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I open debate about AI, the use of AI in Second Life and ethics in the use of AI in SL.

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14 hours ago, Coffee Pancake said:

This is the existential crisis some are already trying to raise the alarm about, AI don't take over the world, the simply make us irrelevant, expensive and slow. We leverage that to murder and starve each other for petty monied gains. If you think we won't, I've got a tale of climate change to tell you.


I would argue that ultimately, when it comes to the goals of the few wealthy, we already are irrelevant.  I mean, outside of feeding their narcissistic desire to be worshiped as gods by sentient, aware, and emotional beings - which AI will never likely provide them - and if it were, it would surpass them leading them to likely feel irrelevant themselves.  One of the things I do like about AI, is that it likely will provide all of us more self reliance.  It will give us the tools to be freed from the reliance upon others.  The question is, will others allow us to be free.

That of course, begs the question, what will our human "masters" desire of us.  Will we be made to work an ever increasing number of BS jobs, to inflate their ego, and the ego of a multitude of others that feel they must justify their own existence by the measure of other's value in society and their place below them, not to mention the needs of many who desire to have a savior direct their lives for them,  or will humanity evolve past that point.

I tend to think we will be working more BS jobs, as the real currency that seems to drive humanity is that sweet nectar that feeds these people's egos.  Without us, who is to feed it?  Their sole reason for existing, is to be worshiped it seems.

This is one of the reasons, I am not too worried about irrelevancy - we are relevant, we are their source of nourishment.

Edited by Istelathis
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5 hours ago, Coffee Pancake said:

Ah yes .. the utterly flawed "humans needs the things AI do therefore ... its fine, somehow" argument.

I had coworkers pre-COVID who were upset by the simple "automation" bots that were "taking over" - and actually replacing their jobs - at that time. They were upset for very good reasons.  Now, we have come a lot farther.

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Posting responses to posts that people make in English with Spanish language videos is, frankly, ridiculous and not in the spirit of a debate.  

If you quote someone who has posted in English, post your dang response either in English or in such a way that we can put it through a translator.  Otherwise, you just come off looking like a troll.


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What is the actual purpose or benefit of bringing AI into a virtual world like Second Life in the first place? 

Personally, there's nothing more irritating to me than the idea of AI NPCs. I've seen one good implementation of that where the bot never speaks at all and solely exists to help the player do repetitive tasks like gathering resources, chopping trees, helping in combat. Tasks are assigned via a simple dev-written command selection system. That makes sense in a game where you're planning big base-building projects on your own without other friends to help, but on a platform designed with socializing in mind, I just fail to see the point.

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Just now, Coffee Pancake said:

Or someone we know using language tools to fudge their writing style.

They put up a video in response to a post but if your don't speak Spanish, how can you even comment back.  It's nonsense!

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1 hour ago, Coffee Pancake said:
1 hour ago, Rowan Amore said:

Otherwise, you just come off looking like a troll.

Or someone we know using language tools to fudge their writing style.

Some of the translations are so poor, that I almost think it was run through a translator twice.  

For example, I asked "did you really mean 'intervention' and not 'interview' with Strawberry Linden?" and they had some weird excuse.

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33 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Some of the translations are so poor, that I almost think it was run through a translator twice.  

This is a common fudging technique to appear as a non native speaker or to cover for known tells, commonly reused words, etc.

We all have a writing style and it's takes a surprising amount of effort to change, especially on demand.

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