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Will the new changes make old objects obsolete?

artifactsofmars Omegaman

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  I have many models which I have made, and now SL is coming out with this mesh mess which will make V1 viewers obsolete. It is bad enough that I will have to use the user unfriendly V2 (Firestorm is a 1000 times worse, trust me) but will this make old objects like the models I have made obsolete as well or can I continue building? Do I have to use this mesh mess whatever it is or can I just carry on, though crippled, by using V2? Thanks. 

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7 answers to this question

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It is highly unlikely in my opinion that "sculpties" will disappear. All the products already out there need to continue to work first of all, or there would be a flood of unhappy customers and hence unhappy residents. Secondly, Linden Lab didn't retire base prims either when sculpts came into the picture, even though sculpts are in many ways easier to manipulate. There is no reason why base prims, sculpts and mesh can't happily coexist.

Take into account as well that mesh is a 3D industry standard and might therefore put off some amateur content creators who fear they don't have the necessary skills (or software) to create these objects. While the old sculpt standard was frustrating to professional 3D artists, it was also a way for amateurs to break into the 3D field. I say this as someone who didn't know anything about 3D design before joining SL and is now modeling, lighting and rendering objects. Mesh will not be as "inclusive" as sculpties are.

So I wouldn't worry about it so much. It would certainly be diligent to start preparing for mesh, but you can no doubt continue to create items as before. High quality products sell regardless of how they're made. Sculpts will continue to serve a purpose and the transition to mesh is in any case a slow and drawn-out one.

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I agree with Anya. Logically the change will be slow. When sculpties came on the scene they were not embraced automatically by all designers. It was a big deal to make and texture a MUSHROOM for goodness sake. And since mess is reported much more difficult with a higher learning curve, only the intrepid designers will make the leap.

There have always been different levels of both products and consumers in SL. Some people want the best, newest, shiniest items that are available. Others are content with less expensive or free goods that months are years ago were the flavor of the month. I even saw someone wearing TEXTURE shoes the other day.  So  while it is likely that those who embrace mesh will have a special place in the market, the makers of older style goods will most likely be fine for at least a year.

We all need to grow and improve our skills to stay competitive. Learning is just part of the process.


And by the way I LOVE FIRESTORM. I think it is a wonder mix off all the TPV features missing in Viewer 2 and the few things that I actually like about V2. And yes, I have used most all the viewers *wink*. Switched to the new FIRESTORM last week and haven't looked back.



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I agree with the other reponders that you don't have a lot to worry about from a creator's perspective. Mesh technology will add to creators' toolboxes but not make native prims or scuplties obsolete.  I have been building and making clothing for over 4 years, for example, and still only use sculpties for a few details that need unusual shapes.  I don't expect that adding mesh is going to cut into my business at all, or that I will use mesh objects much more heavily than I already use sculpties.

From a resident's perspective, however, my life will change dramatically once mesh appears on the main grid.  A lot of 3D modellers who have been ignoring SL so far are already gearing up to bring very detailed, high-quality work into SL.  If LL can get the cost issue under control, many sims are going to have more intricate builds and there will be a growing number of flashy cars and other high-end consumer products.  If I don't have a V2 viewer, I won't be able to see them at all.  Imagine what SL would look like today if you could not see sculpties (and avoid walking into them).  It would be like walking through SL with a guide dog.  Even if mesh objects only make up 10% of the total, that's a lot of SL to be invisible.

More important than that, almost, is the fact that once mesh is introduced, LL is very likely to accelerate changes to their server code.  I expect that within a few upgrades, the servers will no longer support V1 viewers adequately.  If you don't migrate to V2 (LL's version, Firestorm, Kirsten, etc...) , you'll experience more and more crashes, you'll find that you can't get newer scripted objects to respond (look at Prim Media today, already.....), and you won't be able to use in-world Search. You'll spend more time cursing and less time enjoying SL.

I have been holding off on the switch to V2 as long as I can, because I truly don't like LL's user interface.  When Firestorm went to beta 1, however, I took the plunge, and I'm now quite comfortable with beta 2. I can see the handwriting on the wall.  The time has come.

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What I see is technology advancing faster than it can be understood. I want to make a computer from scratch at home; what's the recipe? 

Name one Creator in all of SL who has Mastered every facet of creation. Show me these builds that have stretched beyond imagination reaching the pinnacle of success. I question if everything that can be done with the technology we have has been done.

Sculpts look like sculpts on my monitor. Regular prims are sharp edged but precise.

Mesh sounds like 3D max, I have the program, it's not impossible to learn. A monster pc doesn't hurt, rendering heavy CAD programs isn't always good food for laptops.

A very long time ago Residents had to pay to rez prims; those days should not return.

Cable television was first promoted as being Commercial Free and that was the justification for having to pay for it. How are you enjoying commercial free cable?



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The new viewer is much faster then any view 1 clone.

Lets see will old objects rez? Hmmm. Do you think SL will make us all start over? LOL My guess is...... No, but you never know. I'm not sure about sculpties they may be effected but I'm just guess. You'll need to ask SL or someone who has been working with it on the mesh grid.

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