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Greifers - Charity Events

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Yesterday my group ran a charity fund raiser for a UK Cancer Charity the MacMillan Support


A bunch of grefiers truned up and did their utmost to disrupt it, we kicked them.

I have seen a lot of low actions on SL but for me this plumbs new depths this is so low it is hard for me to imagine what kind of gratification someone who is so scummy they feel they have to disrput even something that is been done to raise funds for a charity. 

I suspect some of them will say there are bogus fund raisers out there and they are on some sort of self appointed vigilante disrupt those action, this lost just turned up and di dtheir best to mess things up they even used scripts on our equipment, wiped out the auctioneers avi, fortunately we retreived it but potentailly we could have lsot 5,500 lindens.

What kind of scum are these people? are their lives so miserable they only way they can get gratificiation out of life is to mess things up for other people?


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I'm sorry that this has happened to you and I'm also glad that you could come here to get this off your chest.  Hopefully, it won't happen next time, but if it does, please come back here and bitch about it to your heart's content.  I most definitely feel for you, but there's nothing else I nor anyone else here can do for you.  I hope you feel better now.


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I was at the event in question. It was really awful, what they were doing. The event was quite crowded with people who wanted to help, and the griefing was highly distressing for the organisers, not to mention disruptive. Charity auctions are difficult enough having to keep track of the bids in local chat, and having to deal with the stream of disruption from the few people who seem to get pleasure from denying other people fun only adds to the difficulty. Nonetheless, Mirika and her friends raised a respectable amount of money for a good cause, despite the efforts of those idiots, and she should be proud of what she managed.

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Griefers usually consist of newbie residents, who think of Second Life as the nerd's paradise, consisting of fantasy, virtual sex, furryisy/yiffying, bondage, and somethings even I don't want to mention, all though partially true,  similar to the behavior of ignorant Americans who would see all Muslims as fanatics where there sole purpose is to destroy "Infidels". They are too brash and impatient to know what the word means, and/or getting to know Muslims who do not side with such activities.

(Simplified Version:

You - Good Resident / Muslim not siding with fanatics

Griefers - Ignorant, brash, thick headed / Ignorant Americans agreeing with Muslim genocide. 

  Me - Siding with you, but somewhat fancy griefing, if done in the right place. (ex: I'd send ourgriefers to the Westboro Baptist Church. I'd be making lulz like a Baked Alaska)

Potato - Off-topic)

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Mirika Drasilova wrote:

Yesterday my group ran a charity fund raiser for a UK Cancer Charity the MacMillan Support


A bunch of grefiers truned up and did their utmost to disrupt it, we kicked them.

I have seen a lot of low actions on SL but for me this plumbs new depths this is so low it is hard for me to imagine what kind of gratification someone who is so scummy they feel they have to disrput even something that is been done to raise funds for a charity. 

I suspect some of them will say there are bogus fund raisers out there and they are on some sort of self appointed vigilante disrupt those action, this lost just turned up and di dtheir best to mess things up they even used scripts on our equipment, wiped out the auctioneers avi, fortunately we retreived it but potentailly we could have lsot 5,500 lindens.

What kind of scum are these people?
are their lives so miserable they only way they can get gratificiation out of life is to mess things up for other people?


You answered you own quaestion in your post. They are scum.

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Now, let's not be brash. This was only one group of griefers. One group, dimwitted and arrogant, and plain stupid. We shouldn't justify every griefer as a charity bomber. Then we'll just be like them. There are griefers out there (and I know quite a few) who have a limit when it comes to their griefing. I applaud them for their sincerity. 

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Most greifers are far from new, there are organised gangs in that you can hire, estate owners use them to drive tenants out of others estates to their own, in fact the biggest estates use them and you may have been ruining an event one of them had, they are new because they aim to get banned, there is old second lifers behind them, but if you have the money you can hire them.

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Mirika Drasilova wrote:

... are their lives so miserable they only way they can get gratificiation out of life is to mess things up for other people?



Now - I hope every single person at the event filed ARs against every single person griefing.  They should also ensure they are on every block- and ban-list your people have access to.

Secondly - Consider that you may have grounds for a RL law suit if you suffered actual losses, however small.  It doesn't have to be onerous, MacMillan's legal representatives will be able to advise you.  Get these peoples' RL contact details from LL and at the very least have your lawyers send them an official letter.  It shakes them up to know you can get to them in RL and reminds the morons that their actions have RL consequences.  Preferably, of course, you'll be able to get them in court, even if it's only small-claims.

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Hey E1ghteen, I'm an American... although granted, not totally ignorant, I think you've misunderstood what the majority of Americans think about Muslims... that they're the incarnation of the devil himself or something... we do not.  My last bf was Muslim and I loved him very much, I respected his beliefs even though I did not agree with them all.

We Americans are not what our government would lead you to think we are.  Our government doesn't represent the majority of the common people's views.  We really are a peaceful people... it's just that we can be really stupid when electing people to govern us (corporate money plays a huge part).

It's my hope that someday people will have a better understanding of each others' beliefs and be able to accept that we can be different and still me good people.


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PeterCanessa Oh wrote:

Mirika Drasilova wrote:

... are their lives so miserable they only way they can get gratificiation out of life is to mess things up for other people?



Now - I hope every single person at the event filed ARs against every single person griefing.  They should also ensure they are on every block- and ban-list your people have access to.

Secondly - Consider that you may have grounds for a RL law suit if you suffered actual losses, however small.  It doesn't have to be onerous, MacMillan's legal representatives will be able to advise you.  Get these peoples' RL contact details from LL and at the very least have your lawyers send them an official letter.  It shakes them up to know you can get to them in RL and reminds the morons that their actions have RL consequences.  Preferably, of course, you'll be able to get them in court, even if it's only small-claims.

Oh please... don't be over-dramatic.  This is not a case for RL and you damn well know it.

...Dres *rolls his eyes*

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I agree with Dresedn there is now ay to prove we lsot anything anyway it was the potential that got lost in having to spend time sorting out the grefiers and then helping the person who volunteered to be the acutioneer get their avi fixed and getting all the scripts roooted ot of the sim that were hlding things up.


Any way we raised a chunk of money for http://www.macmillan.org.uk/Home.aspx


97,151 lindens worth so it was not smshed up totally


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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

PeterCanessa Oh wrote:

...Secondly - Consider that you may have grounds for a RL law suit if you suffered actual losses, however small.  It doesn't have to be onerous, MacMillan's legal representatives will be able to advise you.  Get these peoples' RL contact details from LL and at the very least have your lawyers send them an official letter.  It shakes them up to know you can get to them in RL and reminds the morons that their actions have RL consequences.  Preferably, of course, you'll be able to get them in court, even if it's only small-claims.

Oh please... don't be over-dramatic.  This is not a case for RL and you damn well know it.

...Dres *rolls his eyes*

I totally disagree, in as much as I was saying may have grounds

Griefers are thugs, mindless or otherwise.  There are three ways to deal with them

  1. Ignore them/shrug it off: in which case don't bother ranting about it here since you (generic, not 'you' personally - I hope this is obvious) aren't that bothered
  2. Leave it to LL: in which case AR everyone and forget it
  3. Take it to court.  Griefers are thugs, nothing more.  If RL money, assests or reputation is involved then jail the bastards

(Corollary is - if you aren't willing to take people to court then shouting about it here is just being a drama queen.  RL law exists.  SL law does not exist except when LL feel like it should.  ANY dispute can be taken to court, if you think it's worth it.  If you don't, then just forget it)

ETA: It is my sincere wish that a few more people face RL consequences for their online actions.  Just because it's "virtual" doesn't make it unaccountable.  It's fine to be a 'shock jock' but if your actions cause damages you bloody well pay for them.

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Don't worry, my friend. I'm an American too, born and raised. Everyone in the world always has a level of ignorance, but I'm directing towards the Americans who are pro-racism (KKK or Neo-Nazi Movement, as examples) and where their ignorance is bliss to them.

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While I 100% feel for you, because there are idiots that to this at nearly every RFL I have ever attended(and this has been going on in sl since 2005, RFL that is).....They didn't ruin your event.

I'm not justifying anything, or making light of what they did, or anything like that. You simply don't need someone else pointing out the obvious...you were griefed. It happens, it sucks, doesn't matter when/where/who...it sucks.

But the point you ought to focus on, is not what these people did, but rather what they did NOT do. Because in the end, that's all that matters.

I know exactly how you're feeling. I know it's beyond a pain in the butt. I know sometimes those idiots make you just want to scream and pull your hair out. But then, when they come here to read(and they're probably pretty certain you'll complain about it somewhere), you've now given them a gift they don't deserve. You've shown your weakness(human character trait, we're all weak, it's not a flaw, just a trait we all posess) and now they have something to say "see, we did good, we pissed them off, look what we did", and something they can gloat about. Fuel for their next fire, even.

Hold your head high, know you've done good, and leave the bad stuff in the past. Because that's where it belongs, in the past. Don't worry about what they did, doesn't matter now. Didn't matter while they were doing it, didn't matter five minutes after it was done, and it matters even less now. THAT is how you deal with that stuff. Take my words for whatever you'd like. But thousands of people have been where you are/were, and will be again. Best way to deal with it is beat them at their own game.

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