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9.25 million iPads sold last quarter - when do we get iSecondLife?

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Apple shipped 9.25 million iPads and 20.34 million iPhones.  - That adds up close to 120 million iOS devices yearly (excluding iPod Touch) that SecondLife has no exposure on.

These users are massive consumers of digital (virtual) content, and are used to subscription based payment models (premium accounts). In addition the developer community is buzzing with creativity.

Adding an iSecondLife client would enable peole to stay connected with SL allways, and instantly make SL more relevant throughout their day. 

NO, the full SL experinece cannot be enjoyed on these devices (yet), but that is hardly the point. The point is to stay connected with your SL friends and customers.

Judging from the BlueMars iOS client, these devies are also perfectly capable of displaying and animating the full SL avatar. 

What are you waiting for Linden lab? :matte-motes-big-grin:

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When LL puts out a version for Facebook?


But to be serious, SL requires way to much graphics for iPads..........netbooks can't even run SL.  Not to mention anything running on an iPad would be propriatory to Apple.  Don't hold your breath..........it's more likely to see WoW for iPad.

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You can run Radegast on a netbook and that will keep you connected with SL throughout the day if you like. Moreover, even though you can't see anything, your avatar looks perfectly normal to everyone else.

You can also access SL through a browser by going to textsl.org and that will allow you to stay connected. It won't work on a Kindle though and I much prefer Radegast.

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The OP said the full experience is not possible (yet) on these devices. That is not what this dicussion is about.

This is about creating a client using the capabilities of the iOS devies to make SecondLife relevant troughout their day in the same way that twitter and Facebook has been for many – with the contender Google+  (which released the iOS app yesterday).

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I've read something (supposedly quoting Rodvick, CEO of Linden Lab) saying that they want to get Second Life running on tablets, it is one of their current project goals. Short answer: they are very aware of the shortfall & working on it.

I was happy to read that, cause I was sure hoping it was one of their active goals... the problem is mostly I think that a lot of the legacy UGC here makes Second Life hard to run in mobile environments, using thousands of triangles for no reason, and dozens of 1024x1024 textures, where one 512 would do the job. Well-made mesh content will mostly be mobile-ready so that takes care of that issue.

I'd expect to see a mobile version (and an online no-application version) of SL pop up soon from Linden Lab. Sometime afterwards, items and destinations may be divided into two classes: mobile-ready -- or not.

Just my L$2


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I've heard cars are very popular.  Maybe there should be a version of SL for cars first.

iPads, iPhones, iSuck, etc. are toys incapable of running proper software.  The good news is they only need to have better processors, graphics, memory, sound-boards and memory, with the necessary batteries/power supply, mouse, keyboard, screen and speakers to be almost like proper computers.  In fact, as Woody Allen might have said, "Their only problem is that they aren't something else".

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With all due respect - you are comparing oranges and pinetrees. Not even apples and oranges. Just because mobile devices are not capable of running software meant to run on desktop computers, does not make them incapable toys. They are not meant to run desktop apps. They are perfectly well suited for running ANY kind of 'proper' software as long as the software is made to run on the device (with its limitations in memory, screen size, battery capacity and any other resource). 

- Luc -

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This is the end of World of Warcraft as we know it. All these iPads going out the door and WoW can't run on them.

Time for Blizzard to just pack up their bags and call it a day.


Oh wait...


Maybe having to install something -isn't- SL's problem. Maybe the problem lies elsewhere?



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I think you've handily managed to pick yourself up and continue on after stepping over the truth there...


the point that was being made is that some things make use of more resources than are available in all hardware formats... and people that are expecting to run render farms on their their pocket calculators are suffering from unrealistic expectations....


the truth is that there is no reason for SL to be used on, or relevant to, mobile devices.... because all those devices are designed on the simple premise of trading power for portability.... and it's expected that you either don't need that extra power or understand the tradeoff you made means limitations on the power available to you. SL is one of those apps that require more than most laptos can provide, let alone some dinky souped up calculator. mobile devices are made for light use. SL definitely doesn't fit that category.

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Little confused her Void. Did you mean to reply to my post? Because what you say in your reply is kind of what I tried to say with mine. (Unsuccessfully, perhaps, but nevertheless....) If you did mean to reply to my post I have to ask where you feel I stepped over the truth?

- Luc -

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I log in on my Pocket Metaverse Pro app for iPAD and I am told that I am at home, on my sim. I read notecards, clear IMs chat. And that's it. Oh, look at inventory too. I could TP but why? I can't see anything. I could be naked, wouldnt know So when I login on that thing it's strictly bizness just to get stuff cleared out.

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I would imagine Blizzard is concerned about it & and working to become more mobile ready also. Like it or not, the masses are slowly moving over onto lighter, smaller screened devices, mobile is a must to reach your consumers.

The trend is less & less people want to be tied to a desktop or to lug a laptop around, companies that only really exist in a desktop/laptop environment ignore this rising trend at their peril.

We at least have to be ready for a touch-screen environment, as the day will come soon enough when every screen is a touch screen --- hence we see "Viewer 2" which is much more easily convertible to a thumb on the screen control style :matte-motes-grin:

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In the Massively interview with Rod Humble, he talked very quickly about "new products" in the mobile segment. He did not want to name platforms, but he did say that it was probably obvious. He did not say what these new products would do.

This is only a guess, but apps centered on a retooled Avatars United seem a lot more feasible than a full on 3D client for the mobile hardware available today.

Scene snapshots with maplike navigation, and maybe interaction with individual objects and avatars, could maybe work as a partial inworld presence until the hardware catches up more. I would still guess that inworld presence would be later instead of sooner.

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Um, actually, you can run Second Life on a netbook.  I do regularly. You can see all the graphics, and tp. I wouldn't recommend going anywhere very busy, but it does work. I also wouldn't recommend trying to run say.... sl and netflix at the same time on a netbook, or multiple viewers/avs at the same time. I use my netbook when I'm not able to use my laptop. Granted, it isn't the greatest, but it does work.

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And why would some of us care about that,, they could just fix what they need to fix in sl and stop adding s*** to the list it keep getting longer and longer ,,, for some of us we couldn't care less why we don't use them . So why waste time on sometime like that,,I mean sl  is falling behide and you think that will get on the drawing broad ,, i just can feel the lag

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