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Give Us The Tool We Came Here For - Group Chat

TriJin Bade

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The main thing that drives a community is the ability to communicate

Ever wondered why people leave SL?

'cos the community group chat SUCKS !

Not for the lack of quality and immersive conversations, but for the 2+ minutes it takes to post ONE LINE of text.

Regardless of the group size.

I have a couple of groups that are over 2000 members and the lag is, for want of a better word, CRAP.

I have groups with only a 3 members in it... same problem with lag.

Is it my connection?... I think not. I am running a 50+MBs connection with a 15ms ping.

Is it the region servers? possibly, but why depend on your group chat architecture on the server you are in? Take an educational page from Jabber, IRC, Skype and take some of the hard earned HUGE amounts of cash from Linden Lab pleasure cruise funds and stock up on DEDICATED servers for group communication.

Yes, this is a rant and I know Lindens would probably never read this whilst they are sitting back counting their cash.

However, perhaps as a community we may assist Linden Lab by voicing... again and again. Eventually it will turn into a pain in the butt that will eventually get noticed.

File a JIRA? there's numerous ones on there already.

Yes, they did a test on the beta grid... with about 200 people... big deal... there's 60,000 logged on and 99.9999% belong to groups. The beta grid isn't an ideal test environment.

So, screw the mesh, let's have our communication tool up to standard, else there will be a picket line outside Linden Lab offices.

Organize your priorities... CEO take note... if they read this.

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Hi Trijin, I don't want to trivialize your post with what I think may be a solution, as the group lag does suck the most.

Small groups may benefit from the new implementation of SLum.  There is minimal lag; updates and communication is immediate; and it can be just as private or open as a group chat.   SLum is accessible from most newer viewers, ergo it can be utilized in-world.  Perhaps someone else can walk you through the process on usage, but I do think new tools are facilitating conversation not hindering.  

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SLum is not a solution. That is just putting a fresh coat of paint on the old rusty barn.

Think about the residents. How many people actually know about it? 0.000001% ?

When a resident joins a Group, they have the IM option and they assume that's the door to communicate.

What they don't assume is... "hmm... I have to install something else..."


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TriJin Bade wrote:

SLum is not a solution. That is just putting a fresh coat of paint on the old rusty barn.

Think about the residents. How many people actually know about it? 0.000001% ?

When a resident joins a Group, they have the IM option and they assume that's the door to communicate.

What they don't assume is... "hmm... I have to install something else..."


I would not cast it off so easily as a non-solution.

When I think of the residents and wonder how many people actually know about SLum, all I can think of is the ANSWERS section on this forum - how many residents can't dress themselves?  How many residents ask the same questions over and over without so much as a simple search first? 

If you search for solutions you may find them right under your nose.  

So OK, group chat sucks - then live with it.   Don't complain of headaches if you are not going to take aspirins.  


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Why take an aspirin when you have a chance to find a cure for all headaches?

It's called progressive innovation. Either plod along on your knees and accept what people give you, or voice an opinion that may spark something new that may benefit us.

Taking an instant aggressive defence for being an acceptor of the current fashion is not what human nature is about. We are are here to evolve and better ourselves.


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PeterCanessa Oh wrote:

But, but, surely we all use twitface to communicate.  You mean there are meant to be in-world communication tools too?

Wow - will LL start using them to make announcements so we don't have to use completely different software to find out what they're saying?

Not bloody likely. Heck, the CEO even likes posting on third party forums far more than he does this official one.

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Rodvik Linden wrote:

Thanks for the note. Yes chat and communication speed remains a strong focus. As was noted we made some imporvements in June you can expect continued developments in the area.


But for sure, aware of it and not going to give up any time soon.


Have you taken a train ride yet?  Ya know, SLRR stuff.  

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I do a lot of IM and group chat in Facebook.  MySl could give us similar service (not going  through a SL server) if in had a group system with groups matching the current SL groups.  I think (hope) that  feature is in the works.  

*MySL  = my.secondlife.com 

I am running a poll on new features for MySL, so drop by if you want to vote.  The group chat issue is not up for vote yet.  But it is listed for later consideration.


Wish List for MySL



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I'm glad and feel a little more reassured that the CEO has taken time to actually come into the forum. Kudos for that.

Also, thank you for the ackowledgement that there is a problem and that there is a plan to rectify it.

Now, all we ask is... keep us informed.... every step of the way, cos us SLers are nosey buggers :P


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Storm Clarence wrote:

Rodvik Linden wrote:

Thanks for the note. Yes chat and communication speed remains a strong focus. As was noted we made some imporvements in June you can expect continued developments in the area.


But for sure, aware of it and not going to give up any time soon.


Have you taken a train ride yet?  Ya know, SLRR stuff.  

Oooh, thanks for the reminder. I have done flying and boats. Not as much trains yet. Will do!

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I don't want Group Chat tied in any way whatsoever to any external website. I want them to FIX the in-world group chat functionality.

Most of the web-based profiles approach is a FAIL in my book. It forces critical infrastructure elements to a non-SL, out of the virtual world, web-based service that is exposed to the whole Internet. Their 'feeds' and the ability for others to post their random junk to your web-based profile is something that still can't be opted out of 100%, short of eliminating all the Friends on your Friends list who use those posting features.

Don't force Residents to use Facebook, Twitter or web-based service similar to Facebook or Twitter to do things that ought to be possible in-world. Stop forcing us to leave the virtual environment just to stay in touch with each other. PLEASE.

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Deej Kasshiki wrote:

Careful now guys, if you keep this up and make any comments that are even mildly critical or suggesting that all is not all sunshine and lollipops in SL you'll be attacked by people calling you names like "self-important twit" or "whiner".

Obviously, you've never been attacked by a sunshine lollipop in SL before... how dare you, purposely, bring back such horrifying memories? sad0116.gif


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  • 4 weeks later...

We have a nice train in 1920s Berlin, drives around the sim but we also use a static one to teleport people from the teleport area to the sim, simulate the journey.
Our moving train just goes around, hell to program and work, hopefully the just anounced new stuff will make it run smoother.

Anyway, yes group chat is still far from perfect BUT it is better then it used to be.

Communication in SL generally could do with some improvement.

Especially because problems like that force groups to pay for specialised services that generally also aren't perfect.

Groups have a lot of ways to improve.

First of course, no more chat lag.

But I'd also like to see more group titles, the option to ban people from joining a group, the option to send notices only to certain members (titles) of the group, etc, etc.

Besides general lag, I'd love to see this improved next.

It is a very important tool for managing groups, sims, communities, etc.

Fixing and improving it will make a LOT of people a LOT happier.

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  • 10 months later...

I really think this is a fine example of the phrase,TALK IS CHEAP, muttering vauge promises with out seeming to do anything seems to be LL policy,adding fancy frills to further fill their pockets with gold is still leading to people leaving,chat is a is a basic form of communication and when its not working you get frustrated and eventualy leave the groups thereby increasing the exodus of people leaving second life, the longer im here the worse it gets,ive stoped putting anymore real life money into SL: now for these very reasons,so LL has lost out with me 

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