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Marketplace Release Notes: September 15, 2011

Brooke Linden

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Hi all,

With today’s release, we were able to deploy the following fixes:

  • WEB-4123: "Order number no longer included in secondlife.com account history.”  The order number now appears in the transaction history on secondlife.com. Amounts are not split up by line items in this report, so the product ID is not included. See the new report (detailed below) for this data.
  • WEB-4119: "ANS system bug after Marketplace Maintenance.”  ANS (find more details on ANS here) now has values when notifications are sent.
  • WEB-4122: "Permissions reset when editing listing.”  Permissions and listing name are no longer reset when the listing is edited.

In addition to these bug fixes, there is a new downloadable report for you to use; the XStreet report is still available, but it shows only historical data from before the deploy on September 13, 2011. The new report keeps the same format, with some additional data pulled out into separate columns. Those columns appear at the end, so you can remove them if you prefer the XStreet format.

  • Recipient/Purchaser: This column shows the name of the recipient of the funds in the case of a distribution payout or commission. In the case of a sale, it shows the name of the purchaser.
  • Order #: this is pulled out separately.
  • Product: product name pulled out separately.
  • Product ID: this is the listing ID (the unique number in the listing URL).
  • Status: the status of the order. Note that no fully failed orders will appear on this report now. To track refunds on failed orders, please use the transaction report on secondlife.com.

To download this report, go to My Marketplace->Merchant home and select Reports->Orders. Select the time period for the data you would like to download then click the “Go” button. In order to download the detailed report with distributions and commissions, click on the “Download Txn CSV” link. This report does include historical data. Currently, there is no way to filter out L$0 transactions or to view this report without downloading.

The remaining issues from Tuesday’s release are:

  • WEB-4121: "L$0 are appearing in transaction history."  If there are any areas this is resulting in problems besides the secondlife.com transaction report or the Marketplace reports, please add comments to the JIRA.
  • WEB-4125: "The same listing shows up twice in my inventory.”  Though there is no data duplication, this is a painful issue, so we are planning to address it in the next release (early next week).

Thank you all for your patience with these issues. If you see new or continued problems, please file a JIRA or contact Customer Service.


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Thanks Brooke for the update, however, there may be some bugs still...

I just tried the “Download Txn CSV” and the spreadsheet is not correct. The information is scattered across columns A-Q with bits and pieces that make no sense in the columns - basically it spread out the product name word by word in each column from "Product ID" on, so that's columns I through Q (in my case). So the next column which is Status has everything from "delivered" to some part of the product name in it (sculpted boot/Fantasy/etc). Every entry has 3 lines (purchaser, merchant, and commerce linden) - kind of makes this report not very "friendly". Not sure how it can be used in the current state.

Can't comment yet on the other fixes as I haven't had an order come through to check yet.

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ANS, Automated Notification Service, is a feature whereby Marketplace (and other vending systems) can send the details about a purchase transaction to a specified locations.

Some other vending systems can also output ANS data (just a series of fields really).

Probably the most popular is to send all the output from several vending systems to one single php web page which then inserts the data into a consolidated SQL database.  Once in that SQL database, it's there for good, you control it, none of this silly 30 day download nonsense, super powerful reporting and all that comes with it.  Ability to script extra functions around the data that you hold, enabling inworld services in all sorts of ways.

All vending systems have slightly different flavours of ANS but at the end of the day, they can all be sent to one destination if so desired, great to consolidate data in one place and report on it.

What LL did in this trip up, was to stop sending the Payment Gross value to the people logging this data.  If you own the database then it's not actually a big problem, a few SQL commands and you can fix it.  If you don't own the vending system or the database behind it then it is a bit more of an issue.

However... unfortunately ANS from Marketplace is presently flawed in a fairly big way since it sends the transaction at the point of sale.  What can happen next is that Marketplace sits on the transaction for 8 hours, then refunds the customer but NEVER sends a cancelling ANS message so your lovely super powerful log says that the customer bought something but in actual fact they were refunded.

So it's true to the sense of being a "sales notification" but it is not properly transactional.  For this reason and this reason alone, we do not enable inworld redelivery of products bought on Marketplace although it would be trivial for us to offer this simple, effective, extra service but ... we're let down by a failure of Marketplace to operate correctly.


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LOL yeah,  ANS and setting up your own integration to ANS is as easy as that....

Just create a PHP website (which btw Sassy 95% of SL Merchant wont know what PHP is much less how to program in it) and setup a SQL Server at your home (which btw Sassy 99% of SL Merchant would have no clue about any of that) and then integrate SL's ANS over the internet into this website.

Fixing the bugs in the current SL ANS is as easy a few SQL commands.  ROFL

So Sassy, do you honestly believe your deep technical skills in website development, PHP coding, SQL Server setup and management, and integration of ANS to a website is a common skill that 99% of SL Merchants have?

BTW... that presistent headache you have... its likely just a restricted artery in your brain.  Nothing that a lil brain surgery would take to fix that problem. 

LOL... you knock me for long posts... now I can poke at you for how naively you believe that everyone can do what you do.  If they dont know what ANS is, did you think that they would have any clue what PHP or SQL is?


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I'm not sure where that came from Toy, I was answering Chelsea's question which was "what is ANS?".

It was not a lesson in php, nor web management which by the way, I would expect most people using ANS to send to a webhost and not a PC at home.

Since it matters little that most of the merchant community aren't using it, then by the same logic, the bug is irrelevant to the same 99% of merchants no?  In which case, why highlight an informative post in an attempt to ridicule it?

Further, what I said was, "if you own the database, fixing the loss of Payment Gross information is a few SQL commands".  I said that because... it's a simple case of running a few SQL commands.  Just like this one:-

UPDATE `ANSSassy` set salegross=<price> WHERE region LIKE '%website%' AND salegross=0 AND prodname=<product>

Now the records with the previous price of L$0 now have the correct price. *shrugs*

Is that hard?

Yet again, an attempt to turn it personal for no practical gain.  I fail to understand the point or value of the reply.

By the way, if you want to learn how to implement ANS, i'm happy to tell you.  It really is not hard to get data from MP into a web hosted SQL database.  It's one simple PHP page and a SQL script to create the table.  Call me!

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Sassy Romano wrote:

I'm not sure where that came from Toy, I was answering Chelsea's question which was "what is ANS?".

It was not a lesson in php, nor web management which by the way, I would expect most people using ANS to send to a webhost and not a PC at home.

Since it matters little that most of the merchant community aren't using it, then by the same logic, the bug is irrelevant to the same 99% of merchants no?  In which case, why highlight an informative post in an attempt to ridicule it?

Further, what I said was, "if you own the database, fixing the loss of Payment Gross information is a few SQL commands".  I said that because... it's a simple case of running a few SQL commands.  Just like this one:-

UPDATE `ANSSassy` set salegross=<price> WHERE region LIKE '%website%' AND salegross=0 AND prodname=<product>

Now the records with the previous price of L$0 now have the correct price. *shrugs*

Is that hard?

Yet again, an attempt to turn it personal for no practical gain.  I fail to understand the point or value of the reply.

By the way, if you want to learn how to implement ANS, i'm happy to tell you.  It really is not hard to get data from MP into a web hosted SQL database.  It's one simple PHP page and a SQL script to create the table.  Call me!

and yet you missed my point again....

So if someone asks "what is ANS"... and to keep things in under three lines as a response since anything beyond that would have been a waste of typing....  Would the better response be:

ANS, Automated Notification Service, is a feature whereby Marketplace (and other vending systems) can send the details about a purchase transaction to a specified locations.


As for "how hard is that".  Not hard at all if you are a SQL Server DBA or specialist.  oops... that what they teach along side english and math.
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Zanara Zenovka wrote:

And this is why hardly any of the smart people, who actually have useful information to share, still bother to post in these forums, because any intelligent posts get derailed by attention-seeking dumbasses who just want to grind personal agendas for their own entertainment.

Pearls before swine, Sassy.

Yeah Zanara, you are right... when I post and someone counter posts that my posts are too long winded even though its a topic of interest to me.  So I guess your logic plays both ways. So Zanara thinks both Sassy and  iare "attention seeking dumbasses". 

Welcome to the group Sassy. :)


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Toysoldier Thor wrote:

Zanara Zenovka wrote:

And this is why hardly any of the smart people, who actually have useful information to share, still bother to post in these forums, because any intelligent posts get derailed by attention-seeking dumbasses who just want to grind personal agendas for their own entertainment.

Pearls before swine, Sassy.

Yeah Zanara, you are right... when I post and someone counter posts that my posts are too long winded even though its a topic of interest to me.  So I guess your logic plays both ways. So Zanara thinks both Sassy and  iare "attention seeking dumbasses". 

Welcome to the group Sassy.


You have some serious reading comprehension issues, TT.

Your criticism of Sassy's post was entirely inappropriate and unnecessary, and yet another example of how your pathetic need for attention has to twist every discussion around to being about yourself.

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Toysoldier Thor wrote:

...and your butting into a topic with a longer history than this thread makes you unqualified to talk intellegently about the bashing you are making.  either that or your opinions are biased.

( 2 lines in this post Sassy - Im getting better huh)

^ This!

You are right, Toy.  I read through that post and was immediately all adrift with all the tech speak.  Thought's like, "What in hell is SQL?" etc kept going through my mind.  Then; "This chick is just showing off."  "Is she makin all this up as she goes along?"  In truth, I had no idea what ANS stood for either.  I do now and learned it from the first few words in her post.  The rest was gobbledegook.  You were right to interject, Toy. 

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Hey Brooke - I just downloaded the new Txn CSV  (still not sure what Txn is short for. Texan perhaps?)

Now I have a query, and I must confess, I've never really been a one for using the marketplace CSVs before as I prefer the xlm's from transaction history.

So I'd like to ask and get an explanation why you need to use 3 rows for each transaction?  (see pic below) It seems a touch excessive to me and overly repetitive. For instance the transaction description  (Col C) tells me what was sold but then you tell me again to the right on (Col H)

Also you tell me in Col D that you gave me L$94 in one row then you tell me in another that you took L$ 5 commission - surely you could put that on Col E

Then on the  3rd row you tell me once more what was sold and how much it cost before you took your cut. Again couldn't this just occupy another column?. So that in the end we only get 1 row representing 1 item sold.....

transaction record.jpg

Just a thought - but then maybe there is a good reason why you feel we do  need 3 lines for each sale.

Will check in for your reply later, thanks.



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Brooke, there may be some kind of correlation between the deployment and an increase in User Exceptions. I've had 3 in one day whereas normally I get them only every few months or so. In one case, the purchaser tried to buy the item 7 times and all resulted in User Exception. She then went to my inworld store and bought the item, so she did have funds in her account (lack of funds is usually the explanation given for User Exception). Could also be related to a slow working MP and transactions timing out - not sure.

There is another thread in the forums regarding this issue here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/User-Exception/m-p/1105005/message-uid/1105005#U1105005

And a JIRA is created here: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-4134

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