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Default 'Limited Quantities' Checkbox Stuck Checked in Marketplace Searches

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please LL fix this issue...people losing money....and like this sounds like LL want that many people who invested money don t have right to sell.....is not only a gacha reseller problem anyway....

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Rhiana Innis said:

This needs to be changed back immediately, it's been 3 days now since my last MP sale because of this issue, so I can only imagine how many others are being affected by this.

i think everybody... :(.....question : Linden Lab didn't announce nothing about this change? i mean is this intentional or just a mistake from LL?

Edited by SerArthur56
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On 5/9/2024 at 3:10 PM, Flea Yatsenko said:

I hope the next steps are to make partial and 100% mesh default checks and to hide demo items in search results and instead have the listing on the search result indicate there's a demo available.

This seems like a silly idea. What about all the non mesh and partial mesh content, for example, every texture sold on the marketplace?

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On 5/9/2024 at 1:37 PM, RohanaRaven Zerbino said:

In an economy chain, the first ones affected are full perm creators. This idea itself is absurd, and I am stunned anyone went through with it. The Marketplace is seriously deteriorating, and it is about time that LL makes some changes in the departments in charge of the Marketplace.

There's a lot of spam on it, for sure, not only with duplicate listings, land listing ads that register as $0 listings (i might be outdated on that), gacha listings, abuse of keywords, characters like '5 stars' in a listing (literally using icons), etc..  any filtering of them would be welcome.

What is equal though, is... should the average consumer have to opt in, and check things, or spend the same energy unchecking items... What is the safe route, assuming consumer safety or inexperience? And improving the search...  In the past I had to keep typing NOT gacha, NOT demo, NOT this, NOT that.. most users don't even know how to do that...

It might just be a mistake anyway, and this conversation is a waste of time, but it's worth discussing. Everyone benefits from a less spammy, more efficient MP with better search options.

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Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, Codex Alpha said:

There's a lot of spam on it, for sure, not only with duplicate listings, land listing ads that register as $0 listings (i might be outdated on that), gacha listings, abuse of keywords, characters like '5 stars' in a listing (literally using icons), etc..  any filtering of them would be welcome.

What is equal though, is... should the average consumer have to opt in, and check things, or spend the same energy unchecking items... What is the safe route, assuming consumer safety or inexperience? And improving the search...  In the past I had to keep typing NOT gacha, NOT demo, NOT this, NOT that.. most users don't even know how to do that...

It might just be a mistake anyway, and this conversation is a waste of time, but it's worth discussing. Everyone benefits from a less spammy, more efficient MP with better search options.

yes you have right, maybe (and i hope) is just a mistake...but is nearly a week that we complain about and nothing happen or someone answer to our questions....if is a mistake need just 2 minutes for be fixed....and in almost a week how many money the people are losing apart of LL that they are losing too....they have to change people who work for the marketplace department cause till now i saw only problems and no one to fix it

Edited by SerArthur56
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Posted (edited)

@Linden Lab


Limited quantities sales are a valid promotional, marketing, and sales tool, not hard to understand as we all encounter it on a daily basis in both real life and Second Life. Some of the reasons for such an approach may be:

Flash Sales: Merchants may run time-limited promotions with a fixed quantity of items available to create urgency and drive sales. These sales are often quantity-sensitive and can be missed if not readily visible in search results.

Exclusive Full Perm Releases: Creating exclusive and semi-exclusive full perm mesh products with limited quantities available, offering designers and creators access to high-quality assets for their projects while maintaining exclusivity and scarcity to drive sales and demand. By excluding these items from default search options, merchants miss the opportunity to showcase their exclusive releases and attract customers seeking unique and high-quality mesh assets.

Exclusive Releases: Limited edition or exclusive products are often released in small quantities to maintain their exclusivity and appeal to collectors. By excluding these items from default search options, merchants miss out on the opportunity to showcase their unique offerings to potential customers.

Launching a new product with limited availability to create excitement and encourage early adoption: When merchants introduce a new product, offering it in limited quantities can create a sense of urgency and exclusivity, prompting customers to make a purchase to be among the first to own it. By excluding these items from default search options, merchants miss the opportunity to generate buzz and drive initial sales for their new releases.

So, knocking out a valuable and valid sales tool from merchants' hands in order to remove gacha items from default search (this is the only explanation I could find for such an irrational feature) is slaughtering the pig for a kilo of meat. This decision is showing deep misunderstanding of sales techniques and economy flow and creates urgent call for hiring economic consultant within LL.

The economy chain is like a domino effect, and one illogical change like this one can have a huge impact on the entire flow of the economy. LL's marketplace decisions and changes in the last year feels like kids throwing toys around in a sandbox, with no rhyme or reason. Instead of carefully building something meaningful, it's as if they're impulsively tossing things aside without considering the consequences. The result is a chaotic mess, with valuable resources scattered haphazardly and no clear direction in sight.

The silent treatment that merchants, as one of the economic engines of Second Life, are receiving from Linden Lab here on the forum and feedback site, diminishes our trust and creates frustration, widening the gap between us even further. We are bombarded with irrational features and changes, with zero information on how to handle them, left on our own to deal with them in any way we can think of.

The marketplace doesn't feel like a place for business anymore, it's more like some kind of social experiment. After 14+ years in business, I'm starting to feel like a lab rat, just being prodded and poked by Linden Lab.


Edited by RohanaRaven Zerbino
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On 5/9/2024 at 5:10 PM, Flea Yatsenko said:

Sorry, I'm glad they got rid of including gacha in default search results. I've seen people with over 10,000 listings, all gacha. It's unfair to creators who spend thousands of hours making lots of original products as it harms their search rankings and makes their products harder to find because there's a lot more competition in search results. And we all know search results have always been questionable. People who don't even create content and instead just resell gacha items have been actively harming original content creators by doing things like creating stores with thousands of listings that a content creator has to compete with in search results.

Let me remind you that those creators sold their products with a permission to sell. They were happy to take our money and now what? If they are not happy about it, they can give us our money back and they can have all their things back to sell them as they like.

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2 hours ago, Marion Faerye said:

Let me remind you that those creators sold their products with a permission to sell. They were happy to take our money and now what? If they are not happy about it, they can give us our money back and they can have all their things back to sell them as they like.

Creators can do whatever they want. What negatively impacts content creators is the insane amount of listings being created. SLMP has had problems for over a year, it's clearly too big and has too much going on to be managed effectively. It also completely destroys content creators who expect to show up in sort by "new." It can take tens of hours to make a completely original product and someone reselling can make tens of listings a day. Meaning if a content creator makes a new product and posts it, they can pretty much instantly be bumped off sort by new because someone purchased a no-copy item and made a limited quantity listing.

Smaller and newer merchants who are creating original content simply can't compete with the barrage of items created by gacha and limited quantity listings.

Just searching for "cave", there are 6250 listings. There are gacha and reseller stores that have more than that entire keyword in their own store. How is that fair when a reseller can become a bigger store than an entire slmp keyword?

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3 hours ago, Flea Yatsenko said:

Creators can do whatever they want. What negatively impacts content creators is the insane amount of listings being created. SLMP has had problems for over a year, it's clearly too big and has too much going on to be managed effectively. It also completely destroys content creators who expect to show up in sort by "new." It can take tens of hours to make a completely original product and someone reselling can make tens of listings a day. Meaning if a content creator makes a new product and posts it, they can pretty much instantly be bumped off sort by new because someone purchased a no-copy item and made a limited quantity listing.

Smaller and newer merchants who are creating original content simply can't compete with the barrage of items created by gacha and limited quantity listings.

Just searching for "cave", there are 6250 listings. There are gacha and reseller stores that have more than that entire keyword in their own store. How is that fair when a reseller can become a bigger store than an entire slmp keyword?

Yes, that's fair enough, people bought these things with their own money and are now selling them! But they didn't buy from one creator, but from many, so someone has more items than 6250, when the resellers were playing the machines, they brought the main (!) profit to the creators. Can you imagine for a second how much personal money was invested in this? Why is this suddenly unfair, and why should people suddenly not just lose their profits, but their livelihood?  One last thing - your attitude to an issue that has caught many people off guard seems totally biased. Don't forget that it's not only the resellers, but primarily the buyers, as well as the creators of exclusive, non-copyable items, who suffer!   

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2 hours ago, Alice Aurelia said:

Don't forget that it's not only the resellers, but primarily the buyers, as well as the creators of exclusive, non-copyable items, who suffer!   

They can learn how to uncheck search filter each time they use MP. Just like those of us who haven't bought a single no-copy item in many years had to check it each time they've used MP (now I barely use MP, got like 4 pages of bought items including demos on it for the entire 2023, but the point still stands). Or that doesn't counts as "suffering" just because it didn't affect that specific gacha/no-copy buyers before?

In the ideal world LL would make a setting page where we could set out default search preferences which would be used by default each time. But that's MP we are talking about, so we shouldn't expect this anytime soon, if ever. There's still no blacklist feature for stores either. So if some so called "creator" decides to spam a few pages of different combinations made from FP meshes they just bought it turns into endless scrolling and unlike with no-copy stuff there's no filter to help with that. And no, boolean also doesn't help, can't possible write endless list of stores that do this into each search as there are far too many of those stores.

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1 hour ago, steeljane42 said:

Они могут научиться снимать флажок с поискового фильтра каждый раз, когда используют MP. Точно так же, как тем из нас, кто за много лет не купил ни одного предмета, не требующего копирования, приходилось проверять его каждый раз, когда они использовали MP (сейчас я почти не использую MP, у меня есть около 4 страниц купленных предметов, включая демоверсии, для весь 2023 год, но суть остается в силе). Или это не считается «страданием» только потому, что раньше это не затрагивало конкретных покупателей гача/без копирования?

В идеальном мире LL создала бы страницу настроек, на которой мы могли бы установить настройки поиска по умолчанию, которые будут использоваться по умолчанию каждый раз. Но мы говорим о MP, поэтому нам не следует ожидать этого в ближайшее время, если вообще когда-либо. Для магазинов по-прежнему нет функции черного списка. Так что, если какой-то так называемый «создатель» решает спамить несколько страниц различными комбинациями, созданными из FP-сеток, которые он только что купил, это превращается в бесконечную прокрутку, и, в отличие от вещей, не требующих копирования, здесь нет фильтра, который мог бы помочь с этим. И нет, логическое значение тоже не помогает, невозможно написать бесконечный список магазинов, которые делают это при каждом поиске, поскольку таких магазинов слишком много.

What you said is theory! But what practice has shown - all resellers have either zero sales in the last days, or one sale per day. What this says - that even if you paste all the poles in SL with instructions on how to search (which should be the simplest), people will not even want to read, people come to SL to rest, they are really not interested. 
So - can you compare any of the inconvenience you described with the fact that all resellers are now suffering horrendous losses? With all due respect to you, the answer is obvious! LL will fix the search on MР, if many people will sign a petition on Feedback, it is already there! 

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On 5/16/2024 at 4:38 AM, Alice Aurelia said:

SerArthur56 gave a link to the feedback a bit above, there's a response from LL.

I see nothing new from them there. They need to address residents' concerns not just fix the problem and otherwise ignore those concerns. All I have seen reported or see with my own eyes is this exact same lack of actual acknowledgement repeated over and over. 

That's why I am asking—rhetorically because so far as I know there isn't one—who's got a link to an actual statement from LL. Their interactions with that thread aren't a statement. 

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