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how do i get banned????

Scylla Rhiadra

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So . . . yeah.

im not shure if this is rite plase for this but ill poste it hear any ways and U can tel me if im rong kk??

so . . . im at this plase rite? its a bit embarassing but its a plase wehere sum guy is doing lessins in . . . well U no, lessons in how to U no, bee like "initimate" in SL

like with a guy rite?


well its not like i reelly NEED lessins cuz ive bin a round a bit U no?


but U no its kinda fun to here that stuff and i DO lern new stuff too!


ANY WAYS -- so the guy gives his tok on how to, U no, "do it" in SL -- and then he says

"Are there any questions? I'd like to open this up for a general discussion now, so that we can all learn from each other."

(i think there is lots of speling airors in that but i just coppied from chat so its NOT my fahlt! *giggle!)

and like IMMIDATELY their R all these questchuns and sum of them were pritty good!!! ;-)


but at last this guy asks a questchun --

"What if I want to **** with my gf while she is ****? How do I do that?"

and the guy whos giving the lessins says that that questchun is not aloud, and is rude and immorel, and HE BANS THE GUY WHO ASKED THE QUESTCHUN!!!

so kk i think thats kinda wierd but its his plase, rite? so i dont say any thing


then this time a girl asks a questchun -- "I really enjoy being ****** by *****, while doing a *******. Do you know if there is an animation for that?"

and the guy whos giving the lessins says "I won't have that kind of kink discussed here! It's disgusting, and you should be deeply ashamed at having even asked about it."

and then SHE gets banned toooo!


soo this gos on for a wile longer and by the time hes done the questchuns, hees banned 5 PEOPLE!!!!

I thot that REELLY suxed!!! and the peeple who were left were mostly the reelly boring ones who didnt have much to say any way

i think that plase sux now and i wont go there agin to lern stuff cuz U cant ask the good questchuns with out U getting banned


ANY WAYS the questchun i wanted to ask hear is how do i get banned too? cuz the guys who were banned sounded like they were WAY more fun, and I want to go wear they all went



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kaithanx but ive never impersonated a linden cuz ive never reelly met one

R they evin aloud to be impersonated? im pritty good at that i think -- at leest ive never had a compliant!!!!  *giggle*

but ive never evin seen a nakid linden yet a lone one getting impersonated. 

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OoooooH    OooooH      *que spooky ghost sound* 

I am the Ghost of Forums Past!   I've come to warn you!    *rattles chains!*     

Beware!   *clicks on scary emails from LL*    Beware of what you ask for!   


This abbreviated text is the bann/chains...I've forged in posting past.  It binds my mind and words.   Ooooooh!   *groans*  

Beware of asking!   For you too have forged a chain.   Even longer chain than mine....and your forum future may be short. 

There will be no warning!  No three spirits to show you the way.   

Oooooh!   *rattles thought binding chains*



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Scylla Rhiadra wrote:

kk cool!!!!!

ive got all my atatchments reddy so if it happens and then im with those other peeple im all reddy to goooo!  :-)


how do you do that chain sound btw??? its veeerry cool! 


Yew spelled tachments rong..

OMH(<Spose tah B OMG) ROFLCOPTER ...U ned more learn if Yew spect peepoll two unnerstan yew more..

I hada Edet: caz i speeled OMG rong

I Hada EdeT ugin: caz i forgited tuh fex teh OMG frum teh foist won

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Scylla Rhiadra wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:















thats just like one of the questchuns that was asked!!!

did U get banned too?

dey still habn't found da body in da Void wher i hided id

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Well you really need to get more of a polish on your oral skills it appears.  Has any partner been less than impressed after you've given them a good mouthful?  While you are at it widen your breadth of oral skills by learning another foreign tongue technique.  There are quick ways to do this or as it is often termed "a quickie", so it's worth the extra effort to search out a professional cunning linguist.

Failing that, another good way to get banned is to abide by the rules, submit critiques when you feel necessary and sticking your head up out of the trench to ask WTF is going on?

Good luck on your adventures into censure, it's not too hard, it's becoming a well trodden path.  :smileywink:

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Charly Muggins wrote:

You are going about it in entirely the wrong way!

My perception is that you have to express your arguments in contradiction of the observed corporate message, in multisyllabic words and grammatical constructions of some complexity, which means that the moderators don't fully comprehend what you are saying and are reluctant to demonstrate their incomplete grasp of literary rhetoric, but trips the paranoia limits of anonymous Lindens concerned regarding their future employment expectations who issue instructions downwards for immediate and summary unexplained expulsion from the environment, without even the protocol-demanded warnings which would normally enable the playing of the Sacha Baron-Cohen Jewish-Black race card.

Or you could always just swear a ***bleep*** lot

Is he talkin bout me? o.O

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