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So, No retaliation IS the right thing to do?

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So. A few hours ago I was sitting in a sandbox (Weapons Testing Sandbox) and I was shooting zombies from a rezzer I own, another person joined in so I figured another rezzer wouldn't hurt, well I was wrong, one of the usual trolls starts blasting my zombies off the land so they get returned to me saying "You are lagging the sim ********* blah blah blah" so I make another rezzer and keep shooting, next thing I know im 3000 meters up and doing what I normally do, check bumps, pushes & hits, find the name and TP to them and ground sit. Meanwhile my rezzers are going bananas and spewing zombies everywhere because I was more busy getting freaking deformed every which way, so I do what I do best, Make another rezzer, and keep shooting! But this time I make about 4 of them, making the usual troll more angry, (not naming any) and they start hitting me with everything they got, one of those spammy dropdown menu ones, an extra deformer and about 4 orbiters of some kind, and everything is lagging crazy like so.... I finally get sick of it and TP to the open stage where I host BLAM! Logged out, can't log back it. Check my email, "Suspended" yea yea yea, it's just a 24 HOUR suspension, but im calling shenanigans, all the trolls jumped me with the ARs and they all get away with the satisfaction of knowing they ruined someones' night. Im also certain that if I reported all of them (if I could, I couldn't even rotate the camera from all the stuff on me) nothing would have happened, they go off a "Mass report" type thing that over 2 they check out, even then they didn't thing of going to look to see what was on me, come on its NATURAL to retaliate when attacked.... Isn't it?

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Well. Was it the typical freebie zombie rezzer that 99.9999999999999% of time is only used to grief the sim? The one that rez laggy zombies that attack everyone in the sim? Was it rezzing faster than you could kill the zombies?

Since the freebie thing is mostly used to grief everyone in the sim, people get allergic to it and are annoyed by it very easily.

Also anything that create large amout of lag get people annoyed.

I think you and them were both doing something wrong. Get less laggy targets to test your weapon next time and it will be fine.

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Nobody told me about reflector weapons; I thought the other Residents were attacking me,  lol :smileytongue: I simply visited to "test" a hud I had purchased. (it worked)

It is natural to defend yourself, yes.

Weapons Testing sees a lot of abuse and I think that Residents who spend hours a day there, they... well, they are them. (crabby and potentially dangerous)

Sorry your night was ruined.


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I think there are two sides to this story. This is how it must have looked to everyone else: Somebody deploys two zombie rezzers in a sandbox. The sim lags, and of course people assume that the rezzers are responsible. They try to get rid of the things, complain to the owner, but the owner just rezzes another one. Eventually, somebody decides to fight griefing with griefing and orbits zombie rezzer guy, who responds by deploying another four (!!!) rezzers.

Of course that doesn't look good in an abuse report, and I can fully understand why LL decided to ban you. Consider it a lesson and rez only one of those things next time, and if people complain, it might be better to move to a less populated sandbox. 

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Ok. Next time you come across a troll or griefer, keep this in mind: what you think of as 'retaliation', they think of as 'getting you to do EXACTLY what they wanted you to do'.  What you think of as 'making them angry', they think of as 'making their day'. What you think of as 'defending your honour, whatever the cost', they think of  as 'the fool's loosing a two-year account with thousands of items... we're loosing a two-day disposable account, exactly as valuable as the one we'll use in a few minutes with our next victim'... and so on.


With trolls it's always a question of being smarter. Not tougher.

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No, of course not. That would've been the beginnings of putting at least some strategy into it... and everyone knows blind, heads-on counterattack is always the best, if not the *only* sensible option.

As proven by the fact that he got himself blocked.

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I am willing to bet it was one of the vigilante thugs who have nothing better to do than patrol the sandboxes, log information which they have no right to, harass users, file frivolous abuse reports and track down real life information.

All while dressed up as copywritten characters.


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You have describe the problem well, and you are not alone in witnessing/experiencing it -- Social Griefing.  A gang of thugs first provoke you, then go on an all out attack and then all report you.  You get the ban, they get the reward.  And, this seems to be accellerating, more and more, apparently, are thinking, "If you can't beat them, join them!"  However, what is even more distressing is the fact that virtually everything in the virtual world has a counter part in the real world.  It leaves one wondering, "How are authorities, laws, rules, public servants, etc. being manipulated in such matters -- with REAL consequences?

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Now, let me see, the name of the region is Sandbox - Weapons testing (no damag, and one is led to believe, right from first hearing the name, that this region is for testing weapons.  He says he was "zombie blasting" some type of zombie drones ... so, you have a weapons testing region, a guy testing weapons, and some idiot reporting him ...

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Did you read the original post?  If so, how did you miss the "WEAPONS TESTING", indeed, Combat (sandbox) Rausch is another area for noobs and non-combat pacifist types to keep away from.  Raush is a shoot on site, don't ask questions, you can kill here type of place -- for those who like such things.

The real problem is the reporters themselves, if they can't "beat" their target, if they can't "win", they attempt to use a linden report as another of their weapons, to defeat their targets/would-be-victims.  You see this all the time in "Sandbox - weapons (no damag", "Combat (sandbox) - Red Team's HQ", "Combat (sandbox) - Blue Team's HQ", "Combat (sandbox) Rausch", "Combat Core", etc., etc.

If you are in doubt, when you can, visit the areas, learn the ropes, learn to stay alive and watch the lamers who attempt to control the sandboxes though manipulating the lindens -- it soon will appear to you that the only ones not realizing they are being manipulated is the lindens!  You would think after months, years, a decade, etc. they (lindens) would finally figure this out and start banning the abusers who take control of the sandboxes with their gangs and attempt to keep those out who don't slave theirselves to them ... but then ...

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  • 2 years later...

Solar Legion wrote:

I am willing to bet it was one of the vigilante thugs who have nothing better to do than patrol the sandboxes, log information which they have no right to, harass users, file frivolous abuse reports and track down real life information.

All while dressed up as copywritten characters.


I've seen a lot of griefers in these Help groups making that same exact *claim*.  It's a like a broken record.

You can tell they specifically hunt for messages that have to do with griefing -- and especially about anti-griefers -- so they can post the same exact *claim* in then, over and over again.  Sometimes the griefers will attack people in SL Help in numbers.  It's their own little propaganda machine.

After all, when it comes down to it, griefers are *bullies*.

Meanwhile in SL itself, I have seen griefers organizing themselves into groups and attack a sandbox with wave after wave of griefing.  With the Lindens now not paying much attention to public sandbox griefing, I have seen some attacks there going on for days on end.

With the public sandboxes such easy targets now, I have see griefers go on to attack other Residents' sims.

I've seen entire sims wiped out by the Lindens and residents banned because the whole sim was just a griefer HQ.

And this is *not* rumor.  I have *seen* this directly myself!

Of course, then the the griefers come back in with alts they have, though sometimes the Lindens ban the specific IS address itself, making their return a lot harder, but sadly, not impossible.

When I first entered SL, after about a month, some griefer (or griefers) started to stalk and harass me every day, sometimes more that once.  It was a new 1-3 day-old alt every time.  The owner of the sim turned out to be totally useless in helping me.  This went on for *weeks*.  Remember, I was new to SL so I did know a lot of the things I could so.  After some weeks of this, a friend gave me a security orb and I put that up.  But I had to limit the distance of it, because of other houses nearby on the same sim.

The griefer would still walk around my home, outside the security orb's range, day after day.

In the end, it was anti-griefers who help me.  They showed me how to do abuse reports.  But that didn't stop whoever this was.  In the end, I had to move out -- and I was given a very nice home to stay in -- for free -- on a sim belonging to 3 anti-griefers.

I never found out who griefed me for weeks or why.

I have to say, that was a really lousy try with the big lie. Legion. 

Are you many?



. . .



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What the Hell? Is there a Necropost contest going on that we haven't been told about? I mean, this one of yours is two years, one month! There've been a number of necros lately but I believe yours is near the lead for elapsed time.

If there's a contest I want in. I can dig some stuff from the archives and reply just as if I thought it was relevant, but the prize money has to be pretty generous to get me to go to the trouble.



ETR the usual incorrect apostrophe

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Recent theme for the poster, Dillon.  You can see his quote, "...they specifically hunt for messages that have to do with griefing...", which is exactly what he's doing.  ANY griefing thread, as long as it's an excuse to vent.

Frank - hope you feel better.  Ganging-up and fighting back isn't noble, it's just vigilante mob-rule.  If you don't like what THEY do, why do you think it's better when you do it?  The only people who'll agree with you are the others in the vigilante mob, not us general citizens, however much we may deplore the lack of LL support.


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