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When will Linden Lab post their Q4 2011 economic metrics?

Nuhai Ling

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I have never seen Linden wait so long to post a previous quarter's metrics unless there was something up. Sadly, a few places I advise were hoping to see them before deciding to remain in SL or close. Without the information, the opted to close. Anyone know what the delay is or if they posted them in some other manner? All web searches are coming up negative and the last Linden post here in the forums was before Christmas. Thanks!

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I agree they are a bit late, 3 weeks now behind the Q3 results.

Sadly, a few places I advise were hoping to see them before deciding to remain in SL or close. Without the information, the opted to close.

I think this is the most unlikely thing I have ever read in these forums, you do the business community (which you claim to advise) no favours at all by posting such nonsense. 

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Nuhai Ling wrote:

I have never seen Linden wait so long to post a previous quarter's metrics unless there was something up. Sadly, a few places I advise were hoping to see them before deciding to remain in SL or close. Without the information, the opted to close. Anyone know what the delay is or if they posted them in some other manner? All web searches are coming up negative and the last Linden post here in the forums was before Christmas. Thanks!

You know the expression: "There are lies, and there are damn lies, and then there are statistics."

It might be taking a special effort to massage those statistics with the appropriate wording for the last quarter of last year.



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Rod told us in his blog that the Lab would be focusing on projects not related to SL. Maybe he neglected to mention that they would be spending all of Q1 focusing on new projects and would pop their heads back in to SL around Easter to catch up on a bit of paperwork.

It would explain the eerie ongoing silence on the blog front, plus we know how LL corporate culture works, employees are generally free to choose the tasks and projects they work on, so maybe when Rod said "who wants to work on something new" everyone just stood up and charged for the door.

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I doubt it will make pleasant reading....especially regarding to 2 critical indicators i.e Concurrency and Land mass. A lot of up to data can picked out from Tyche Shepherd's website.

I'm sure they'll find some positive statistics from somewhere....like Voice minutes are up or sales are up on Marketplace compared to a year ago......the usual smokescreens!



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Porky Gorky wrote:

Rod told us in his blog that the Lab would be focusing on projects not related to SL.

No, he didn't actually - though it is widely said that he did. He said that SL would remain the primary focus of the Lab - and that they would be hiring some extra people to work on non-SL projects.

In any case, the Q4 figures are usually somewhere between 4-10 weeks into the new year. The Lab is always super-busy in Q1, and nobody ever seems to know why.

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Tateru Nino wrote:

No, he didn't actually - though it is widely said that he did. He said that SL would remain the primary focus of the Lab - and that they would be hiring some
people to work on non-SL projects.

Did he? Oh. LOL. Well I haven't got time to sit around reading blogs all day learning the "facts". I'd rather pick up tit bits of misinformation from unreliable sources, run it through my Porky filter and spew it out the other end straight onto a forum with the vague pretense I know what I am talking about.

That's just the way I roll. :matte-motes-big-grin:

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Tell me, how did I perform a disservice when I advised businesses to wait for the Q4 results before making the decision to close out of Second Life? After experiencing a dismal Q4 compared to last year in their own business, the people I advise asked if there was any changes I knew about which would have made an impact. Of course we talked about such trends as the decline of the overall number of private region owners, decline of mainland demand (except in Zindra), the increase in market sales compared to the decline of same-item sales in-world, the strengthening of the linden exchange rate which indicates a drop in the overall linden supply, etc. etc. Afterward though I suggested they wait to see what Linden Lab reported for the entire grid, and especially look at metrics like total user hours, grid composition, overall market sales and so on. They agreed  and decided to pay their January fees. Now that the middle of February is approaching and with no reporting by Linden Lab, most had to make their decisions with the information they had available. So who should you be pointing the finger at, me or someone at Linden Lab who failed to provide "official and reliable" data in a timely manner?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nuhai Ling wrote:

February 20 and still no Q4 economic metrics from Linden Lab. Have they decided to simply not report anything?

It's harder this time around to manipulate data to present anything positive to say. :)

I guess they could write a paragraph or two on Mesh....or Linden Realms. The economic data doesn't make pleasant reading.......you wouldn't order a bunch of Sims on the back of them. lol

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Rene Erlanger wrote:

I guess they could write a paragraph or two on Mesh....or Linden Realms....

Don't forget about the new pussycat emoticons for the forums. It's been the most successful and least problematic rollout of a new feature in SL history.

:cathappy:  :catindifferent:  :catmad:  :catsad:  :catsurprised:  :cattongue:  :catvery-happy:  :catwink:  :catwink:  :catfrustrated:  :catlol:

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