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Alice Aurelia

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  1. Search, relevance, everything is upside down. And not even to mention this, the comma-separated words that the seller writes to search for a product apparently won't work either? And what about newcomers - they seem to SL complex at first, and now they will have to undergo separate training how to search for goods on MP? This is not an update, it's a disappointment.
  2. Resellers sold RARE for mostly at a price of 200 to 1000, but they won it by spending 10,000, and commons often does not cover this amount-and the buyer pays for the right to choose-unlike a reseller who never knows what he will pull out. One pull can cost from 50 to 100 linds, and the item obtained as a result is often sold for 10-30 linds. Resellers were engaged in honest business, do not spoil your karma by saying evil about good people - especially since you do not understand the issue.
  3. The best solution is to create a special region with access control!
  4. It is very profitable for LL to stop gacha machines, when the creators will transfer their items to the MP, and almost all transactions will pass through the MP, LL will receive their 10 percent.
  5. Of course, you are right, but we are also right, when we use the form of appeal, we just get a standard response, and no action takes place. Why not open this topic on the forum for discussion? Everyone understands that LL can trace any item, and can solve this problem. Perhaps on the forum we would have found a common solution for the common good. And thank you very much again for the return of linds, it was cool, it was a step forward in the politics of LL!
  6. Let's help LL find thieves, many Resellers know who is stealing, but LL adhere to a strange policy of non-interference. I think we need to continue this topic - where do they put the stolen goods? They make copies of it, and sell it on MP from their Alt accounts, while greatly underestimating the cost of the product. I have already written about this, I discovered this scheme in January, I wrote to LL, and I hope that thanks to my efforts, one of the large copybot stores was closed and its owner's account was deleted. Also, due to the fact that the profile data was not hidden, I learned whose Alt was the owner of the store - of course, it was the Alt of <Redacted> - the largest copybot in SL.Many people make copies of products, unfortunately, there are posts about this, but only <Redacted> steals on a huge scale, so I am sure that if this person is found, if she does not have the opportunity to steal records, accounts and make copies, this difficult situation will stabilize. In the store <Redacted> and at the moment there are hundreds of copied goods that were stolen directly from the account of one of resellers, on which it is still listed by the last owner, this has been going on for two years. I did not find a solution - I am not the owner of the rights, the owner of the rights of DRD applied to the LL, but also to no avail. This is some nonsense, maybe someone has an idea how to solve this issue?
  7. I created a new ticket yesterday and today I was returned Linden Dollars, I'm happy for everyone who also received a refund, it's good that this topic was raised and LL realized that the theft has already acquired a large scale, and the problems were received a lot of resellers. I hope that a solution will be found to protect us from theft in the future. Many thanks to Kristin for her attention to the problem and quick help!
  8. I fully agree, this is what I tried to explain to them that their policy is outdated, and that gachi sellers lose both the item and the money, and not just get upset - as LL writes in the standard answer
  9. at the moment I am making a unlisting of my items on MP - I am against theft, and I also do not want people to get a copy of items with my name as the last owner - as I wrote above-items are bought for stolen Linds and in addition make copies of them
  10. I received the following response : We understand your frustration, however, the L$ were correctly voided as per our Terms of Service. While we cannot return the items to you, we can assure you every measure has been taken to secure the accounts and reduce the impact of this fraudulent transaction
  11. Хотя вы, возможно, купили свой собственный предмет обратно, нет способа создать новые копии предмета с настоящим именем создателя. В том, что вы описали, нет ничего, что позволило бы сделать вывод, что что-то было скопировано. ^ На самом деле, это так. Если вы «скопируете бота» в коробку, содержимое И оригинальная коробка ТОЧНО будут такими же, как и у загруженного предмета. Таким образом, если содержимое ящика получено от создателя (даже если ящик был продан от того, кто его упаковал), то скопированные предметы БУДУТ также показывать оригинального создателя. Я почти уверен в этом. Было много дискуссий об этом, когда боты впервые стали проблемой. Если я ошибаюсь, пожалуйста, дайте мне знать. you are right - I have written little information, I am afraid of incorrect translation-English is not my native language, so it may look like an unproven fact. You are also right in the second part - my items were copied as you described, and they were purchased with stolen funds, and I am 100 percent sure of my words. All who suffered from theft I think would find their items in this store, but I have now checked - this store and its owner are removed. Did this LL or himself the thief - I do not know, unfortunately. Also, I think everyone already knows Tekatoka 89, and that she is the main copybot in SL. Everyone is tired of her dumping prices - she doesn't care, she sells stolen goods. even now, you can buy things from her in the store with the specified last owner - Tanja Byron, although Tanja never sold her things and wrote to LL many times about it.
  12. Perhaps you are not completely aware - if the item is passed without laying on the ground, it will indicate the previous owner, also ask those who have encountered this - the copied items have the correct name of the Creator-apparently, the items are copied "as is"
  13. It happened to me too - LL charged me about 30,000 in 3 days. After that, I accidentally bought an item on the MP and I was listed as the last owner. I bought the item for a price 3 times less than its real price. Everyone understands what this means - this thing was copied. After checking all the data, I found a group that was organized by tekatoka89, which is the largest copybot in SL. The store where I bought the item sells a lot of things bought with stolen Linds. The items that were purchased from me for Alt appeared in this store, and the Alt account was deleted. This is a store Gacha_Predator by boringman2variva. The person who bought items for Alt from me says that his account was hacked. Ends in water. What do I see as a way out? I don't see it, I created 4 tickets in the LL, but there is no result. I like the idea to disable the gift giving option for transferable items. As I wrote in the ticket for LL-the LL policy regarding MP is outdated, it needs to be adjusted, given that gacha is now very popular, and it can not be compared with non-transfer items. I am sure that you need to immediately disconnect from SL IP at the slightest case of fraud, I do not understand why thieves and copybots - in one person are in the SL like a fish in water, and only the sellers of gacha suffer.
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