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Stop head movement?

Ariel Vuissent

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I have an AO I like to use for certain things, but I rarely do because, unlike other AO's I have that keep the avatar's head from following wherever you move your cursor, this one doesn't, and it bugs me. I don't want my head whipping around constantly, giving me whiplash.

Is there a way to keep the avatar's head more static, prevent it from following the cursor. I'm assuming there is, since the head doesn't whip around that way in animations or some other AO's I have. Is there a setting in the viewer, or a script or animation I can purchase to stop this movement?


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I'll keep my eyes out to see if you get the news you're looking for, but I've been at this a while and have made AOs with and without freely moving heads and I suspect you can't fix it yourself.  That head movement either has to be put in a position by the animator or allowed to run free as in your case, but once that decision is made it's stuck unless you upload a new animation.

I actaully prefer the natural free movement typically, however I go halfway usually by leaving the head free while tipping the neck to one side or the other between anims.  That way you get the free natural look without the wild swings that might be bothering you.  I'm just guessing on that, but if the swings allow you to look nearly over your shoulders then the animator left both the head and the neck free.

We'll see if you get another answer... but that's my two cents.

Fingers Crossed


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Thanks. I'm getting that feeling, too, unfortunately. Some of the animations in this particular AO keep the head still, but many don't. To me, the movement isn't so much natural as it is abrupt and jarring, like the head is disconnected. I was hoping there was a script or something I could dump in to stop it. Ah, well. I can live with it, at least.

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If you use Firestorm, Kirstens (and possibly some other) Third Party Viewers you can stop this in the preferences - also with the StarLight skin for the LL Viewer.  If you don't use any of those then you can set the amount of movement by showing Debug Settings in the viewer and setting the values for 'PitchFromMousePosition' and 'YawFromMousePosition'.

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  • 5 weeks later...

This thread makes me wonder something. Avatars are rather expressionless and lack natural subtle movements. Even with carefully selected AO animations. We are not so aware of this when we are logged in. But when we look any videos made from SL then it's glaringly obvious how unnatural and stiff the avies look compared to how people move in RL.

So why to "zombify" avatar even more by completely locking head movement? It's natural for the avatar to look at the mouse target, like chatting with somebody for example. I have a silly feeling when chatting with an avatar which looks like a statue staring at some distant point all the time. And static poses in AO makes me go aaaaarrrggghhhh... and so do the gymnastics and pacing around ones too. :matte-motes-wink:

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  • 1 month later...

one good reason to stop head movement is because it helps when you want to take a picture of your avi and its hard to get a good picture if the head is following the mouse, and the second reason is.......... well i personally like to cam around a lot and i like to cam other avis because i may like what they have on or like their shape, but i dont want them to know i am looking and so turning off the head movement helps keep my cam undetected.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok, this is an old thread that answers the questions I was asking in my new post. Oops. :P


Sometimes you want to lock that down because the character is not supposed to be looking around. When they're sitting and meditating you want them to not be distracted. When they're unconscious on the floor they shouldn't be reacting to anything. Those are the kinds of poses I've been trying to make, and I'm wondering if it's possible to code that motionlessness into the animation rather than relying on the user to have a viewer that can disable the motion.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello most replys ive seen suggest changing in debug pitch and yaw which does stop avatars head from moving however, it must be done again after relogging.  If your a phoenix user or not try this instead.  Go to preferences then phoenix tab see page, 1 select shields, near the bottom you should see  Broadcast Camera Focus Point  if the box is checked unchek it.  this will stop head movement forever,  or until you select it again   LOL.


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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 years later...

St0rmyN1ght wrote:

go to
Preferences >>> Firestorm >>> Avatar
and set the two sliders at the top to limit horizontal and vertical movement of your av's head to zero

First let me start by saying I know this is an old thread, but I came across it while trying to solve this issue myself. This creates a dilema:

1) Bump an old thread and be called for it.

2) Create a new thread and be called out for not using search (even if you did) and using one of the old threads.

It's usually a no-win situation and you get called out which ever way you try (sometimes even getting called out for both).

So, I apologize in advance.


Anyways, Like I was saying I too was trying to solve the issue of my character's head constantly following the mouse.

Setting the yaw and pitch to 0 in the advanced settings seems to have solved the issue slightly, but not completely.

My character no longer follows my mouse all over the place, but seems to still turn her head based on camera rotation. This is not normally an issue, but is really annoying when trying to click something on her face, like her eyes.

It feels like I'm trying to feed a two year old that keeps shaking their head no as I try to turn the camera to get a good view of her face so I can edit her eyes.

Note: Making airplane or choo choo noises doesn't help either!

The "Stop Animating Me" option also doesn't seem like a solution (unless it's not working as intended) since the character only stops being animated for a spit second and resumes moving again shortly after the option is pressed or the camera is moved.

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The head turning is entirely due to how your animations are made. By default, with no other animations other than the defaults, the head will turn with the mouse. It won't do this all the time, but when your mouse isn't engaging with some type of UI. Of course there are more nuances.

The way to force your head to stay still, is to buy, make, or get an animation that keeps the head still.

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  • 8 years later...
On 3/20/2014 at 9:20 AM, St0rmyN1ght said:

go to Preferences >>> Firestorm >>> Avatar and set the two sliders at the top to limit horizontal and vertical movement of your av's head to zero

Now when I want to use firestorms built in AO I dont have to worry about my head turning. Thank you so much.

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