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Paulo Dielli leaving SL. Thanks to all friends.

Paulo Dielli

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Hey guys. I'm leaving SL. It was a great ride, but now it's time for me to go.

With my shop Symfurny Furniture I was pretty successful. Over the past few years I've created  some nice furniture, hammocks, couples animations, sand writings and much more. I've worked my way up, bought my own sim and made some money.But now the end is here.

The reason: I also have a RL business and I can't combine it anymore with SL. Especially the changes in Search took too much time for me to survive in SL. I think this is a major fault by LL, together with the new viewer. But LL won't change and won't listen to their customers.

So this is the end for me. I thank all friends and customers and wish you all a wonderful 2012 !!

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well, unfortunately, these things happen, there comes a time when RL issues dont allow us anymore to continue. RL is more important than SL. thank you for leaving your presence in the Marketplace, that way more people are going to be able to get your products. i wish you well, and have a happy new year!

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Paulo Dielli wrote:

The reason: I also have a RL business and I can't combine it anymore with SL.

The real reason. ^^^     Because running a SL business takes time. 


Paulo Dielli wrote:

Especially the changes in Search took too much time for me to survive in SL. I think this is a major fault by LL, together with the new viewer. But LL won't change and won't listen to their customers.

But, here you blame LL.   ^^^

Paulo, I just looked at your product line on the marketplace.  From what I saw, my opinion is that competition from other content creators, who make more updated, lower prim, and diverse items, is what really affected your sales.  Your product line looks like it's from around the 2007-2008...era.  I saw things with simplistic sculpties, visible pose balls, and designs that hearken back to earlier days of SL. 

Sorry, but there are so many great furniture creators out there, even with the beach-type lines that I really think blaming LL instead of taking a good hard look at your own product line is an error.  

To come to the SL forums and try to blame LL for something that is really a time issue with your life, and an issue of creative inspiration and skill, does not wash with me. 

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Yeah, I read that also, but I didn't want to bust balls as you are doing now.

Linden Lab makes plenty of it's own mistakes. SL is not a one-way street.

Search shows me what it is paid and gammed to show me. The World Map link above is now doing this also. I tried to search for a Region on the map, but all I got was suggestions based on what the map was paid to say.

Most of the furniture in SL, is copies of rl furniture. The styles colors and design patents are supposed to be protected under law.

Somebody needs a swim in "lake you" and it's not the OP.

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Knowl Paine wrote:

Yeah, I read that also, but I didn't want to bust balls as you are doing now.

Pointing out reality is now known, as you crudely put it, to "bust balls"?   Not in my book. 

 If the OP brings their personal business issue to the SL forum and air it for public consumption, then there is nothing wrong with SL residents (consumers) analyzing issues behind the business. 

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None are obliged to consume. It is a choice.

Every "reality" presented would create plenty of discussion and disagreement if each topic was isolated for discussion.

A person can make it, they can rise from the ashes, and be a star in SL, I agree. It is possible, keep your chin up, do your work, and you will find rewards. You become, what you think about, most of the time.

Another "reality" is, you are not alone, you have competion. People with low, or no morals and principles, who will take any actions to defeat you. By the Law of Averages, instances of "unfairness" are not random generations of unfairness. Some things in SL are not fair because identifiable individuals are intentionally making it, "not fair". (they do this for a variety of reason; profit, self interest, amusement)

I believe the above is a balanced response.

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Knowl Paine wrote:

Another "reality" is, you are not alone, you have competion.
People with low, or no morals and principles, who will take any actions to defeat you. B
y the Law of Averages, instances of "unfairness" are not random generations of unfairness. Some
things in SL are not fair because identifiable individuals are intentionally making it, "
not fair
(they do this for a variety of reason; profit, self interest, amusement)

I believe the above is a balanced response.

So, you think other people aren't "fair"...and that's what caused issues for the OP?  

Hmm, your comment is not exactly a balanced response then is it? 

Also, if you think someone not doing well is caused by unfair people with low or no morals, etc.  How do you explain the individuals who are successful?    *laughing*

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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

If the only reason you're in SL to begin with is to make L$, perhaps you're better off leaving. 

Wow. I've been in SL many years. I've put my heart and soul into it. Never for the money, but because I wanted to create the nicest products that I could, offering as much customer service as I could. Because it was my passion to do so and because I wanted my customers to get the best. Meanwhile I've had a wonderful social life in SL and helped my friends as much as I could. 

Maybe it's better to know someone before you judge someone.

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Paulo Dielli wrote:

Pussycat Catnap wrote:

If the only reason you're in SL to begin with is to make L$, perhaps you're better off leaving. 

Wow. I've been in SL many years. I've put my heart and soul into it. Never for the money, but because I wanted to create the nicest products that I could, offering as much customer service as I could. Because it was my passion to do so and because I wanted my customers to get the best. Meanwhile I've had a wonderful social life in SL and helped my friends as much as I could. 

Maybe it's better to know someone before you judge someone.

Your words were "my shops is doing poorly, so I'm quitting.

If your words were not your words, or you didn't want to say what you did, then say otherwise. :)

But if that was the meaning you wanted to convey, then you'd be better off quitting.

If you do/did have "a wonderful social life in SL and helped my friends as much as I could," then maybe you should -NOT- quit.



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Paulo Dielli wrote:

The reason: I also have a RL business and I can't combine it anymore with SL. 

I think pretty much everybody in SL for more than a few months will understand that demands for our RL time and involvement pull us away from SL.

This can make some SL activities impractical.  It's not really an option to provide good customer service if your time only permits you to pop in-world once a week, for example.

People change how they use Second Life.  It may be that the "Paulo" character has only ever been involved in the creator business side of Second Life.  But the typist behind Paulo has surely seen a lot of folks enjoying SL who simply don't have the time to run a business here.  

It may even be that "Paulo" is just one of several alts who appreciate the other ways SL can be rewarding, with lesser time demands.  I'd like to think that's the case.  That would be a lot less depressing than seeing yet another victim of the "metaverse is serious business" hype that sucked-in so many.

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Yes, I believe that instances of unfairness do occur.

I was attempting to acknowledge that SL systems do not operate flawlessly and independently of Residents activities.

Define success?

I could explain plenty in a thread discussing the "History of Success".

Are you laughing at me, or, with me?

Some Residents might agree that items or objects can be copied. I would like to walk the edge and venture to say that, some Residents might sell objects they have copied. I think it is safe to guess that at least (1) Resident may have sold more than 1 item.

If the above is remotely true, it may be possible that an Individual may view his or her copybot accomplishment as a "Success". 

This is only an example of the actions of one individual. I would require additional information about an individual before I can tell you what I "think" about that person.

Some people are good, and some people are bad. Some play fair, some do not.

Goodness and purity is not the only recipe used to obtain success.




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Knowl Paine wrote:

Yes, I believe that instances of unfairness do occur.

I was attempting to acknowledge that SL systems do not operate flawlessly and independently of Residents activities.

Define success?

I could explain plenty in a thread discussing the "History of Success".

Are you laughing at me, or, with me?

Some Residents might agree that items or objects can be copied. I would like to walk the edge and venture to say that, some Residents might sell objects they have copied. I think it is safe to guess that at least (1) Resident may have sold more than 1 item.

If the above is remotely true, it may be possible that an Individual may view his or her copybot
as a "Success". 

This is only an example of the actions of one individual. I would require additional information about an individual before I can tell you what I "think" about that person.

Some people are good, and some people are bad. Some play fair, some do not.

Goodness and purity is not the only recipe used to obtain success.

The OP blamed LL, etc.  You have now speculated in several comments, that unfair other people might be the cause for the OP not doing as well as they like.

But, I have looked at the OP's product line, which they still have on the SL marketplace.  I stand by my observations that the OP's product line, is why they are not selling as much, as they would like.  An analysis of one's product line and business strategy is exactly what is needed when one is not doing as well as they like.  This is nothing personal, I don't know the OP at all.  I would have ventured the same type of assessment to anyone who had publicly aired their personal business shop dilemma here in the SL forums. 

If someone does not like people making comments about their line of business, then don't post here to the GD section of the SL forums and bring it to the public.  If I posted my personal business here in the SL forum, I would fully expect a variety of comments, and not all are going to be tea and sympathy.  Especially, if I were placing *blame*, for my own business failings, on to LL, which is what the OP did.


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Maryanne Solo wrote:

The only thing that matters Paulo, is that you had fun. All the best & happy new year!

Clearly, that's not the only thing that matters. 

If it were, the OP would not be lamenting the fact, that they are giving up their SL business.   Instead they would be celebrating the *fun* they had...and how that is now gone.  But, the OP chose to write, about their business, and how LL has made it all bad. 

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there can be many factors of why a business dont succeed, it could be that the owner of the business dont have time to run it as he wishes, it could be because of the competition having products that appeal more to the majority, the government that took decisions that made it more difficult for the business to survive, it could be everything i mentioned together, and even some factors that i havent think about. the OP mentions just two factors, maybe youre right, and the factor you pointed out also affected.

it seems that the way that the OP wanted to use SL for is to make a business, nothing wrong with that, and it seems that he had fun running his business, what i see that the OP is lamenting is to not be able to continue his main purpose for being in SL because of lack of time from his RL.


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A merchant, Resident and Customer is leaving SL; Linden Lab bears some responsibility for the loss of this Resident. 

I do not dispute your claims or observations as to why the OP may not have experienced sufficient returns to continue to justify visiting SL.

I do proclaim, that extenuating circumstances exist in SL, and that those elements significantly contribute to imbalances present in SL.   A fair assessment would include those elements. :matte-motes-grin:






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