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Harper Beresford

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The guys from Menstuff wanted me to post something. I am gonna ask you guys, what would you like more of in men's fashion?

My friend, Mr Oh, suggested he would like more interchangability. Specifically, it frustrates him when he can not wear a shirt by one maker under a suit by another maker either because lapels are stuck together to collars or layers can't be used together.

What do menswear makers need to keep in consideration?

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What designers need to consider in menswear, is that we all don't like baggies, ripped jeans and t-shirts and the like. There is way too much garbage out there to accomodate 18 year olds. It's time to get back into some sophistication. Casual for me would be a linen shirt with 2-3 buttons undone at the top, sports jacket and dress jeans (with no holes or rips). Fortunately, there are still a few good menswear designers out there, but they becoming few and far between.

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My male alt want more of eyerything. He is so demanding... hehe. But yes, all in a piece clothing is so stupid, it is a clear "don't buy more there" sign for me/he/us/whatever. 

I want tattoo layers used for muscles options. Not all want to have those chiseled sixpacks! Since we females have cleavage options, why not use the same system for male skins?

Geek=Very little muscles, this skin would also be good to use if you will have a more heavy shape with a belly.

Average=Some definition

Lean=Swimmer torso

Hulk=Whoa, you have a life out of the gym? 

Also body hair. Now it is nothing or cave man, I like some chest hair on men but not shoulder to shoulder. And more blond, redhaired and greyhaired options for bodyhair/facial hair! 90% is made for darkhaired men. 

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There is at least one store that I know of that is offering an amazing tux that is on the order of what Mr. Oh is searching for.  It has interchangeable peices, and it's not static.  It is quite elegant, very distinguished.  That's a start, I would think. Ah, had to come back an edit as I forgot to mention the store's name...hahaha:  Muism.

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I personally would like to see more ethnic type hair-styles for men of color... I mean All ethnic men don't wear dreads. And what about those of latin decent theyir are many hair types from course to fine hair, meaning some hair is straight some , are very curly... I know as it stands Mohawks are somewhat popular and fauHawks, but Obviously their are more casual styles out there for men of color besides the obvious... I think for inspiration it might be a good idea for designers to look at hair magazines of photos, heck even look at some of the celebritys on television if need be. I think it sucks that if you want to switch up , and you have an AV of color , you have to wear some sort of White guys hair-style. And as it relates to clothes I definantly agree that there should be more styles aside of the typical ripped jean loo, and or if it is something sort of trendy it has to be so Effeminant or Gay looking.. No offense to anyone out there who is Gay.. But Some of us don't want to wear the tight booty shorts and or the really tight clothing, but it also does not mean we want to wear all of our clothes sagging off of our butts either... In this day and Age, men Like versitility just as much as a woman does, because image is just as important to us ! Thanks for taking out time to hear someof our request... But in closing I would like to say that I do appreciate allof the designers out there because I know your job is not easy, if it were I'd be a designer myself..lol But seriously, you all do incredible jobs doing what you do, but definantly we men would like more variety! Thanks!

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i have two issues:

1 - we have penises, but most pants make us look like ken dolls.  i'm not saying i want a visible outline, but fuzzy highlights in the crotch won't do, and 'unisex' might as well be changed to 'eunich'.

2 - kilts should be made for regimental wear.  they should attach to the stomach and shouldn't be so flexible that they expose my parts every time i move.  also, a real scottish kilt has an apron in front, not pleats.

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Oo! I have seen some pants with attachments or drawn in uh.. features.

As for kilts, that's a good point. How could one be constructed so that the flat panel in front was right? Would it be a very slightly curved prim with flexi? You know the flexi skirts in SL kind of goof things up for a lot of designs. (I know my flowy skirts in RL don't have separate pieces like some sort of car wash.) A sculpty would be so wrong because.. in real life men's kilts move so nicely when they walk *sigh*


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lol, yeah, cod pieces have come a long way, but sometimes you need low ARC.


i have 2 kilts from MC leather  that have good aprons, and yeah, they're very slightly curved prims and the flex is set to move sideways, so it looks pretty convincing.  i also have a lot of nice ones i don't wear because they need adjustment.  just got a beautiful one in the twisted hunt, but it's essentially a butched-up gown.

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Not all of us have avvies large enough to have their own zip code. It's bad enough when the prim attachments aren't mod, but it's way more frustrating when the prim attachment is moddable, but it can't be sized down b/c it was a) made w/ eentsy prims and b) sized for The Incredible Hulk at its smallest size option.

I have stacks of inventory that I can't wear b/c the "moddable" outfit was made w/ some components at the smallest possible size, but the overall piece is still designed for an avvie on par w/ the Jolly Green Giant. WHen I've tried to point this out and ask them to please not do that, they a) ignore me, or b) get huffy at the feedback, so I've found it's much easier just to add those designers to my "Never shop there again" list. WHich also tends to be my "NEver refer friends looking for cool clothes to that guy" list as it turns out.

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Shoes! We want shoes! It's one of the hardest things to find for us men. Women have always been so well catered for in this dept.  We don't all wear training shoes/sneakers or boots or clunky brogues with buckles (who wears those?) or whatever else passes for men's shoes in SL.  It would be nice to have some variety and style.

/rant :matte-motes-zipped:

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Hi, I have a male avi also, what i found most hard is to get a good shape, I found one but still, most men look too big and bulky to me - but as far as that is concerned, I don't like custome shapes I cant modivy for my female avi :-)

And I think men also would like more diversity in clothing choice, I bet it is harder for them in sl to find good clothes.

More couture/avandgard as well is needed, not all men want to walk around in Miamai BL or Tableau :-)

But there are excellent stores for men, I find them in blogs, and through flickr. Checking male model profiles is an other good option to find good stores :-)

For now my male avi is more a shoot prop, two large inventories would be way too much...lol. I use multiple so I can be on with both him and me for shoots .


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