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Issues with newest viewer

Braun Ulrik

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I just received the newest viewer download today. Version I'm not sure what has been going on at Linden Labs, but this is not a step towards the future. The navigation is flawed compared to what I had this morning. I don't want to be complaining about all this, but I don't think everyone else will be happy with this new viewer. I just want to know if anyone knows where I can roll back to the version right before this.

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I agree completely, i am deeply upset and feel crippled. I was one who used the minimised and tidy "top left buttons" rather than the right taskbar and even with the new ability to reposition the taskbars, i can only make something vaguely like it that is stuck in the middle left of the screen, it wont move to the top.


The speech "enter text box" doesnt exist at all when minimised. Previously it let you click into it to talk and you could maximise the text log to see what people had said previously. Now its simply gone or its fully open. I have to press enter to start speech, i cant click in at all.


With all my efforts, its still a confused mess. It is a horribly sudden and massively disorienting change. I happily used v2 and v3 even though my partner wanted me to move to firestorm. It worked ok and it helped when i was mentoring new users as i saw what they saw, more or less. I feel like such an idiot that after all this loyal support, i`m completely hamstring by this jarring change.

It's sad, but if firestorm is anything like v3 previously was, but a little more elegant, then i`ll be using that. I dont recognise this new thing at all and if its more like v1 then thats no good to me as a newish user. I learned to interact with second life on v2 and this means that all i learned has been thrown away.

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If you drag the Chat button to where your task bar is and then click it, the enter text field opens. If you want the whole panel opened then you just have to click the arrow on the right of the text field. Touch again to close it and the text field stays. I love it in fact :smileyhappy:


Oh wait..i am on BETA latest release. 

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not sure if you are talking about the version in beta or not..but i like what is in beta right now..

it's much more roomy than what the v2's felt like..

no side bar and you can place your buttons on either both sides or the bottom..

things seem to rez nice also..

i can't wait for the TPV devs to start work on this one..

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The latest beta viewer works great in my computer without any problems.
Second Life 3.2.1 (244227) Nov  1 2011 07:01:35 (Second Life Beta Viewer)

Available here: https://secondlife.com/support/downloads/

under: Second Life Viewer Beta

I made couple of screenshots here:

I love the new UI. That's the way to go!

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Braun Ulrik wrote:

I just received the newest viewer download today. Version I'm not sure what has been going on at Linden Labs, but this is not a step towards the future. The navigation is flawed compared to what I had this morning. I don't want to be complaining about all this, but I don't think everyone else will be happy with this new viewer. I just want to know if anyone knows where I can roll back to the version right before this.

Hello Braun. You can find the previous version (3.1.0) here. Just in this case, don't forget to set your software updates, no to be installed automatically. (Preferences --> Setup).

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I'm a newbie whose activities are fairly straightforward but I find the improvement in graphics on my HP laptop totally amazing. Before the graphics were laggy and very slow with most far off residents being greyed out but now everyone in the vincinity is fully visible and at last I can appreciate just how hot these chicks really are!

I wish everyone good luck with the new version and look forward to socialising with the gals!


Elderneil (Now Urbanacious)

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Braun Ulrik wrote:

I just received the newest viewer download today. Version I'm not sure what has been going on at Linden Labs, but this is not a step towards the future. The navigation is flawed compared to what I had this morning. I don't want to be complaining about all this, but I don't think everyone else will be happy with this new viewer. I just want to know if anyone knows where I can roll back to the version right before this.

Hi, Yes I just downloaded the new viewer this morning also.  I was surprized to see how different it was.  I'm not sure what to make of it yet, and I was also thinking of switching back to the viewer before this one.  I am used to V2 and V3 and have used Phoenix and FS beta with their different placements of things, and now another change to get used too.  What I'm not liking is the destination guide is a little weird on this newest version.  Maybe I'll get used to it, maybe I won't.  I have to check more on this later as I have rl today.  What's going on with the newest viewer is everything is changed around.

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I haven't seen it here yet, but here's my gripe about the latest viewer:  Many textures are now *blurry* to me.  A quick "rebake" (ctrl + R) used to always clear it right up for me, no problem.  But now half of the textures only load to the blurry state.  I also used to be able to clear it up by holding Alt on the object with textures in question and then cam way, way out and back in again to clear up the texture.  But this doesn't work anymore either.   I can fix the blurriness on my HUDs simply by detaching/re-attaching them now...but sheesh, that's a drag as I have to do it every time I log in -- to the same HUDs I was wearing when I logged out!  But I can't do anything else about the surrounding textures.  For example, I've been standing in the same spot now for about 30 minutes and most of the textures here are still blurry!  (btw I'm used to running the SL browser on HIGH graphics settings -- and even jacking up some of the individual settings beyond that -- with no problems.)

The UI change does not bother me in the least.  I've tested and used many versions of the SL browser and don't have a problem with learning new places and how to customize new browsers.

It's the DANG texture blurriness that is really frustrating me!

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I enthusiastically downloaded Viewer 3. Not that fond really the camera/movement controls are still huge and not sizable. Some buttons that I dont want either on the side or bottom I cant seem to hide or delete (like Help). I'm a tweak and customize nut and theres not that many things I can customize " With the launch of the new Second Life Viewer on Nov. 8, Second Life Residents can now customize their user interface for a more flexible workspace." It seems to me (granted I didnt use it for 'days' yet that at best its a step sideways. What I can't understand is how come other 3rd party viewers can seem to get more right than LL?

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The short explanation is, its a different way how textures are send to your computer. (Actually it describes the protocol used for this (UDP vs. HTTP)) :)

The bottom line though is, this newer way of sending textures might cause problems for some Users, though it has become much better recently. 

If one has a prob it allmost allways displays itself as textures loading (fully) then reload and get stuck in a "blurry" state. So, for a lot of people, a problem with blurry textures could be solved by simply unchecking HTTP Textures.

Hope this small explanation helps :) 

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