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5 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

It is ok but it rarely happens. It mostly depends on who brings it up. If a particular forumite brings up the topic in favour of it, several of the ones currently not in favour of blanking the feature out, would change their tune or responses at least and be in favour of blanking it out.

The main participants here, vote for or against the OP,  not the topic itself.

So, you're sure on that one? The jury isn't still deliberating?

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2 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Not only is this nonsense, Arielle, but it's pretty insulting nonsense.

You are suggesting, apparently, that people here are not capable of independent thought, or favour particular opinions because someone they like has expressed them?

Give me a break. We're not a clutch of cliquish high school girls here, clamouring to be part of the "popular group." I know of no one here who doesn't express a particular opinion because it seems a reasonable opinion to them.

What's more, this is a wonderfully handy way to explain away why people dismiss or disagree with poorly considered ideas. God forbid that we give people here credit for recognizing bad ideas: it must be, of course, because of personal "alliances" within the forum.


^ Thank you, for once again expressing what probably many of us were thinking so succinctly and eloquently.

My past experience with people on this forum does color my opinion of them and thus how I initially want to react to their posts, but I try to respond to what they're actually saying and give them credit for a well expressed idea, sometimes even if I don't entirely agree with it

1 hour ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

Damn it Scylla, you are challenging the very foundation of the Tin-Foil-Hat Club.

The essential Truth that ONLY the tin-foil-hat wearer knows the Truth is out there, and has searched for it, and that ALL dissent is the result of the indoctrinated Sheeple, engaging in Group Think as part of the Hive Mind, caused by fluoride in the drinking water, Bill Gates, and Socialist Tax Funded Health Care.

Report immediately to your nearest Top Secret Space Lizard Government Indoctrination Centre, for re-implantation of Sheeple Group Think Hive Mind Nanobots.

Case in point: Damn it, Zali, I want to leave a laugh emoji because this is so funny, but I don't want you or others to think it's a scorn laugh. You hit the nail on the head, saying what I also think but with your usual sarcastic spice that I would never have the guts to use here.

When someone expresses a thought that I think is stupid, of course I'm gonna want to leave a laugh or confusion emoji, but if I think doing so might hurt their feelings or look like I'm picking on them, I might just not respond instead.

If multiple people react with laughter or derision to a post, it might just be because they all think it's a stupid idea.

Edited by Persephone Emerald
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1 hour ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

Damn it Scylla, you are challenging the very foundation of the Tin-Foil-Hat Club.

The essential Truth that ONLY the tin-foil-hat wearer knows the Truth is out there, and has searched for it, and that ALL dissent is the result of the indoctrinated Sheeple, engaging in Group Think as part of the Hive Mind, caused by fluoride in the drinking water, Bill Gates, and Socialist Tax Funded Health Care.

Report immediately to your nearest Top Secret Space Lizard Government Indoctrination Centre, for re-implantation of Sheeple Group Think Hive Mind Nanobots.


Has it been a week yet since you have insinuated the very same thought? I've seen you throw most in the forum under the bus when it was only I and one other debating you on your landowner rights ;)

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28 minutes ago, Theresa Tennyson said:

So, you're sure on that one? The jury isn't still deliberating?

Here's another example of why I might leave a laugh emoji. It's called a call-back by comedians. I'm sure Theresa understands that I'm not leaving a scorn laugh, but others who don't follow this forum closely might not understand why I think this is funny.

Edited by Persephone Emerald
Punctuation .
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2 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Not only is this nonsense, Arielle, but it's pretty insulting nonsense.

You are suggesting, apparently, that people here are not capable of independent thought, or favour particular opinions because someone they like has expressed them?

Give me a break. We're not a clutch of cliquish high school girls here, clamouring to be part of the "popular group." I know of no one here who doesn't express a particular opinion because it seems a reasonable opinion to them.

What's more, this is a wonderfully handy way to explain away why people dismiss or disagree with poorly considered ideas. God forbid that we give people here credit for recognizing bad ideas: it must be, of course, because of personal "alliances" within the forum.


bad ideas are recognized and approved of all the time in RL, its the cliquish schoolgirls aka the hive mind at work.

I could give many, many examples, but RL issues are forbidden in here 😂

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5 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

It is ok but it rarely happens. It mostly depends on who brings it up. If a particular forumite brings up the topic in favour of it, several of the ones currently not in favour of blanking the feature out, would change their tune or responses at least and be in favour of blanking it out.

The main participants here, vote for or against the OP,  not the topic itself.

Sometimes how a person expresses their ideas can change people's minds. They may bring up good points. On the other hand, if they repeatedly overreact or say ridiculous things, then even if their original idea seemed to have some merit, we might stop supporting it in a discussion.

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5 minutes ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

bad ideas are recognized and approved of all the time in RL, its the cliquish schoolgirls aka the hive mind at work.

I could give many, many examples, but RL issues are forbidden in here 😂

Examples don't have to be about touchy RL issues. Can you find an example that relates to SL? 

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29 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

If multiple people react with laughter or derision to a post, it might just be because they all think it's a stupid idea.

I sometimes seem to be scornfully laughing perhaps, when I actually thought someone was joking. Often when people seem to be taking themselves very seriously, it's hard to tell.

And I even like some of the stupid ideas, too.

Edited by PheebyKatz
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12 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

Examples don't have to be about touchy RL issues. Can you find an example that relates to SL? 

I was going to say something snarky, but I actually remembered an interesting example.

Back when mesh clothing was new, mesh didn't always show up soon/ever. Someone noticed an obscure debug setting called "MeshMaxConcurrentRequests" - increasing this setting seemed to help things for some people/under some conditions. So, people started talking about it and turning it up; in fact, turning it up to incredibly high numbers. The fact that it was a hidden setting didn't mean much, because everyone knows Linden Lab can't program their own software correctly, right?

The problem is that it wasn't doing what people thought it did. What it actually did was flood the servers with requests that would actually make it less likely any given mesh request would go through, and could in fact slow down the running of the servers in general. This became worse and worse as more people started doing it. I was at one server meeting and a group of angry fashionistas showed up complaining about performance; their very presence caused the performance to go down.

Eventually, some of the developers heard what was going on and made it impossible to jack up the setting, and the problem went away.

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22 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

Examples don't have to be about touchy RL issues. Can you find an example that relates to SL? 

Well, any time someone suggests a way to improve mainland, everyone piles on to say, no thats totally unacceptable, because LL has always done exactly what is has done for 20 years and theres no way it can change now without the total collapse of everything.

I still say its time to try mainland 2.0 😂

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Just now, Solar Legion said:
  1. Use the reaction buttons or don't and do not bother yourself with how it will be taken.
  2. People disagreeing with a post or idea is not being malicious
  3. Forums in general simply aren't for some

every reaction is  good, it all adds to your total reputation 😂

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Just now, Solar Legion said:

Forum Reputation is a meaningless number, tracked only by those stuck in the High School Social Club mindset.

Its funny, all this time I thought you were a guy, but your new forum pic shows different.

Wanna hang out? 😂

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11 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

Forum Reputation is a meaningless number, tracked only by those stuck in the High School Social Club mindset.

I never went to high school, so seeing good reputation and no disciplinary action is how I make up for never getting to feel all of those feels. Winning the day feels kinda good, too. Especially when it happens on a day I wasn't even online. XD

Oh, and don't anybody go judging me for not going to high school. I can legally put Dr. in front of my name. Just saying.

Edited by PheebyKatz
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9 minutes ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

Well, any time someone suggests a way to improve mainland, everyone piles on to say, no thats totally unacceptable, because LL has always done exactly what is has done for 20 years and theres no way it can change now without the total collapse of everything.

I still say its time to try mainland 2.0 😂

And then there are the ideas that people come up with which they don't really think through and don't have any evidence that it will work or knowledge about what needs to be done to carry it out, but hey, it's their idea and their ideas are good, right? So anyone opposed to it must be brainwashed sheeple.

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3 minutes ago, PheebyKatz said:

I never went to high school, so seeing good reputation and no disciplinary action is how I make up for never getting to feel all of those feels. Winning the day feels kinda good, too. Especially when it happens on a day I wasn't even online. XD

Apologies - I am aware that for some it may not be a High School Club mindset - it is for those that put weight on it as if it were some value indicator or other some such


Oh, and don't anybody go judging me for not going to high school. I can legally put Dr. in front of my name. Just saying.

Bah, no worries there: I have two partners that dropped out. One went back for her GED, the other is debating it.

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19 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

Apologies - I am aware that for some it may not be a High School Club mindset - it is for those that put weight on it as if it were some value indicator or other some such

Bah, no worries there: I have two partners that dropped out. One went back for her GED, the other is debating it.

I quit in middle school because bullied and autistic = suicidal. I came back later on my own dime and went to Brown. I aced the entrance exam without studying. I didn't even know it was Algebra, etc. I was testing on.

Formal education is a bit like a forum reputation, too. It's bulldooky that's just kinda meaningful in some contexts, and doesn't reflect the entirety of anyone.

I've known people who competed for worst forum reputation on various forums, and some of them were the best people there.

Also, inb4thelock XD

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29 minutes ago, Theresa Tennyson said:

And then there are the ideas that people come up with which they don't really think through and don't have any evidence that it will work or knowledge about what needs to be done to carry it out, but hey, it's their idea and their ideas are good, right? So anyone opposed to it must be brainwashed sheeple.

See? 😂

Edited by BilliJo Aldrin
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38 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

Forum Reputation is a meaningless number, tracked only by those stuck in the High School Social Club mindset.

Then why do you use it so much instead of contributing an actual thought? I tend to think you are the most prone to the behaviour you accuse others of.

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31 minutes ago, Theresa Tennyson said:

And then there are the ideas that people come up with which they don't really think through and don't have any evidence that it will work or knowledge about what needs to be done to carry it out, but hey, it's their idea and their ideas are good, right? So anyone opposed to it must be brainwashed sheeple.

I see you have also visited the Scripting Forum before.

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44 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

Forum Reputation is a meaningless number, tracked only by those stuck in the High School Social Club mindset.


3 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Then why do you use it so much instead of contributing an actual thought? I tend to think you are the most prone to the behaviour you accuse others of.

Fallacy. Using emojis is independent of the forum reputation score. If a food store gives S & H Green Stamps (yes, I'm old) and someone buys food from that store, that doesn't necessarily mean that person collects S & H Green Stamps.

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