust. Hitler and his Grammar Nazis almost had the world under their control. They only stopped because they could not take over Britain, thanks to Winston Churchill, Dangermouse, Superman, and the people from London who could spell better than the Nazis.

The Apostrophy~Phrasengarian Empire

The Apostrophy-Phrasengarian empire was the product of years of hard-work by the apostrophe to do just about anything. It began by simply taking over letters such as in the phrase "I'm," where the apostrophe army completely wiped out the "A" armies defenses. [citation needed]

In 1914, however, Arch-Duchess Fronts Further-and was assassinated by an enraged plural possessive. This was due to its resentment at often being left out and replaced by the inferior singular plural, or even omitted all together. This resulted in the first word war, fought entirely for the sake of language. While the British could easily decipher the inflection and apostrophe-free language of the Germans, the Germans found it difficult to fathom the wider British vocabulary and more complex use of apostrophes. [citation needed]

One of the biggest proponents against the Apostrophy-Phrasengarian empire was Adolf Hitler who actually mobilized his forces against them. While the English were happy to appease the tyrant, the academy Française would not allow it and insisted that Britain join it against the young Hitler, whose language was known to be rhetoric and devoid of grammatical structure. [citation needed]

Rise of the Third Write

bye (Falsche Schpellkën!) By the end of 1918, (mit (WELCHER DUMMKOPF SCHRIEB 'WIT'?) einem Komma, Dummkopf!) germany (Kapitalisierung, Idioten!!) Germany had exhausted its supply of scrabble sets. America soon entered the war. Due to their endless supply of Mark Twain novels and outlandish accents, the Axis Powers were forced to surrender.

The inter-war years were hard for Germany. The country had been forced by France to adopt 1337 speak in all of its official correspondence. Anarchy reined and a good German found it increasingly hard to find a decent Bratwurst. Embittered by his country's defeat and poor grammar, Adolf Hitler formed the Nazi Party. Soon millions flocked to his rallies to hear his speeches on the proper use of "its" versus "it's".

In 1933, Hitler rose to power on a platform of improved literacy programmes and the banning of democracy. Soon the world began to tremble before the might of his grammatical knowledge and boots.In 1938, Hitler returned in triumph to Vienna. in a process known as "anschloss" (german for **bleep**ing bad ideaAustria united with Germany. In 1939 Hitler demanded that Poland and Czechslovakia get rid of all those dots (ü) above their letters. The allies refused and the world was plunged into war. 

 World War III

At first, the squadron superior Lexicon and Grammar led them to overrun Eastern Europe and France, but hey, this is the French we're talking about. You just has have to throw a moldy onion or two at them and they start dropping th.eir guns or politely ask them to surrender and they'll do it.

But Britain managed to hold out against the power of the Grammar Nazi Empire thanks to the rhetoric of Winston Churchill. Japanese planes were freinds friends allied with the Grammar Nazis, and due to this they sent some bombs to Hawaii to piss off America. For some reason America entered the war. The Germans could not hold out against the American policy of 'General Ignorance'. Thus ended Hitler's dreams.

What To Do When Encountering One or More Grammar Nazis

  • Many people think that a Grammar Nazis Nazi's weakness is seeing a lot of grammatical errors. If you encounter a Grammar Nazi, then do not quickly make a lot of grammar grammatical errors. It simply makes them angrier.
  • Remind them that you have a significant other, and have had sex more times then than they have read The Elements of Style by Strunk and White. Try to keep a straight face when you do this!
  • Attack them with insane amounts of chatspeak. No Grammar Nazi can stand a chatspeak-barrage for very long, Uunless said Nazi speaks chatspeak himself.

Example: Vulgar Child: omg jst leeve meh a lown. i no u cant fite meh cuz im 2 powaafull n u cnt win!! Grammer Grammar nazi: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! (this is probably untrue, as Grammar Nazis will NEVER use that many syllables)

  • In the rare case that the Grammar Nazi does speak chatspeak, run like hell. There's no stopping him.

Example: i fink i do n i fink u meen " Oh my Gumballs, just leave me alone. I know you cannot fight me because I'm much too powerful and you can't win."

  • Screw with them by using obscure interpretations of "effect". For example, say "the government has effected major

changes," and when they get all douche-baggy and tell you it is "affect," find a dictionary and show them that they are wrong. This method, however, only works on people who only claim to be Grammar Nazis. Real Grammar Nazis would know that meaning of "effect".


  • I agree.
  • I concur. 



  1. It's "for whom", not "for who".
  2. The comma goes inside the closing quotation marks and single-quotes should be used instead of double-quotes.
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Rene Erlanger wrote:

In the UK , it's "grammar"....the Queens English...not a slanged-up version of English used over the pond! :matte-motes-wink-tongue:

well my gramma told us how it was spelled..i said..gramma how do you spell your name??

she said it's spelled G-R-A-M-M-A Gramma..

my mamma told me never to argue with gramma..\o/


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