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I ALMOST DROWNED !!!!!!! (aka - hints for SIM crossings)

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It was a beautiful Sunny day in SL and my beloved was taking me out for my first time sailing in SL.  I was so excited.  The warm breeze  in my hair.  The smell of the salt air.  The sun on my body.   A day out with the woman I love. All was right in my world.

Sailing -02.jpg


Sailing -03.jpg


Sailing -04.jpg


All was well and fine but suddenly things got rough.  Apparently we had hit a dreaded SIM crossing.  The seas grew rough.  Everything began to spin. The next thing I knew I was laying on the ocean floor, barely conscious.




I guess my survival instincts must have kicked in.  I could hear a voice in my head saying, "Fly or die, it's now or never.  If you want to see your beloved again you have to fly. NOW. NOW. NOW.  Fly, Aylin, Fly!"  I struggled to keep a hold on reality and reached for my mouse button.  As consciousness slipped from me I clicked on fly and began to rise from the ocean's depths.






Rising out of the water I spit and coughed water out of my lungs, gasping for air.  As I regained full consciousness I scanned the horizon and my Beloved nor her boat was no where to be seen............I was suddenly all alone.




But taking this now to a more serious note, what I am looking for is tips or hints to smooth out SIM crossings if there are any.  My GF and I enjoy doing many things together and this seems to be a constant problem whether we are riding our motorcycles or driving in her car or like in this tale, sailing on her boat. 

So any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



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I have not been sailing in quite some time.  I have cycled recently on mainland roads and find that the vast majority of sim crossings are smooth and seamless.  On the occasion of some minor 'rubber banding', I find that if I travel at a modest speed, it is a minor issue.

One suggestion is to avoid corner crossings where more than two sims meet.

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jennylongview Innovia wrote:

Not really a hint but wondered. What type of suntan lotion (SPF) does your gf use..? Hope you make it back from the bottom of the sea/ocean.. And I lost a phone at the beach a year or so ago, so if you find it please let me know.


happiest of Mondays

We use SL-SPF30.  And sorry, but I did not see your phone. 

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Heartbreaker -01.jpg


Venus Petrov wrote:

I find that if I travel at a modest speed, it is a minor issue.

I am generally a very modest girl!  And I am not a minor. I am adult verified.


Wildcat Furse wrote:

a way to reduce the risk of crashing is to lower your speed just before entering a new sim, it helps! *meows*

I am still so shaky on my bike and so afraid of dinging it up that I still haven't made it out of first gear.  But on the other hand, my GF is a regular speed demon.....................

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Aylin, thank you for sharing your sailing adventure with us all; the photos are just fabulous and amusing.

I love the quirkiness within SL, the failed sim crossings and all of that, but the serious side is that many do not, and there has been a JIRA in place for many years now. Maybe you'd like to add something to it too...



Edited to add: I would suggest removing as many scripted attachments as possible before you go out sailing or driving or flying.  All of this information has to transfer from server to server, and in fact, although we look like we are attached to our vehicles and attachments, it all passes over at different rates. Hence we become separated from our buddies and our boats (and sometimes our hair! :matte-motes-agape:)

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A personal floatation device is always advisable.    I recognized the sim where you took the picture, so a bit of advice.   Don't wear that at the main beach if you intend to go into the water since there is always a hungry shark cruising just off the dock area.  That color of international orange is also jokingly referred to as "Yum-Yum Yellow" for a reason.   giggles

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Jenni Lefevre wrote:

A personal floatation device is always advisable.    I recognized the sim where you took the picture, so a bit of advice.   Don't wear that at the main beach if you intend to go into the water since there is always a hungry shark cruising just off the dock area.  That color of international orange is also jokingly referred to as "Yum-Yum Yellow" for a reason.   giggles

Us girls really don't worry about the sharks.  We keep them well fed with the men who trespass here.  I don't have any pictures now but they** even sometimes let us ride on their backs.  One time when my motor boat broke down one of them** even pushed me back to shore!

I am figuring from your picture that you like to scuba dive.  Would love to do that sometime.

I am curious though, what color would you suggest I dye my life PFD?


** ETA, that is the sharks, not the men.

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applies to any vehicles:
slow down before region crossings, 5m/s (~11mph or 9.7knots) is a good target.
prefer vehicles using a single LSO (not MONO) script, they will react faster on the other side.
wear as few scripted items as possible when you know you'll be crossing multiple borders this way.

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Void Singer wrote:

applies to any vehicles:

slow down before region crossings, 5m/s (~11mph or 9.7knots) is a good target.

prefer vehicles using a single LSO (not MONO) script,
they will react faster on the other side.

wear as few scripted items as possible when you know you'll be crossing multiple borders this way.

how can i tell what kind of script it has?

and if it has the wrong kind can i change it?


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1) open up the edit window, click the contents tab, then double click the script.... the script itself probably wont show, but at the bottom there will be a check box that says "mono" if it's not checked, then the script is LSO (this is just the simplest way to check, there are others that aren't as reliable)

2) only if the script is full permissions, (in which case you will see the script). Then you would simply uncheck the "mono" box and click save. Otherwise, no. But if the object is +mod you could remove the script and replace it with a different one. Some vendors will give you a replacement if you ask nicely enough.

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Void Singer wrote:

1) open up the edit window, click the contents tab, then double click the script.... the script itself probably wont show, but at the bottom there will be a check box that says "mono" if it's not checked, then the script is LSO (this is just the simplest way to check, there are others that aren't as reliable)

2) only if the script is full permissions, (in which case you will see the script). Then you would simply uncheck the "mono" box and click save. Otherwise, no. But if the object is +mod you could remove the script and replace it with a different one. Some vendors will give you a replacement if you ask nicely enough.



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Storm Clarence wrote:

Aylin Moonshadow wrote:

Us girls really don't worry about the sharks.  We keep them well fed with the men who trespass here. 

I offer you sage advice and you want to throw me to the sharks? Pfft.  


SSSSsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss as I stick a pin in your floatation device.  

I said the men who Trespass.  I didn't say you.

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Here's a few actual facts about sim crossings.

1: 4-corner crossings are bad. Unless you aim away from where the 4 corners meet if you're forced in that direction.

2: Sometimes it's what's built on the sims that get you. If the people building are using bigger than 512x512 textures, those take time to load even on a good machine and connection.

3: It's not really the size of the script in the attachment, it's the number. I usually fly with 3 one-script attachments (Parachute, PFD, Helmet) and I get the same crossing performace as flying practically nakie.

4: Don't cross with other vehicles at the same time. Give about 64m worth (1/4th) of sim space between you and other crossers.

5: Avoid parcels and sims with the total number of scripts over 1000 or more in homesteads or 3000 or more in full sims. Those are almost always failure assured.


That's all I've learned.

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