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When will Direct Delivery be available?

Dante Velaystar

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Funny you mentioned that today.... I was thinking the EXACT SAME THING!!

The beta grid has been open and supposedly some brave merchants are happily testing the DD for the past month.  So no news is good new?  Or is it that scary than it cause merchants to lose their ability to post about it?


 Since LL Commerce Team has given up talking to the Merchants... who knows what they are doing behind the covers and with those merchants they do talk to in the back rooms.

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yes there has BUT LL open up the OPEN BETA of DD to all Merchants in December so that any interested merchant can test out the DD on the open Beta grid.  If you go into Marketplace Merchant page, you will see a big notice from LL telling you all about this open beta.

BUT... I have not heard a peep from any of the excited merchants of DD that went in there to test DD.  Why?  such a hot topic and yet not one merchant in the open beta has anything good or bad to say??  Fishy

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Yes, I agree and what I was trying to point out was the total length of the beta.  It's been over a year now and even then, we all know when it launches, it will be far from bug free.

I do know one merchant who has been in the DD beta since the beginning and she told me it has been awesome.

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Toysoldier Thor wrote:

yes there has BUT LL open up the OPEN BETA of DD to all Merchants in December so that any interested merchant can test out the DD on the open Beta grid.  If you go into Marketplace Merchant page, you will see a big notice from LL telling you all about this open beta.

I have not heard a peep from any of the excited merchants of DD that went in there to test DD.  Why?  such a hot topic and yet not one merchant in the open beta has anything good or bad to say??  Fishy


This sounds all fishy to me too, Toy Dude.  I've been watching, waiting for a word...ANY word from any of the people who have gone into the open beta of DD.  With no word from ANY of them...I'm wondering now if LindenLab has made any who have tried the DD open beta sign a "Keep Your Da&@ed Mouth Shut About It Until We Tell You Different!" clause or something?  

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That is pretty sickening when LL Commerce is gagging even the open beta testers.  Whats next LL... are you going to gag the first production merchants of the DD ?

What part of OPEN BETA indicates that the particiapants need to be gagged.

Chelsea... if your Merchant friend was gagged by LL on all that was happening in the beta, chances are that LL also instructed them to "promote" the DD to encourage its use.  i.e.  "If you are going to let things slip - it can only be that things on DD are AWESOME!"

Knowing the maturity of LL Commerce Team.... this would not surprise me in the least.

Thankfully - or I should say hopefully - the DD rollout will have a long window of time so that I can be one of the last in about a 6 month cutover.


ADDED: Also remember that the merchants that took on the Open Beta of DD were already huge fanboys of the new system and even if there were any glitches... I know for a fact a few of my fellow merchants would have brushed it off and no biggie or would not have looked at the big picture.  They would promote a bullet in the head because at least it wasnt a cannon ball.

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So looking back at the November DD thread, here are some of the Merchants which I thought were planning on going into the DD Testing Open Beta grid or expressed possible interest ...

Paladin Pinion

Zanara Zenovka

Sassy Romano

Darrius Gothly

Awren Serpente

and even our Inworld Merchant group mentor.... Sonya....


Are any of you in the DD Open Beta Grid?  Yes or No.  If so, lets her how its going or is it true that LL Commerce has gagged you to not speak of the DD Open Beta activities?


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LOL I agree.  I would be MORE (did that for Mickey) than happy to be a gagged OPEN beta tester of DD if LL pays me to be a staffed software tester for them.

Same with LL Staff... my time is worth money.

For free, I am not going to waste my time and risk any operations when my time could be better spent doing other things like.... WAIT FOR IT...    creating my first MESH MODELS!!  yes I did this week... Pat me on the back Medhue

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Toysoldier Thor wrote:

Are any of you in the DD Open Beta Grid?  Yes or No.  If so, lets her how its going or is it true that LL Commerce has gagged you to not speak of the DD Open Beta activities?


Anyone in the DD beta team is able to say whether they are (or are not) a part of that team, that's a choice for them to make.  It would seem reasonable that those who are may wish to keep quiet, merely for not wanting to be placed in a position of being badgered into giving answers that are not theirs to be giving. 

Similarly, since you mention the "Open Beta" that was published as being available from December 2011, have you tried logging on to aditi to test it yourself? :)

Any statements regarding the release of Direct Delivery will be announced by Brooke *shrugs*

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Happy New Year Toy & Fellow Mechants,

I'm not a part of the open beta grid test for DD. In November, I expressed a lot of questions but not really an interest to be a tester (at least when I look back at my posts). While I wish I had the time to test, I don't. Hope that answers your question.

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Sassy Romano wrote:

Toysoldier Thor wrote:

Are any of you in the DD Open Beta Grid?  Yes or No.  If so, lets her how its going or is it true that LL Commerce has gagged you to not speak of the DD Open Beta activities?


Anyone in the DD beta team is able to say whether they are (or are not) a part of that team, that's a choice for them to make.  It would seem reasonable that those who are may wish to keep quiet, merely for not wanting to be placed in a position of being badgered into giving answers that are not theirs to be giving. 

Similarly, since you mention the "Open Beta" that was published as being available from December 2011, have you tried logging on to aditi to test it yourself?

Any statements regarding the release of Direct Delivery will be announced by Brooke *shrugs*

Wow...nice sidestep, Miss Sassy!  Toy asked (and I want to know as well) that if anybody that has tried out the open beta test of the direct delivery system to give us some information about their experiences with it.  Pure and simple.  Simple that is...UNLESS LindenLab has gagged you from discussing your experiences in the open beta on aditi.  Asking whether or not he has logged into aditi and checked it himself when you know full well that he hasn't, is something typically LindenLab (or a person not willing or able to give any information).  You circumvented that question expertly, let me just say!  Congratulations!

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Arwen Serpente wrote:

Happy New Year Toy & Fellow Mechants,

I'm not a part of the open beta grid test for DD. In November, I expressed a lot of questions but not really an interest to be a tester (at least when I look back at my posts). While I wish I had the time to test, I don't. Hope that answers your question.

Happy New Year, Arwen!  

Thank you for an honest answer to an honest question!  I salute you, Sir! :)

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Thanks Arwen.  I wasnt sure if you actually went in to test.  And from Sassy's response its very clear she is in it and that LL has gagged her and all other Open Beta Testers.  Sassy is not one to hold back on expressing her opinions unless she is mandated to.

Sooooo LL has gagged the Open Beta Team...   What A Go Brooke.... what are you and your team afraid of?  Not confident in your team's skills and abilities to develop DD without major codeing / design flaws?  I wouldnt wanna be a developer under your team - your GAG order speaks volumes on your confidence of your team and lack of respect for your customers.

So I guess we wait.  I also suspect things are not going well with the open beta knowing LL... since if it was good news - LL would be letting this information get out.

Hold out to your Merchant Shorts.... its gonna be a fun ride for the early adopters.

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Howdy, Toy.  Just for sh!ts and giggles, I just logged into aditi with the express intent to see what kind of "agreement" I would have to sign to access the direct delivery beta and see what the folders and everything looked like in my inventory.  If I would have been presented with some sort of agreement to keep my mouth shut about it, I would have logged out and reported back exactly what it said.  Unfortunately, there was nothing.  Also, there were no direct delivery folders in my inventory nor anything else pertaining to it present anywhere that I could find.  

I don't know if there was something I was supposed to do BEFORE logging into aditi, or if the beta has ended now...or....what.  But unfortunately, there is nothing I can give in this thread to shed any light on what in h.e.doublehockeysticks is going on with DD.  

Anyway...I tried.

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It's my observation that there isn't so much a Commerce Team as a group within LL for whom Marketplace is merely a sub function of responsibility.

Given that objects within the Magic Box are just pointers to records in a database and Direct Delivery is just a case of shuffling things around in the same database, how can it possibly take a year of developer time to achieve this?  There's some viewer side change too but look at the work that gets done by the TPV developers.

Sure, you can wrap this up with project frameworks but even using Agile as they do within LL, the rate of milestone achievement is not in line with what you would expect from a "team" for whom this was a 100% utilisation of time.

The only reasonable conclusion then would be that although the project has spanned around a calendar year, the time is not 100% on Direct Delivery and so if they're not doing Direct Delivery, they must be busy on other things and if they're busy on other things then they're not 100% Commerce oriented. :)

I'm sure those doing the development are more than capable but the evidence to substantiate there being a complete commitment in terms of resource just isn't there to see.

What's ironic is that for the sum of what? $5000, Qarl has produced something desperately in demand in the form of the mesh deformer yet something else that the merchants have been crying out for is "Email on review/flagging".  This can only be a handful of lines of code in the event that happens on the submit button. 


Get email address of recipient (if not already known in the code block)

Send email


A year later, still nobody has written this non destructive, non database altering, non financial impacting change.

Maybe if we all threw in $10 we could get someone OUTSIDE of LL to implement this too?  Is this the new LL model of software development, wait until the customers self fund it?  Makes you wonder given the success of this tactic with the mesh deformer.

(Sassy's conjecture for the day and free opinion to keep Toy happy!) ;)

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Marcus Hancroft wrote:

Sassy Romano wrote:

Toysoldier Thor wrote:

Are any of you in the DD Open Beta Grid?  Yes or No.  If so, lets her how its going or is it true that LL Commerce has gagged you to not speak of the DD Open Beta activities?


Anyone in the DD beta team is able to say whether they are (or are not) a part of that team, that's a choice for them to make.  It would seem reasonable that those who are may wish to keep quiet, merely for not wanting to be placed in a position of being badgered into giving answers that are not theirs to be giving. 

Similarly, since you mention the "Open Beta" that was published as being available from December 2011, have you tried logging on to aditi to test it yourself?

Any statements regarding the release of Direct Delivery will be announced by Brooke *shrugs*

Wow...nice sidestep, Miss Sassy!  Toy asked (and I want to know as well) that if anybody that has tried out the open beta test of the direct delivery system to give us some information about their experiences with it.  Pure and simple.  Simple that is...UNLESS LindenLab has gagged you from discussing your experiences in the open beta on aditi.  Asking whether or not he has logged into aditi and checked it himself when you know full well that he hasn't, is something typically LindenLab (or a person not willing or able to give any information).  You circumvented that question expertly, let me just say!  Congratulations!

You're welcome.  It's precisely that baiting that I refer to that probably leads those in the CLOSED beta to not discuss it even if they wanted to.

I have not participated in the OPEN beta and since that is available to all (apparently), my response was simply to suggest that those interested go and try it since if it's open, why wouldn't they?  It's on Aditi, it won't affect anything that done on the main grid.

The response I gave was precise since any comment I make only seems to lead to further baiting. *shrugs*

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Nalates Urriah wrote:

To test DD in the ADITI grid you need the DD Project Viewer.

Somewhere I saw the ADITI region names for the areas where DD is turned on.

As best I can tell the project team works from a bunker in the Sub-Sub-Sub-basement of LL that is shielded with copper screen to stop cell phones...

Thanks for the information, Miss Nalates!  I'm not going to download and install some special viewer and go to some specific location within aditi to test the direct delivery system for LindenLab.  I don't have the time nor the patience for all that.  And so now I'm hoping that someone who HAS gone through all that trouble will mosey in here and tell us about what they experienced in testing, which is exactly what Toy asked someone to do in the first place.  

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