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What are we going to call it? Chatbook, SLitter?


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Keli Kyrie wrote:

The only place I know that it shows up for sure  is my entire friends list. But don't worry I think I still have under a hundred friends

make that #99 then :-)

I didn't see anything I twee/ um..posted come up :matte-motes-confused:

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My rundown? Good? rofl.gif I hardly know what I'm talking about.

I'll tell you what concerns me the most... If what I said is accurate and you have to be friends with someone to "follow" someone than that could make it so that people will start getting friend requests from people that just want to follow them and not really be their friend.  Sounds crazy, but I could see it happening... people might start to treat friending like they do on Facebook and start friending everyone and anyone.  That would not be good imho.


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Well. Good, as in - I managed to follow it :D And it sounded accurate(ish).

Yes, I think you are right about the befriending-just-to-follow reasoning. The recommendation section in the new profiles will for sure push things in that direction. I agree - not good.

- Luc -

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Is this the official page where we learn how to use the thing?  Can't find the official page with instructions.

I freaked when it went up, because I thought that my baptist book club friends were going to be set loose on my harley-riding swinger friends.  (not sure that would be good - works great in physical world if there's lots of liquor involved)

Set it to "nobody" real quick, but I don't think that worked.  Didn't seem to catch, stuff was rolling down the page.

So anyway, got with the program to use it, because friends had tons of questions and not sure how to answer them.

I have no idea what the other people on my friends list are seeing. 

I checked most of my friends profiles, and I don't see anything streaming down the page, and this is probably good because I don't think they are the type to use this. 

Was worried about people who have not been inworld in months and may not come back, and wondered what would happen to their profile page without them controling the setting - not sure what the default is.

I love Twitter!

But most of my inworld friends do not.  And maybe 10 people out of 800 people in store group use twitter.

It looks like a great place to post events.  Might be great for venue owners and DJs.

Unless the majority of people turn it off. 

Looks like a great place to schmooz with Lindens.

It doesn't compare to Google+ at all.  Google+ was for world wide networking.  This isn't even inworld-wide networking, as most will probably leave it off.

It appears that if you post a comment to a friend...that it will appear across second life as it travels on their page to others.  Better check on that.  There are comments on my stream to friends, that came from people who are not on my friends list.  Be aware of that, and check on your control settings - but not sure if that controls it.

Not sure what happens if you set the control to Everyone - assume that posts on the web.  Don't really want to test it and pimp out all my friends. 

Doubt that many will set that to Everyone, but you better watch if they do. 

Looks like everyone is going to have a shuffling of the friends list that might involve separating the Immersionists from the Networkers. 

That's a big bummer. 

Many activities and interests overlap fine.  This particular one does not.

I think that whenever you apply something that causes a huge divide or separation in your customer base....rocky road ahead.



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Maryanne Solo wrote:

Keli Kyrie wrote:

The only place I know that it shows up for sure  is my entire friends list. But don't worry I think I still have under a hundred friends

make that #99 then :-)

I didn't see anything I twee/ um..posted come up :matte-motes-confused:

There was a reason for that. Check your feed i ftfy. :)

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Luc Starsider wrote:

Even as good as your run-down of it is, I still don't get how it works
Or why we need it for that matter since I assume those who want to already use twitter or FB or plurk or....

- Luc -

It is social networking. It connects you to your friends and your friend's friends. It builds up your connections to other people in the community. It is a way to get to know more people. You know the funny thing about social networking the more connections you have the safer you are. For example say you get a griever that post something on your wall, if you have 100 friends that same griever will get 100+(people will post multiple times) posts on his wall smashing him down for misusing social networking.

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awesome Keli, lol... I wonder how Mr Humble will react... I get the feeling it'd give Torley a giggle.


my quick rundown on how it seems to work...

person A posts somethng to person B, person C will see it on both of their feeds if they have access, as well as any replies.

persons A feed will look like A>B meaning A posted to B

person A will see it in their notifications, as will person B.

if C happens to be a friend of A or B, then it will show up on C's "home" feed including any direct replies that aren't from friends, even if C has their own feed blocked at any or all levels. it acts like a "what are my friends saying, and to whom"

all messages are public at some level... anything you post can be seen at the very least by friends of the people you posted to.


I've currently got mine completely blocked until I can determine if there is any editorial control, and if posting to other feeds shows to my friends while mine is blocked.


I'm actually surprised that SL.U.M took off as name... looks like my joke gained a life of it's own.... now I'm feeling pressure to use it (the term and the system)

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Well said. Did we ask for this latest Linden shove - or more appropriately boot in the back from ole Rod - in the direction of facebook?  Nope.  

What of the things we have asked, that LL choose to blithely ignore?  Nothing. 

Yet, here we have the 'usual suspect' Shills fighting to kiss Linden ass  and thse are invariably the same Shills who never have lag and find V2 a thing of dynamic wonder.

And people wonder why sims are closing - The GIC, just one of the latest - and concurrency down, and noobs posting umpteen helps on the forums as SL is no longer the intuitive fun place it used to be.

Sadly, it does tell us the direction we are going with Rod at the helm.  Hopes dashed, once again, for those of us hoping in a resurgence of SL, with Lindens who listened, not least the CEO. Instead we are getting the 'facebook' SL, turning the virtual worldthat one had to explore and be amazed and immersed in into a virtual social network within a virtual world!  Sad, sad, sad days.

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Mickey Vandeverre wrote:

I just did a search for your name to see if anything showed on your page, and your profile is not appearing at all.

Did you set your profile not to show?  Does that apply to inworld too?

Yes it does. People are getting all worked up over nothing. If they don't want to take part they don't have to. They are just complaining because they can still see what their friends are doing... but no one can see them, really they can't. 

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Seems to me only two of my friends have used it so far.  I think that could be because so many are on TPVs that don't have web profiles, such as myself.  I have to think that when TPVs implement either web profiles or some other way to use this (considering some TPVs have no intention of moving to web profiles until and unless they're forced to do it), maybe then it will catch on.

I just slummed my sister and she received the notification inworld.  Then I went to her room and looked for myself at what happens when you slum someone, so that helps me to understand it better.  Now if I can convince her to reply to me I might understand even more.

So I guess, I see the usefulness of this feature, but only once it can really catch on with the population of SL at large. That and LL really needs to implement a "follow" feature so that way you can follow someone that isn't your friend and unfollow someone that is, if you are so inclined to do so.

Friends doesn't mean the same thing in SL as it does on Facebook, nor should it.  The following feature would alleviate the need to friend anyone you want to just follow, and therefore leave SL friendship as it should be, something that actually means something... at least it does for me.


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Maybe the concern is that people were not sure if there was an OFF button. 

My gut reaction was that a rather large group of people who had not met before were going to be chit-chatting all kinds of stuff on the stream!  Was a little queasy about that!

Seems that most on my list have it turned off.  Or haven't discovered it just yet.

I see a Remove and Hide button for posts now - this is good thing.

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I think you like hyperbole too much

the feature is aimed both at social users (who are going to love it) and attracting users from the wider net that have less interest in SL because of lacking social features.

nor are the people involved as black and white as you'd like to color them... I'll use myself as an example:

I think the feature itself is nice, although I have little to no use for it personally, but I also think it's a bit over complicated, and the defaults are stupid. I have a deep abiding hatred of both the V2 UI, and the several bugs and limitations introduced with it, but I have no trouble running it or any other client, with very little to no problems with lag. Of course I'm much more technically adept than the average computer user, have a monster computer, and an amazingly solid and ISP. none of which makes me better, but they do mean that I have less problems and the ones I do have I can often fix myself. Despite that I'm very vocal on things that are broken, even if they're only broken for some people, but I try to maintain a calm and reasonable tone so that I'm not ignored. And while I'm very light on giving praise, I make sure to when it's warranted, and try to always thank those that provide solutions, LL or users.


different departments work on different things, and throwing more resources at any particular thing will not generally help because everything must be tested for compatibility and new bugs. LL already found that out....  yes we had tons of new things being deveolped, but the testing bottlenecks prevented any of that getting out, and the backlog had developers with more time and always second guessing their code making it take longer and become more complex. Sad as I was to see so many devs let go and so many promising projects get shelved, it just wasn't sustainable.

the current system is working much better than any of the previous systems since SL went public. more fixes are actually getting made, AND more new features. That said, there is a troubling trend of fix two things and break another, that I'd really like to see an end to. I think they may actually be pushing speed too much, when a slightly slower pace may allow us to keep getting improvements without all the back steps.

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Keli Kyrie wrote:

Mickey Vandeverre wrote:

I just did a search for your name to see if anything showed on your page, and your profile is not appearing at all.

Did you set your profile not to show?  Does that apply to inworld too?

Yes it does. People are getting all worked up over nothing. If they don't want to take part they don't have to. They are just complaining because they can still see what their friends are doing... but no one can see them, really they can't. 

Please don't generalise as to why people are getting their knickers in a knot over this.

I couldn't give a flying f*ck if people can see what I'm doing, and I doubt this is really the issue for most people.  I'm pretty transparent about where I am, what I do, I post enough stuff over on Flickr and youtube, like a flippin' diary.  I don't choose to write a blog, or tweet, because, to me, personally, it's just more clutter. 

You see, there are only 24 hours in a day. We all make our own choices of how many seconds/minutes/hours we want to devote to logging into Second Life, blogging, uploading photos to various photo site, uploading videos to various video upload sites, being involved with different forums, tweeting, FBing - oh, and let's not forget making time for real life too.

If LL are, as I believe, carrying out a big people study, then I can fully understand why they would introduce this social networking aspect.  Otherwise, it just downgrades Second Life in my eyes; makes LL look like wannabee Facebookers, unable to handle the fact they just aren't as successful as young Mark Zuckerberg there.

And while people are attempting to keep up with the "party" that is going on, even fewer people are logging into Second Life.  Kind of defeats LL's purpose, if they are running an alternative world, to even offer this extra social networking aspect.

So, Keli, you like it, as will plenty of others, and good for you.  The rest of us will continue to haunt the ghost town that Second Life is more and more becoming, what with Viewer 2 and mesh alienating more and more people.


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I appreciate your point of view just one small correction though. If you are using Viewer 2 this works Inworld as well as from any web browser so you don't have to leave SL to use it. When you are inworld you get a special window in the viewer that displays your feed. 

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Keli Kyrie wrote:

I appreciate your point of view just one small correction though. If you are using Viewer 2 this works Inworld as well as from any web browser so
you don't have to leave SL to use it
. When you are inworld you get a special window in the viewer that displays your feed. 

I know. But a hell of a lot of people will not even bother to log in, will just open up the SLitter thing and type away.

Might as well just be on Twitter.

LL could have focussed their energies on getting the faults fixed in SL instead.  And that's another reason why people are annoyed by this "development".


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Keli Kyrie wrote:

It is social networking. It connects you to your friends and your friend's friends. It builds up your connections to other people in the community. It is a way to get to know more people. You know the funny thing about social networking the more connections you have the safer you are. For example say you get a griever that post something on your wall, if you have 100 friends that same griever will get 100+(people will post multiple times) posts on his wall smashing him down for misusing social networking.


I get that it is social networking. But to me, SL itself is a massive social networking platform. The tools to network are already available, and have been for years. And for those who want use other kinds of social networking platforms, there is FB, Twitter, Plurk, LinkedIn (where I actually have a profile I never use), and whathaveyou. I see that being able to connect those to your SL profile could be interesting for some, but adding these new tools to the profiles on top of all that for those of us who don't want it, is adding clutter in my opinion.

Also - I'm sure it has been discussed earlier in the thread - I wonder if not the potential for spam is rather big here... But I don't know how the whole thing works yet, so I might be mistaken.

- Luc -

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Keli Kyrie wrote:

I appreciate your point of view just one small correction though. If you are using Viewer 2 this works Inworld as well as from any web browser so you don't have to leave SL to use it. When you are inworld you get a special window in the viewer that displays your feed. 

This is one reason that I just turned the feeds off...I don't use V2 and have no intention of doing so. So that means that when I do go to my browser to see my web profile and find tons of posts on my feed, some from people I don't even know, that makes it 1) overwhelming and 2) kind of useless...for me.

I quit using FB months ago for the very same reason. I just don't want to devote as much time as seems to be required to read through these feed-based forms of communication. Having said that, I'm glad it's there for those who enjoy it, and that you are all having a good time with it!  :smileyhappy:


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I think people will leave their facebook and twitter accounts and start using only this. I think this will bring people back from those places. As far a spam goes, if someone spams you unfriend them and they won't be able to get you with the spam. They will have to post one person at a time and then that is no longer spam.

ETA: And if you pick Friends only they won't be able to post at all.

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Sylvia Tamalyn wrote:

Keli Kyrie wrote:

I appreciate your point of view just one small correction though. If you are using Viewer 2 this works Inworld as well as from any web browser so you don't have to leave SL to use it. When you are inworld you get a special window in the viewer that displays your feed. 

This is one reason that I just turned the feeds off...I don't use V2 and have no intention of doing so. So that means that when I do go to my browser to see my web profile and find tons of posts on my feed, some from people I don't even know, that makes it 1) overwhelming and 2) kind of useless...for me.

I quit using FB months ago for the very same reason. I just don't want to devote as much time as seems to be required to read through these feed-based forms of communication. Having said that, I'm glad it's there for those who enjoy it, and that you are all having a good time with it!  :smileyhappy:


I was sad to see you leave but I understand it is a lot to read. :)

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Luc Starsider wrote:

Also - I'm sure it has been discussed earlier in the thread - I wonder if not the potential for spam is rather big here... But I don't know how the whole thing works yet, so I might be mistaken.

- Luc -

 this was an immediate concern of mine too, which is why I disabled it first chance I got. Until I know how much editorial control I have, this could easily become a spam repository operating on my account, and that doesn't sit well with me.

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