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Canoro Philipp wrote:

Mayalily has been attacked a lot, also the person that suggested to not give lindens to beggers was attacked.

in the feeds i have not witnessed any.

Mayalilly has 1500 posts: she has started over 80 topics.  Newbie?  She has more posts and topics than you Canoro; and she trolls very well, too.   

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Maryanne Solo wrote:

My personal groups? That I own you mean? Morganna accidentally posted once but she made that quite clear in the post itself. Feel free to look it up. 

Your vague assertions offer no insight as to your why you persist with your individual attacks. What can be gleaned from your content is that this did in fact happen to you.

For that I am sorry, but I don't see that as a justification for attempting to invoke mob rule.

If you did indeed clarify your experience you would have saved the community much angst by bearing witness to an ongoing and unsuccessful campaign and yourself around 500 posts of effort.

We all come here to enjoy Storm and it behoves us to ensure that we minimise any unpleasantness we are subject to.

I have no idea what you are writing about.  I would hate to not get your point and assume.  But you can do me the favor and not attempt a retry post - I won't 'get' that one either.    

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Ceka Cianci wrote:

Is it getting hot in here or is it just me?


I have touched your picture where it says a hundred times now and nothing happens.  I have tried right click, left click, alt/click, ctrl/click, alt/shift/click, alt/tab/click, shift/click, double and triple clicking, but no matter what I do I can't get that shirt off of you.  :(

I really do wish I could help you cool off.


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Maryanne Solo wrote:

Once again Celestial you misunderstand the point completely. It must be my accent? .

Accent I do not hear, but your words, per usual, are ones that are intended to jab at others.  I have no problem seeing that.  You're the proverbial pot calling others black.  Do you not realize this? Only this time you've called a bunch of people "black" who are not...me being one of them.  I do not appreciate it.

I quoted the words you wrote.  How is that you see fit to now change your own words in your reply to me?  Here's what you wrote...that I quoted:


Maryanne Solo wrote:

The community meetings were closed, well is that no surprise? I have never been to one because from what I could gather, those meetings would be a mirror image of the forums themselves.
With all due respect If people were actually contributing anything of substance perhaps they would still be open?
The majority would have attended with a view to bettering the communities experience certainly


I'm not sure why you used a disclaimer like "with all due respect", but it's a classic technique which someone uses right before they launch the insult.  Which you did in your next words:  ".....if the people were actually contributing anything of substance perhaps they would still be open?"  

Hmm, do you care to suggest to Void that she contributed nothing of substance to the forums while she was here?  Because,  your comment is obviously stating that those attending the community meeting are those who are not contributing.  That seems to be a repeating point that you harp on. 

But, what you fail to understand, is that everyone who posts here in the forum is a contributing resident.  Your personal like or dislike of them is quite irrelevant

How you have moved from your slam of those who attended the community meeting, to commenting on "mob rule" is beyond me.

If you want to continue your "pot calling others black" method here, as you do in the feeds...please...do carry on.  But, if I see you doing it in such a way that includes "ME"....then you can bet I'm going to call you on it.  

The rest of your comment is so far off, as to not even be rational, no point in a response to that.  

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Perrie Juran wrote:

I have touched your picture where it says a hundred times now and nothing happens.  I have tried right click, left click, alt/click, ctrl/click, alt/shift/click, alt/tab/click, shift/click, double and triple clicking, but no matter what I do I can't get that shirt off of you. 

I really do wish I could help you cool off.


i just happened to be in photoshop working on something for a Lisa "Left Eye" Lopez tribute..since you tried so hard and the button didn't work..here you go..

but i have to play the video first kk? hehehehe Oo


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Canoro Philipp wrote:

Mayalily has been attacked a lot, also the person that suggested to not give lindens to beggers was attacked.

in the feeds i have not witnessed any.

if you are thinking that i attacked them then you are dead wrong..i did not attack them..in fact i had told the person that their intentions were good but that they were giving misinformation about the rules because what they stated was not in the TOS..

just because you may not get someones humor doesn't make it an attack..

i don't go around attacking people..if anything i am just being playful..that's how i am..it wasn't bing crosby's christmas carol..it was some spoof from jib jab..

i'm playful with all the new people that or i try to help them out or answer their questions if i can..i don't just show up when there is drama..



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Storm Clarence wrote:

Ceka Cianci wrote:

just because you may not get someones humor doesn't make it an attack..

This ^^ was the theme written about at the beginning of this OP.  We are back to it because people 'don't' understand, and don't take the time to understand.  

This is exactly what I thought when I read this line.

...Dres (Did someone mention Mayalily?)

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Canoro Philipp wrote:

allright, then i have witnessed an attack to the person who warn us that some people are using the christmas theme to beg for money. one example will be enough.

Please point out where this person was "attacked." I've gone back and re-read it and I don't see it. That person is also hardly a "newbie." They've been posting almost as long as I have, perhaps even longer.

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i guess the concept of "newbie" is very broad, to some it may be persons under a year or in their first day, ill take the Linden Lab definition of a newbie poster, the ones that have a yellow little guy.

the definition of attack is very broad too, for me is being unnecesarly aggresive to the one who the post is being directed.

here is one:

the poster comes with good will, to warn us from beggers that are using christmas as a form to get lindens.

"Oh, is this something new??! I've never encountered anyone asking for L$s out of the blue before... </sarcasm>

"Abuse of Xmas"? BWAHAHAHAH!"

what we find here? the poster is being mocked for bringing us attention to the beggers, belitting the problem because it has ocurred a lot of times. and you laughing at the poster for the expression s/he put between quotation marks, indicating that that definition should not be considered exactly the right one.

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thats interesting, at the beggining of this thread i said that since this is a global forum, with people from different backgrounds, misunderstandings happen a lot.

a joke has to be percieved funny by both parties, if the humor is not percieved funny by the reciever, than what is left is aggresive behaviour, i saw that the poster was not laughing at some of the humor there.

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Canoro Philipp wrote:

... i saw that the poster was not laughing at some of the humor there.

Oh? So you know what that poster found funny and what he didn't?

a joke has to be percieved funny by both parties, if the humor is not percieved funny by the reciever, than what is left is aggresive behaviour, ...

Inability to see humor ≠ aggression on the part of the humorist.

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this is the answer of the poster:

"i just wanted everyone to be aware so guess it has worked."

it looks like a serious answer to me, the poster was not laughing, also, your comment was bringing down the importance of the subject that the OP was bringing. if i tell a joke mocking muslims to a group of muslims, and i see that at the end of the joke the muslims are looking at me seriously and im the only one laughing, the most probable is that the muslims find my remark about muslims like an aggression.

"Inability to see humor ≠ aggression on the part of the humorist."

in the humorist point of view, it doesnt, in the reciever point of view, it does.

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You left out the smiley.

"**Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://secondlife.i.lithium.com/html/assets/emoticons/mattemotes/bashful_cute.png" border="0" alt=":matte-motes-bashful-cute:" title="" />i just wanted everyone to be aware so guess it has worked"

No protest that he was "Attacked!" No cry of "Why must you be so sarcastic?!!"

I, and I'm not a practitioner of the Islamic religion, would probably find your joke offensive. If you ever see me tell a joke mocking Muslims, Canoro, your point will be well taken. As it stands...

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Canoro Philipp wrote:

thats interesting, at the beggining of this thread i said that since this is a global forum, with people from different backgrounds, misunderstandings happen a lot.

a joke has to be percieved funny by both parties, if the humor is not percieved funny by the reciever, than what is left is aggresive behaviour, i saw that the poster was not laughing at some of the humor there.

If this were a conversation being held in IM, I would tend to agree with you, but it's not.  This is a public forum, meaning that there is never just one receiver and just because one person doesn't think something is humorous doesn't mean that no one will.  Those who get it, get it; those who don't, don't... such is life.  If we are all burdened with the responsibility of making sure everyone gets what we are saying at all times, we'd be left not being able to say anything at all.


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i agree, in a public place where anyone can join the conversation theres a possibility that someone would get offended even if you try not to. i was more focused in an interaction between two individuals, the poster and someone answering back.

youre right, theres no safe way to say anything specially in a global public place, the most we can do is be polite, and if someone gets offended, for reasons that you didnt imagine, you cant do much about it to prevent it, because you dont know the background of the other person.

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