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Constant Crashing

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I have never crashed so often in 6 years of  SL than I have since I DL'd the latest version of the SL Viewer.

I have been crashing constantly every ten minutes somethimesI go for 20 but it is ridiculously annoying!  I don't know why or if anyone else has this problem but I was FINE until I DL this new version a couple of days ago.

Any thoughts or suggestions?


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Google "hardware monitoring software".  Find one that you think you like and is free.  Install it and monitor your temperatures while in SL.  Pay attention to the graphics card GPU.  If the temps get up to 90 or 95 C, it's time to shut down the application that is cause that high temp........SL tends to work the graphics card quite heavily so it will get hot but not that hot!!  If your temps are high then clean out your case.  A can of compressed air costs about $4.00 USD at Office Depot.........cheap compared to a video card or a complete computer.

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Hi Peggy,

I appreciate your reply however you missed two things: I have been playing SL since 2006 and these crashing problems didn't exisit until I installed the new version of the SL viewer.

I have more than adequate system ventilation, I do regular cleaning, have a high end PC, and I play MMOs and other online games without any problems such as Battlefield 3 which are far more taxing on system resources then Second Life will ever be . Therefore, this is not a case of overheating, this problem is an immediate consequence of the new viewer version installation!

The installation has created a conflict somewhere and before I purge my system of all SL files, I wanted to find out if anyone else is experienceing similar problems....but again I appreciate your recommendations but they are not applicable in this case.


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I've been having the same issues, and my crash usually rolls in right as I'm trying to upload a texture. Everything just freezes and my only option is to "force quit" the program.

This started yesterday. I assumed it was an issue with Pheonix, (although those seem rare,) so I tried the newest SL viewer and then Kirstens. Both crashed just as often. I cleared my cache and reinstalled the version of Pheonix I was using. It continued to happen.

I have to assume it's an issue with SL/LL's servers. I've been noticing several friends go offline only to come back minutes later, again and again. My computer is less than a year old, has a ton of memory available, and I'm not running any other programs at the same time. I've only been on SL less than two years, but this is also the first time I've ever experienced this many crashes in such a short period of time.

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I like the V3 viewer and it worked fine until it auto-downloaded what was then the latest version (that was a few weeks ago). After that, it crashed very soon after I logged in every time. Sometimes it crashed almost instantly. It's totally unusable for me. It sounds like either they haven't updated the viewer since then, or they haven't dealt with the problem since then.

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Actually I didn't miss those two things.  I read them and understood them.  It doesn't matter how long you've been in SL (your 2006, I'll raise you my 2005......and $2.50 will get you a cup of coffee and Starbucks).  Something heating up in your computer to the point of shut down will crash your computer.........if it doesn't it will destroy whatever component is heating up (and maybe take out some other hardware devices in the process).  If you choose to ignore temps of your hardware devices when the symptoms you are discribing indicate there is a possible heat issue, that's okay (it could be expensive though).  Computer crashes after a period to time using a program is a red flag..........it's not saying you have a heat issue, it's saying you may have a heat issue.


High end computers can have heat issues......if fact many high end computer run much hotter than mid level or low level computers.  They have higher performing hardware......which require more power, and that power heats up your devices.  You asked what the problem might be............I gave a possible cause.


You're welcome.  Hope you find the problem with your high end computer soon.

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LOL I Don't know why you are still going on about the High temperature thing so apparently you are still misunderstanding my post. So allow me to reiterate in point format: 




And please enough with the newbie PC maintenance tutorials - sheesh!

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Try disabling VBO under hardware, the frames will drop drasticly but try to survive the time with what your doing normally do befor a crash after 10 minutes.

Mine crashes when in abit more crowded place and people wear mesh, i asked the exodus devs and they confirmed that it crashed due to a VBO+mesh bug.
The LL client does the same as does firestorm so it`s an LL code issue.

Maybe we just have our settings to high to have it happen more often then others :x 

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Let me get this straight... you came here asking for help, Peggy offered you a perfectly reasonable suggestion and all you can do is dismiss her and belittle her for it?  How lovely.

When one of your fellow users takes their time to offer to help you figure out an issue, which you obviously couldn't figure out on your own, you should be thanking them instead of throwing an attitude and being rudely disrespectful.  It's pathetic really.


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Thanks for poking your nose in and contributing absolutely nothing to the thread which apparently you also didn't read very well because had you, you would of seen that I said and I quote " I appreciate your recommendations" ...

So before you accuse people of being pathetic, actually read the comments,  then ask yourself if you have anything "positive" to contribute to the thread or do you just want to make yourself out to be some pompous troll.

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Farthington Whetmore wrote:

Thanks for poking
nose in and contributing absolutely nothing to the thread which apparently you also didn't read very well because had you, you would of seen that I said and I quote "
 I appreciate your recommendations" ...

So before you accuse people of being pathetic, actually read the comments,  then ask yourself if you have anything "positive" to contribute to the thread or do you just want to make yourself out to be some pompous troll.

I am not obligated to post only when I have something positive to add... nor is anyone else.  If they do and are countered by an attempt to belittle them for their gracious contribution, I have every right to point that out on this public forum.  If you don't like it... tough.


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To be fair to both sides, your first reply to Peggy was pleasant enough, as you said, but your second reply to her was anything but pleasant (shouting is seen as forcing your view down someone's throat, and is considered to be unpleasant), even though Peggy's second post was still being helpful to you. It could be that something in the latest V3 really does overheat equipment in some circumstances and Peggy helpfully offered that as a possible reason - in both of her posts. Whether or not she's right, doesn't matter. She was still trying to be helpful and didn't deserve you rounding on her as you did.

It's not people like Dresden who will be seen as "some pompous troll". Because of your posts to Peggy and Dresden, it is you who will be seen as someone with an attitude who people prefer not to help.

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True enough phil and I acknowledged peggy's post and I had made statements that cleary indicated that the problem is related to SL Viewer download and not a hardware issue. But instead of choosing a different direction she chose to justify her initial post in a second post and go on about values of computer cleaning - LOL - we covered that, why go over it again so my "shouts" were done to simply emphisize the issues because apparently I wasn't making myself clear enough.

So when Alicia posted her reply that went beyond a can of compressed air,  I expressed my satifaction with it and that how this was the type of answer I would of expected from a Helper once the helper's initial reply was determined not to be an issue...

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LOL Dres yes it is a public forum and I too have every right to express myself in a fashion that I feel is appropriate and if you don't like it- tuff!  

I was gracious toward her first reply, her second reply was a waste of time and clearly indicated a lack of understanding of the situation and I could of expressed that in a much more colorful manor but I chose not too ... 

Thank you, nuff said- moving on - Happy Saturday!

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Farthington Whetmore wrote:

LOL Dres yes it is a public forum and I too have every right to express myself in a fashion that I feel is appropriate and if you don't like it- tuff!  

I was gracious toward her first reply, her second reply was a waste of time and clearly indicated a lack of understanding of the situation and I could of expressed that in a much more colorful manor but I chose not too ... 

Thank you, nuff said- moving on - Happy Saturday!

You see? You're still at it with the attitude. And it's you who gets the bad reputation, and deservedly so. If you want help, you really should not be jumping down people's throats when they don't give you the answer you're looking for. You sound like a person who has no time for fools, but without the ability to recognise them, and consequently making yourself look like one.

Incidentally, none of us in this forum are permitted to express ourselves in just any fashion that we feel is appropriate. Many times we feel that jumping down someone's, or telling them what we really think they are, is appropriate, and many times it is, but we are not permitted to write it here.

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Hang on a sec, that's a little unfair. Neither Phil or Dres are doing anything other that pointing out how rude the op's responses were to someone who offered some advice. Whether or not the advice was of value to the poster should not be a reason to use the tone the op did 


Edited to clarify it was the op I was talking about as far as tone.


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Here`s some advice to any one reading this post:

If you aren`t 100% sure of what your going to say, don`t say it and specially don`t go into a discussion about it.

High end pcs generate abit more heat, yea, but they cool the same as a crappy pc, it`s all relative.
If the op said it isn`t a cooling issue but an update issue, don`t go arguing that it`s a cooling issue.

Maybe i wasn`t fair to say that about phil without saying the same about dresden, seen him butt into thing to argue without having relation to the topic besides the mere fact to have an argument.


Meh, what ever...

No forum was actually nice&quiet, dumb to have come back here, somethings never change...

ps, now that i remember the word again, don`t start...,  no offense peggy, but your second post came down as patronizing

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Alicia Sautereau wrote:

Maybe i wasn`t fair
to say that about phil without saying the same about dresden, seen him butt into thing to argue without having relation to the topic besides the mere fact to have an argument.

It's not that you weren't "fair" even though you weren't. It's that you are being snotty about people who point out that being snotty to people isn't the way to win friends and influence people, so to speak. And, like the OP, you continue to do it.

As I said earlier, it is possible that LL made a change to the V3 that causes overheating in some circumstances. The OP doesn't know whether or not that's true, and there was never any reason to be snotty to the person who suggested it once, and then explained it in more detail.

I don't think it's an overheating problem but I don't know one way or the other. My experience of it is that an updated V3 definitely does cause quick crashes, making the viewer unusable for me. It didn't do that before it was updated. Unlike the OP, it sometimes crashed pretty much instantaneously after logging in, so it didn't always wait 10 minutes or so like it does for the OP. That's why I don't think it's an overheating problem.

The OP's ~10 minutes experience could well indicate overheating, even though he says it isn't, but he bases that conclusion solely on the fact that it only started with a V3 update. He may be right, but it's foolish to reject the idea because he doesn't know for certain that he's right. Programmes can cause overheating, so a change to a programme can certainly do it when the programme didn't do it before. What he shouldn't be doing here is being snotty to people who contribute some of their time in an effort to be helpful to him, whether he agrees with them or not. Nobody insisted that "this IS the reason". It was only suggested as a possibility, and reiterated in more detail because he didn't appear to have grasped it - and he still doesn't appear to have grasped that it is definitely a possibility.

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Alicia Sautereau wrote:

Here`s some advice to any one reading this post:

If you aren`t 100% sure of what your going to say, don`t say it and specially don`t go into a discussion about it.


High end pcs generate abit more heat, yea, but they cool the same as a crappy pc, it`s all relative.

If the op said it isn`t a cooling issue but an update issue, don`t go arguing that it`s a cooling issue.

Maybe i wasn`t fair to say that about phil without saying the same about dresden, seen him butt into thing to argue without having relation to the topic besides the mere fact to have an argument.


Meh, what ever...

No forum was actually nice&quiet, dumb to have come back here, somethings never change...

ps, now that i remember the word again, don`t start...,  no offense peggy, but your second post came down as patronizing

When trouble shooting, it's usually a good idea to eliminate all potential issues in order to get to the cause of the problem.  Never did he say that he had checked to see if it was an issue... instead, he stated that it wasn't an issue before, so therefore couldn't be one now... this is not always the case.  If he'd have said he checked that in the first place, I see no reason why she'd feel it necessary to reiterate what she had already said.  In no way was it patronizing for her to have done so, unless you are just aching for a reason to have an attitude in the first place.

This is precisely the reason I called the OP out on it and not, as you claim, just to start an argument.

Here's some advice to any one reading this post:

If you can only speculate as to the reason someone decides to reply to a given post, then use this speculation, which exists only in your own mind, as an accusation of the corruption of their character, perhaps you should just keep your mouth shut, lest you expose yourself as being a fool.


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i would think that updating to a higher version of software might cause more crashes on some systems at times..

so lowering some settings or shutting them off is usually the options..that or going back to the other viewer to keep those options..

other viewers have been patched that run a little less demanding than the current viewer..

why wouldn't that figure hardeware in there somewhere if there was a bit more of a demand on hardware?

just an example of version changes..

if i were on my 2006 viewer..i would be zipping around like a lightning bolt not stressing this system out at all on that version..upgrading  to this version something is gonna heat up a bit more..

some people have a harder time on the new viewer than they did on the FS viewer because it's been patched to offer mesh..that viewer has been tweaked for performance and features..

so it's not unheard of for new software to have more demand than that older versions..sometimes it works the other way around if they are close enough and it's about fixes..but if it's adding more features like mesh and not tweaked for performance like the most of the TPV's have been..then more times than not there will be a bigger strain on parts..

god knows i've had to back off some goodies in the last few versions ..thats why i'm out shopping for a new system now..to be able to use them without  worry..hehehehe


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Without getting into the whole he said/she said argument, I too have been experiencing frequent crashes every since upgrading to 3.2.5 this week, mostly as soon as I log on. Ironically, if I don't crash with a few minutes, SL has remained stable until I've logged off. (by "crash", I mean SL crashing, not the whole computer)

I am not going to rule in/rule out certain things (overheating, graphic cards, etc.). I do have a fairly new computer, have experience no grahpics issues with any other programs and do have a pretty intense working desktop most of the time (which I've of course cut down when using SL). But I do know that under previous versions, SL might have crashed on me a handful of times a year (been on SL since 2009).

Whatever it is, a bug, 3.2.5, more intense graphic requirements, etc, I'd prefer a much, simplier "quick fix."

Meaning, how does one go back to using the previous viewer?

Or, which third-party ones are recommended by users here?

Thank you.

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Belinda Cifuentes wrote:

Without getting into the whole he said/she said argument, I too have been experiencing frequent crashes every since upgrading to 3.2.5 this week, mostly as soon as I log on. Ironically, if I don't crash with a few minutes, SL has remained stable until I've logged off. (by "crash", I mean SL crashing, not the whole computer)

I am not going to rule in/rule out certain things (overheating, graphic cards, etc.). I do have a fairly new computer, have experience no grahpics issues with any other programs and do have a pretty intense working desktop most of the time (which I've of course cut down when using SL). But I do know that under previous versions, SL might have crashed on me a handful of times a year (been on SL since 2009).

Whatever it is, a bug, 3.2.5, more intense graphic requirements, etc, I'd prefer a much, simplier "quick fix."

Meaning, how does one go back to using the previous viewer?

Or, which third-party ones are recommended by users here?

Thank you.

i believe there are older versions in the knowledge base if you want to go backwards in versions..or if you still have the exe for the previous..

also any of the phoenix viewers can be downloaded from the official phoenix site..they have all their working versions up for download as well..

as for the crashes..my system for some reason has more of a problem on phoenix than it does the latest LL viewer..

it actually gives me this error of running out of virtual memory lol

i caught that the other day when i decided to try their newest mesh version again..i wanted to test out their ultra verss the LL's ultra with shadows and  dov..


i had just updated my video card drives..i was using the official drivers from nividea and not the driver that would be best for my card which were the MSI drivers..

i finally had gotten both shadows and dov working lol

but i did crash in firestorm for that one error of running out of virtual memory..

now i don't know if this may be the case with some people and the LL viewer..but it may be worth looking into.

maybe what has me crashing in a firestorm may be what has others crashing in the LL viewer?

maybe just a virtual memry setting or something..

i don't crash a whole lot in firestorm.but it's like out of nowhere when it happens..usually i get some sort of bad lag before..there is no warning with the current crashes..

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